TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

She's at home. Hospitals here will not allow you to stay in until you're in established labour & she isn't yet. She was only 1cm dilated & 100% effaced on Thursday when she went in :( Over here, they really aren't keen on inducing labour with the pitocin drip unless it's absolutely necessary & as her's & baby's obs are ok they don't do it until she's 10 days overdue (not til a week today).
That is AWFUL!!!!!!!!!! I feel so bad for her :(

When i was in labor they pumped me full of saline to stop the contractions for the time being. I was only 1 cm dilated as well. It worked. But Kyle was breach so we did the C-section that morning.

I really hope she gets some soothing relief soon. Even though that sounds IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!! Prayers to her :)
Oh that sounds awful Saz :(

I hope she gets going soon, there's nothing worse than slow labour. How is she today?

The hospitals here are just useless, kyles. I was left at home labouring for 3 days with Olivia. The first day I was very much like saz's sister so they said stay home and that was fine but the last 2 days I was in agony and the hospital refused to believe I was in established labour and wouldn't even let me come in to be checked. The advice I got over the phone at lunch time on day 3 when i called them to beg for help was that it was my first baby so I obviously didn't know what was happening, that I should take some paracetamol and a hot bath and basically piss off. A couple of hours later I started needing to push and they finally let me go in, where they found me to be fully dilated. Olivia was born a couple of hours later. And guess what they wrote on my hospital notes, (Obviously to cover their own backs) "length of time in established labour- 2 hours"! :growlmad:
WOW. That is crazy! I feel bad for you guys. Thank goodness I live here for that reason....

Saz any progress today?
She's currently fully dilated. At long last!! I'm (im)patiently waiting for news & to meet my new niece :)

She's had an awful time. They eventually let her stay at the hospital at 4.30 this morning but only cos she's suddenly lost a lot of blood & they weren't sure where from. Baby was happy thankfully but back to back so they examined her & she was 4cm so they broke her waters. She quickly got to 6cm but then things stalled again. Still concerned about the bleeding, they put a clip on baby's head for monitoring & put her on pitocin & she had pethidine. She got to fully dilated just before 2 so assuming she's pushing now. I'm a nervous wreck here!!!
Oh the poor girl, how awful, bless her :(

Fingers crossed everything went OK since your last post and baby has now arrived safe and sound? x
Baby arrived safely at 5.45pm after a forceps delivery in theatre with full spinal block as they were envisaging a EMCS :cry: but my sister was a star & managed to push her little girl out with help from the forceps. She looked awful even we first got to the hospital but after throwing up, she looked much better by the time we left. So relieved that they are both doing ok. It's been a very long, anxious day!
Aww I feel so bad for her. Thinking happy thoughts and hoping your baby niece has arrived!!!
Aw I'm so pleased baby is finally here, I hope she's feeling better very soon.

You have a new niece saz! :happydance:
Congratulations!! So glad she is feeling better. Poor girl! Hooray for a new niece. Enjoy her :)
I have a poorly little man :cry: Rex has had a dry cough for the past two days but during the day at the childminder's, it's turned into a full on cold. He's full of it, poor little thing, even his eyes are puffy :( I won't hold my breath for much sleep tonight & not sure if I'll be able to go to work tomorrow. Will have to see how he is in the morning.

In other news, I have my first swollen ankle of this pregnancy thanks to a full day of teaching :( Laid with my feet up now but really hoping it goes down again. I also had to invest in a bottle of Gaviscon at the weekend due to heart burn that just wouldn't shift :( Oh the joys of the last few weeks :dohh:

But it's all worth it when you get a beautiful baby at the end of it like my gorgeous niece :D I'm so in love with her already! :cloud9: I already have a niece & nephew from my SIL & love them to pieces but (I know I shouldn't say this!) I feel a much stronger bond to my sister's baby. I guess it must be cos it's my little sister's LO :shrug: idk
Aww Saz so sorry Rex is ill. Kyle has a major cold too! Wet cough thankfully, fevers non stop. He has finally come around today... Still sick as ever though. No sleep here :)

Swollen ankle YUCK! That was the worst for me! UGh the joys of pregnancy :) All rewarding in the end.

Glad baby and mommy are doing good!
I think we might have had the worst day of Rex's cold today :( He's had a temperature today too & didn't yesterday. Nasty bugs :( I have enjoyed snuggles with my poorly little man though :) Really hoping he's a bit better tomorrow cos we have the dentist & midwife tomorrow so will have to drag him out twice :(
Aww. yea it will get better. I gave Kyle 2 full days of cuddles and today he is doing better and eating! Thank goodness they heal fast. Feel so sad being so helpless and you know how uncomfortable they are :(

Lots of rest and water!
Poor Rex and kyle! hopefully they are over the worst of it now. Lol I'm also guilty of secretly enjoying those poorly toddler cuddles :)

Oh the swollen ankles, I know all about those, I've had permanent cankles for a couple of weeks now. When I take my socks off there's a ridge that goes all the way around where the socks have been :dohh:

I was at the midwife's today. Everything is well and baby is head down, yay! :) I start going every 2 weeks from now on. How exciting :)
Glad to hear your check up went well, Sarah. :)

Fingers crossed I get the same positive outcome tomorrow. I'm pretty sure it's head down now but will see what they reckon. Also worried about measuring big cos I feel HUGE! I'll be there every 2 weeks from now on too. Makes a change from the pretty much non existent appointments we've had up until now!
Huge FX for an upside down baby today saz! I know how much that home birth means to you x

I've been feeling huge as well, I had a massive growth spurt a couple of weeks ago and have slowed right down so I thought I'd be measuring big for sure but yesterday's measurement was still bang on the 50th centile line, same as I've been all along this pregnancy :)

Lol I was actually a bit shocked yesterday when she said i was allowed to come back in 2 weeks :haha:

midwife also said I need to fill in my birth plan section of my notes before i go again and I've no idea what to write. I've never done a birth plan before but when I told MW about my last birtg experience she said I should write one but because the trouble with my last labour was that they wouldn't let me go in till nearly too late surely it makes no difference if I put that on my birth plan as they won't see it till I get there anyway :shrug:

are you guys writing one?
I never wrote a birth plan before. Don't think I plan to this time either.

Congrats on a head down baby!!!! Yahoo!!!
Saz I hope you get a head down baby as well today (FXing)

Kyle is on the up and up, still mucus coughing but sleeping through the night and turning back around to the happy baby I love :)

Had my monthly check up yesterday. Baby is doing good, heart rate is 155.

Doctor said that I am a perfect candidate for a V-back. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited!!!!
Let's hope this baby flips upside down so I can deliver the right way rather than a C-section!!! I would be sooooo happy!!!!!
Baby is head down :happydance: You just need to stay that way now, please, baby!! Everything was fine. I am measuring 2cm bigger but she says that's nothing to worry about. Heart rate is 136 so I'm thinking :blue: again :( My next appointment will be at home so she can talk through my birth plans & see where I want to birth etc. & bring me a home birth pack :)

I didn't do a birth plan last time, Sarah. I didn't see the point cos I had no idea what to expect having never given birth before :haha: I have firmer ideas this time but then this labour could be completely different so they might go out the window anyway. I think I might just jot down a few things that are important to me like not being made to push laying on my back & immediate skin to skin.

That's fantastic news on the VBAC, Kyles! :D

Glad to hear Kyle is on the mend. Rex has turned a corner too. He's not had a temp today & has actually been playing, not just sat on the sofa.
Oh Happy Day for everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So glad baby is head down yahoo!!!!!!!!!!
If the heart rate is low you think that is boy? 136? So if mine is 155 it's girl right LOL (Wishful thinking) HEHHE

So excited for you both!!!!

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