TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Maddy - have a great holiday!!

Dwrgi -how weird would it be if maddy actually met your brother?? :shock:

Omm you are the sweetest!! Thank you for being you and offering such kindness xxxxx
Ness how was the appointment today?? And did you poas for the cbfm??
Hey owl. Welcome back. Sorry about ur re. Hope u like the new one. Good luck with starting the ivf.

Afm been to fert clinic today. Feeling v positive. The consultant wants to be aggressive. She said theres no point waiting to see if I get pg again naturally as that cd be wasting time-she asked how young I was not how old!!

So she's putting me on clomid starting next cycle. 100 mg a day for 3 months. If that doesn't work she's referring me straight to ivf. Wasn't expecting the ivf bit yet but its gd to have a plan. Am on cd6 today so have to wait til next cycle. She thinks boyf sa is dodgy and is going to send him for another. Plus I have to go for cd21 tests to check the clomid is working. She als said when we get pg it will be early scans and prog supps all the way!

Think thats everything!!

I got to poas for the cbfm this morning-it was v exciting!!

And the consultant liked the charts I typed up for her in a v teacher fashion.!

I am very sad!!!!

Happy hump day.vx
Thank u purp for remembering.

Maddy have a great holiday despite the medical bits.
Oh the cbfm said low which I presumed is to be expected.

The consultant called coq10 and dhea a myth! But also said take it if u have already got it! Randoms x
Pebble – UGH, that’s horrible!!! Seriously?! What, when parents get older do they truly have nothing better to do than the completely betray their children?? There are friends, hobbies, there is ALWAYS :wine: available, traveling, wtf? :nope: I’m so sorry that’s really sh*tty. :grr::grr::grr: Also, :hugs: don’t feel bad about not being pregnant yet – it naturally can take us up to a year & I think you’ve only had 2 cycles(?) since your mc right? Those friends must have gotten pregs rt away. What’s important is not getting pregnant but getting pregnant with the right one – that sticky rainbow, forever baby. But I know its still disheartening to witness others moving on while you are left behind. Unfortunately, a lot of us know that feeling & it really, really sucks. :cry: Thanks for supporting my madness this week! Hoping the conference flies by really quickly & you can have :wine: every single night! :hugs:

Chicken – I know, its poison & doesn’t belong here :blush: I just had to get all the anger out & give its place for a little while. Once its out, I’ll be back to my old self again. :angelnot: :hugs:

BF - :hugs: lovely lady!

Ness – Yeah, I’m waiting as long as I can for “the normal people”. I don’t blame you – 20 wks would be hard though!!! It is definitely different after having a mc as you are more freaked out which is understandable given the trauma you’ve experienced. And great news on having a good FS appt – wow, she is very aggressive. Do what you think feels good :thumbup:. About the DHEA, well the only thing is that there are actual scientific studies to back those up. If she said you can take them if you have them then they obviously can’t hurt, right or she’d say to stop them immediately? You do what intuitively feels right to you as far as the DHEA & the going straight to IVF :thumbup:. Here’s some of the studies/info I had on hand that may help you in your decision (on DHEA):

Kismet – Thanks & :hugs::hugs::hugs: to you. I’m so sorry you are feeling low. We have all been there so we know exactly how you feel & it sucks. :nope: matter of fact, I kept saying “who am I kidding?” because I had to quit smoking, get off antidepressants, I started TTC only 2 mos. after a series of 6 back surgeries, I got off all the narcotic pain relievers post-back surgery & yet I still have to sometimes take muscle relaxers as that’s the only thing for my back that’s “safe” (Class B & don’t want to take the narcs). Then add the daily injections in my stomach, progesterone up the who-ha, daily meds/supps, etc. I know exactly how you feel, but you DO have every right to have a baby & you will! There are no qualifications to having a baby as we have ALL unfortunately witnessed :growlmad: - if there were, we’d all be extinct! All you can do is get yourself as healthy as possible. If you don’t get pregnant one month, then resolve to add something new to the next – weekly/daily reiki, a supplement, a healthy lifestyle, exercise, eating, using a less toxic deodorant, whatever & each month you truly will be healthier & healthier – readying yourself for lil Kismet :baby:. And you need to go get those test results. What Pebble said is absolutely true & you are probably feeling worse & adding to your unhappiness by putting it off. Btw, perhaps you should check out that Wed night reiki circle too??? :winkwink: (it can only make you feel way better as you know! And will really help your mind during TTC…) :hugs:

OMM - :haha: Yes, she is lucky she was not physically here in the last 3 days – but lives “dangerously close” :)-k:-k:cool:…) :haha: I think only BFP’s & pregnancy updates has to be in spoilers. But some people spoiler good news about others or mc stuff so its whatever they feel right doing. :thumbup:

Dashka – I know, RIGHT? Ugh. DH chewed her a new rear-end already which prompted her to call me. NOW, somehow – SIL knows. And “she can’t remember, but doesn’t think she told her” & SIL “doesn’t remember” who told her either – WTF, just own up to it so I can scream at you & it will be done! Cheese-n-rice, I confronted her though she knows I’m pissed & I said I won’t be seeing her tonight (reiki - she goes w/me weekly - ugh!). How you doing lovely? I think reiki would be great for you :winkwink::thumbup: (surprise, surprise :haha:) Will get to your journal soon!

Twiggers – start temping – your 1st bleed could take a bit, but either way you won’t really know when to do the OPK’s w/o knowing where you are in your cycle. I’ve defo hear of delays, but everyone is diff as to how long. :flower:

Maddy – I know, she does need a serious slap upside the head to knock some sense into her. It just blew me off my rocker & that never happens. But,I will calm down – already “starting to” today & I do realize/appreciate other great things in my life – and hopefully you will soon, too. :thumbup: GL w/all the drugs, get some much-needed rest enjoy Sunny Sydney! That’ll be nice & relaxing & perfect for pre-IUI. :shipw:

Dwrgi – a pink surfboard, eh? I’m sure she’ll defo run into him – for sure. :haha:

Purps – I know you have a charming MIL yourself, so you understand! :growlmad: :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Owl – wow, that’s awful, I’m sorry! But you will start your meds soon & please try not to start off your cycle too stressed about it. Let the negative stuff show up, give it its space & then send it on its way as it no longer serves you. Hoping you really like the new RE, too - GL :flow:

So, SIL “mysteriously knows” too now & no one is fessing up how. I’ve already called MIL first thing this morning & blamed her for that too, so she got the wrath anyway. And now I just got back from the asthma follow-up & I have asthmatic bronchitis with a touch of sinusitis. :growlmad: Second time in a year’s time (3rd for sinusitis)! Ugh, this is not helping the mojo…

On another note, I’m starting to cave into the peer pressure of starting a journal (I won’t name names Dwrgi, Purps, Dash, BF & LadyH :haha:) & I do feel bad posting my news on here even if in a spoiler :blush: (its just these first few weeks are super-hard :nope::(). It may take “a bit”, but how does one do a journal & can I add stuff & not publicize yet, or should I get it all together off-site (Word, etc)?
Omm sometimes I spoiler things about my mnc as I don't want to upset people who have been thro it or scare people that haven't. X

Awww thats so sweet of you. Having been through 6 of them, i dont scare easy, and sometimes forget about the ladies that thankfully have not had to deal with that horrible situation. Thanks honey. I just had to laugh when i saw all the spoilers, and some of them from other people were about their IUI's :hugs:
Woot....CD1 now!! I started temping this morning, which is perfect timing as I'll get a full cycle of temping. As a scientist, I am totally looking forward to charting...I stare at data graphs all the time and love them :)

I figure maybe I'll start OPKs around CD8-10? I bought the pack with 20 in it, so hopefully that will last.

Let cycle #1 begin!

You are among many science & math geeks here, too! What's your usual cycle length?
Hi lovely ladies,

I know I have been MIA and not posted for a long time. I stopped by a couple times to see how everyone is doing. I really tried to keep my mind off TTC lately especially with the IVF coming up. I just know that as soon as I start that it will take over my life and I'm not looking forward to that. It's sneaking up on me and I'm starting to freak out. I was excited last year to start IVF but now that it's coming up I'm actually kind of terrified - not of the procedures but of the outcome. What if it doesn't work?
My first appointment to start with the IVF procedure is tomorrow. When I called to make the appointment I found out that my RE passed away last week :cry: :saywhat: That was a huge shock. He was only 55 years old and was still working last November. Now here I am, starting IVF and have no new RE. My nurse told me not to worry, I can still start and they will have a different RE overseeing my procedure but I just feel a little lost. But I hope that I can meet with a new RE while still on birth control. We'll see...

I'm sorry for making my first post in a long time all about me. I just don't know who else to talk to.

I hope everyone is doing well! :hugs: :flower:

Awww hon dont let it freak you out, just concentrate on this one, and dont think about the future, one baby step at a time. This of this IVF procedure as the building of your beautiful baby, each shot is one piece of the puzzle that will be your very own child. As for your RE holy cow!!!! thats horrible, but dont feel lost, the nurses do most of the work anyway, and i am sure they have someone very good to take his place. Now repeat after me "This IVF WILL work" and say that about a million times. I have a very good feeling about this for you, hang in there hon, its all going to work out!! :hugs:
Twiggers –yay for CD1!:thumbup: good luck temping and yes CD8/9 is a good place to start OPK's then when you start to see a faint line - test it at least twice/day until the line is as dark or darker than test line... Good luck!:thumbup:

Maddy – have fun in Sydney:thumbup: – oh I am so envious of your summer right now! Good luck with the pre-IUI appointments too!:hugs:

Owl - I know starting IVF is pretty scary….:hugs:But the whole thought of it all is actually worse than it is… I agree it’s more of the outcome that I am afraid of than the procedures/appointments/injections….(and how I'm going to handle it) You just have to take it one step and one day at a time….that is the only way to get through it. :hugs:We’ll be here to help and please let me /us know if you need any pointers! :thumbup:I got tons of support on here with IVF #1 so I’m happy to pass on… I’m so sorry that your RE passed away….:nope: Wow what are the chances of that… he was so young too…. :nope: Good luck hun and let us know how it goes….:thumbup::hugs: Do you know yet if you are gonna be put on a long/short protocol or do you find out tomorrow?

Ness - sounds like you had a good app’t with FS – great to have a plan! :thumbup:Too bad you have to wait until next month to start but that’s ok :hugs:…. Re: the DHEA and CoQ10 –there are definitely studies to support and not all RE’s believe in them – but I was shocked when my RE told me to start taking both at my last appointment! :thumbup:When I told him I was surprised that he believed in them –he said he didn’t before but there are just so many studies that show they help- you can’t ignore that. Good luck hun!:hugs:

Lils – OMG now re: SIL…. :saywhat::grr::grr:Wow can DH call and get mad at her for you? Mind you- it may be better to get your frustrations out directly. I’m just looking out for you…. :hugs:That sucks that MIL is your reiki buddy too??? so are you not going or is she not going now? I would hate that the one thing you love doing so much gets spoiled because of her…:nope:
Re: the journal – it’s really easy to start one –but don’t feel any pressure to do so if you are so stressed out….:hugs::winkwink: I don’t know if you can start one here without it actually being public (hold until you’re ready)… but any which way you decide to do one (whether here or in Word or in a book on your own) I think it would help for sure get your frustrations/feelings out…. It’s totally up to you… :hugs:Hope you can still go to Reiki tonight somehow as you definitely need it hun…. :thumbup: (thanks –I left a message about the community reiki place I asked you about and waiting to hear – may try to start next week:winkwink:)

Hello and hugs to everyone I missed!:hugs::hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss:
Lils - forgot to say here...
Happy 9 weeks - your little Flo-beany is a green olive!! :thumbup::happydance::happydance::hugs::hugs:
Lils, You get it out as much as you need honey we will all listen. What I meant was don't let her poison harm you or your baby. XXX
Lils, You get it out as much as you need honey we will all listen. What I meant was don't let her poison harm you or your baby. XXX

Aw, I know hun & its a good reminder! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Oh yeah, Dash, no reiki tonight bc partly MIL but also the asthmatic bronchitis & sinusitis is putting a damper on things at the mo :wacko: (& I cant go there sick for professional reasons). :hugs:
Lils, You get it out as much as you need honey we will all listen. What I meant was don't let her poison harm you or your baby. XXX

Aw, I know hun & its a good reminder! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Oh yeah, Dash, no reiki tonight bc partly MIL but also the asthmatic bronchitis & sinusitis is putting a damper on things at the mo :wacko: (& I cant go there sick for professional reasons). :hugs:

Lils - aw that's too bad - hope you will be doing some reiki on your own at least to get back some of that 'peace'.... Sorry about the bronchitis/sinusitis too - Aw heck!:nope::hugs::hugs:
Hi twiggers :hi: sorry I missed you earlier!

Lils...we could put our MILs in a bag with rocks and throw them in a lake maybe :hugs: happy olive week!

Massive hugs and loves to everyone else xxx
Purps, that's a mighty well-thought out, detailed plan, there? :rofl: :rofl::rofl: I think that's the most violent thing I've ever heard you say! :haha: Funny how the MIL taps into a part of our mind we never knew existed! :loopy::rofl: (good plan, I like it! :shhh:)

Dash - I had to "force myself" to do my reiki this morning after I had refused to do it the last 2 mornings :blush:. But, it will come back & I shall be zen again, don't you worry. :thumbup: Ommmmm...Ommmmm ~~~~~ :sleep::hugs::kiss:

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