TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

Hi ladies
Sorry I've not been on for a couple of days. Going back to work has been hectic & not made any easier by this nausea :( Luckily I haven't actually been sick but, eurgh, the feeling sick :( I wasn't expecting this!!! And the only thing that helps is to eat :dohh: I'm going to be HUGE!!!
I think I might've overdone it at the gym yesterday though :blush: Suddenly felt really light headed during the cool down & thought I was going to go backwards off the treadmill :( Might have to ease off the more intense stuff now.
My sister got discharged on Sunday. She's been signed off work for 2 weeks & is still on her anti sickness medication. Really hope she starts to feel better soon so she can start to enjoy being pregnant.
Aw that's great news about your sister sazzle, really hope she continues to improve xx

I know exactly what you mean about the uncontrollable eating. It's like you have all these good intentions but in reality when you're pregnant its just like you have this compulsive urge to eat EVERYTHING, or like you say, to stop yourself feeling ill. Pah!

You deffo should take it a bit easier in the gym, that must have been your body telling you to slow down. I've swapped my hardest class of the week for an hour in the swimming pool as i thought the class was too much. Actually I've not been to the gym all week as DH is working away (he works away 2 weeks out of every month) so I feel really fat and lazy :blush:

MS-wise I actually feel loads better today, apart from about the first 2 minutes after I woke up this morning, I've not felt sick once. My ginger beer has gone untouched today! I still have the food aversions especially with tea, coffee and chocolate but otherwise I feel good!

I just really hope it lasts :haha:
Rex told our childminder about my pregnancy today :dohh: We've told him there's a baby in mummy's tummy but really didn't expect him to understand! Apparently the CM told her daughter to get out of the buggy cos she wasn't a baby & Rex just came out with 'my mummy's got a baby in her tummy'!!! Nice one, Rex! :dohh: She obvs asked me & I couldn't lie to her face so I told her but said it was early days.
:rofl: d'oh! Never trust a toddler to keep a secret! :)

We've told Olivia but she doesn't really get it, bless her and she can't talk very well just yet so I think we're good! :)

I'm feeling REALLY rough today :( I think my body's making up for the really good day I had yesterday. DH got home today and he wants special dinner of chicken with Wensleydale cheese wrapped in bacon in Leek sauce and I can't stomach it today :sick: but I didn't want to say no to his favourite meal when he's been away all week so I'm going have to just choke it down and hope for the best :sick: :(

I hope I'm a bit better tomorrow, I've got my friend's hen do this weekend.
I know that feeling, Sarah :sick: I had all the stuff in for risotto yesterday but I just couldn't stomach making it or eating it. So Rex & I had Alphabites, beans & veggie fingers :blush: & DH sorted himself out :(

Hope the hen do goes ok. Fingers crossed for no sickiness.
You know what, kid food is all I want at the minute too. I went shopping yesterday and came back with potato waffles, chicken dippers, turkey burgers, baked beans etc etc I NEVER want stuff like that normally :haha:
How's everyone doing?

How's the waiting going, Kyles?

And your sickness, Sarah? When do you go on hol?

I'm spending most my days feeling :sick: or utterly exhausted :cry: Can't wait for second tri for some energy! Haven't even managed to drag myself to the gym this evening. After nearly throwing up getting dinner sorted, I just didn't want to throw up on the treadmill. I feel guilty but I just don't think my legs would work tonight :(
I don't blame you hun, I haven't been to the gym in 2 weeks. DH is working away again this week so I can't go but even if he was here I don't think I'd be going. I still feel sick. I haven't actually been sick yet, ran to the toilet and wretched on Sunday morning but that was it. But I still feel rotten most days. But then some days I feel fine. Weird.

I'm not feeling too tired though. I'm in bed by 9 or 10 most nights then up at 6 with olivia. but tbh I'm normally in bed by 10 when not pregnant- I like my sleep!

We go to sunny ibiza next Friday, woohoo! :) I'm so excited, this will be our first holiday abroad in 3 years. Doesn't sound like much but pre-baby I used to be jetting off 3 or 4 times a year!

How's your sister sazzle?
Kyles, how are you doing?

Unfortunately my sis is still not good :cry: She's just been signed off work for another 2 weeks & she is still vomiting most days & struggling to eat much at all. I'm so worried about her :cry:

We hasn't been on holiday for 3 years either, Sarah, before Cyprus back in July. Enjoy your holiday in the sun! Hope the :sick: stays away.
Aww I'm so sorry your sis is still not feeling good. How awful for her. My best friend had terrible MS with her son last year, she was in hospital a couple of times. I think she finally got better around 18 weeks.
Hi Ladies, so sorry i have been crazy busy recently...........
Still waiting here.
I hope you both get to the second trimester and are free of MS!!!!!!!!!
Saz FXing for your sister, prayers everyday!!!
:wave: Kyles. How's the waiting going?

Are you back from your holiday, Sarah? How did you manage with the MS? Hope you had fun!

I'm still feeling pretty rough some days but then better on others so I'm hoping the end is in sight! 8 days til my scan & it can't come quick enough!
Hi sazzle! I'm still on holiday in sunny ibiza, Olivia's gone into the crèche for 2 hours so I'm having a little catch up on here while I have a minute to myself. We go home tonight. its been a lovely holiday but I must say I'm nackered from running around after little miss for 10 days straight. I totally get the point of the 7 night holiday now, they're for people with kids. I used to think like who would ever want to go on holiday for just one week when going for two only costs a couple of hundred quid more?! But run around after a toddler in the heat for 10 days and you soon realise why! :haha:

So my MS has completely gone. It went away at about 8.5 weeks which I thought was a bit weird. I've lost all my food aversions too. I've had the odd moment of queasy-ness just after breakfast but otherwise I've been fine. I feel completely normal in fact. Which worries me. :dohh: the only thing that makes me feel like everything's fine is that 2 days ago I had a really sore tummy all day long and ever since tthen I've had a little bump :) so that's got to be good news hasn't it?

I must be having my scan next week sometime. I'll be 12 weeks next monday. I didn't get my appointment letter before I left for my holidays so hopefully it will be waiting for me when I get home :)

Hi Kyles, how's everything? How long till you start ttc again? xxx
Hi Ladies!! Feels like forever since I have visited this site :)
I am impatiently waiting for the witch to arrive.... She is a day late, but I have a very large cyst in my ovary that is very painful :X so it is probably blocking her from coming :( I have a GYN apt in a couple weeks to see about it...
Still waiting............ Cycles are still crazy!

I am so glad you girls are doing great. YAHOO for no MS!!!!!!!!!!!!
12 weeks came so fast ! Congrats ladies and can't wait to hear more good news!
Hi kyles! :hi: I've missed you :)

Ouch that sounds really painful, sorry to hear about that :( what will the doctor do? You won't need surgery will you? I hope they get you fixed up and out of pain soon x

So I can't remember if I told you guys but I'm going to be a bridesmaid next Saturday. And before we started ttc I told her my plans and she was really nice about it and chose a dress style to suit my pregnant belly if necessary. Well I had my dress fitting today and the dress doesn't fit. Its too tight :( the dress fitter is going to let it out as much as she can so hopefully it will fit by next week but I just feel rotten about it. I feel like I've let her down by getting so fat. :cry: i know some of it is bump but I reckon a lot of it is fat too because I haven't been to the gym in weeks and I've been eating loads. She's being really nice about it and keeps saying its not my fault etc but I still feel crappy about it. She's having to pay for alterations because I'm a big fat fatty who can't stop eating :(
Hi Sarah!
I am officially on the TTC journey. so i will be on this site more often than not.

How are you feeling? Don't worry about a dress or your weight, you are creating a life :) You aren't fat, you are pregnant:)

My doc appointment is tomorrow for this wonderful cyst. SO we shall see what they say....
:wave: Hi ladies!
I keep forgetting to check this thread :dohh:
So pleased to hear you're TTC officially, Kyles :happydance: Hope the doc had good news on your cyst. Keep us updated!
I'm starting to feel better now I'm heading into second tri. Thank god! I can't wait for half term the week after next for some rest. This 8 week half term had been tough, especially with my 2.5 yr old demon toddler pushing the boundaries every hour of the day :(
I think I've made the decision to be team :yellow: I know, I know! I said I really wanted to find out to know if my wish of a daughter wasn't to be. But, my sis found out she was having a girl at her 20w scan this week & as awful as it sounds, it's a huge anti climax. It's not like finding out when baby is here iykwim. So I'm leaning more towards having a surprise now :)
Hi Sazzler!!! COngrats for the journey into second trimester!
Team yellow sounds great!
Thinking about knowing the day LO arrives has me so excited.
I really really plan to be team yellow all the way!
Good luck, have you been to the doc? Did you hear the heart beat yet? Scans?
I know deep down team :yellow: is more exciting at the end but the wait is tough going!
I've had my booking appointment with the MW & my 12 week scan. All was fine on the scan :) Baby was moving around & I saw the heart beating. Got my second MW appointment the week after next. Hopefully will get to hear the heart beat then :cloud9:
How's TTC going?! What CD are you on now?
Aww that is so exciting!!
Twam yelliw is going to be so hard. Hang in there!!!!
I am on cycle day 13. No signs yet. I saw the gyn yesterday and I have to get an ultrasound wednesday to see what is going on with the ovary pain. So more waiting :) no sign of O day in site.

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