TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

ladies, I don't know what I would do without you!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

OMM: Thanks for the kind words. I'll start working on repeating them 3 million times - every day :flower:

dash- Thanks for your support.
I have already chosen you as my "go-to" person with IVF questions and major freak-outs. I hope that's ok :flower: I'll be on a long protocol. I guess that will give me plenty of time to meet with a new RE. But as OMM said, the nurses are running the show at my clinic and my nurse is pretty awesome so I guess I'm in good hands.

lils -
massive congrats on 9 weeks!!! :woohoo: I'm so happy for you! :happydance:
re: MIL :saywhat: That is just unbelievable! I would be fuming!!! :grr:

:kiss: and :hugs:!
Twiggers - then yeah, I'd start at 10DPO to be safe. Charting will teach you so much more about yourself, your cycle, your hormones, etc., in addition to confirming Ov. The 1st month is wackiest, but after that it starts making sense. :thumbup:
I keep cross-posting w/everyone! Owl - big :hugs:. So glad you are feeling a bit better. And thank you - :hugs2:
Hi all - hope you're having a good week!

Dwrgi - my LH surges were always short (like 4-6 hours) like Lils! I would test several times a day on the day when I'd start to see the OPK test line get darker. Sometimes the surge was in the afternoon (like 1:00) and sometimes it was in the evening. So weird. :flower:

Lils -
Happy 9 weeks!!! You're 2/3 of the way through the 1st trimester!! Am SO so sorry to hear about MIL. Hope you can just focus on yourself and your little olive (and not her!!!). Are you craving anything? If so, go munch on some of that and hope you feel better soon. :hugs: And I can't wait for your journal!!! Do it!!!! LOL. I'm not getting my betas tested... but did make my first appt. today....

Kismet - am so sorry. That evap was beyond cruel. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Nessaw - so glad to hear the FS appt went well!!! Great to hear they're starting the action ASAP. It sounds like you have a great clinic that won't be going at a snail's pace. I have a very good feeling you will be UTD very soon. :flower:

Maddy - have a GREAT holiday!! I feel the same way about getting a good deal on trips!! :haha:

Owl - Am so so sorry to hear about your RE, but so happy to hear that you have a great nurse. Take a few deep breaths... everything is one day at a time for us. :hugs::hugs:

Twiggers - congrats on CD1! FX for you. And yes, lots of us here like our math/science :thumbup:

Dash - you'll have to let us know how your reiki journey goes!!! :thumbup::hugs:

Hi OMM, Pebble, Chicken, Butterfly, Purps and all the other ladies here!!

AFM - I'm still very nervous. Nessaw, you are right that the m/c kindof ruins it, but there is still hope there. I made my first appt today, which isn't until Feb. 19. I am trying to take one day at a time.
I'm a CPA. Well, I think CB digis say 1st morning urine & you may be able to catch it easily & you may be one of those peeps who has 2-3 days of +OPK. But if you really want to nail it 1st cycle, I'd play it safe & test 2x a day if the little stick is starting to get a 2nd line on it (even though you are not supposed to pay attn to that for actual results - just starts indicating some "action" going on).

So, you can shrink our heads when we get :wacko:? :haha: What did you think of the ML rant I had yesterday & all the MIL/BIL/IL rants on here lately? :rofl: You don't have to answer that, but I wonder if you look at posts & start analyzing (like i do when I see #'s & spreadsheets :blush:). lol. Good luck on BMI -1pt sounds totally doable!
moondust &RdK,
Hooray for both of you!

Kismet, I hope the discouragement passes.

LilSluz, how awful. I'm sorry.

I wonder how things will go in my family if I get pregnant. My mother is really encouraging my sister, who is 31, to get pregnant again. My sister feels kind of overwhelmed with the one she has and though she doesn't want him to be an only child, is torn between not wanting to be up all night again with and infant, and not wanting to put it off any longer. Since she was found not to ovulate without Clomid, NTNP isn't likely to make the decision for her. My family has no idea that I'm trying, and I don't think I'll even want to tell them until I'm safely past the first trimester. My whole family is full of worriers, and I know they will be really worried for my health as well as will the baby have any health issues just because I'm 38, so I really don't want to tell them that I'm trying, and I kind of want to give them as few months as possible to worry about it so that they don't project their anxiety onto me. I worry about this stuff enough on my own and don't need to have theirs too.

Maddy, enjoy your holiday!

Pebble, hope you are enjoying San Diego!
Oh the cbfm said low which I presumed is to be expected.

The consultant called coq10 and dhea a myth! But also said take it if u have already got it! Randoms x

Isn't it amazing how the doctors are so divided? Mine was super-pleased I was on COQ10 and ordered me to increase me dose!
mine told me to take Coenz Q10 as it worked in IVF for old ducks like me and told my friend who is two weeks older it was no good and to give it to her partner for his sperm where it would make more of a difference! Go figure!! Same doc!!!
Afm been to fert clinic today. Feeling v positive. The consultant wants to be aggressive. She said theres no point waiting to see if I get pg again naturally as that cd be wasting time-she asked how young I was not how old!!

So she's putting me on clomid starting next cycle. 100 mg a day for 3 months. If that doesn't work she's referring me straight to ivf. Wasn't expecting the ivf bit yet but its gd to have a plan. Am on cd6 today so have to wait til next cycle. She thinks boyf sa is dodgy and is going to send him for another. Plus I have to go for cd21 tests to check the clomid is working. She als said when we get pg it will be early scans and prog supps all the way!

Hey V, I am comnpletely delighted that your doctor is reacting like this! I think that is brilliant news. When I had my mc (after almost two years of trying), my NHS doc wanted me to carry on trying as we had shown we could get pregnant naturally. WTF??? I made a complete pain of myself, and I demanded IUI, which, of course, went tits up, but that's not the point. You have to push push and push these buggers to do what we want them to do, and yours doesn't seem to need any pushing, so, for that, I say yay, and go for it!!! So, it's clomid for three months, and then IVF, not IUI? I actually agree with this protocol, as you don't want to be 'wasting' good eggs on a procedure which isn't as successful as IVF, in our age group.

Also, my FS isn't that fussed on immunological stuff (or acupuncture); her approach is that it can't harm, so why not?? Tbh, in my experience, I find the approach of a lot of FS very conservative, and they're not keen on doing anything too radical or experimental. That does my head in, as it's the radical approach that works best. The UK's leading IVF clinic (Skye's clinic, the ARGC) advocates immunes drugs alongside usual IVF meds, and they have the best results in the country. That is NOT a coincidence. So, re. the CoQ10 and DHEA-I'd go with the 'it can't harm' group of thinkers. Make sure you get micronised DHEA, and you'll need to get this from the US, so bank on it taking about a week to get to you. I used Micron 5 the last time I ordered the stuff, and, previously, I've used the Pure brand. I'd go for it!!

Just wanted to say to OMM -it is so wonderful to have you back. Your posts are always so sympathetic and empathetic, and the care you feel for people comes right off the page. I sooooo wish that you could have had your forever baby, and I know so well what you went through. However, you never know, there may be a miracle out there for us all! :thumbup::thumbup: Big :hugs: to you, C, and thanks for being you!! :kiss::kiss::kiss:

Love to everybody, A:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Thank you moondust!!

Sluz - If I'm using the digis, am I best to test multiple times per day to catch the surge? I am very much looking forward to charting. I'm also tracking my weight closely....I want to see if I can really lose some pounds without the BC. I run regularly, but am 1 point overweight on BMI. So I'd like to try and lose a bit before getting pg...but of course, if pg happens then yay!

What does everyone here do for a living? I'm a professor of psychology at a university in Texas :)

I'm biomedical technologist working in the veterinary field (South Africa). Seems there are quite a few scientists ttc'ing!:thumbup::haha:
Hello everyone, hope you don't mind me joining your thread.

I thought I'd start with introducing myself. I am 35 years old and my DH is 37 years old. We have been TTCing for 4 years but NTNP for 7 years now. We have been put into the "unexplained" category. We did IVF last year which was unsuccessful and it was our one and only free go. Unfortunately DH and I do not have the means to fund our next round of IVF so we are in limbo at the moment. I am currently training to do a marathon but hoping and praying that I can get a natural BFP instead. I have never had a BFP.
Hello everyone, hope you don't mind me joining your thread.

I thought I'd start with introducing myself. I am 35 years old and my DH is 37 years old. We have been TTCing for 4 years but NTNP for 7 years now. We have been put into the "unexplained" category. We did IVF last year which was unsuccessful and it was our one and only free go. Unfortunately DH and I do not have the means to fund our next round of IVF so we are in limbo at the moment. I am currently training to do a marathon but hoping and praying that I can get a natural BFP instead. I have never had a BFP.

Hello Irish eyes! I hope you're smiling!!! (Sorry, couldn't resist!). Welcome to the thread!

I'm very sorry that your IVF wasn't successful. NHS thinking on what they fund is mad. You generally need at least one, to work out which meds will suit you best. Bonkers. What tests have you had done, and is your DH's You Know Whats okay?? Are you taking any vits??

Good luck, and I hope that we can all help you! :hugs:
Moon -
Thanks for the kind words & encouragement, chic! :flower: There is LOTS of hope, as most women go on to have very healthy babies post-mc. It helped a lot of girls I know who had one mc to know that 1 in 5 women mc. Made them feel better to know it was very common, its usually just a silly chromosomal fluke & that almost all have gone onto have healthy babies after. It doesn't take away the sadness of the 1st loss by any means, but helped them to look forward. :thumbup: (people like me are just the unlucky 1% - very, very rare!).

Idk if that helps, but I hope it does. Keeping yourself positive - even if cautiously positive (I know all too well :wacko:), is important. Hope is important as Pad would say. And glad you have an appt lined up. I wold maybe advise a little extra progesterone if you aren't having it tested to ensure you have enough? You can just get the cream if you want - I do the same as Pebble - only $13.28, if interested: Its just one of those things that could never, ever hurt but could be detrimental if you didn't have enough of it. Big :hugs:
Hello Irish eyes! I hope you're smiling!!! (Sorry, couldn't resist!). Welcome to the thread!

Hi Dwrgi, that's for replying.

Yes, I have had all my tests done, CD3, CD21, HCG, AMH etc and DH has done two SA and they are fine. His recent one was done a few months before we did IVF. My AMH was tested twice the first one was 10pmol/L and the last one was 7.6pmol/L. I don't think that the was even a year between those two tests and there was quite a drop. But at our review appointment after the failed IVF cycle I was told that didn't make a difference.

There was only once follie on my left ovary and 4-5 on my right which turned out to include 3 cysts. So I only ended up with 2 eggs, both fertilised but they were only 4 cells at day 3 transfer. At my review I was told that one of my eggs was so old that there was no chance of a pregnancy.

At the moment I am in limbo with vitamins. I do take bromocriptine for high prolactin levels and if not folic acid on it's own it's Pregnacare. But I have been reading about other vitamins for TTCing and I also was looking into them just for doing the marathon. So advise there would be much appreciated. I have heard about DHEA and how that can help with the eggs but I am also see alot of Co-Q10, Omega 3, EPA and I have taken Royal Jelly before myself.

I have also tried Reflexology before my last IVF and I do try to keep up with doing Yoga but it's hard with all the training. I also have Reiki sessions quitely regularly.
Hello Irish eyes! I hope you're smiling!!! (Sorry, couldn't resist!). Welcome to the thread!

Hi Dwrgi, that's for replying.

Yes, I have had all my tests done, CD3, CD21, HCG, AMH etc and DH has done two SA and they are fine. His recent one was done a few months before we did IVF. My AMH was tested twice the first one was 10pmol/L and the last one was 7.6pmol/L. I don't think that the was even a year between those two tests and there was quite a drop. But at our review appointment after the failed IVF cycle I was told that didn't make a difference.

There was only once follie on my left ovary and 4-5 on my right which turned out to include 3 cysts. So I only ended up with 2 eggs, both fertilised but they were only 4 cells at day 3 transfer. At my review I was told that one of my eggs was so old that there was no chance of a pregnancy.

At the moment I am in limbo with vitamins. I do take bromocriptine for high prolactin levels and if not folic acid on it's own it's Pregnacare. But I have been reading about other vitamins for TTCing and I also was looking into them just for doing the marathon. So advise there would be much appreciated. I have heard about DHEA and how that can help with the eggs but I am also see alot of Co-Q10, Omega 3, EPA and I have taken Royal Jelly before myself.

I have also tried Reflexology before my last IVF and I do try to keep up with doing Yoga but it's hard with all the training. I also have Reiki sessions quitely regularly.

Sorry for delay in responding, I was teaching a rather "challenging" class. Need a vodka now (or some Guinness!:winkwink:).

Well, there are a number of things that you can do to improve egg quality. I was told that diet is essential and that you need to maximise proteins (preferably plant based, but animal will do: beans, lentils, seeds, etc. etc.), lots of eggs, etc. Here's what me and a few others are doing; Lils calls it the Four Month Plan! You need DHEA (75mg per day: micronised only!); CoQ10 (600mg per day, which will set you back as it's v expensive); 5mg of folic acid (preferably folate as it absorbs better, think you'd need to see your GP about this), prenatals (I use Pregnacare Conception) (get hubby on the Wellman equivalent), a baby aspirin every day (75 units), hmm, what else? Well, I'm taking LOADS of Omega 3 (on Dashka's-:kiss:-advice; you need about 1800 EPA per day-again, expensive) and I've also started taking Agnus Castus (or Vitex, as our American friends call it). I took RJ and something else similar for fertility (can't remember the blooming name) and it made NO difference to me, although I never had hay fever on it!

Lils will tell you that you need to take progesterone in the 2WW-my FS prescribed 3x 400mg per day for me when I had my ICSIs.

Also, to work on healthy CM-lots of grapefruit juice from CD10 onwards, as it helps to neutralise the CM :)blush:); lots of EPO (at least 4 tabs, will check quantity when I get in tonight) right up until O, but not after, and Agnust Castus throughout cycle. You can also buy stuff like Preseed to act as a sperm friendly lubricant during the days of Ovulation.

I don't suppose you need me to tell you that I guess that training hard for marathons may not be the best idea for conception, but I'm sure you're aware of this!

Good luck, and if there's anything that I've said that is wrong, give me a shout ladies!

Off to Parents Evening now! Ciao ciao guys! :hugs::hugs:
irish - hello and welcome :hugs:

twiggers - wow, professor of psychology! That's impressive! Sound so interesting. :thumbup:

nessaw - good luck with clomid! I hope it does the trick! Are you doing IUI's or just TI?

re CoQ10: my RE told me last year to take 600mg/day to prepare for IVF and he also recommended acupuncture. My clinic partnered with a fertility acupuncture practice which is right next door. I'm starting that next week.
Welcome, Irish Eyes!

Twiggers, those sound like normal CD1/2 temps to me. The temps in the first half of my cycle range from 96.4 - 97.2 and during the second half from about 97.4 to 98.1. This morning (CD5) I'm at 97.3 and that's slightly high for the first half. I tend to have a slightly low body temperature, though. If I ever hit 98.6, I'm running a fever. Even though I occasionally have first morning temperature of 98.1, it's usually more like 97.8 or 97.9 at the highest point in my cycle. I might hit 98.1 once during the month. I've only temped for three months this year, though. A few years ago when I thought I was going to start trying, I did for about three months and the numbers were pretty much the same then too.

I work with teenagers. It's never boring!
Welcome irish.

Owl is ti timed intercourse?if so thats what we're doing.

Dwrgi I 'm pleased its going fast. Was expecting to have to wait for appts for this that or the other or be told to go away and try.

Hello to everyone. Sorry for not saying more but got a blinding headache from coughing-left over from being ill after xmas.

Got a high on cd7 on cbfm today is that early? May be a case of not tonight dear I have a headache!!

Much love vx

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