TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Lils July would have been mad as I was in Mexico for the first 2 weeks of my cycle and it was 36 degrees......
Tiger - ur too funny - can you grab me some ice cream too ??!!??

Purple / Lils - thanks for the GL wishes; however, they seem kindof in vein right now

When to appoint - everything looks bang on with me - CD7 now, and follies are nice and big (3 on left, 2 on right - most over 1.12) so :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: - Lining looks good too - thin, but that means that the pills (Letrozole) are working !!

HOWEVER, whenever i was told about the OH's SA - they were wrong, or misquoted or idk - the doc is very skeptical that pregnancy will happen without IVF - basically it boils down to this:

- he has less than 50% of what he should have, in shear numbers alone
- of those 50%, 50% are actually viable sperm
- but of those viable sperm - 75% have great motility

So what does that mean? - i need a math degree to figure that out
Tiger - ur too funny - can you grab me some ice cream too ??!!??

Purple / Lils - thanks for the GL wishes; however, they seem kindof in vein right now

When to appoint - everything looks bang on with me - CD7 now, and follies are nice and big (3 on left, 2 on right - most over 1.12) so :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: - Lining looks good too - thin, but that means that the pills (Letrozole) are working !!

HOWEVER, whenever i was told about the OH's SA - they were wrong, or misquoted or idk - the doc is very skeptical that pregnancy will happen without IVF - basically it boils down to this:

- he has less than 50% of what he should have, in shear numbers alone
- of those 50%, 50% are actually viable sperm
- but of those viable sperm - 75% have great motility

So what does that mean? - i need a math degree to figure that out

From what I remember, the WHO guidelines on sperm are that there should be 18million sperm per millilitre of semen. So, if he has 50% of this minimum number, he has 9 million sperm, so that's technically a 'low' sperm count (which is incredible, I mean we're talking MILLIONS). So, 50% of the 9 million would be 4.5 million, of which, what?, 3 million have FAB motility. I know that some clinics won't perform IUI, for example, with less than 1 million viable sperm, but after my recent experience with IUI, I learnt that the best results are achieved with sperm volume of at least 30 million plus (in total)-from my recollection. The higher the number of sperm, the better the chance of success. From my experience, your best bet would be ICSI or IMSI (where they both inject sperm into the egg to fertilize it. Where they differ is that with ICSI, they choose any one of the 'viable' sperm, and with IMSI, the embryologist gets out his big instrument :)winkwink::winkwink:) to choose the very best of those viable sperm to inject, so a better chance of success).

I hope this helps! Good luck! :thumbup:
MIL was bringing across a pie she'd made for me. Oooo, feel a bit guilty now. And, as it goes, Gwydion ate it as OH left it on the work top. Oh dear! :nope:
Hi ladies,
Just a quick update for those of you who are interested (during my lunch break of course - yeah right... :winkwink:) . I had cd10 tests yesterday and scan and blood work showed that I did ovulate one of my two "cysts" (ovulation must have been around cd5 according to OPKs). However, I am already spotting quite heavily since cd7 so it feels like :witch: is on her way AGAIN. She must really like me, because she visits so often... Nurse tried to make me feel better and said that the spotting can also be the actual cyst getting smaller but I don't think so - this is no different from any other of my unmedicated cycles. Better luck next cycle, right? :roll:
Hi ladies,
Just a quick update for those of you who are interested (during my lunch break of course - yeah right... :winkwink:) . I had cd10 tests yesterday and scan and blood work showed that I did ovulate one of my two "cysts" (ovulation must have been around cd5 according to OPKs). However, I am already spotting quite heavily since cd7 so it feels like :witch: is on her way AGAIN. She must really like me, because she visits so often... Nurse tried to make me feel better and said that the spotting can also be the actual cyst getting smaller but I don't think so - this is no different from any other of my unmedicated cycles. Better luck next cycle, right? :roll:

So sorry Owl-it's never easy to take disappointment, as you always clutch at the straws. Yes, onwards and upwards and, for now, chocolate! :hugs:
Dwrgi I have this picture of you in my head with lots of sperm shaped counters doing the maths, just like kids do with tiddlywinks in maths class.
Wow - you do sperm math pretty damn fast, lol thank you

Why thank you! I'm an EXPERT on sperm!!! :winkwink::winkwink:

MIL was bringing across a pie she'd made for me. Oooo, feel a bit guilty now. And, as it goes, Gwydion ate it as OH left it on the work top. Oh dear! :nope:

:haha::haha::rofl: :hugs::hugs:

Hi ladies,
Just a quick update for those of you who are interested (during my lunch break of course - yeah right... :winkwink:) . I had cd10 tests yesterday and scan and blood work showed that I did ovulate one of my two "cysts" (ovulation must have been around cd5 according to OPKs). However, I am already spotting quite heavily since cd7 so it feels like :witch: is on her way AGAIN. She must really like me, because she visits so often... Nurse tried to make me feel better and said that the spotting can also be the actual cyst getting smaller but I don't think so - this is no different from any other of my unmedicated cycles. Better luck next cycle, right? :roll:

Hello girls! I'm back for my afternoon shift!!! :haha::haha: we can meet in the middle and have a few beers and then get abusive to the transport police (like I did last year, when me and OH snuck into First Class, and we were caught, and told to go back to the other carriage, and I said, pished as a fart, 'You exshpect me to go in there with that lot?' and Transport Police man turned to OH and said 'Your wife is very drunk Sir!' :haha::haha::haha::haha:)???? :hugs:

....I, too, am completely missing the Olympics and my new hero (ine) is Victoria Pendleton, who I have a girl crush on :blush::blush: :winkwink:.

....Feel better this afternoon-this morning's blip must have been a hangover :haha::haha::haha: :winkwink::winkwink:! Naughty naughty. :happydance::happydance:

OMG :rofl: I can SO picture that entire train scene go down in my mind - PERFECTLY! :rofl::rofl::rofl: And you want to add Pad to that mix? :haha::haha::haha:

God help the poor souls if all of us TTC #1 35+ ever got together & got sauced :shock::shock::shock:!? Perhaps we can all meet in the middle - Jamaica, anyone?

(Are you sure you didn't have any hair 'the dog??? :rofl:)
Dwgri-- so sorry about the BFN! Sending you :hugs: :)

Lils--I was in a funk a couple of weeks ago and I was amazed at how good it felt. Sending you :hugs: as well! :). Good luck at your appt. tomorrow - I'll be thinking of you!

AFM...on cd12 and my DH and I are trying the SMEP plan this month. Poor guy...he's going to be whipped by the time by peak days arrive!!! Has anyone else tried this method? Plus I'm trying soft cups...I'm impressed at how comfortable they are!

Sending out big :hug: to all my TTC +35 gals!

And yes to meeting in Jamaica....that sounds fabulous right now!
Hi ladies,

so sorry I didn't get a chance again at work today - this work of mine is getting in the way of my TTC socializing! :haha: SOOOO friggin' busy I was tearing my hair out today... So it's past 10pm now and thought I would get on now as I don't know how tomorrow will be...:shrug:

Dwrgi - so sorry again hun....:hugs::hugs: Sod it!!! You enjoy yourself hun and be kind to yourself... I was picturing the drunk (train) story LOL:haha::haha: You are one funny chick - thanks for making me chuckle every day :thumbup:

Lils - weird eye Yankovic!!! OMG :haha::haha::haha: that totally made me LOL (sorry Purps at your expense :blush:) Where do you come up with these?:winkwink: I'm glad you are fighting the depression with tooth and nail - you are one amazing fighter as you have proven with all you've been through :thumbup::hugs: DH will come around - I think for my DH having a doggie for 10 years prior to AD (little doggie was his first daughter) so helped him to see how much he could love another being (I remember when I was convincing him about adoption I mentioned if he could love a puppy that much and do anything for it - imagine a human being!) Good luck with your test results tomorrow :thumbup: Don't know about the EWCM....?? hmmm:shrug: I don't usually have much either (just like 1 or 2 times/day when I wipe that's it) and usually 1 day (max 2) Hey JAMAICA for a reunion ??? :thumbup: that sounds so awesome :hugs::kiss::kiss:

Janey - GL this month!:hugs:

Luv My Doggies - Happy much belated b-day!:hugs: Hope you had a nice time in Malibu... Hang in there re: cousin..:hugs:.Does she know you are TTC? Perhaps she would be more careful/sensitive if she knew? If she does know that's just mean. I can relate though - someone at work is 7 months preggers and she knows I'm TTC and will still say stuff in front of me that just drives me crazy!!! Like complaining how she has to use vacation days for dr. app'ts, how big she is getting and clothes not fitting and so on and so on... argh! Good for you for losing the weight!:thumbup:

Grkprn - yay for new RE and new plan!!:thumbup::hugs:

Tiger - GL Friday!!! I have all limbs crossed for you:hugs:

Purps - how is the weird eye??? hope you are well hun :hugs::kiss: Thanks for your comment re: menopause. You are so helpful and always comforting :hugs: Sleep is still not great but hopefully when AF is gone will get back on track. How about you? :hugs::kiss:

Pad - Thyroid - argh!!! It's scary stuff that thyroid stuff... I have to get mine ultrasounded every 3-4 months as they found nodules in there so they have to monitor whether they grow (I can't feel it to the touch but my MD said she can) Recently found out that my Dad's mom (whom I never met) had goiter prob in the 1950's/60's -but nobody can recall for sure. Enough about me.... Hope they can adjust your meds to get it back on track and get you preggers soon!:hugs::kiss: Good for you with the running thing! and exercising!! I'm impressed:thumbup::thumbup:

Chicken - yah -re: BFP announcements - you just 'cope and hope' that one day you'll get one :hugs:-and like Tiger said it's nice when it happens to someone on here - but annoying when it happens outside to people you don't know that well or who haven't been trying long or at all....
Hope ov is around the corner for you!:hugs::thumbup:

Dr H - welcome back! thank you for nightmare info - I haven't had a chance to look at it closely but will soon. I don't usually have dreams/nightmares but went to bed late (slept on couch) so when I went to bed wasn't tired and plus there was a thunderstorm. When I do dream it's because I'm not tired/sleepy. Your trip sounds fab!!!:thumbup::hugs: yay for the upcoming ring!:haha::winkwink::winkwink::winkwink:

Owl - Hi!! what??? sorry your cycle this month is so confusing!! I hope next month is back on track for you...:hugs:

Butterfly - oh dear that is a nasty nightmare too.... think we are all under way too much stress man!:wacko: Glad your back is a wee bit better:hugs::kiss:

Fly F - re: not being able to give DH a child - I totally hear you...:hugs: I have had this discussion with my DH a few times (in tears ofcourse).... and he always reassures me that I shouldn't worry about that and that he loves me just the same - but I know that there must be a part of him that longs for not just a biological child but more so one that you get to hold and experience from the very beginning (we met our AD at 10 months and brought her home close to a year old) This is one of the reasons why I have decided to really consider IVF .... I'm glad the polyp removal went well:hugs:

Asry- nice to hear from you! Do you go for the scan this week? finding out sex of baby?:hugs::kiss:

Fro, Dr.S, Madeline - how are you???:hugs:

BDownMommie - yay! for baseline scan!:thumbup: Stupid question - what is Letrozole? hey I'm no doctor but your DH's SA doesn't sound so bad to me? when you say it's half of what it should be - is that half of the minimum or half of the norm/average?? good luck!!:hugs:

Grkprn - GL !!!:thumbup: what is SMEP plan???

Okay so tired now - almost 11pm - gotta :sleep::sleep::sleep: nighty night all! sending :hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss: too tired to say anything about MOI!!
good morning lovely ladies - just a quickie before I do some work (tried to post last night but computer kept freezing)

Lils - good luck with your appointment! :hugs:

and Tiger good luck with yours tomorrow :hugs:

Owl :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: - keep away witch!!!!

Dwrgi - Sperm Maths - :haha: now that's a whole new area - you could run degree courses etc etc :rofl:

and thank you for asking re the wonky eye (weird eye yankovic :haha:) it's fine right now and will be seen tomorrow - I look a bit like this at the mo.....

hope everyone has a good day xxxx
Hi ladies,

BDownMommie - yay! for baseline scan!:thumbup: Stupid question - what is Letrozole? hey I'm no doctor but your DH's SA doesn't sound so bad to me? when you say it's half of what it should be - is that half of the minimum or half of the norm/average?? good luck!!:hugs:

Letroloze - its a drug given (originally) to women who were fighting breast cancer, as a means to reduce Estrogen; however, when the meds were given out, studies showed that the med actually helped prep eggs in the ovaries - works very similar to Clomid, but only last in the system for 6-9 days. That being said, this drug should leave the system well before implantation; therefore, little to no risk of miscarriage or birth defects.

Its actually quite fascinating to compare the two drugs...
Lil - Jamaica! Yes! I'm in, let's go! That would be awesome. I keep telling my husband that I want to move to England to be closer to my TTC 1st 35+ friends :hugs: All our friends here have kids and sometimes I have a hard time hanging out with them because they just don't understand and our lives are too different. I can only take so much baby talk...

dash, I think SMEP stands for "sperm meets egg plan", right grkprn? It's basically doing it every other day starting cd 10 and when you get +opk you do it everyday for three days and then back to every other day till cd20 or so. Two of my friends got pregnant that way on their first try.

dwrgi, so sorry to hear that :witch: arrived :hugs:

:hi: mirium, butterly, purple and everybody else :hugs: Have a great day!
At work, so I shouldn't be hanging out on the board quite as much as I am! Just wanted to saw Dwgi you really are a sperm expert...does that make you a "sperm-spurt"?
Mwahahhaaa Dwrgi the sperm spurt! That is hysterical Maddy!

Good luck all appointmentees!!! Including Wonky Eye there! Sorry Purps!

Lils... Dash... Owl.... Jamaica it is!! LOL

And closer to home... Dwrgi I have moved to Gloucester! Home of Dr Foster! So not far from Wales! Where would be mid way? Stand by Transport Police!!!!

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