TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

Oh, no, Kyles. 6am isn't at all for us :nope: :dohh: Pre-6am wake ups are a pretty regular thing in our house :( But then on work days, I do get up at 6.15 so guess it's not surprising that Rex is an early riser.

Still no sign of my sister's baby :( Was really hoping it might make an appearance while me & Rex were here to stay. Looks like I'll me coming back up some time soon unless it decides to come tonight.

Really looking forward to the new series of OBEM tonight :D
Oh wow she is due already! That came fast!

Yes 6AM is a normal wake up time in our household too :(
I leave usually around 6:45 with him. But he has been a 5:30-6am riser recently. Of course today I have to wake him up. How come this kid won't sleep in on the weekends like other normal kids lol.

I have my 20 week ultrasound appointment this Friday. I hope we don't find out the sex. I really want to stay strong at NOT KNOWING!!!! I hope they don't tell us.
Technically she's not due til a week tomorrow but baby is fully engaged & she's been having back ache & period type pain the past few days so I was really hoping baby might come out :( She's also been told by the MW that hyperemesis babies often come early so I think everyone thought she night go early. But :nope:

Can't believe your 20 week scan is here already, Kyles! Exciting! Stay strong & remain :yellow: :) It's the best surprise when you look at that baby :thumbup:
Aww shame your sis hasn't had her LO yet, saz. Hopefully she will soon and it means you get to go see them again soon :)

Kyles: think yellow thoughts! :yellow: :yellow: :yellow: :) you'll be fine, just tell them as soon as you go in that you don't want to know x
Aww Saz it sounds like that baby is ready! I hope she isn't in to much pain!
Very exciting time for your family!

Team yellow all the way for sure!!!!!!! We have a girl name picked out finally! No boys names yet.... Let's hope this is a girl lol

The name would be Amelia Margaret
(Margaret) is my mother's name.
Aw, I love the name, Kyles :)

We still can't fully decide on names. What I love, DH isn't so keen on. Typical! For a boy I like Leo & Eva for a girl. I'm sticking to the short names theme :haha:

We came back home today. Sod's law, my sister's baby will put in an appearance tonight now I've driven back & got all unpacked :dohh:
Those are lovely names ladies :)

We decided on ours ages ago - Eden Lilly for a girl and Wesley James for a boy but just last week DH suggested Jasmine for a girl (middle name still Lilly as its after my grandma) so if we do have a girl we will have to see which name suits her best :)

Saz, I have no doubt your sister's baby will make an appearance soon, seeing as you've just gotten home. In fact I bet baby waits till you've just gone back to work after half term :haha:

So Olivia has been acting strange today, she saw a worm on the driveway this morning and completely freaked out. DH calmed her down and they even waved goodbye to the worm but tonight she kept getting upset and saying there's worms everywhere. She said there were worms on the carpet, the sofa and she wouldn't sit down in the bath because she thought there were worms in the bath! It's really weird, up until today she liked worms and now she's terrified of them :shrug: she kept asking to be carried about so the worms wouldn't get her. Eventually I managed to convince her that the worms had gone because daddy had frightened them all away and she did this really creepy manic sort of laugh that lasted ages and then completely changed the subject. she's not mentioned the worms again since. Really weird!! :wacko:
Yeah, you're probably right, Sarah. Baby will wait til it's due date next Tuesday when I'm back at work to appear then I'll have to make a fleeting visit to be at work on Wednesday :dohh:

Toddlers are strange with their phobias. I think you dealt with it perfectly by acknowledging it & not trying to convince her that there weren't any worms. Rex has a fear of spiders. I blame my sister! She's petrified of them & once picked a throw up at my mum's & completely freaked cod a spider dropped out if it, all witnessed by Rex :dohh: When he sees them, I just catch them & chuck them outside & when he has dreams about them & gets upset, I do the same. Seems to work so far. He won't even touch fake spiders :dohh: My sister can pay for the therapy!! :haha:
Aww poor Rex, it seems it only takes one incident to make them scared :nope:

Olivia's still scared of the worms this morning. DH had to carry her down the stairs first thing. Shes not doing it as much as last night so thats something. I just tried what you said, picking up the imaginary worm and putting it in the bin - she seemed satisfied after that.
Glad she's happy with you 'dealing' with the worms. Their imaginations are so good at this age that it must be hard for them to figure what's real & what's not :(
Oh worms! Maybe she had a bad dream about them and that's what spiked it! So glad she is past it!!!

All of those names sound lovely girls! I can't wait! I need a boy name still lol. I am sure this will be a boy because we are all set with the girl name lol
It was very strange. She's been better tonight, DH said she mentioned the worms once but since I've been home (touch wood) she hasn't mentioned it :thumbup:

Kyles, not necessarily, if you can only think of girls names maybe its because you subconsciously know it's a girl :winkwink:

Saz, has that cheeky baby of yours turned head down again yet?
I think it is head down again. I'm feeling the hiccoughs low down again. But it's ridiculously active compared to what Rex was like that I'm pretty sure it flips & rolls numerous times a day - breach, transverse, head down. I just hope that when it finally settles in one position, it's the right one!

Eurgh, Rex is back to driving us mad at bedtime again :( It was 9.30 when he finally crashed & fell asleep last night & he's still going today. Currently telling DH to 'do away' :dohh: No idea what's up with him. Think he just likes to keep us on our toes :shrug: He's such a nighttime pest!!
Lol I know that feeling, this LO is way more active than Olivia was! I've found that I can rock him/her to sleep already though, we have "bouncy" office chairs at work and when he/she starts kicking I can make it stop by rocking in the chair. So cute! :cloud9:

My LO doesn't seem to change position much, I've been getting kicked in the same spot just under my ribs for weeks now but I've no idea whether its feet or elbows I'm being kicked with. Hopefully feet though :)

Nightmare Rex is playing up at bedtime again. Olivia goes through phases of not wanting to go to bed every couple of months and its such a pain. Just when you think they're sorted it starts again. For us there's usually a trigger, like a change in routine - maybe from when you took him to your mum's last week? Did his bedtime routine/sleeping arrangements change while you were away?
Aw, that's so cute that you can rock baby to sleep, Sarah :) Lools like you'll have tired arms when they're on the outside!

I keep his bedtime routine when at my mum's but obviously it's a different bath, bed etc. Usually, he's not affected by staying there. We go about once a month to visit & stay. This time just seems to have affected him :shrug: I don't know if it's the visit plus residual effects from losing the dummy & switching bedrooms/beds. Last night he went down at 9, half an hour earlier than the night before so maybe we'll get back to normal by the end of the week :(
Aww Saz so sorry about Rex's sleeping, hopefully he gets back on track real soon! It is frustrating I'm sure!

Glad to hear baby is head down again! Let's hope that he/she stays that way!

Sarah that is so awesome that you can rock them to sleep LOL... I agree with Saz your arms will be busy!!!

Wow you guys are at 32 weeks already! That is so insane! I can't believe how far along you are. I am eagerly waiting to find out what you are having and to see pics. 2 months to go. Unreal!!!
Rex's bad sleep could be a mixture of all those changes or actually just a coincidence, I hope he gets back into his routine again soon. Its stressful for us mummies when they go through their little phases!

Ha ha I probably will have tired arms. I did splash out on a mamas and papas swing a few months ago so fingers crossed that might do the job instead :)

Kyles, that is super scary to think we only have 2 months to go, where on earth has the time gone?! :shrug:

Well I put Olivia to bed half an hour ago then put my pyjamas straight on, brushed my teeth and I'm now in bed too :) I've been absolutely shattered again today so I'm hoping an early night will sort me out! :thumbup:

By the way we've had no worm-related incidents at all today! :happydance:
2 months to go and sooooo much to do! Argh!!! :wacko:

Glad to hear there's no worm incidences today, Sarah :thumbup: I always put my PJs on after dinner in time for Rex's bath time so I don't he my clothes soaked :haha: I've also taken to watching TV in bed once Rex is settled cos I'm more comfy. I'm a lazy bum!

I need to check if our swing still works, you've reminded me, Sarah. We got it second hand last time & it was getting a bit slow & creaky by the end so not sure if we'll need a new one. Having said that, I don't think this baby will enjoy being held to sleep cos every time anyone (including me!) put their hands on it, it wriggles away :( I might be lucky & get a baby that actually likes to sleep alone!

Rex went to sleep by 8.30 tonight. We're getting earlier! Hopefully back to normal 7.30/7.45 soon. FX.
Lol that is very lazy, saz. Having said that if I had a tv in my room i'd be in there all day :)

Aww I'm sure your little bub will love cuddles!

I think Olivia has somehow caught Rex's bad sleep thing. So much for my early night, last night she woke up at 12:00 and cried, then after that it took me till about 2am to fall asleep again and then she woke up again at 3am so I got into bed with her. Nightmare! So I'm still shattered today :(
Oops, sorry for passing on the bad sleep, Sarah :( Hope Olivia sleeps well tonight for you.

It was our niece's bday party today at a play centre. Oh god, it was manic :wacko: Thankfully Rex was a little star & played great on his own cos I don't think I'd have been getting on the play frame today :nope: He had his face painted as a pirate too. He looked so funny, bless him :haha:

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