TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

Kyles you're back! We were about to send out a search party for you :) how are you?

I think definitely give the undies a go for Kyle. If he's starting to dislike his nappy then he's probably ready to move on to the next stage. Olivia stayed in the same trousers and pants all day today without any accidents! Fingers crossed for another good day tomorrow :)

Saz, it probably is a good idea to let the air get to rex's finger nit whether he will leave it alone is another story. When Olivia had her cut head it was a good week or so before we could leave it plaster-free because tge little monkey kept scratching at it :dohh:

Sounds like you're getting there with the baby preparations :) what colour is rex's room going to be? We have just about finished Olivia's room, just need to wait till pay day to get the furniture :)

Kyles, what are your plans? Is Kyle moving into a big boy room?
I am around :) Sorry was a busy weekend and I usually don't get on the computer much on the weekends.

As of right now he is still in his original room. But the crib is converted. My next step is to get him into his room since it is almost all set up, painted, bed, just need to get the dresser in there. Once that is complete we should be set. We got him a lightening mcqueen twin size bed and he thinks it is more of a toy than an actual item to sleep in :/

Slowly going to start the transition. We shall see how it goes. Maybe this weekend since he is doing so good in the converted crib, i may just move that in to his new room...... Idk what to do yet though.
I'm just doing Rex's walls a light blue colour. Then he's having a dark blue carpet & white furniture. Ordered some Thomas bedding & curtains & plan to get some wall stickers. I figured, this way when he grows out of Thomas (if he ever does! He's totally obsessed & has been for over 18 months!) I can easily change it for him just with some new bedding, curtains & stickers :)

No phone call from the hospital today to say I've failed the GTT. FX I don't hear hear tomorrow either & I'll just wait for a letter to say I've passed then. I want my home birth!!!
The boys' bedrooms both sound lovely and kyke's bed sounds so cool!

I said we weren't going to redecorate the spare room for Olivia but we decided to in the end. She asked for pink walls with peppa pig and fairies. I got her a pink chandelier and have got some butterfly stickers to stick on the walls. It now looks like a marshmallow threw up in there so I'd say we have achieved the look she was going for :)

Don't be disheartened if kyle takes a while to adjust to his new room, it took about 2 weeks for Olivia to get used to hers, she was a nightmare to put to bed every night at first, I ended up having to get into bed with her. but now she loves her big (double!) bed and actually asks to go to bed on a night now! :happydance:
A marshmallow threw up :rofl: Sounds like a fab girly room to me :thumbup:

Still no phone call from the hospital today so think I'm fairly safe in assuming I passed the GTT :happydance: Will just wait for the letter for absolute confirmation. Just celebrated with a bar of Dairy Milk :haha:

I think Rex's finger is healing up nicely :) When DH took his dressing off for bath time tonight, it was noticeably different from last night. I haven't put another dressing on for bed but will put one on again in the morning so he doesn't knock it at play group.

I've been so uncomfortable with my bump today :( It's like baby is pushing trying to shove its way out. Under my ribs on the right hand side feels all stretched :( It's like baby had a growth spurt but my womb & bump need to catch up!
That's great you haven't had a call about the GTT yet, saz.

And good news for Rex too. It really doesn't take them long to heal does it. Bless him

Deffo must be a growth spurt, they suck don't they! I had one last weekend. I just felt full to bursting all the time with loads of round ligament pain :( my LO has become very active lately, and seems to have lodged himself (I'm sure its a boy now because he's so awkward, stubborn and lazy) under my ribcage and somehow manages to kick me constantly in the ribs and under my belly button at the same time. How is that even possible?! It feels like they're stretching right out straight!

Anyone else REEEALY glad they're not having twins?? :haha:
Oh god, I'm soooooo glad not be having twins!! I think I grow big babies so two big babies in there?! I don't think I could cope! Feeling slightly less stretched today. My bump must've caught up with baby. I think I've genuinely forgotten just how big I got last time :dohh: I mean, I have photos but I just don't remember the feeling of being huge. It's going to fun working right up & running around after Rex, that's for sure!
Same here! Olivia wasn't a big baby but I carried big, must have had a lot of water in there! At one point in the third tri my fundal height was so big if I'd measured 1cm bigger I would have been off the chart. I was massive. At 30 weeks people would be absolutely amazed and appalled that I still had 10 weeks to go and I constantly got asked if I was having twins :(

I think I am smaller this time round, i must be because I haven't had half as many comments about my size :)

There is only one photo of me pregnant the last time and it was only taken because my mum insisted on taking one. She now displays it proudly on her Facebook where all can see. I look like an elephant :(
:haha: I'm sure you don't look like an elephant, Sarah! Luckily all the pics I have are just of my bump (I took fortnightly bump pics) so you can't see how big the rest of me got, thank goodness!

Just had my letter to say I officially passed the GTT. :happydance: I knew I didn't have GD. Why won't health professionals believe you can just have a larger baby without anything being wrong?! :dohh:

I hope my fundal height doesn't measure big this time. I was never more than a couple of cms in front last time & caught up at the end & was spot on. I must have been the opposite to you, Sarah... I must've been all baby & hardly any fluid! Although, the amount that came out when my waters broke, it definitely felt like there was a lot!

They're already saying I might need growth scans after Rex was a 'big baby' so measuring big would give them just the ammunition they need to stop my home birth :( Supppose we'll find out next week at our next appointments :)
Hooray for Rex feeling better! And Awesome news about the GTT!

Sarah the room sounds awesomely delicious :) LOL
Don't worry about the pictures, I took one every 4 months with Kyle because i was 30 lbs lighter and all belly! This time around NO WAY! I am huge and i look like I have a small gut not a baby :(

Growth spurts are fun aren't they :( Try to stay as comfy as possible!

I am currently sick with a cold :( Just went to the doc to make sure it was just a cold, she said if i strike a fever to take an antibiotic. UGh not being about to take anything but Mucinex sure does suck!
:hugs: Kyles. I'm on the tail end of yet another cold now so you have my sympathy. I'd recommend hot water with honey & lemon to sooty your throat. And an Olbas oil inhaler if you guys have the Olbas brand over there? I remember Sarah recommending a saline nose spray like the one for babies last time I was ill too so that could help clear your nose.
yes, I have a saline nose spray thankfully, the throat is now so itchy grr.. Tea and water around the clock :) Thank you for the positive vibes. Glad you are at the tale end!
Aww sorry you're both feeling yucky :(

Yes, saline spray and olbas oil - good. And the honey with lemon is surprisingly effective for tickly throats.

Olivia started with a bit of a cough again last week but luckily it never came to anything. I really hope I can get through the next 3 months without catching another one!

Actually while we're on the subject of pregnancy-friendly medicines are either of you guys suffering from indigestion? I've got it so bad at the moment and at my wits end with it. The worst part is the acid reflux. I go to bed on a night and I can feel everything I've eaten coming back up into my throat (sorry tmi maybe) i feel like I'm constantly full when I'm actually not too. I've been taking tums/rennies but a) its not really working and I'm having to take nearly half a packet a day and b) the texture of them make me feel sick.

Is there anything else I can take or do? I've seen liquid gaviscon in the shops but its like a fiver a bottle so I don't wanna buy it unless I know it's going to work. Or would the doctor be able to give me something stronger?
My SIL had horrendous heart burn in her first pregnancy, Sarah, & the doc gave her industrial size bottles of Gaviscon on prescription, so free to us :thumbup: Maybe the MWs could prescribe that too if you ask next week? I remember ribbing my SIL something rotten cos wherever we went, she'd bring this huge bottle of Gaviscon & in the end was just necking it straight from the bottle :haha:
:haha: that'll be me in a few weeks' time I bet!

I'm not going to the midwife next week :( I left it too late to ring up for an appointment and they couldn't fit me in till the week after :blush:

I'll try some of that liquid in the meantime.
Oh no :( Thats rubbish about your MW appointment, Sarah :( Our's book your next appointment while you're there. This ones been booked since 16 weeks!

Definitely get some Gaviscon liquid in the mean time. Hope it helps :hugs:

On with decorating Rex's room today. Making progress at last!
That's loads better than my doctors, we can't book more than 3 weeks in advance :(

The gaviscon is fantastic. Only trouble is I got through half a £5.50 bottle yesterday :-/ I might have to see if I can get in to see the doctor next week or its going to cost me a fortune!

Good to see you're getting there with rex's room :)

We're going to take Olivia to soft play this morning. Its going to be a big skive for me, I can't run around the climbing frame with her anymore so I get to sit and drink coffee while DH does it all :D
Rex's room is all painted. Dead pleased with the colour :) Carpet is being fitted on Thursday. We're getting there!

I'm shattered though! And so was Rex from a busy weekend with his grandparents. I didn't even get to finish his story tonight before he was fast asleep. Bless him :cloud9:
Yay, nearly there! I bet he'll love his new thomas room :)

Olivia's still going through her pain in the bum phase :( you name it, she kicked off about it today. Didn't want to brush her teeth, use the potty (or put a nappy on) her cup was the wrong colour, she wanted to help me sew a button on her pyjama top and kicked off when I wouldn't let her play with the scissors, didn't want a bath, deliberately threw water on the floor, ate crayons when I told her not to, everything I asked her was met with a resounding "NO!" Then wouldn't go to bed. Ugh! Why am I having another one again? :wacko: :shrug:
It honestly just her age, Sarah, don't worry. The time around 2.5 was bloody awful for us but he's so much better now. I'm sure by the time baby comes, Olivia will be back to being an angel :)

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