TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Jenny - many women w/low AMH & good FSH on this thread & some even preggers with rainbows so don;t ever give up! There are things you can take to improve egg quality - in my first post on my journal there's a list under "August 2012". Don't lose hope! My Dr's recommended DE for me 1st time they saw my AMH at .84 (diff scale here but thats low). Once I started taking things for egg quality (only a couple of things mind you - not all of my regimen) it jumped to 1.5 - totally normal. Same Dr said try naturally for 6 mos, here's progesterone & metanx. You can look at my spoiler for the end of the story...

GL on appt & welcome! Let us know what happens :flower:

I would second this Jenny, as I have low amh too. Although I haven't been successful (so far), I have learnt that there are ways to improve egg quality. If I was you, I would delay IVF for three months, so that your eggs get the chance to improve in quality, as this is the minimum amount required. If you went ahead, and things didn't go to plan, you'd wonder whether you should have waited and tried the above regimen first.

Good luck and don't give up!:thumbup:
Jenny I did a round of DE, which unfortunately didn't work (I have a genetic issue). I would say that it was a decision we didn't take lightly, it did take a lot of thought and it is of course a very personal decision. In the end the way I thought about it was that this lovely lady is giving me one cell... I give up more than that in skin and hair every day... it is just one cell.... all the rest is me and my Husband. :flower:

That is just the way I resolved the decision in my mind... other people have other thoughts.

Thanks Pad, it's a lot to think about. I haven't quite given up hope about using my own eggs.

I'm sorry to hear your attempt with the DE didn't work. Where are you at with this at the moment?
Jenny - many women w/low AMH & good FSH on this thread & some even preggers with rainbows so don;t ever give up! There are things you can take to improve egg quality - in my first post on my journal there's a list under "August 2012". Don't lose hope! My Dr's recommended DE for me 1st time they saw my AMH at .84 (diff scale here but thats low). Once I started taking things for egg quality (only a couple of things mind you - not all of my regimen) it jumped to 1.5 - totally normal. Same Dr said try naturally for 6 mos, here's progesterone & metanx. You can look at my spoiler for the end of the story...

GL on appt & welcome! Let us know what happens :flower:

I would second this Jenny, as I have low amh too. Although I haven't been successful (so far), I have learnt that there are ways to improve egg quality. If I was you, I would delay IVF for three months, so that your eggs get the chance to improve in quality, as this is the minimum amount required. If you went ahead, and things didn't go to plan, you'd wonder whether you should have waited and tried the above regimen first.

Good luck and don't give up!:thumbup:

Thanks Dwrgi. Yes I'm not going to give up. I see the doc on Friday and see what he will say. I'm a bit overwhelmed by all the info about supplements and stuff to take on here. At the moment, I'm just taking fertilaid and also guaifenesin to thin the CM. At the moment me and my donor are just doing donor insemination whilst I wait to get going on the IVF.

I eat healthy and try to rest (although my sleep has been all over the place recently with the strain of all of this (plus moving house!)). :sleep:

I'm kind of confused about exercise. I've been exercising for years 3 times a week. Long runs, horse riding, gym, all sorts of stuff. I don't know whether to knock it on the head at the moment. For example I did a donor insemination on Monday and Tuesday this week, and don't know if I should go to the gym today. I have this image of the sperm having a hard job finding the egg with all that jiggling around!! :dohh: I'm sure it doesn't quite work like that though. :nope:
Hey Jenny.

The advice Dwrgi gives is good advice and she has experience of IVF as do some of the other ladies.

I attempted DE last October and it failed. I have had repeated M/C's (6) at the 10-12 wk stage, all naturally conceived. We have been trying for 10 years in all. After a wait of 1.5 years since my last previous loss and my thyroid going from underactive (as it was for all of my losses) to massively overactive I got a very surprising BFP in September 2012. I had a major bleed at 7 wks and assumed the worst, however, to my surprise when I was scanned all was well.... touch wood all has stayed well to date and I hope and hope it stays that way!

I was on a protocol for 5 months before conceiving of:

75mg aspirin
Vit D
Pregnacare Preconceive
Omega 3
5mg folic acid (high dose)

From BFP I was prescribed in addition to the above:

I changed the Pregnacare to the Pregnancy version

I have no idea if the above made the difference this time (I was on some of it with prev losses, but not all... or if I was just incredibly lucky this time...

The only other thing I did differently was to prepare my body with gentle exercise, think positive, minimize my stressing (where I could ... many ladies here know I am a incredible stress head!) and HOPE HOPE HOPE.
Many of us on here have experienced such pain and hardship ... it can be tough to keep going and there have been times when I have had to leave the thoughts of TTC behind for a while whilst I regathered my self... but I have always come back to this thread and these amazing ladies who have supported me in my darkest of times. :hugs:
Good Morning Ladies

Just wanted to say that I was feeling a little bit down this morning, no reason why, just not in the mood to face the day, but reading how you guys keep each others spirit up and encourage each other is amazing. Compeletly feel better now, you guys rock.:thumbup:
Thanks fxfrbabyb!!!

Pad-good advice there lovely!

Jenny-I would definitely knock the gym on the head. My consultant said NO gym at all, immediately up to and after EC at IVF. Walking, yoga, swimming, all good, but NOTHING high impact.

You need to eat loads of protein, too, as this is good for egg quality.

My consultant actually recommended the DHEA, so it's not something I've picked up as an old wives tale. The other supplements have come about through x amount of women being given consults by their fertility specialists, and they all seem to agree on these. The list does sound overwhelming, but get ordering online, and you will be fine. If you are getting DHEA, make sure it is micronised, which will need to come from the States.

Good luck!!
Jenny - I'd say the DHEA (micronized; high quality), CoQ10 & Omega 3's are most important for egg quality. Also the CoQ10 & Omega 3's help in so many other ways & should be taken anyway. (it was under August 2012 in my 1st post if you want dosages).

For IVF (& natural) all the big clinics/RE's/FS's seem to recommend these supp's anyway. But you can always ask your RE/FS this Fri. Also I have heard of the struggle for DE/ED & its such a tough decision, but every single person I have ever heard about doing DE/ED fell in absolute LOVE with their baby & never for 1 second considered it anyone's but theirs. <3 <3 <3 Just in case you do go down that road. GL on appt :flower:
Twig - very early for testing chic! Don't give up hope & don't worry about the spikes as long as over cover & doesn't dip below for more than 1 day :thumbup:

Pad - will go read now (you were just waiting to say that weren't you?) ;)
Welcome to all the newbies! We&#8217;ve gotten a lot of new folks around here recently! Seems like we may scare away a high proportion with how fast this thread moves. It&#8217;s SO difficult to keep up recently! :argh: :argh: Sit down and make yourselves comfortable ladies!

Jenny, your situation is beyond my level of expertise, but I&#8217;d listen to these other ladies. They know more than many doctors! :hugs: to you.

Ness, any news?????????????????? :dust::dust: :dust: I hope the :witch: stays away!!!

Still on :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: for you. And I LOVE those stories you shared. Although 4 LOs at once seems a bit of a nightmare. :shock: You&#8217;re almost in second tri!!!

Maddy, how is my cycle buddy? Is test date the 14th? Wouldn&#8217;t a Valentine&#8217;s BFP be amazing? Here&#8217;s a ton of dust for you: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: I really hope this is your month!!! :hugs:

Suzy, it seems like the year you apply for tenure may be the perfect year to TTC! I&#8217;m also second year, and it doesn&#8217;t feel too smart. However, I&#8217;m in a female-dominated field with leadership that&#8217;s very supportive of the needs of women to have families and care-take. It&#8217;s very feminist and progressive. :thumbup:

Owl, how&#8217;s it going? How you started your protocol? :dust: :dust: :dust:

Mirium, in case you&#8217;re checking in: we&#8217;re thinking about you. Hope you&#8217;ll share the chromosomal tests when you get them. Huge :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: to you!

Dash, I wrote in your journal. Back injuries are the worst! :nope: I hope the reiki, acupuncture, and yoga have managed to keep your energy positive! :hugs: Boo on headaches, too!

Moon &#8211;
not long til your scan!!! :happydance:

Dwrgi, looks like you&#8217;re about to get some crosshairs! :thumbup: Hope you caught that egg!

Chicken, the cream story sounds terrible! I tried that stuff once when I was about 13, and I PAID dearly for it. Lots of irritation and little bumps. Never again. Big hugs to you for the teaser last month. :hugs: Are you gearing up again? Can&#8217;t remember if you&#8217;re a short or long cycle gal.

Kismet, :thumbup: for negative test results! Your chart is really pretty. You know, you wouldn&#8217;t be the first to be told by a doc that it wasn&#8217;t possible, only to conceive naturally the first cycle. I&#8217;ll send you lots of :dust: :dust::dust:!

Green, big :hugs: to you. Hope you&#8217;re thinking through your options okay.

Emily, hope you&#8217;re feeling better. Are you nearing the end of the TWW? :dust: !!!

I&#8217;m sure I missed people. I tried to do this super quickly, so my apologies for anyone I&#8217;ve skipped. Big :hugs: and :kiss: to you all!!! And big pats on the bumps for the UTD ladies!

AFM, I&#8217;m really struggling to stay away from the darkness. :haha: I mentioned a few posts ago that I had a good group of women here who were 35+ andhad ectopics. I think I&#8217;m the only one still not pregnant. I guess it gives me hope that it can happen for me eventually, but I feel like I&#8217;ve been banging my head against a wall for a long time with no results. I had a dream a couple of days ago that I took a test and got a BFP. So excited! Then I woke up and was halfway through the TWW with no symptoms. Now I know it&#8217;s possible, since symptoms aren&#8217;t that meaningful, but I&#8217;m still going on record right now that this cycle is a bust for me. Feels just like every other BFN recently. I also realized that I couldn&#8217;t do the progesterone test because I changed my insurance and it uses a different lab. My doc doesn&#8217;t know my new insurance yet, so I&#8217;ll have to go in to make the switch so they can send in the request for me. No time for that this week. I&#8217;ve given myself one more month before I call the FS. But I haven&#8217;t decided if I should make an appt for the end of the cycle, the beginning of the new cycle, or what. :shrug:

Sorry if I&#8217;m being whiny. I know many of you ladies have been trying much longer than me. I&#8217;m just feeling downright sorry for myself these days and needed to vent. I&#8217;ll snap out of the funk soon.

I&#8217;m just so glad you&#8217;re all here! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
AFM, I’m really struggling to stay away from the darkness. :haha: I mentioned a few posts ago that I had a good group of women here who were 35+ andhad ectopics. I think I’m the only one still not pregnant. I guess it gives me hope that it can happen for me eventually, but I feel like I’ve been banging my head against a wall for a long time with no results. I had a dream a couple of days ago that I took a test and got a BFP. So excited! Then I woke up and was halfway through the TWW with no symptoms. Now I know it’s possible, since symptoms aren’t that meaningful, but I’m still going on record right now that this cycle is a bust for me. Feels just like every other BFN recently. I also realized that I couldn’t do the progesterone test because I changed my insurance and it uses a different lab. My doc doesn’t know my new insurance yet, so I’ll have to go in to make the switch so they can send in the request for me. No time for that this week. I’ve given myself one more month before I call the FS. But I haven’t decided if I should make an appt for the end of the cycle, the beginning of the new cycle, or what. :shrug:

Sorry if I’m being whiny. I know many of you ladies have been trying much longer than me. I’m just feeling downright sorry for myself these days and needed to vent. I’ll snap out of the funk soon.

I’m just so glad you’re all here! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

I wanted to send you some big hugs :hugs: I know how hard this can be and sometimes you just go with the darkness. I also wanted to let you know that twice when i was pg i had not ONE symptom, and i mean nothing, i remember one of the IUI's i was so sure it did not work, i was hauling around bags of leaves and cleaning up the yard, and then 5 days later i had a bfp, and that was the cycle that went to 9 weeks before we lost it. I know its not easy, but try to take a deep breath, and lower your stress levels. Try to focus on something that makes you happy, one thing i have learned is we all really want a child of our own, but there is so much life out there, just focus on that, and i am sure that very soon, you will see your miracle come true. :hugs:
Hey pebble sending you big hugs. Know how u feel.xx

nothing to report this end. 17dpo no af. Haven't done anymore symptoms My Cycles do vary in length but the ones where I seem to o early have been 24-26 days long-cd27 today. Was also wondering if the vit b6 I've taken since start of yr is lengthening things.

Hi to all. Sorry for not writing more. Have finally given into the cold/cough/sinusy thing that I've had since end of dec and taken the day off. Feeling tres poorly. Self medicating with hot choc and marshmallows.
Love to all.vx
Hey Jenny.

The advice Dwrgi gives is good advice and she has experience of IVF as do some of the other ladies.

I attempted DE last October and it failed. I have had repeated M/C's (6) at the 10-12 wk stage, all naturally conceived. We have been trying for 10 years in all. After a wait of 1.5 years since my last previous loss and my thyroid going from underactive (as it was for all of my losses) to massively overactive I got a very surprising BFP in September 2012. I had a major bleed at 7 wks and assumed the worst, however, to my surprise when I was scanned all was well.... touch wood all has stayed well to date and I hope and hope it stays that way!

I was on a protocol for 5 months before conceiving of:

75mg aspirin
Vit D
Pregnacare Preconceive
Omega 3
5mg folic acid (high dose)

From BFP I was prescribed in addition to the above:

I changed the Pregnacare to the Pregnancy version

I have no idea if the above made the difference this time (I was on some of it with prev losses, but not all... or if I was just incredibly lucky this time...

The only other thing I did differently was to prepare my body with gentle exercise, think positive, minimize my stressing (where I could ... many ladies here know I am a incredible stress head!) and HOPE HOPE HOPE.
Many of us on here have experienced such pain and hardship ... it can be tough to keep going and there have been times when I have had to leave the thoughts of TTC behind for a while whilst I regathered my self... but I have always come back to this thread and these amazing ladies who have supported me in my darkest of times. :hugs:

Yes, you are right, it's great to have a community of women in the same boat, I have a feeling it will save my sanity :happydance:
Thanks fxfrbabyb!!!

Pad-good advice there lovely!

Jenny-I would definitely knock the gym on the head. My consultant said NO gym at all, immediately up to and after EC at IVF. Walking, yoga, swimming, all good, but NOTHING high impact.

You need to eat loads of protein, too, as this is good for egg quality.

My consultant actually recommended the DHEA, so it's not something I've picked up as an old wives tale. The other supplements have come about through x amount of women being given consults by their fertility specialists, and they all seem to agree on these. The list does sound overwhelming, but get ordering online, and you will be fine. If you are getting DHEA, make sure it is micronised, which will need to come from the States.

Good luck!!

Hi Dwrgi, thanks, I will take your advice on the exercise. It will be quite difficult to gear it down because I'm a bit of a cardio junkie, but I think I will take up gentle strolling instead.

Ok, so I've just ordered CoQ10 600mg, and Omega 3s. Ive been looking at DHEA on line. I remember another post somewhere suggesting 75mg, I think it might have been on a lil post (thanks lil :flower:). But looking at some reviews on line, I've read about guys who take it to build muscle and they are saying they get angry and violent on 25mg!! I'm a bit worried it might make me go psycho :devil: Has anyone else blown a gasket on DHEA?
Yes, you are right, it's great to have a community of women in the same boat, I have a feeling it will save my sanity :happydance:

I wonder how many of us would still qualify as sane?? :haha: :fool::fool::fool:

Thanks fxfrbabyb!!!

Pad-good advice there lovely!

Jenny-I would definitely knock the gym on the head. My consultant said NO gym at all, immediately up to and after EC at IVF. Walking, yoga, swimming, all good, but NOTHING high impact.

Hi Dwrgi, thanks, I will take your advice on the exercise. It will be quite difficult to gear it down because I'm a bit of a cardio junkie, but I think I will take up gentle strolling instead.

I have a question about the exercise thing: I've heard from multiple sources that it's really the TWW that is a problem for high-impact exercise, and that you can still run or whatever during the FP. Is that not correct? Or does no one know for certain so they say no high-impact just to be on the safe side?

I recently started swimming, which isn't high impact, but is very good for cardio. :thumbup: I miss running. :nope:
I haven't been running.....but I should be. I would like to know. The answer too!

BFN tonight :(
Hi ladies. Definately going to catch up on reading sometime real soon. Actually, no, that's a huge fib :dohh: I'm just going to start now! Yeah, right!

Pebble... your chart is looking nice, you're sustaining that high temp for longer than usual, hon. Or have you been sleeping on an electric blanket before temping :winkwink:

My 10dpiui bloods were taken this morning. so by this afternoon I've have a 'verdict'... I'm being proactive and picked up our IVF referral letter yesterday.
Hi! First off I have to say that each and every one of you women are amazing. I have been reading your stories for the last couple of months. I haven't felt that I could write anything since I'm not actively ttc. My brief story is that I'm 37 with pcos. I was diagnosed in my teens and grew up assuming that I would not be able to have children or that it would be very difficult. Consequently, convinced myself it was something that I didn't need in my life. Well, that clock kicks in eventually and here I am. I am scheduled to have the mirena taken out on Friday, I've been on the prenatals, taking omegas and vit. D for 2.5 months. Just writing to say I'm scared to start this journey but have gained strength in the sharing of your stories.
Thanks fxfrbabyb!!!

Pad-good advice there lovely!

Jenny-I would definitely knock the gym on the head. My consultant said NO gym at all, immediately up to and after EC at IVF. Walking, yoga, swimming, all good, but NOTHING high impact.

You need to eat loads of protein, too, as this is good for egg quality.

My consultant actually recommended the DHEA, so it's not something I've picked up as an old wives tale. The other supplements have come about through x amount of women being given consults by their fertility specialists, and they all seem to agree on these. The list does sound overwhelming, but get ordering online, and you will be fine. If you are getting DHEA, make sure it is micronised, which will need to come from the States.

Good luck!!

Hi Dwrgi, thanks, I will take your advice on the exercise. It will be quite difficult to gear it down because I'm a bit of a cardio junkie, but I think I will take up gentle strolling instead.

Ok, so I've just ordered CoQ10 600mg, and Omega 3s. Ive been looking at DHEA on line. I remember another post somewhere suggesting 75mg, I think it might have been on a lil post (thanks lil :flower:). But looking at some reviews on line, I've read about guys who take it to build muscle and they are saying they get angry and violent on 25mg!! I'm a bit worried it might make me go psycho :devil: Has anyone else blown a gasket on DHEA?

Just popping in for a quickie - I haven't found I had any side effects from the 75mg micronized, high quality stuff. But these hormones have defo made me psycho biatch from hell! :devil: Maybe it'll be a good warm-up for that BFP :haha:.

I think Dash may have noticed anger - was it you Dash? Others will put in their 2 cents that was just mine!

Pebble - Oh honey, I'm so sorry you are down. :nope: Its such a shitty journey. You're only on your 3rd cycle now post-ectopic. But I know, I worried also when I got pregs back to back in Mar-April & then - nothing. Thought I'd get preggers rt away, but not until 8 friggin mos later :hissy:. I thought it would never happen & it was hell. I had missed my chance & now I was never gonna get pregs again... But you know my ending, so please don't lose hope. I just knows you're gonna get there - as Dwrgi would say "I just knows it"! :hug:

Maddy - Oh come back when you know- SOON!!!! Darn it - its only 10:22am or thereabouts there so I'm going to have to check back in the morning! Major baby :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:

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