TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

Hi girlies! Sorry I haven't been in to check on this post in ages either :blush:

Hooray for ttc again kyles, hopefully you will get some positive news after the scan xx

Sazzler, I'm in the same boat with the team :yellow: thing. We found out the gender last time and it was great being able to plan and settle on a name etc but I've always said that next time I want a surprise just so I can experience it the other way. But like you say, its such a long time to wait! It's so tempting just to find out. Especially because I really want another girl and already have a girl's name lined up that I've completely fallen in love with and, more importantly, a name that DH actually likes too :) I have 2 friends who are pregnant and they've both just found out what they're having (both girls) so that makes it even more tempting :haha:

I had my scan 2 weeks ago, all was good. Baby was bouncing around in there and using me as a slide :) I keep forgetting to make my next appointment :blush: must remember to ring them tomorrow it'll be in about 2 weeks time though. As of tomorrow I'm officially in second tri! Crazy stuff!

Have you felt any kicks yet Sazzler? I've had a few little flutters and "gas bubbles" in the last week :)
Hops the ultrasound gives you some answers, Kyles :hugs:

Yes, Sarah, I've started to feel little flutters recently. Usually just when I'm laid down on an evening watching tele or in bed. I suppose they're still too small to feel when I'm running around during the day. Can't wait to feel the bigger kicks :)
Ohhh I can't wait to join you lovely ladies up around the 13-14 week mark, I've only known I'm pregnant again for a week today and it already seems to be taking forever hahahaha
HOORAY for little flutters!

Congrats Nat!!!!!!!!!!!!! H&H9M for you!
Such an exciting time for you all :)

Are you going to find out what you are having? Or staying team (yellow) ?
Congratulations miss nat! :happydance:

How are you feeling so far?
Thank you kylesmom :) we are going to find out what we are having, I'm not patient enough to wait hahaha
Thank you Sarah :) so far good apart from what I think is a bit of sciatica already, have had pain shooting from my very lower back right down my legs into my feet :( I had a lot of lower back problems before I was pregnant with my dd Ella, and when I was pregnant with her they were even worse so I'm a bit concerned how quickly I am going to go downhill this time :/ other then that just tiredness more than anything :)
Aww Ms. Nat i do hope that pain goes away fast! I know what you mean about it, i had that for years before i was pregnant, luckily after the baby it went away. I really really hope it's not to severe and does disappear soon!!
So excited for you. Are you team blue or pink?
Hey ladies (TMI) today i noticed some stringy EWCM
But my OPK showed negative this mornig, im going to take another tonight hoping that it is positve, but the mucus is slippery.. Any idea if these are good signs?/?
Thanks kylesmom I'm hoping to be team pink but I'm happy either way as long as its healthy :) hubby keeps telling our daughter she's going to have a baby sister haha he is convinced he only produces girls hahaha
And yes that sort of cm is a good sign when you've already ov'd! D you track your cervical position through your cycle? That was my giveaway that I was pregnant is time. Mine goes high for ov then comes back really low and hard. It did that but then shot way back up and went soft me closed and soft of tiled a little sideways which is exactly how it was when I was pregnant with Ella :)
I haven't tried taking my temps, just checking my cervix and the mucus.

So news.....
Went and had an ultrasound done today on the ovary pain i have been having.
I have a 4 cm cyst on my right ovary :( My right ovary is more towards the middle instead of on the right side.
Who knows whats gonna happen. Have you ladies had any cysts before?
This one does not go away........
I think next month i am going to start temping if i don't get BFP.
I did the OPK again this morning but still not a postiive.......sigh I hate this waiting game
Yes I have had or still have cysts on my right ovary too Hun.... And this is my second pregnancy so I wouldn't be overly concerned about it :) do you guys have Spermax over there?
Hi girls,

Kyles, did the doc say anything about treatment for the cyst or will it be ok to just stay there? x

Miss nat that sciatica sounds nasty :( I hope it clears up for you x

Well, I'm having an unexpected day off work today as poor Olivia has a cold. To be honest though, I'm wondering if I should have just sent her to nursery. She was up most of the night screaming and yet this morning she pretty much stopped crying the second i got off the phone to my boss and she's been running around playing like normal ever since :dohh: :haha:
Spermax are male fertility tablets. You now how we take pregnancy tablets, well these are kind of the male version. So basically, they take one sperma. Body per day, it increases the quality and quantity of semen and improves DNA health. My hubby and I fell 4th cycle with our daughter, he took them for less than a week in our fourth cycle before I ov'd and I fell pregnant. This time he started taking them our 3rd cycle again for not even a week and we fell. My sister and her hubby took them first month they were trying and they fell first month. The are AMAZING! Not sure if you have Elevit over there (women's pregnancy vitamins) but the male version of those are Menevit. They are similar to spermax but I honestly believe spermax is better. As you can see they not certainly work! 3 times cannot be coincidence. You can buy them online or even on eBay they are 100% legal we buy them in the chemist here no prescription needed just over the shelf. I highly highly recommend them :)

Tank you Sarah I think it might actually be PGP not sciatica, I had it with my daughter when I was pregnant with her but not until further comes from my saroaliac joint it's ver awful even just sitting I have pans running right down both legs into my feet it's really uncomfortable, but the end results will be worth it :) hope Olivia is much better soon :)
I will look into the Spermax, if we don't fall PG within the next 2 months. I will look into that thanks!

I have to wait to talk to the doc next week when she is back from vacation, So we shall see what the plan of action is with this bugger in me!

poor Olivia FX'd that it was just teething maybe? And that if she is sick it is a fast cold.

Nat- i really hope that back problem clears up soon! That sounds so painful :(

Still no sign of ovulation here, looks like i should be ovulating next week :( TORTURE :p
Aw congrats, Miss Nat :D Hoping for a H&H 9 months for you :)

Kyles, at my sister's 12 week scan, they found a 5cm cyst on one of her ovaries. They said it was nothing to worry about & they're not treating it. It didn't stop her conceiving so hopefully it'll be the same for you :thumbup: Hope ovulation turns up soon for you. It's so frustrating waiting!

Hope Olivia is better today, Sarah. Hate seeing them unwell :(
Yeah definitely worth looking into they aren't that expensive either about $35AUD for 60 tablets, my hubby used 4 lol. As for the PGP it seems to come and go which is good, it's not a constant thing as yet thankfully :)

Thank you sazzle! H&h 9 months to you too :D xx
I will look into the Spermax, if we don't fall PG within the next 2 months. I will look into that thanks!

I have to wait to talk to the doc next week when she is back from vacation, So we shall see what the plan of action is with this bugger in me!

poor Olivia FX'd that it was just teething maybe? And that if she is sick it is a fast cold.

Nat- i really hope that back problem clears up soon! That sounds so painful :(

Still no sign of ovulation here, looks like i should be ovulating next week :( TORTURE :p

Very frustrating. Hopefully it will be like the cyst sazzler's sister had/has. What cd are you up to now?

No teething here, just a cold i think, although the pox has been going around her nursery lately so I'm on the lookout for spots! She got worse again yesterday but had a good sleep last night and was a lot better today. :)
Ouch! the pox oh no that is young to get them....
Keep a good eye on her :)

Today is cycle day 20! so O day should be any day now I hope.
Hubby is on board and said that we should try twice a day (i don't think i can do it) LOL
we shall see............
Lol so good of your hubby to take one for the team :haha: needs must hey! :winkwink: x

Poor Olivia, she is too little for chickenpox :( tbh though, its been a few weeks since the last case at the nursery so I'm thinking its more likely just a cold, fingers crossed.

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