TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

So 'they' say (whoever 'they' are :haha: ) a heart rate of <140 means a boy & >140 means a girl. Could be an old wives' take though. Who knows! Will just have to patiently wait for baby to pop out & show me the goods :rofl:
A good day all round then girls! So pleased saz's baby is head down and kyles is looking good for a VBAC :happydance: and great news your little boys are both on the mend! :)

Will be interesting to see if the heart rates do actually mean anything, only time will tell i suppose. My MWs never actually tell me what the heart rate is :shrug: so I just go by what it sounds like. I still think this one sounds slower than olivia's did but who knows lol

apparently there is a birth plan section in my maternity notes so I'm going to have a read and try and put something together. I don't think I'll write much though as I'm not convinced they'll read it anyway :haha:

Well if the heart sounds different "they" also say if the heart sounds more like a chugging train its a boy, if it's a flutter its a girl. I have NO clue where people come up with this stuff lol.
Hope you've both had lovely weekends, ladies :D

I sneaked off to my mum's again so I could have more baby snuggles with my gorgeous niece :cloud9: We spent all afternoon with them yesterday :) I can't believe that in a few weeks, I'll have one of these tiny babies living with us. Eeeeeek! Next weekend will be spent sorting the nursery & digging things out of the loft & garage to get us ready. Then there's just my home birth box to sort out.
Hi girlies, we've had a lovely weekend, thanks. On Saturday we went into town so Olivia could buy a present for her new baby brother or sister. Olivia has always had a jelly-cat rabbit which was a baby shower present and she absolutely adores it so we wanted to get a similar soft toy for the baby. Olivia chose a panda bear straight away and even after we'd made sure she'd seen all the soft toys in the shop she was still adamant the babywould like the panda bear best. Then as we were paying for it she went up to my tummy and said "baby, you'll like panda" and gave my tummy a kiss :cloud9:

Aww I bet those new baby snuggles were great, saz! I can't wait till we have ours too! :)

What's going in your home birth box? I made a start on my hospital bag last week but didn't get very far lol I'm going to have another go at it on Wednesday as well as washing some baby clothes! :) xx
Aaawww, that's so cute of Olivia. Bless her :)

My birth box will just be things I'll need for the labour & immediately afterwards. Shower curtains, sheets, towels & a lamp for the labour. Rubbish bags for afterwards as well as maternity pads etc. for me & an outfit for baby once skin to skin is done. There'll also be a small box in the kitchen for the midwives with tea, coffee & biscuits in it. Best keep them happy :haha:

I'm also meant to pack an emergency hospital bad in case of transfer so I might actually put the things for afterwards in a bag rather than the box so I can grab them if I need to transfer for any reason.

My next appointment is a home visit to talk about where I want to labour etc. I might have more ideas of what I need to put in the box after that.
Oh its going to be so lovely for you being able to just snuggle with your new baby straight away at home for as long as you want. No nurses sticking their nose in every five minutes, no crappy hospital food, nobody telling your DH that visiting hours are over etc :)

Yes, tea and biscuits for the midwives is a must, i reckon chocolate hobnobs would get you the maximum brownie points :haha:

Good idea putting your after-birth things in a bag, hopefully you won't need to go into hospital but if you do at least you can just grab the bag and go.

what do they use the lamp for????
Oh its going to be so lovely for you being able to just snuggle with your new baby straight away at home for as long as you want. No nurses sticking their nose in every five minutes, no crappy hospital food, nobody telling your DH that visiting hours are over etc

These are my no. 1 reasons for wanting a home birth in the first place! I just want to have a lovely shower in my own bathroom, then get in my own bed & have newborn snuggles with DH & Rex without them getting shoo'd out the door. Then our immediate families can also visit & not be restricted to visiting hours. And I can eat & drink what I want!

I've already got the midwives one of those Victoria biscuit selections so I hope they're impressed :haha:

The lamp is for doing internals just in case it's the middle of the night & you've got the lights down low.
Aww that sounds lovely, saz :)

Ooh a Victoria selection, that's even better than chocolate hobnobs :D
Aww hi ladies! Glad you had wonderful weekends!
We did too. Nothing much going on, I have just been busy with Real estate :)

Saz that sounds awesome the home birth (so jealous) I would love to do that.

Sounds like you are all prepared :)
Baby snuggles (So lucky!!!) Can't believe you both will have one to cuddle in a few short weeks eeeek!!!
I know, due date is 5 weeks today! :happydance:

It feels like just 5 minutes ago we were all starting out TTC
I am so glad I met you girls and have you both to ping stuff off of :)

5 WEEKS!!!!!!!!! That is like days away LOLOL.
I still remember the TTC moments alot! I can't believe you will be due in 5 WEEKS....
I know, 5 weeks is madness! Although, it'll prob be more like 6 for me cos Rex came 8 days late :wacko: When did you girls go into labour last time?
I'm glad I met you guys too :)

Not necessarily saz, I know loads of people who had a late (or early) one the first time and the second one's timing was totally different

Olivia arrived at 39+5
You didn't even make it to your due date, Sarah!!! Soooo jealous! The whole week from my EDD to Rex arriving was like slow motion torture. Eurgh. Hope I don't have to go through that again :(
Oh that must be such a pain going overdue! I was pretty lucky with Liv, I stupidly took 3 whole weeks off before my due date too so I would have been climbing the walls if I'd gone overdue as well. Not to mention the fact that I was HUGE last time as well! Lets keep everything crossed that none of us go overdue this time :)

how many weeks did you get to last time, kyles? Was it an EMCS you had or a scheduled one? That must have been scary!

Another scary/exciting thought I've just had - not only do we just have 5 weeks left but in 2 weeks time we will be FULL TERM! And starting to labour - watch :-/ time is really speeding on at the minute and I want it to slow down so my babies stay babies forever :)

Speaking of which, Olivia had a very "grown up" monent last night. I wouldn't give her any chocolate so she got on her bike, rabbit under her arm and announced that she was running away. She gave me a wave and said "bye bye mummy, I'm going grandma's house!"
OH Saz late!!!! That is awful!!! I would NEVER want to be late! my husband saw how much pain my last week was and how uncomfortable it was...

Sarah OMG Olivia is changing. That is really cute and so sad at the same time LOLOL

Kyle is in the "hitting" stage. I swear i just don't understand over and over NO hitting No hitting Go to time out. and yet he STILL does it.....SIgh.....

Kyle's due date was Thanksgiving day (Thursday)November 24th, we had a scheduled c-section (breach) on Friday November 25th. He decided to arrive early (Tuesday November 22nd)

If i am going off the day we conceived than his due date would have been the 22nd... So he was right on time :)
Yep, a whole 8 days late :cry: It was hideous. I'm not gonna lie! The worst day by far was the day I hit 41 weeks. I was so depressed, thinking you're only meant to get to 40 weeks!! I had a glass of wine that night cos I was so fed up & I'm sure that relaxed me & caused me to go into labour. Will probably try that at 40 weeks this time! I'm fully expecting to be late again :( Baby just needs to be here before my bday on 1st May!

Aaawww, Sarah, that is so adorable of Olivia :) Rex tells me to lock him in the house whenever he doesn't want to go somewhere :haha: But he's never told me he's leaving home :haha:

Kyles, we went thought a hitting phase here to :( Not fun at all. It was last September/October time. I actually stopped going to play group for a couple of weeks cos I just couldn't face the embarrassment of him hitting other kids & the looks I got from the parents that said 'can't you control your child' & I just wanted to scream 'NO!' I tried many techniques to stop him but I think in the end he just grew out if it rather than any of my interventions working.
OH saz i would have said F-this and drank wine by that point too LOL....

The hitting stage is not fun for sure. He hits me and my parents. He isn't around other kids much which is probably the reason he does it. Last night he threw a little car at my head, metal car...... Hurt like hell!!!!! Time out for AWHILE for that one. He knew right away he was in trouble too....

They think they can get away with things I swear. I really hope the hitting phase passes.
Maybe we should all try the glass of wine trick on our due dates, it sounds good to me :) oh how I miss wine....!

We had a hitting phase too. Although to be honest it was more of a hitting mummy phase as I was the only one who ever seemed to be on the receiving end :haha: she spent a lot of time in time out too but same as Rex really, she just grew out of it in the end.

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