TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Nessaw and Moon lots and lots of :hugs::hugs::hugs: heading your way lovely ladies.

:hi: to everyone, I hope you all have a fab weekend... I'm about to start on the :wine: and I'll be sure to pick up the slack for those who can't :haha:

C xx

P.S. We had triplets in the ward today ALL girls!! I asked if the dad had a full head of hair, as I'm pretty sure 13 years or so from now he bloody won't!
lady h wonderful news.pls don't hide it on my behalf.

dash 3 is the magic number!

i have to wait for another us next to confirm.possible but highly unlikely that its an issue with dates.theneither wait to miscarry naturally or take some truly gutted.thanjs for all ur kind words and thoughts.vx
lady h wonderful news.pls don't hide it on my behalf.

dash 3 is the magic number!

i have to wait for another us next to confirm.possible but highly unlikely that its an issue with dates.theneither wait to miscarry naturally or take some truly gutted.thanjs for all ur kind words and thoughts.vx

Nessaw - :hugs::hugs::hugs: we are here for you
Hi All,

A little extra time, so I’m going to try to stay up to date! Things on this thread have been moving sooooo quickly.

Butterfly – Thanks for clearing up ED versus DE! I was just reading through your journal about the ED. Sorry to hear about the timing of it. Xmas can really throw a wrench in things, can’t it!? We just calculated that if we managed a BFP next cycle I’d be at about 6 weeks (making certain assumptions about cycle length) when we’ve got the whole family together. After last time there is simply no way we’re telling anyone then! This wouldn’t be a problem, except that the family coming for the holidays all really enjoy wine and other lovely alcoholic beverages. If I do end up with a BFP, I’ll be doing some serious fake drinking while I pour beverages into the plants. (Note to self: will need to buy more plants.)

Anyway, a little trip to Spain to pick up some zygotes sounds lovely!!! (Is there a shopping emoticon here?!! Or at least one for the oven?) Beautiful new avatar, btw!

And I’m so glad I’m not the only nerd on this thread. :fool:

Lady H –
So glad your scan went well! Cute little alien pic in your journal! :baby:

3 eggies sounds great! Since it’s the square root of 9, I’m betting on mystical, mathematical magic! Who knows? You might even end up with :baby: :baby: :baby:. Wouldn’t that be a kick in the pants!

Dwrgi, ummmmmm….is there a particular air freshener you recommend? Cuz we might need that, since that’s our every-day diet. :haha: And what a lovely story about your nickname!

Kiwi, good luck!!!!!

Moon, I can’t believe you made it this far with no delicious :wine:! That was the very first thing I did once the heavy bleeding started. And I hear you with the appleseed. I still haven’t figured out what I’m doing with the (analog) journal I started, and similar little memorabilia. :cry: :cry: It takes time, I guess. But if I were you I think I’d be keeping that appleseed for the rest of my life. Are you a tattoo person? I’m not, but some of the lovely ladies here on BnB got tattoos for their lost little ones that I just loved. Like this:
I just think those are so sweet.

Also, I definitely have indications that I’m a bit more hormonally fertile right now—GOBS of EWCM this cycle, so I’m a believer in the theory that a m/c can increase chances of conception!

Lils—plenty of :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: to you!!!!! And let’s stay away from the stories about deaths of children. That one about the two boys swept out to sea made me hyperventilate the first time I hear it.

Purps, any news on either front?

Owl, I support your use of a little :wine:!!! You’ve probably heard the recent research that light amounts of drinking have no effect of the fetus. I’m not advocating anyone test that, but I definitely think a teensy bit in the TWW is A-OK! And I hope you get terrible, knock-you-out fatigue and horrible nausea soon!!!! :haha:

Hi, Tiger! :hi:

And Nessaw, :hugs: We’ll hold out hope for you that the dates were wrong. [-o< I don’t know what pills they would give you, but I can attest that methotrexate option isn’t too bad. Frankly, I wish I'd taken a medical intervention sooner, as it doesn't help when the limbo drags on and on and on.... Big, huge :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: to you.

Hoping to take my OH out for a date night this weekend. Just between us girls, our romantic life has been pretty dead these past few weeks. :blush: For a long time I just felt too awful physically and mentally, and then I was scared about another ectopic! Hoping that a nice romantic dinner somewhere will jumpstart the romance. :serenade:

Hi to all I'm missing!!! :hi: :hi: :hi: Have a great weekend!
Nessaw - don't know what I can say, but am sending prayers and hugs to you.
:hugs: [-o<

Lils - hmmm, Smellen?? not sure about that one :laugh2: But I do answer to most things.

Can't possibly post about everyone. It takes all my concentration to keep up with you all. But congrats to those who have been blessed this week :happydance:, and fairy dust to the rest of us. :dust:

AFM - trying to ignore every twinge and cramp until testing day.
Nessaw, I am so sorry chick...I missed your post earlier.
Sending you a ton of :hugs: and loves xxxxxx please look after yourself xxxxxxx
Owl - you will never, ever get any judgment from anyone on this thread, hun. :flower: We've had this convo a few times, & while everyone is fully entitled to abstain or not abstain or do whatever they want for good luck, good measure or to appease the fertility gods, just so you know, there's no blood connection to the eggy/embie until it implants & a placenta forms. Even shortly after that it takes a bit because (from what I've gathered) alcohol molecules are supposed to be too big to cross the placenta. Personally, I believe its God's/Mother Nature's fail-safe because most women really don't find out they're pregnant until 5 weeks.

But, for me, if I had to abstain from alcohol for the last 22 months? :shock::saywhat: Well, I don't think there would have been a "22 months" because I don't think you can TTC whilst in a straight jacket!!! :fool::loopy: (Although... ??? :haha:)
No news here ladies, dad is about the same today, which is a tiny bit better that yesterday! So fingers crossed he continues to feel better xxx thanks all for asking xxxxx
Owl...exactly what Lils said! My midwife actually said an odd drink wouldn't hurt anyway later in pregnancy!
Nessaw - Ugh, I'm just at a loss for words :hugs:

Tiger - :shock: Oh my - you work in a baby ward? OMG, I don't think I could handle that one... That must be so tough, hun. :hugs: You are so very welcome to partake in the Pledge of Allegiance to :wine: (& :beer: for Dwrgi)

Dwrgi - Ah, I should have known better, hun! Cheers! :beer: :wine:

Pebble - You're a funny one, I think we'll keep you. :haha: WOW, thank you Mrs Fairy Pebster! :dust: That's the most dust I think I've ever received! I keep reaching out to pet your avatar, but its not quite as soft as I imagined it... Hey, that's totally understandable, chick - I wasn't so romantic myself for a long while. But, you go out & do a Lady-n-Tramp thing OK? Emphasis on the Tramp part, of course...:winkwink:

Smellen? - (will try to think of a better one :haha:) don't worry, hun, you'll catch up. Takes a bit & we all realize that & don't expect everyone to be able to keep up at all times!

Purps - I've heard the same about pregs too. Aw, well I'm glad he has gotten a little better - even if its a little its better & not worse so I will keep everything crossed & keep you guys in my prayers tonight! :hugs:
Ness, I am so very sorry. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :cry: :cry: :cry: How long are they making you wait for the next scan? Don't feel you have to rush into a decision about how to treat it... you can wait a while if you want and if the waiting gets too hard you can start the medical management. Everyone seems to have different reasons for wanting to mc naturally or use the pills or have a D&C (ERPC) and you only have to do what's right for you. I have mc'd naturally at 12 weeks and I had a D&C at 8 weeks, and I'd be happy to share my experiences if it would be helpful for you. In the meantime, be very kind and gentle with yourself. We're all here for you. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Moon, your little appleseed made me teary, too. :cry: I have found it helpful to keel little mementos of each of my babies - cards I received, a pressed flower from an arrangement sent by friends, pics of my digi BFPs, hospital bracelets from my D&C and/or embryo transfer... because those are the stories of my babies' lives. That's all we have. They're all kept in a drawer in our guest room so I don't have to see them when I don't want to, and I won't be surprised by them at any point, but I know where they are and I can go sit with them any time I want to. There's no reason to ever get rid of the mementos of your baby if you don't want to. :hugs::hugs:

And Owl, no judgment here! My nurse told me having a drink is absolutely fine, that the baby survives off the yolk sac until about 9 weeks anyway. Plus, I figured if the occasional glass of wine was a problem, there would never be any healthy babies born in France! :thumbup:

And on the topic of sex after a mc, I don't know about increased fertility, but I do know that when I mc I am starved for sex - I crave the comfort of the intimacy so intensely that it's all I can think about. I always cry the first time we do it after a mc, too. Fortunately the tears don't freak DH out. :haha:

Happy Friday, everyone! I hope you all have a lovely weekend. :flower::flower:
Ack! 5 pages of messages! Hard to catch up. LOL!

Ness - so sorry for your loss :( :hugs::hugs:

purp - good to hear your dad is doing slightly better. I hope he will keep improving. Lots of health vibes to him! :hugs: Take care of yourself too!

Lils - my temp is on a rollercoaster ride now. Drastic dip on 5 dpo and stayed almost the same at 6dpo. Not sure what that means... Temp twice today, once at 5.50am - 36.60C and 6.10am - 36.66C. I used the later one for charting to make it look slightly better :p My normal temp time is 6am.

dash - Good luck on your ICSI! :happydance:

:wave: to all the other lovely ladies here! Sorry I can't remember all your names. My memory is failing me. :dohh:
Wow PPL-GE what a post. I don't think you missed anyone there :)

NEESAW - I am so sorry to hear your news.

I started my injections last night and it wasn't so bad. DH had to give it to me as I am a big chicken when it comes to that. But the consultants plan for me on this "short course ivf" is... 2 nights of one injection then I start with 2 injections. One to get the follicles growing and one to stop ovulation. It is funny as all this time I am wanting to ovulate and now they are trying to stop it. In 7 days I have a scan to see how I am going and hten 2 days after that I have another one. They are hoping by the following monday/tuesday that I will be ready for egg collection. In Ireland the max eggs that they implant back in is 3 but they are hoping for at least 2 for me. If I am fortunate enough to have more than 3 they will freeze these for a later date if needed. No point in wasting good eggs. Still trying to get my head around it all.
I chatted to my boss last night and he was fantastic. I should have given him more credit. As it turns out his sister has 5 children and 4 of them was from IVF so he said I can talk to her if I have any questions. A big weight off my mind. And of course seeing no one knows what is happening (i only told my mum on wednesday after I got my AMH results) he has promised to keep my confidentiality. So I am feeling great about this and pretty confident! May it last.

HOpe eveyrone is having a wonderful weekend. Its the start of mine and I have to get ready for work. I really don't like working on saturdays.
good morning everyone!!:flower::hugs:

Kiwi - it sounds like you are doing great so far ....:thumbup:and wow that does seem like a short protocol - you will be there before you know it! What drugs/injections are they giving you?
Good luck!!!

Purps - hope your Dad continues to do a bit better everyday!:thumbup::hugs::kiss:

Gotta run - but just wanted to post this for anyone needing a pick me up... I have decided to watch this every morning when I wake up on my ipod as it makes me feel better about myself and reassures me.... I hope it helps you ladies too.... Make sure you watch til the end.....

have a great weekend everyone!:hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss:

AFM - tomorrow is transfer day and trying to keep busy today....
Hi everyone, hope all of you are doing ok.

Wanted to update everyone on our 2nd blood test(1st was 102 Beta HCG on day 11 after ET)done on day 14 after embryo transfer!

Results just cameback and my Beta HCG level was 504! :happydance:
Nessaw omg I'm so sorry to hear big hugs from here. Thinking of you.

Want 2 congrats
Good luck kiwi!
Dash great video am so excited for you!
Lils your tramp advice cracks me up! Pble what perfume do you wear for that?

On iPad no word so can't scroll past this page will write more soon!
Moon - :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: for you and appleseed. I made an apple pie this morning. I love the fall and all the fresh apples. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Nessaw, wrote to you in a previous post but also wanted to add that we(your sisters) are all here for you Hun. If you need someone to talk to, don't hesitate.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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