TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Thanks for your thoughts everyone, My blood test were on CD23 so possibly 5DPO. My GP is going to rerun the tests again this month so I guess I just wait and see. AF still isn't here and just retested with a BNF. Just wish she would hurry up now so I can move on.
Oh Chic, sorry for BFN, hun. :hugs: That's exactly what I felt when mine was delayed - was weird to actually wish for :af: for once... It's good to get & compare 2-3 cycles of Prog. anyway because cycles can vary. I hope she comes quickly for you. :flow:
Hi all - just a quick post.

Lils :hugs: Sorry for AF showing up. +RW sounds wonderful. And your weekend next weekend *will* be great now that witch AF will be out of the picture!!

Chicken :hugs: Sorry for the BFN. That's so frustrating.... Wish there was something we could do to speed up AF.

Dash - good luck tomorrow!! I'm sure you'll do fine!!!

AFM - I used the free dip pregnancy test that came in the OPK. You're supposed to read it between 5-15 minutes, but not after 15 minutes. I had a very, very faint 2nd line show up right at about 15 minutes, so I know that doesn't really mean anything. I'm still glad I used the test though - otherwise I would have just been staring at it all next month. Am having PMS symptoms (cramps etc.) today so am expecting AF tomorrow. We'll be going apple picking though, so it will still be a fun day, even if AF ruins it!!!! Hope you all are having a great weekend. I'm making a pot roast today.
Awww pants Lils and Chicken...

Lils at least you have a lovely weekend coming up! I know the celebrations in Orlando for Halloween are brilliant!!

Moon.... hmmm... give it a couple of days and retest chick.
drhouse: - i am red wine positive. today the sperm ended up in the glovebox of the car. hmmm. after the first time i have ever seen/assisted dh to give himself "a hand" he he he, and at least an hour before work of can you/can't you which has never been a problem till now when it really matters, when i am late have a promotion and need to prepare for the biggest work event of my life, then hubby can't get a park. (what the) so he abandons after a fifteen minute attempt to drop off his sperm, taking it to work in the glovebox. :rofl: Thanks for the great laugh! Although I'm sorry that :witch: of an AF biatch decided to show her ugly face. :(

padbrat - how exciting!!!! I can just imagine the feel good anxiety you must be having!

daska - I clearly misunderstood the colonics thing. Shooting water up the rear huh??? Sounds kinda interesting ... sorta. :huh:

LilSluz - "Colonics – yes, they stick a hose in the back door & flush you out several times! Aka “Colon Hydrotherapy” (like it’s a great day at the spa?!).". :rofl: Definitely something to consider. I have always heard of all the lbs of waste we carry in our colon and I'm sure the buildup is not a good thing. Makes me wonder if it's a contributer to colon cancer in anyway. BTW I am so terribly sorry about the biatch of an AF. :(

Gotta go my DH is kicking me off the comp. so if there are any typo's my apologies. Blame it on the antsy hubby. :)

Hope all you lovely ladies have a wonderful weekend!!! :hugs:
Good morning ladies!

Lils - I'm so sorry the biatch :witch: showed up.... I know once you are better your chart will look great again:thumbup:...The last two times I've been sick my cycles were a bit shorter. I think the vitex definitely may be helping you though if it's allowing the ovulation to happen earlier (you had lots of EWCM earlier so you probably ovulated on CD 17/18. Glad that you won't have to deal with AF for your Orlando trip - that sounds like fun! and your fav time of year right? Be good to yourself and eat some dark choc covered almonds.... works for me! :haha::hugs::hugs::kiss:

Chicken - I'm sorry for the BFN :hugs::hugs: I hope you find out soon what's going on... hang in there :hugs::hugs:

Moon - sorry for the BFN - but faint line at 15 min? hmmm maybe test again in a few days?? :hugs::hugs: have fun apple picking!

HA - just wrote in your journal -I am so happy for you!!:thumbup:

Purps - just wrote in our journal too - so sorry about little Pickle :cry: :nope:Sending you giant :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Fro - :hugs::hugs: hope you are okay....:hugs:

Butterfly, Pad, Asry, Pebble and Angelsmommie, - :flower::flower::hi::hi::hi:

and everyone I missed - :hugs::hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss::kiss:

AFM - woke up at 6am to give myself the first Lupron shot today... more in my journal - was really nervous -but got job done...
Ooooo... I am in bits... Purps I wrote in your journal.. I am in tears xx

BTW ladies before you worry Purps has just lost her beloved dog x
purps am so sorry.thinking of you.much love x
Aww, so sorry lovely-Lou :hugs: Will stop by your journal with some more :hugs:

:hi: to everyone else,

C xx
Thanks everyone X

Purps so sorry honey

Lils have a great weekend

Dash YAY for the first jab, you will get the hand of it really quickly and soon wont give it a second thought.

PAd How are you doing honey? XPINKX

AF arrived this morning on wards and upwards.
Ladies, just a quick one, I am following all posts and sending you lovexxx
Thank you for thinking about me :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Moon -if you have a faint line and no af...test again...might be something! Fingers crossed xxxx
Moon two lines sounds good!!!!! Purps its almost time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pad are you pinkness???
Day three today. need for chocolate goodness is reducing. chocolate dipped strawberries still required!
Chicken - so sorry AF arrived :hugs:-you are right - onwards and upwards and take it easy and treat yourself today...:hugs:

Purps - still sending you tons and tons of :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Hello to everyone !!!:hugs::hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss::kiss:

AFM - holiday today here - Canadian Thanksgiving... or I call it 'gratitude day'... going to parents for some turkey lunch and I'm sooooo grateful to have you ladies !!!!:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::kiss:

to the US ladies - Happy Columbus day right??
Moon – Wow, that faint line at 15mins sounds soooo promising!!! :test: again! Btw, I loved “craptastic”! :haha: And I TOTALLY believe it about sitting at the desk causing it. Do you have a lumbar support? I have botha lumbar support that goes on the back of my chair & a “Tush-Cush”, which is a padded cushion you sit on that has a cut out where your spine would normally rest on the chair/cushion – it takes pressure off your spine :thumbup:. (Actually, check out the link I added - it supports that notion!). I can’t do the netipot since I have a hole in my septum (got hit in the face with a baseball bat age 7 & it broke my nose). So, I tried the squirt bottle as per Dr, closing off one nostril, but my sinuses were so swollen that it got trapped & only about 1/3 came back out thru my mouth & it took another 14 hrs for the rest to make its way out. Made my headache 10x worse, so Dr said don’t use it. My septum is so deviated that one side is almost touching at the top so any swelling makes it touch & causes a lot of pain & there is also scar tissue from 2003 surgery in there. 2nd ENT also mentioned that I may need surgery :nope:. I hope not. I’m really hoping you get your BFP!!!

Mirium – Greetings from Lurkland :hi: I hope you are healing nicely & taking some time to get healthy & gearing up for next ovulation :thumbup:. How’s the weight loss going? I had a D&C with my 1st mc – at 12.5 weeks. I didn’t end up having any scarring when they did my hysteroscopy, but they did remove a septum. At any rate, you’ve done the lap, so all of the scarring should be fixed – yay!!! :happydance: And don’t feel bad that you had to do those D&C’s – you really don’t have a choice if you couldn’t mc naturally, hun. But, problem fixed, so onwards & upwards, as you have a whole new ute to work with now! :thumbup:

Purps – aw, honey, I posted in your journal but just wanted to give you some extra :hugs::hugs::hugs: today.

HA – I also posted in your journal, but I’m just so excited for your litter of 15 Embies!!!! :yipee: :hugs:

Dashka – Yes, I’m taking the probiotics too, thank for looking after my Poo health! :haha: I’m going to get another one next week after my Orlando trip. Day #2 of shots down! :thumbup: Have a very Happy Thanksgiving today, hun! It’s nice that you take the time to be grateful for the things that you have & we are equally as thankful to have you on our thread!!! :hugs:

Pad – when is your next scan, hun? Thinking pretty pink-Pad thoughts for you hun!

Firebaby – wow, I didn’t think about it helping back pain, but I can totally see it! When AF arrives, because of the extra bloat in that area, things get a little crowded & my back ALWAYS hurts way more. So, if Poo is taking up any room down there, getting it out could only help make more room, so I totally see that :thumbup: I feel soooo much lighter, now & even lost 3 lbs total, so losing weight could only help too, I’d think! Well\, it looks like you O’d on Saturday, so I hope you caught that eggy! :dust:

Ness – hope you are doing well, there chic!

BF – don’t be down on yourself, just try to do your best. It’s best to start off slow & work your way up anyway as you don’t want to hurt yourself. And if you are doing yoga 1x & swimming 1x, that’s really good :thumbup:. :hugs:

Pebble- I hope it’s all begun by now, hun, so you can heal & finally get past this. Hang in there, chick. :hugs:

LadyH – thanks for coming by & giving my some encouragement too, hun :hugs: I hope you are doing well – I have to get to your journal, as my journals have been suffering lately! :wacko:

Chicken – Well, I guess I am glad that :witch: came so you can start a new cycle & get on with additional testing. I know its really hard not knowing what is going on, but once you figure it out, you can then at least start any treatment needed & move forward. :thumbup: treat yourself to something good, hun. :hugs:

Angels – yeah, the Poo-Guru attributes a lot of things to having so much old poo, causing toxicity in there. I actually felt sick to my stomach as it was coming out :sick: & can't wait to get everything out of my body now. Here is a listing of things it’s supposed to help if you or anyone else is interested:

Tiger - :hi: honey! 2013 is just around the corner :thumbup:

:hi: to everyone else & big :hugs:, :dust: & :wine: to all!

I am off to “try” to finish my taxes. :wacko: My sinuses are finally starting to feel better after Friday's procedure, thank God. Have a wonderful day ladies!
Hi Ladies!

I'm (kind of) back to the land of the living today, so I'll try to catch up and keep up! Lil, did you know your posts sometimes make really good cheat sheets for what's happened in the past few days? Keep those long posts coming!!!! :haha: Sorry that AF got you, though. Wherever would we be without :wine:????????

Nessaw -- FX for you and doctor's appts. Do you have one set? I'm thinking very sticking thoughts for you.

Moon -- When are you testing again? :test: :test: :test:!!!!

Purp -- :hugs: I'm so sorry. I gave my pup an extra big hug after reading your posts. Losing a pet is so awful.

Fire -- I didn't have a D&C, but I think the elevated risks are pretty minimal these days. Am I wrong? I see sooooooooo many women here and in the TTCAL forum who had D&Cs and got their sticky BFP soon after. FX for you, and lots of :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:.

Chicken -- Sorry AF got you. I looked at your chart before your AF and was fairly stumped. Your temps are so consistent! mine are noisy, but there's usually a bit jump between FP and LP, so I'm not good at gradual rises and so forth. I hope the doctors will be helpful with new tests and such.

I'm sure I've missed lots of people. Sorry! :hi: to everyone!!!! :dust: and :hugs: as appropriate.

AFM, I'm still waiting for levels to zero out before anything else can happen. I expect at least another 3 more boring weeks. :coffee: In the meantime, I'm trying to get healthy and get lots of work done. We installed a wood stove last week, just in time for cold, dreary, nasty weather, so I've been camped next to it for days. We may never leave the house again!

Oh, and as I'm getting healthier again, I'm back on :wine: duty.
Pebble - you can cheat off me anytime you want, chic! :haha: Glad to be of service! Glad your numbers are getting there, hun. Ugh, I hope it comes quicker than 3 weeks?! But, in the meantime, Dr Lils says drink your medicine :wine:. :winkwink: Oooooh, a wood stove? I don't think I've ever seen one but that sounds so warm - where do you live anyway? Camping next to a warm stove together with :wine: - what more could one ask for? OK, a :baby:, but other than that? :thumbup:
Hi Ladies! We have today off work but I decided to look at stuff online for an hour or so today.

Dash - So glad your first injection went well!!! Way to go!! :thumbup: I'm sure they will only get easier and easier! :flower:

Purps - Am so so sorry to hear about your doggie. :hugs: Am glad you are able to take some time to cry and grieve. Hugs and wishes for a healing heart :hugs: :kiss: :hugs:

Pad - Pink pink pink!!! :cloud9:

Chicken - So sorry about AF but glad you are moving upwards and onwards! Big hug and take care :hugs: :hugs:

DrH - chocolate dipped strawberries - oohhh that has to be one of my favorites!! Mmm!! :munch:

Lils - Oh wow - the lumbar support and tush cush sounds like a really good idea. I am going to look into getting those. I don't have anything like that... just a regular old office chair. Thanks for the idea!!! Speaking of sciatic nerve pain - I had a flare up 2 days ago that really hurt, but it only lasted 1 night and thankfully yoga helped. Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that the squirt bottle made your headaches worse :nope: That sounds awful - I'm so sorry to hear that. I really hope you start to feel better soon... you've been having such a hard time lately!! :hugs: :hugs: BTW - I broke my finger in 8th grade (13 years old I think) from gym-class baseball and have a crocked finger now!! Baseball is dangerous!!!

Pebble - the wood stove sounds LOVELY!!! Can you make toasted marshmallows in it? Or is it one of those stoves that uses the wood pellets? My Dh's parents have a wood-burning stove that uses pellets in their basement and I love it!!! Am so glad to hear you're feeling healthier and better now and are enjoying some :wine:

Hi Tigerlily, Lady H, Dwrgi, Firebaby, Angelsmommie, Mirium, Nessaw, Butterfly and all the other ladies here :wave:

Yesterday DH and I went to go on a short hike for about a half hour / 45 minutes, got lunch and then went to pick apples. I had mild AF cramps, but woke up 2-lbs lighter, which was weird to have lost weight on the day AF is due. Came home with a half-bushel of apples that we'll eat plain and use to make caramel apples and apple crisp. We got home around 4:00ish. I still didn't have my period. After :sex: , hiking and apple-picking I would have thought I'd get it. I got a bath and then at about 6:30 my patience was running out so we went to RiteAid and got some pregnancy tests. I got a 2-per-pack of FRER and a 2-pack of Clear Blue digitals. I took at FRER. I got a faint 2nd line within the 10-minute limit. I think that's a BFP (!!!!!!!), but I'm still a little nervous about it sticking since the line was so light. Last year I was 2 days late getting AF one time, so I don't know if that was a chemical or what. So, hopefully I'll feel a little better if I don't get it in the next couple days. I'm waiting for tomorrow morning to take the 2nd FRER so hopefully I have a stronger 2nd line. I might take a digital then too.I'm still in a little shock but very excited and hopeful.

Oh lovely that sounDs like a bfp to me!!! :yipee: confirm It tomorrow with the first pee of the morning and then we can all celebrate!!
moon-am with purps and lady h.fingers crossed.x

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