TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

I know it's not the outcome you hoped for, Kyles, but at least you can start to try again soon & aren't stuck in limbo anymore.

Anyone mind if I join in this thread? I'm 29 and currently TTC#2, on CD2 so only one day ahead of you kylesmom :)
Hi girls, sorry I didn't call in yesterday Olivia's not very well and only mummy will do :haha: she's got a cold that's gone onto her chest. she slept in our bed last night and poor DH had to sleep in the spare room. She was up every couple of hours throughout the night screaming the house down poor little thing :( DH is staying off work with her today so she'll get lots of daddy snuggles.

Kyles, kinda pleased the :witch: showed up, at least its a bit of closure and you can start again xxx :hugs: like sazzle said we'll stick this out till we all get bfps :)

Today I'm still feeling queasy but touch wood so far its only been first thing in the morning tgen I'm ok after that. I've been getting tired in the afternoons though and baby brain is upon me in a big way, yesterday I answered the phone for a colleague at 11am and the poor guy didn't get his message until 2pm :dohh:

Hi miss nat, welcome :hi: tell us a bit about yourself xxx
Hi miss_nat :wave:

How's things, Kyles? Hope the witch leaves you soon.

Was feeling really sicky this morning :( Hope this isn't the start of MS cos I couldn't handle that! However I should count myself lucky. My sis was admitted to hospital on Tuesday with hyperemesis & dehydration :cry: I went to visit her yesterday. She looks awful :( She's already 13 weeks so I hope she starts to feel better soon :(

I also can't get enough of savoury foods at the minute. This is the complete opposite to when I was pg with Rex. All I wanted then was cake & chocolate. Weird.
Sorry I was not on yesterday, Was closing a deal at work :)

Hi Miss Nat! :hi::wave:Welcome. Yahoo for Cycle day 2! I am on day 3!
Glad to welcome you :)

Oh Sarah I really hope little Olivia feels better. That is terrible :( I hate when babes are sick breaks my heart.

Sazzler I sure hope you feel better and your sister, She is in my prayers. I really hope she is ok.... Keep us updated.

I am coming down with a cold :( Oh I hate getting sick..

I'm debating on trying this cycle or not. Here is the deal ladies (opinions needed) So my cousin is getting married next June and she lives south of me, 2 days drive...... So if I get pregnant this cycle I will have a baby June 3rd and her wedding is June 2nd.... Figures I skipped over May all together because of my LONG cycle grrrr...
So I think I may postpone trying for a July/Aug baby. I don't want to miss the wedding, I haven't seen the family since my wedding! We never get to see them... What would you ladies do ?
Olivia's all better now, thanks. Actually, if you saw her now you'd never believe she'd been ill yesterday. Typical kid! :haha: I hope you're feeling better soon too, there's nothing worse than a cold :(

That's a real toughie about ttc or not this month. I don't know what I'd do really but I suppose if there's a good chance you'll be in labour around the time of the wedding then maybe it would be better to postpone. Imagine if you went into labour AT the wedding? ! :haha: plus if you say, had the baby a few days before your cousin would maybe still have to pay for your dinner at the wedding which is a bit of a shame for them. It's really hard though when your body's shouting at you that it wants a baby. I really should have waited till this month to try because of my holiday but I just couldn't bring myself to wait :haha: now I'm faced with the possibility of spending the holiday I've waited all year for with my head down the toilet :rofl:

Saz, sorry you're feeling sicky, how awful for your sister too, I hope she's better soon. Was she ok when she got married? I'm just thinking the MS must have kicked in really late for her?

I'm still a bit queasy but so far nothing I can't handle....I'm also craving savoury foods this time around whereas I wanted all sweet things last time. I'm off tea and coffee now and get this: im off chocolate too! :wacko:
Hmmm. That is tough, Kyles. I think I'd be tempted to just go for it this cycle. You don't know how long TTC could take. What will be, will be! :thumbup:

Sarah, my sis was like 9 weeks at her wedding. She was only physically sick once the whole we were away but felt queasy on a morning & had odd turns when she got too hot & felt worse. But, yeah, you're right it was pretty late. I'm off to visit her again tomorrow so really hope she looks better :( My SIL had MS really bad from 12-20 weeks. I guess it just hits some people later.

Told SIL & her DH today :) She's super excited for us & went straight up in the loft to dig out the box of maternity clothes that us & a few friends have passed around between us. With this ridiculous bloating, I think I'm gonna need them soon :dohh:

I didn't even have dessert after dinner today. I always have at least a yoghurt cos I need something sweet. But I just couldn't stomach it today :( I've had half a 2L bottle of (diet) Lilt tonight. Can't get enough of it! It tastes sooooo good!!!
Tee hee hee so kyles, it would appear me and sazzle are the little devil and angel sitting on each of your shoulders :muaha: :haha:

Come to think of it sazzle, my best friend didn't start with her MS till very late. She didn't know she was pregnant until she was something like 10 weeks and she only realised because she'd started being sick every day. My MS with Olivia started at 6 weeks and stopped and 10, just shows everyone is different.

Lol I feel like I need bigger clothes already too. I wear a lot of those stretchy pencil skirts for work and they're not looking good on me at all at the minute! I've had to dig out some of the clothes I wore when I first returned to work after maternity leave (when I was about 12lbs heavier) :(

I've become a bit obsessed with drinking squash, I normally hate squash! I've also got a big bottle of traditional (non alcoholic) ginger beer in the fridge which I've been taking a big swig of whenever I feel sick, its working wonders :)
You girls are so funny. Whatever works for MS to stay away the better!
Keep us posted on your sister Saz I really hope she is ok.

I think I am going to wait till next month to try. I just found out that I will be flying for work come the new year. And it is best to fly when you are in second trimester. So I have to wait it out. It's about a 7-9hr flight :/ So I am going to wait one more month.
In that case you're probably right to wait. we'll keep you company while you wait :) xx
That's probably the most sensible option in those circumstances. We'll be here!

My sister is still in hospital :( But she's no longer testing positive for ketones so is hoping to get off her drip today & then maybe get home.
That's good news, sazzle, hope they send her home soon.

How you feeling now?
I'm feeling pretty crappy tbh :( Nausea & food aversions galore which I'm not used to! I didn't sign up to this! I wanted another easy pregnancy like Rex's! No idea how I'm going to cope at work. Done none of the prep I should have this week :dohh:

How are you, Sarah?
Aw that sucks. :hugs: On the plus side, perhaps you've got a little pink bun in the oven this time...??

I feel a bit rotten too. Very nauseous but only fist thing in the mornings then (touch wood) it usually eases off after I've eaten. I've also got a cold coming on - probably the one Olivia had last week. Woke up with a blocked nose and a sore throat this morning :( I was naughty and I took some decongestant which I seem to think you're not allowed in pregnancy but I couldn't bear that blocked nose feeling! I figured 2 little squirts would be fine :) I'm going to have runny eggs for breakfast too. I live on the wild side! :laugh2:

Ok, so I'm starting to stress out a bit about having to be a bridesmaid next month, when I'll be 12 weeks. I tried on the dress 2 weeks ago and it was a perfect fit. I thought surely I won't be showing by 12 weeks. But I'm just so bloated! Plus I keep eating loads and I just can't stop myself :-/ I've put on 3lbs since I got my bfp! The dress is high waisted (my friend chose them especially because she knew I was ttc, bless her), but I just don't know how much give the dress has in it when it was a perfect fit to start with :nope:
:pink: or twins, I'm thinking. Please, God, not twins. Don't think I could cope with that! :nope:

Sarah, don't worry, I find eating is the only thing that helps me feel better too. But I can't stomach much & I'm then hungry & nauseous again 2 hours later :(

I think you should be fine with a bridesmaid dress at 12 weeks. Hopefully the bloat will have started to ease off by then :thumbup: That's really sweet of your friend to choose a style to fit you :)

Officially, no, I don't think you're meant to use decongestant sprays when pregnant but it's a local effect so I doubt much will have got to the baby. And as long as your eggs are lion marked & in date, you'll also be fine. You dare devil ;)
Oooh twins! Imagine that :haha: oh god how scary would that be?! You did get your bfp a bit earlier than I did and I've heard that happens with twins....along with very early and intense symptoms! I think most likely :pink: though :)

I always said I was going to eat sensibly this time around but it's just SO HARD. Like you say, sometimes we're eating just to take the nausea away and other times its like I'm absolutely starving when I know I shouldn't be. But if I didn't eat at those times I'd feel as though I was hurting the baby :( so I eat! :dohh: I guess we can't not eat but maybe we can make better choices - I went to the greengrocers yesterday and bought loads of fruit and salad stuff which hopefully will keep me off the crisps and sweets. I'm really craving dairy at the minute so I also bought some light philadelphia with peppers in and some sweet chilli crackers to spread it on. My other problem is artificial sweeteners. I put them in EVERYTHING. So now I'm really struggling. I don't like tea and coffee without sweetener but my only other option is to put sugar in, which means calories. Same goes for pop- can't have diet but don't want all the sugar in the full fat variety. I like my squash but again, artificial sweeteners in it! Ugh! I've bought some pure apple juice but its really not hitting the spot :(

Yeah I'm really grateful to my friend, when she first asked me to be bridesmaid I mentioned about how I planned to put off ttc till after the wedding and she said no way she'd let me wait! Its the hen do next weekend, I can't wait! We're going to a spa hotel and then the next day we're going to Thorpe Park! I won't be able to go on many rides but luckily there's another pregnant girl going so we can hang around together and I can still do the arcade games and most importantly - eat candyfloss! :D

Kyles, how are you getting on? xx
Hi girls. Sorry I haven't checked in. We have a holiday this weekend so I have a long weekend with one extra day off work yippie. I am doing good. I am definitely waiting till next cycle to try and going to just try to get fit in the mean time.
I hope you both start feeling better soon. I feel awful for you having the morning sickness. Sazzler could you imagine twins. I would fall over!

My hubby is a twin. I couldn't imagine havine one then 2 little ones! My boss has 2 girls and then they tried for a 3rd and ended up having a set of twin girls. 4 girls all under 4 could you imagine!!!!

So funny sarah that you mentioned philadelphia. I am going to assume you mean cream cheese. I live in the state of Pennsylvania and philadelphia is 10 min away :) the home of Philadelphia cream cheese heehee
Hi girls, sorry I didn't call in yesterday Olivia's not very well and only mummy will do :haha: she's got a cold that's gone onto her chest. she slept in our bed last night and poor DH had to sleep in the spare room. She was up every couple of hours throughout the night screaming the house down poor little thing :( DH is staying off work with her today so she'll get lots of daddy snuggles.

Kyles, kinda pleased the :witch: showed up, at least its a bit of closure and you can start again xxx :hugs: like sazzle said we'll stick this out till we all get bfps :)

Today I'm still feeling queasy but touch wood so far its only been first thing in the morning tgen I'm ok after that. I've been getting tired in the afternoons though and baby brain is upon me in a big way, yesterday I answered the phone for a colleague at 11am and the poor guy didn't get his message until 2pm :dohh:

Hi miss nat, welcome :hi: tell us a bit about yourself xxx

Thank you everyone for welcoming me in :flower:
A little about me, I'm 29 and TTC number 2 :) my hubby and I got married in June this year and we have a beautiful baby girl Ella Sienna who is 15 months old :) we are on our second month of TTC, and AF left the building 2 days ago :) trying the relaxed approach this time around, although I'm not sure how long it will last as I'm already getting inpatient haha

All this talk about MS eeeergh I hope you all feel much better soon :hugs:
I never had any sickness with my daughter, as soon as my sister fell pregnant she was sick all day every day so I knew she was having a boy, and she did :) they say you tend to follow your mum as far as MS is concerned, she never had any with me or my sister so I had a feeling I was having a girl. Perhaps those of you who have MS this time and didn't last time and are having cravings which are opposite to last time as having a baby of the opposite sex? One of each would be nice :D

Anywho, I think that's enough rambling for me hehe

Sending :dust: to those still TTC and :hugs: to those not feeling the best :)
Hi ladies,

What a lovely name you gave your LO miss nat, and she's such a cutie too! Sienna is one of the names me and DH like for this one.

So do you have a ttc plan? Temping? Opks? I temped religiously this last cycle and recorded it all in fertility friend which I found was a great help. And it obviously worked :)

I seem to be following after my mum on the ms front too. She was never all that sick with me or my sister and on the whole I've not been too bad (not compared to some at least!) With this or my last pregnancy. But then neither my mum or I have had a boy so there's nothing to compare it to. If anything I feel a tiny bit less sick than I did with Olivia but then I wasn't all that sick with her anyway. I am craving totally different foods to last time but it's still early days so who knows! I'd be happy with a boy or a girl of course, but secretly I want another girl! :)

Kyles, how nice having a lovely long weekend :)

Yes I meant the cream cheese. Mmmmmm its so good! I can't believe you live 10 minutes away from the land of cheese.......very jealous! Here we have philadelphia with chocolate in, it's well good! I like to spread it on a toasted cinnamon raisin bagel mmmmmmm!
Hi Nat,
Your daughter is beautiful!
What is your plan to TTC?

Sarah yes so close, and it is very yummy! The only cream cheese to buy :)

Sazzler how is your sister doing?

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