TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Rdk :)

lils I don't blame you for going crazy. I often think if am lucky enough to get pg again we won't tell anyone til gone 20 wks scan.

Kismet am so sorry hun. I wish I had words to help you feel better. Big hugs and take care of

anybody know how to do a spoiler when in mobile view on a phone? I can do it on normal comp!doofus.

Afm. Big day tom-appt with fertility clinic and think I get to poas for cbfm too! Fun fun fun!!

Welcome twiggers. Hope u get back to normal cycle quickly. Good luck.


Good luck, Ness! In the meantime, spoilers are easy. Just write the word spoiler in brackets to begin, then write spoiler in brackets with a forward slash. Just like this, but without the spaces:
[ spoiler ]
[ /spoiler ]
Pbl thanks!
I know what you mean. I am pleased for people and it gives me hope. I was so hoping to be utd straight away or first cycle. Had the sad realisation the other day that even if I do get pg again I won't be able to enjoy it the way I did before. Fingers crossed for us all.x
Kismet honey, my heart is breaking for you right now. But please believe we have all been where you are right now. You know I had a bad time with all the scadicats getting their BFPs but you do pick yourself up and slowly you do start again. I'm so sorry if we all increased your excitement but I honestly believe it was a bfp. I also think you should go get your results, take DH, take a friend, do whatever it takes to help you get through it, but knowledge is power. If you don't know what is wrong then you can't fix it.
Big hugs honey xxx
Totally selfish, negative post. Don't read if you're not in the mood:

I'm sitting here crying, just wanting to give up on TTC. :cry: :sad2: That evil evap feels like the last straw. :nope: I'm 39 with probable PCOS and endo (which will likely be confirmed if I ever get the nerve to go for my results). Who the hell am I kidding? To prep for TTC, I had to get off my benzodiazepine drug. Even when you're in a good place psychologically, which I was, it is months of absolute hell! The worst is over now, but I feel like it's aged me by 20 years. I look terrible. I feel terrible. My mind is shot, I'm exhausted all the time, I feel like I can't work, and there's nothing I can do to fix it. :sad2: To get through the acute phase, I would tell myself it's for baby, but now it looks like baby won't come. It's not fair. It feels so unfair! I know I sound like I'm being dramatic, but I've been through so much, I just want to stop. I want someone to hold me and make this insanity stop. Now. :sad1:

OK honey first of all breathe, take a nice deep breath in and out. I want to say that you getting on the drug, is amazing, you should be very proud of yourself, and while i understand you were using getting pg to help get off of them you need to cut yourself some slack. You have been through a lot lately. I would go to the doctor, this way you know for sure what is going on, trust me you will feel so much better knowing that everything is either ok, or that something is wrong and they can fix it. You also need to remember that you matter, i know i know your thinking all you want is a baby, i know i was there once for many years, but you do matter, so you have to take care of you before you can think about doing anything else. Also, just an FYI for me the FMU NEVER worked with the First Response tests, FMU sucked for me, i was always better off with taking the test in the evening. It could be that the test just did not pick it up. If i could i would come over there and hold you and tell you that it will all be ok, but i will have to settle for sending you these :hugs:. Take a few days, relax, and i bet you will feel better, dont forget the hormones are a bitch, and right now is not the time to make any major decisions. Ugh i so wish i could make everybodys dream come true, it makes me so sad to see all of you beautiful ladies struggle with this.
Lils :hugs: man MIL is so lucky she was not close enough for you to touch, i think i would have re arranged her face.

OK ladies i have a really dumb question, but why do you guys put EVERYTHING in spoilers? LOL i know i am probably being dumb here, but i just dont see why you have everything in them, i mean i get the whole pg talk, but i see ladies putting stuff in spoilers about IUI's and IVF's lol. I know you ladies, and your support is amazing. Just thought it was weird, and honestly i have been a bit afraid to reply to things not knowing if i needed it covered up or not lol.
LOL OMM I guess it is difficult for people to know if they should put stuff in spoilers or not sometimes :shrug: - but yes, I think there was some stuff that probably didn't need to be but I guess better safe than sorry :shrug: I think really only BFP announcements and congrats should be in a
spoiler :haha:
but if someone feels like they want to then ok :thumbup:

and on that note...

massive congrats hon and lots of sticky :dust: :happydance:

congrats to you too :flower:

Kismet, what the other ladies have said makes sense. I was also convinced that was a bfp - I've never seen a pink line like that that was not :nope: so I totally understand where you are coming from, that would have devastated anyone :nope::hugs::hugs:
Kismet – so sorry hun….:hugs::hugs: I wrote more in your journal…

Lils – MIL!!:grr::grr::grr::grr::saywhat::saywhat::saywhat::grr::grr::grr::trouble::trouble::trouble: I can't believe that !! You have every right to be so upset!! I hope DH will take over now though and let him do the nasty work so that you can try to distance yourself from it and breathe, breathe, breathe..... take care of you and your LO!:hugs::hugs::hugs::kiss:
Ouch and I didn’t know you had such severe allergies :nope:– Yes make sure you get that 2nd epipen for sure!!:thumbup:

Twiggers – welcome!:flower: you'll get tons of support on here - it has saved me many times! Good luck!

Maddy – yay bring on the IUI meds!:thumbup: Hope this is the one hun and you don’t have to get to IVF…:hugs:

congrats :thumbup:– that is great news :flower:– Happy and healthy 9 months

Pebble – good luck at the conference :thumbup: I'm sorry about all the friends getting lucky lately - we all know what that's like - it's SUCKS.. :nope:Hope you don't work too hard hun :hugs:

OMM – you are so sweet – love reading your posts and giving us all strength:hugs::thumbup:

Hello and hugs to everyone I missed ! :hugs::hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss:
Thank you so much for the support. It means a lot! :hugs: I know I need to get my results, but it's hard. I don't like my FS, I find the office bloody intimidating and I have to go during cycle monitoring when it will be super busy. Also, because I can't freaking sleep anymore, I find mornings extra hard, which makes getting up, out into rush hour transit and down to a clinic I don't want to go to VERY challenging! I'm not working right now, so I'm out of practice with the rush hour commuting thing. :wacko: I want to go tomorrow and get this over with. At least then I'll have a better idea of where to focus my fretting energy. :haha: I'll see how I feel in the morning. If I'm too tired or feeling vulnerable, I won't go. Ugh!

I really just want to give up on the whole thing but I know if I do that I'll feel even worse in a few years. :cry:

DH came home and apologized for his lack of reaction this morning. When I told him the test was negative he said "oh, so yesterday was a false positive" and rolled over and went back to sleep! :dohh: :growlmad: Recognizing this was not so awesome helped me feel a smidge better.

Anyway, I could ramble on about TTC endlessly but I won't. I hate it. If I ever get a real BFP that sticks, I'll kiss the sweet ground!

Kismet - I bet DH's reaction has made it 10X worse :hugs:- it is awful when you get a reaction that you weren't expecting.... I know we are going to the same clinic - and I felt the same way as you when I first started as I need to get up at 4:30am to get downtown that early... it's also hard because you don't know what to do /expect at first -but once you go a couple of times you'll get in the swing and it won't be as bad.... The most stressful part for me was having to think of excuses to be late for work as my doc didn't show up til much after the bloods/u/s so I had to wait around for him.. but since you don't have to worry about getting to work on time -I would say take advantage of this time -it is so much easier to do when you don't have to get somewhere right after.

GOOD LUCK!:thumbup:
Thank you so much for the support. It means a lot! :hugs: I know I need to get my results, but it's hard. I don't like my FS, I find the office bloody intimidating and I have to go during cycle monitoring when it will be super busy. Also, because I can't freaking sleep anymore, I find mornings extra hard, which makes getting up, out into rush hour transit and down to a clinic I don't want to go to VERY challenging! I'm not working right now, so I'm out of practice with the rush hour commuting thing. :wacko: I want to go tomorrow and get this over with. At least then I'll have a better idea of where to focus my fretting energy. :haha: I'll see how I feel in the morning. If I'm too tired or feeling vulnerable, I won't go. Ugh!

I really just want to give up on the whole thing but I know if I do that I'll feel even worse in a few years. :cry:

DH came home and apologized for his lack of reaction this morning. When I told him the test was negative he said "oh, so yesterday was a false positive" and rolled over and went back to sleep! :dohh: :growlmad: Recognizing this was not so awesome helped me feel a smidge better.

Anyway, I could ramble on about TTC endlessly but I won't. I hate it. If I ever get a real BFP that sticks, I'll kiss the sweet ground!

Glad you're feeling a bit better. But hold the phones--did OH apologize for being insensitive with no prompting???!!!! :saywhat: WHAT A GUY!!!! :awww:

Sorry your FS isn't much good! :hugs:
Lils... oohh your MIL needs a good slap :growlmad: But DH can have a :kiss: for realising what he did wrong, without - it seems - too much prompting :winkwink: Don't let her into your headspace, her actions will start to control you. Your mind should be a MIL-free zone! Oh Lils I'm so JEALOUS you know (not of the MIL situation tho'). Pretty soon you will have a billion wonderful 'firsts' to look forward to and you won't have to share ANY of them. Except with all of us, of course :hugs:

RDK...yay for you....what comes next?

Dash... :hi:

Pebble...have a good conference!

Dr H... where are you? Out there enjoying the beautiful summer weather? It's 37 degrees here today (99F for non-Aussies).

OMM... I probably over-use spoilers but I don't want to upset anyone so I try to be super-sensitive...

Kismet... grr for evaps and :hugs:

AFM I'm on holidays for the next week. Totally ruined of course by regular blood tests and scans leading up to IUI. But on Monday we will go away (after my scan!) for two days in sunny Sydney. I got a fantastic room deal for us and daughter, including breakfast and parking for 50% off so I feel pretty good. Holidays always feel better to me when I think I saved money. :haha:
Omm sometimes I spoiler things about my mnc as I don't want to upset people who have been thro it or scare people that haven't. X
AFM I'm on holidays for the next week. Totally ruined of course by regular blood tests and scans leading up to IUI. But on Monday we will go away (after my scan!) for two days in sunny Sydney. I got a fantastic room deal for us and daughter, including breakfast and parking for 50% off so I feel pretty good. Holidays always feel better to me when I think I saved money. :haha:

Have a great time in Sydney! Say hi to my brother for me. He has a pink surfboard and surfs in Bondi where he lives!! (I'm sure you'll bump into him, as Sydney is soooooooo small and quiet!!! :haha::winkwink::winkwink:).

Big :hugs::hugs:
Hi lovely ladies,

I know I have been MIA and not posted for a long time. I stopped by a couple times to see how everyone is doing. I really tried to keep my mind off TTC lately especially with the IVF coming up. I just know that as soon as I start that it will take over my life and I'm not looking forward to that. It's sneaking up on me and I'm starting to freak out. I was excited last year to start IVF but now that it's coming up I'm actually kind of terrified - not of the procedures but of the outcome. What if it doesn't work?
My first appointment to start with the IVF procedure is tomorrow. When I called to make the appointment I found out that my RE passed away last week :cry: :saywhat: That was a huge shock. He was only 55 years old and was still working last November. Now here I am, starting IVF and have no new RE. My nurse told me not to worry, I can still start and they will have a different RE overseeing my procedure but I just feel a little lost. But I hope that I can meet with a new RE while still on birth control. We'll see...

I'm sorry for making my first post in a long time all about me. I just don't know who else to talk to.

I hope everyone is doing well! :hugs: :flower:
Lils -omg your MIl!! I am so sorry chick! What is wrong with these women?? Do they not remember being like us and have some idea?!?! Massive hugs xxxxx

Kismet oh Hun -I am so sorry! That's so cruel. Huge :hugs: xxx
Hi lovely ladies,

I know I have been MIA and not posted for a long time. I stopped by a couple times to see how everyone is doing. I really tried to keep my mind off TTC lately especially with the IVF coming up. I just know that as soon as I start that it will take over my life and I'm not looking forward to that. It's sneaking up on me and I'm starting to freak out. I was excited last year to start IVF but now that it's coming up I'm actually kind of terrified - not of the procedures but of the outcome. What if it doesn't work?
My first appointment to start with the IVF procedure is tomorrow. When I called to make the appointment I found out that my RE passed away last week :cry: :saywhat: That was a huge shock. He was only 55 years old and was still working last November. Now here I am, starting IVF and have no new RE. My nurse told me not to worry, I can still start and they will have a different RE overseeing my procedure but I just feel a little lost. But I hope that I can meet with a new RE while still on birth control. We'll see...

I'm sorry for making my first post in a long time all about me. I just don't know who else to talk to.

I hope everyone is doing well! :hugs: :flower:

Oh owl...what an awful shock for you! And your poor fs! 55 is no age!
You are entitled to make posts all about you Hun! That's the point of the forum! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::kiss:
Kismet -I just read your other post, if I were there with you, I'd give you the biggest hug you ever had!
Now everyone has given you good advice, so if I can just add one thing?
Go back to your doctor...there are meds you can take safely whilst ttc and pregnant. A lady who used to be on here was a huge advocate of taking (safety) what you need to in order to survive. It's madness to come right off something and then increase the pressure on yourself by ttc and feel bad that you are feeling terrible.
Please speak to your doc, and if he is not helpful...find one who is

Massive hugs darling xxxx

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