Hey ladies can I join this thread?
Well I'm 23 years old, OH is 26 and we have a lovely little boy who is 2!
Me and OH got our first ever bfp on the 1st or 2nd cycle, I didn't really concentrate too much on my cycles but I just wanted a baby an we were absolutely over the moon!! Oh always wanted a lot of kids with close age gap, I was hesitant although I did want babies so I went on depo when my son was 10 months old! My husband wasn't happy about this at all especially reading about the side effects so I never went back again for anther shot.
We agree to begin trying but without any periods it was really hard! After a long 9 months my periods finally returned August 2013. They were really weird up until December last year where they began to regulate, I was getting a 28-30 days cycles which is normal for me!
Anyways it's almost a year since AF returned and 2 years in November since I got the shot and still no sign of a bfp!
We got one unexpected bfp in April where I only discovered I was pregnant after AF arrived by that point I was miscarrying and the hospital confirmed a miscarriage.
I guess I'm looking for support here and seems like everyone here is experiencing the same heartache
My husband is getting really effected by this because the small age gap dream he had has been ruined! Our son will be 3 in December and we don't know when we will be able to give him a sibling