TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

Sarah that is so adorable :)

Still no BFP, and NO WITCH! so fxing!!!!!!!!!
Will test in the AM. My pack of cheapies arrived 14 total YAHOO!!!!!!! Gonna be peeing for days LOL
I've got everything crossed for you, Kyles :) Can't wait to see your test!

I didn't get chance to post yesterday as was manic with getting down to the wedding & the wedding itself. I really enjoyed my soda waters :nope: I snook off to bed at 10pm & left DH to it :thumbup:

I'm still POAS every morning :blush: Here's yesterday's test and this morning's. This mornings is darker so that's good. Probably only another few days until I get a nice dark line & can stop daily testing :haha:


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Lol you little addict, you! :haha:

I did my last FRER yesterday and the test line is almost as dark as the cover line! I still have my 2 ics and a digi left so I might as well use them up but going to wait a couple of days so I csn get a nice thick line on the ics then do the digi last!

Anyway I changed my ticker at last :happydance: and yesterday we told DHs parents and my mum and step dad :) meeting my best friend for lunch later to telk her too!

How about you sazzle?

How are you feeling btw? You went to bed at 10 last night, does that mean the tiredness is kicking in already?

Total tmi but I've got diarrhea and feel all shivery, hoping its pregnancy and not a tummy bug :(
POAS addict & proud :rofl:

I've already told my sister & BFF cos they knew we were trying & with my sis being pregnant too, I wanted her to know early. I'll tell my parents today when they bring Rex home. Need to tell my mum to her face cos I think I'll need to talk her down from her inevitable stress of having both her daughters expecting at the same time! (She's a proper flapper!) We'll tell MIL & FIL when they get back from holiday this week. SIL & family aren't back from their hol until the week after so want to tell them before anyone else. I'll prob end up telling the 3 girls in my dept at work just in case I'm off it. But won't make it official at work until after my scan.

I need to get a ticker up & running. Might do it tonight after I've told my parents :)

Tiredness is already here in a big way :( The thought of being back at work is scaring me! Not sure how I'll get through it this time. I napped every day with Rex but that's not an option this time :cry:

:hugs: Sarah. Hope you're not coming down with something.
I feel fine now, must have been a pregnancy thing lol

I'm not feeling the tiredness jusy yet. But if it gets really bad I plan to go to bed when Olivia does. She sleeps 11 hours a night so that might be enough....hard to say till the time comes though! :)
I wish I could go to bed when Rex does but I have planning & marking to do once he's in bed so that's just not an option :cry: I might manage one or two nights a week tops. The joys of teaching! I'm going to try and get as much planning done as possible over the next two weeks of the hols so I can just mark on an evening. Eurgh.
Sazzler that line looks great.
Sarah awesome news that the frer is getting darker too. Looks like some sticky beans! I still have no bfp or wit h so idk. Not feeling pg prob out this month. I habe no period signs either. Idk girls.

Will keep testing but I should have seen something by now.
Enjoy the rest of your weekends. Going to be busy today for me

Sarahi hope it is just part of stmptoms. If you have been backed up for awhile im sure this would happen.Hope it stops for you!

CaCan't wait to hear what your parents say :) or how they react hahah
As predicted, my mum flapped when I told her! In fact, the first thing she said was 'I need a gin'!!! :dohh: Followed by asking how many weeks there was between us. When I said 8, she started flapping again! When she settled down she was fine! And my dad just gave me a big kiss, bless him :)
:rofl: aw bless her!!

MIL said she's going to refer to the baby as "he" lol why does nobody get that not everyone wants one of each :haha: its sweet though :)

I feel a tiny bit sick this morning and my coffee's not going down well at all DUN DUN DUN!!!! :-/

Any news yet kyles? xxxxx
Uh oh, Sarah! Hope it's the not the start of the dreaded MS :( Did you suffer last time?

The line on the IC came up straight away this morning. :happydance: Getting there! I didn't take a pic cos Rex was nagging to come downstairs & play with his cars!

I forgot the mention, I phoned the docs on Friday to make them aware of my pregnancy. It must be a quiet time at my doctor's surgery in terms of babies cos the receptionist offered me one of two appointments for this Thursday. Last time, getting an appointment was a nightmare & I had to wait for weeks. Didn't see a MW til 9 weeks last time. Will only be 5 weeks on Thursday! I asked if that was too early but the receptionist said it was better to get me in the system. Doubt they'll do my full booking appointment but I suppose it'll be good to make my pregnancy known so if anything happens, I have all the contact numbers etc. I can also sow the seed about wanting a home birth & see what reaction I get about that. I think it'll seem more real once I've seen a MW! Eeeeeek!

Excited to hear some news, Kyles :)
Oh wow that is exciting sazzle! I haven't rung my docs yet, tried this morning but couldn't getthrough. Its always really busy on a Monday morning so I'll try again tomorrow.

I didn't suffer too badly last time, I was never actually sick but felt really queasy from 6 to 10 weeks. Doesn't follow it'll be the same this time though. Smells are really getting to me today. Olivia's dirty nappy made my stomach turn this morning :sick:

Its just that dread of knowing what's coming any day now...! :haha:
Morning ladies! Still no BFP, we are on CD 35........ This is ridiculous! lol

Aww Sazzler that is great about your mom and the doc appointment. I couldn't get in till I was at least 8 weeks along with Kyle. HEHE

Sarah I am so glad you are feeling better! Aww MIL refers to "he" well I will root for a "she" :)

No symptoms here, I don't know why my body is playing tricks on me but it is NOT funny!!!!!!!

Did you both have great weekends?
Aw kyles that sucks. What is your body playing at! :dohh: :hugs:

Its been a very quiet one for us. DH was glued to the football of course. Yesterday I met a friend for lunch then we took Olivia and her little boy to the park before going to try on bridesmaid dresses for my friend's wedding in October :)

How about you?
Oh very nice!
At least you won't have to worry about not fitting in the dress :) You shouldn't be showing much by September!

There was a huge sale for kids clothes I think I mentioned so I got Kyle all set for winter this year, so excited for that.

Went and visited my sister 2 hrs aways with Kyle (hubby worked) and went to a small air show. It was really cute, lots of planes for the baby to sit in and he seemed to have a great time!!! Yesterday I did laundry ALL Day, I think my son has more clothes than me!
Sounds lovely :)

I can't wait to start buying olivia's winter wardrobe. What are the winters like where you are? Does it get really cold?
oh yes very cold! It has been light in the recent years surprisingly. But we usually have snow from November- Feb, March. From October-March it is really really cold, I hate the cold but it is so nice to have all 4 seasons hit my area, fall is by far the best ever!
You mean the snow actually stays there the whole time between November to Feb? Cool! :)

It doesn't really get all that cold here normally. We get the odd bit of snow from january to march ish but it melts after a couple of days.
Aw, Kyles :hugs: I wonder what is going on? All very strange. I'd love to have proper seasons. There's really not much difference here.

I really need to get cracking on Rex's winter clothes. He doesn't even have a thick coat! I need to sort myself out for going back to work too. And ask SIL for my mat clothes back!
Oh no, it would be nice if it stuck around hehe.
It comes and goes, depending on the temp, somedays it could stick around for weeks, but others just a dusting. Typical snow here. Nothing crazy! I always hope for the giant snow falls, where I get a get out of work free card and can have Kyle run around in it. I hope we get a lot this year just because he is coming into his own and starting to get really excited over things. The snow would be so awesome when I can see his face light up.

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