TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

Sarah sorry about the sleep paterns :( Hope she is ok tonight!

Aww Saz a pirate! So cute, I don't think i could ever get Kyle to sit long enough for his face to be painted LOL

Today is the day! In about 3.5 hrs i get to see the peanut again YAHOO!!!!

TEAM :yellow: all the way!
Totally cute saz, I bet he enjoyed being a pirate :)

Oooh kyles I'm excited to hear about your scan! I hope all was well. Do you have a picture for us?
He did love being a pirate but was very put out that the lady put fake stubble on his chin & Jake (from TNLP) doesn't have 'black on his face' :haha:

Eurgh, ladies, I woke up this morning feeling so sick. DH got up with Rex & tried to go back to sleep but I only dozed. Then I threw up at 9.30 :( Managed to keep sipping water & just had a couple of plain biscuits so will see how I go now. Pretty sure it's pregnancy related & not a bug cos not having any stomach cramps like you do with a stomach bug :( This baby has made me feel so much worse than Rex ever did :( Sp glad it's Saturday & DH is home! They've been out to a play centre this morning & now Rex is snuggled in bed with me watching Thomas :)
Aw saz I hope you feel better.

Scan went good. Baby is 11 ounces and the heart rate was 149. I have to go back in two weeks for a better scan of the spine. All went well! Will post pics on Monday. BaBy was so active! Kyle went with us he did ok.... we stayed strong and didn't find out. Yahoo!!!!
Oooh that's a fast heart rate, kyles! I wonder if that means its a girl??! :thumbup: can't wait to see the pictures :)

Saz, I hope you're feeling better soon :hugs:
Thanks, ladies. I stopped being sick late morning & was just left washed out. DH was a star & looked after Rex all day so I could stay in bed. Feel better today but my stomach is still a bit delicate. I've never had so much nausea & vomiting as in this pregnancy. Think my stomach must be sensitive to bugs for some reason :shrug:

I tell you what though, a wriggly baby while you cope with sickness is not good fun! :nope: It was kicking my ribs/stomach constantly & that wasn't helping at all! It was probably protesting at the lack of food but I wasn't happy about that either!

Glad to hear your scan went well, Kyles :) I agree with Sarah... That sounds like a girl's heartbeat to me :thumbup:
Glad you're feeling better sazzle, how awful it must've been getting kicked while throwing up :( baby probably thought it wasn't all that nice either :haha:

I'm starting to have my Wednesdays off as from this week so today is my last day before getting a day off. In fact, i worked out this morning that I will not work another Wednesday for more than a year! :happydance:

And its 5 weeks on Friday we finish for maternity leave! :happydance: :happydance: good times! :)
Here is baby # 2!


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Awww beautiful kyles! :D

what's the last picture? Is it a foot? :)

Edit: silly me, I've just seen it actually says on the picture "foot" :haha:
No, it can't have been too pleasant listening to me throw up from the inside. Poor baby!

Part time is def the way to go, Sarah :thumbup: Enjoy your day off. I work 3 days but no rest for me unfortunately cos I have Rex on my 2 days off. Normally it's lovely spending time with him but I'm rapidly running out of energy :(

These next 5 weeks can't go quick enough! Starting to seriously regret my decision to work so long this time cos of how tired I am. I'm also starting to get the slightest bit if puffiness in my feet after a full day teaching & that's only going to get worse from now on :( Can't wait for that Easter holiday to arrive!

Aaawww, fab pics, Kyles. They're so clear. Wish I was good at gender guessing but alas I'm not!
I know what you mean, saz. Although I don't quite feel at the point where I'm absolutely exhausted and can't go on just yet, it scares me a bit how rapidly my energy levels went downhill from being so fit 2 weeks ago that I could walk the 20 minutes from station to my office and keep up no problem with my non - pregnant colleagues; to being almost completely crippled with swollen legs, tired, aching feet, unable to walk anywhere without waddling etc etc.. I worry I might suddenly get even worse and not be able to make the journey to work anymore :-/

Kyles unfortunately I'm no good with the whole skull theory thing either, I can never tell the difference between boy and girl skulls even when they've already been labelled :haha:
Oh girls :( My heart breaks for the pain you are both in... The end is the WORST isn't it :( I am NOT looking forward to that! Especially when I am at 32 weeks I will be on vacation... BLAH...... I hope you both get a little jolt of energy sent your way!

No worries about the skull theory :) Everything I read says boy or girl LOL I am very excited to meet this baby.

I went through all my "newborn" box of clothes and found out they are ALL winter :( maybe a few onsies i can use :( Sigh... Good thing there is a consignment sale coming up on Friday that I am taking hubby to. We are going to shop our hearts out getting baby clothes and Kyle's summer clothes.

Kyle is officially in 3T-4T clothes. Nothing that he has anymore Fits! I can't believe how quickly this kid grows :)
Thanks for the sympathy, Kyles. It really does suck at the end :cry: But not all that long to go now really.

The one benefit of having babies pretty much exactly 3 years apart... All the clothes are in the right season & completely reusable! :thumbup:

Sarah, I also feel like I've rapidly deteriorated :( Working til 38 weeks?! What were we thinking?! :dohh:

My sister is in labour!! :D Still early on. She's contracting every 6 mins & they've been steadily increasing since about 5pm. Hope this is it! And very considerate of baby cos tomorrow is my day off! :happydance:
I think we'll be in a similar situation with clothes to you kyles. Olivia was an agust baby and this one will be April. So the newborn clothes should be fine but anything bigger than about 0-3 and we will be off-season. Kyle is in 3-4s? Olivia has is only just started fitting comfortably in her 2-3s and we still sometimes have to fold the sleeves up. She's tiny! She takes after her daddy who is only 2 inches taller than me :haha:

I know, saz what were we thinking?! I'm sure it must have been your idea! :haha: :winkwink:

Great news about your sister! :) hope everything goes well. keep us posted x
oh Saz how awesome!!!!!!!!! So excited for your family and your sister!!!!
Perfect timing :)

Yea Kyle is soooooooo tall Sarah, it's insane! When people look at him they think he is 3 going on 4 :(

We officially have nailed down teaching him, his age, his name, his address, his phone number and how to count to 10 in spanish! He can already count to 30 in English just wanted to try the Spanish version and he nailed it LOL

He does NOT get his brains from his mommy! Must get them from his daddy!
Wow kyles that's incredible for his age! Olivia still can barely string a sentence together, bless her. She can count to 10 but usually misses out number 7 :haha:
awww that is so cute! I wish i could upload a video of him doing all his silly things. He skips number 21 EVERYTIME! It's really cute.

We have had so many potholes this winter with all the snow and he calls them Popples.
not sure if you would remember them or had them. They were these little animals that you could stuff into a pouch and pull out. They were pretty cool. Kyle has NO clue what I am talking about but every time i hear him say it It brings me back to the 80's-90's :)
Ha ha yes I remember popples! :) my first year primary school teacher used to live in a village called Poppleton and I used to think that was where all the popples lived :haha:

That's really cute kyle calls them that :)
I remember Popples too, Kyles :)

Kyle must be tall for his age cos Rex is only just needing age 3-4 clothes & he's older than Kyle. People comment that Rex is big for his age but I don't think he is :shrug: That's so clever of Kyle to be able to do all those things too :thumbup:

Urgh. I still do not have a new niece. My poor sister has been stuck in a very slow early labour since Wed afternoon :( I feel so sorry for her. She's struggling to get any decent amount of sleep & is just in limbo waiting for the real thing to kick in :( Her contractions get up to 5 mins apart then just die out again for a few hours before starting again. I hope that established labour kicks in soon for her or they induce her to put her out of her misery :(
oh that is awful :(
Can they give her pitocin to bring the contractions along faster?
How far is she dilated?
That has to be so awful.
Is she home? Or in the hospital?
To help she should drink LOTS of water, it should ease the contractions a lot for her if she isn't ready.

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