TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

Well let's hope this phase passes quickly! Yes i think it is more "Hitting mommy" Than anyone else.

Wine on D day is an absolutely perfect idea! Let's all do it :) OR let's hope we don't make it to D day!!!!
Hi ladies hope you've had a good weekend. I've been busy busy this weekend, DH has taken Olivia out for a walk so I'm enjoying a little sit down before it starts again :haha:

Yesterday Olivia and I did some bubble painting in the morning (added water and washing up liquid to poster paint and then blew it through a straw) Then in the afternoon we went to visit DHs parents.

Then today was even busier. This morning we went to the park on a bug safari, followed by play-doh, followed by cake-baking. I'm shattered! I think instead of doing the whole nesting thing I must be subconsciously trying to spend as much one-on-one time as possible with Olivia before the little one arrives :coffee:
Sounds like a lovely weekend, Sarah :)

I've had. Busy one too but for very different reasons. My mum & dad came down to help me get sorted for baby's arrival. My dad patched to the botched DIY in the nursery for me & laid the carpet, bless him :) I sent DH up in the loft to fish all the baby paraphernalia out & me & my mum have been busy washing everything & getting it all put away today. I finally feel nearly ready for baby to come :happydance:

I just need a warm day off now so I can get the buggy frame stripped down & washed before putting the carry cot part back on it. Just a couple of odds & ends left to but then I'll be totally ready.

I tell you what, though, I can't believe how much stuff a baby needs/uses! Seeing it all laid out on our bedroom floor when DH had got it all down from the loft was a shock!!

Onto the birth box now but think I'll chat to the MW on Wed during my home visit about what I definitely need first.

After a full day's teaching on my feet on Friday, I spent yesterday crippled with pelvic pain again :cry: I think I'm going to have do more sitting down where & when I can from now on otherwise I won't make it to Easter! Only 3 more working weeks, Sarah :happydance:

I think I'm nesting though. I went & bought all the Easter eggs I'll need to give out to all the little ones amongst our families & friends this week too. One less thing to worry about near EDD!

Just Rex's bday presents to sort out now but think all that will be done online! Going to get his party invites written now :)
Wow you're super organised, saz. I hadn't even thought about getting all the old baby stuff out and cleaning the pram etc. I washed all the newborn baby clothes and bedding when I was off work last wednesday but that's all I've done so far.

I need DH to build the crib at some point in the next few weeks, its still flat packed at the minute and I have a suspicion I've bought the wrong size sheets for it. :dohh:

Ouch, that pelvic pain sounds awful! I hope you can get some rest in between everything. 3 more weeks feels so close but so far at the minute - I'm totally fed up of work now and really regretting saying I'd stay till 38 weeks. I went home sick on Friday actually, I keep getting this weird feeling when I sit down for too long. I think its because my bump is so low it presses on the tops of my legs when I sit down and cuts off the circulation. I can't describe the feeling it gives me but it's not nice :( so I had a bit of a panic about it on Friday and they sent me home. I just think if it is caused by sitting down, how am I going to manage doing a desk job for 3 more weeks?! :(

I'm not nesting much at all, wish I was as the house could really do with a good clean. I did some cleaning on my day off last week but not the proper nesting deep-clean kind that I could really do with lol

I didn't realise it was nearly Rex's birthday, ooh you're going to have 2 very close together birthdays :) what do you have planned for him?
I really don't feel super organised, Sarah! I feel like I've left everything til the last minute with only 4 weeks to go!

I know what you mean about so close yet so far to go til mat leave. I feel exactly the same. I've got a lot of things to sort out before I leave like making sure all my coursework marking is completely up to date to pass on :( You're going to have to take lots of breaks, Sarah if you think it is sitting down is causing the sensation. Lots of walks around & loo trips to get your legs moving :thumbup:

At this point in my pregnancy with Rex, I had my first day of mat leave today. Gutted to not be doing the same now :cry:

I did the wrong size sheet thing with the cot last time :dohh: I bought cot fitted sheets & washed them all then realised we had a cot bed :wacko: I couldn't even return them cos is washed them!!

Birthdays will be very close on our family :) Rex's is the 20th so only 2 days before my EDD and mine is 1st May! But I'm thinking joint kids' parties will save a bit of money. Even more so if this is another boy :haha: Rex is having a play centre party on the 19th. Everyone knows there's a possibility I might not actually be there, although I'm pretty sure I'll go over again so will be there. I just won't be able to go on the play frame but there'll be plenty of friends & family there to do that :) Webe booked it at a place that doesn't open to the public on weekends. You get the whole place (it is only small for a play centre) to yourself for the party. Much more relaxed than a busy play centre on a typical weekend which is definitely what I'll need when so heavily pregnant or even more so if baby has put in an early appearance! Rex's actual bday is Easter Sunday this year so think my parents will probably stay over after the party & we'll do an egg hunt for him after opening presents. But obviously any plans may change depending on when baby decides to enter the world!
Wow busy weekends for both of you!
The party sounds fun! I hope you will be able to attend!

Mine was more of a catch up weekend. I went to a consignment sale last weekend and got all of Kyle's clothes for summer time. I finally got around to washing them yesterday and sorting them in his dressers. Also got the newborn clothes washed and put away in the baby's room.

We took Kyle to swim class on Saturday and it was his first time without us in the water.

He had floats around his waste to support him. The class was full, he was having fun until one of the instructors pushed him to the wall IN THE DEEP end after swimming with the instructor on a paddle board and didn't wait for him to grab the wall to make sur ehe lifted himself up. So he started to bob up and under.

My husband and I started quickly heading to the deep end from watching him and the lifeguard started to yell and ran... WTH!!!

Hello he's not 12! he can't swim alone. It was so scary! He was so scared. I ran over and I gave him hugs as I was getting drenched in water from the other kids splashing around.

I did manage to make him get back in (luckily) and the instructor made sure they did One on one time with him from then on. Thankfully he got back in. I was so scared he was going to be petrified to swim again. Little trooper. My heart was in my feet the rest of the day. I don't even know if I want to go back :( It was awful.

Also this whole weekend I have felt like the skin on my stomach wants to rip apart. I feel like this child is tearing my skin and growing to fast for me. It's painful. Did either of you feel this stretching skin issue? It's the worst and creams are not helping :(
Gosh, Kyles. That is horrendous about the swimming lesson. Poor Kyle :cry: I don't think I'd want to go back either. Don't blame you. I'd definitely put in a complaint too.

The classes we go to are parent & child in the water until they turn 4 but I'll be nervous enough then!

I didn't really have the stretching skin sensation so no advice I'm afraid. Keep slapping on the cream though! I just got a hard bump for a day or so when baby was having a growth spurt.
Yea it was really scary and embarrassing to say the least.

We had the mommy and me classes last time but he was just way to old for it and always wanting to jump out of my hands...
This is the preschool ages and its a large group. IDK i just feel so stupid :(
I am going to see if we can switch classes to a smaller class which is around lunch time (figures right at nap time)

What else am I supposed to do....

Maybe the stretching is a growth spurt. IDK it's very uncomfortable and I still have a ways to go :sigh:
Hopefully this feeling passes.

OMG Also I am ALWAYS hungry. every hour i need to eat LOL It must be a growth spurt LOLOL
I think the smaller class sounds like a good idea. You'd think they'd have more instructors in the bigger class though to keep the ratio the same :shrug:

Rex doesn't like me to hold him in the water either. He's a pro with his arm bands on & on the woggle when they come off. Gutted we have to leave the class at Easter as I have no one to look after baby while we go :( Weekend & evening classes don't start til they're 4 :(
Oh kyles, how awful that must've been! :( Don't feel stupid, you weren't to know it was going to happen and you got to him in time. I think the best thing you can do is keep taking him so he doesn't lose his confidence. You might be right about the smaller class.

I think it probably is a growth spurt you're having, I've had a couple of similar experiences where my tummy felt like it was so stretched it might pop for a few days. Super uncomfortable then after a couple of days the feeling went and my bump was suddenly bigger. I've also had sore patches on my bump at times when I've been growth spurting, feels like its bruised in one place but there's no bruise there. Is that like what you're feeling kyles?

Saz, Rex's birthday plans sound great :) I hope you get to be there on the day!
Definitely a good thing on the close birthdays, my sister's birthday is just 2 weeks before mine so growing up we often did joint birthday celebrations and it was always nice :) and now Olivia's birthday is just 2 days after mine!

Well ladies I'm sorry to report that today has been a sad sad day for me. I honestly thought it wasn't going to happen as I'm so close to the end but today it finally did. Today my belly button popped out :dohh:
Thanks Sarah! I bet that's what it is a growth spurt, yes some sore spots as well.

OH NO the belly button popped!!!!!!!!!!!! That is my worst fear LOLOL It never popped with Kyle i was so happy! But this time around I am 100% positive it's going to blow LOL.

You poor thing, tape a band aid to it and see if that will help some. :)
Thanks Sarah! I bet that's what it is a growth spurt, yes some sore spots as well.

OH NO the belly button popped!!!!!!!!!!!! That is my worst fear LOLOL It never popped with Kyle i was so happy! But this time around I am 100% positive it's going to blow LOL.

You poor thing, tape a band aid to it and see if that will help some. :)

:rofl: I might have to try the band aid :)
:haha: Oh no to the belly button, Sarah! It's my worse fear!! I ribbed my sister that her's would pop but she managed to just about hold onto it :haha: No way mine will pop. It's a 6ft deep tunnel when not pregnant :rofl:

Had to make an emergency dash to the pharmacy at break time today for Gaviscon :( I forgot my bottle & it's been baaaaad today :cry: Think I might have to ask the MW for a prescription tomorrow during my home visit.

I also think baby might be lying on a nerve today :( I keep getting shooting pains in my groin when I put weight in my left leg :cry: This baby has a lot to answer for today!!
Oh Saz so sorry to hear about the nerve thats the WORST!!!! The joys of pregnancy are wonderful aren't they!

I think our growth spurt has gone away for now. I am feeling much better Thank GOD!!!!!!!
my coat officially does not button anymore :( I thought i would get away with this coat for the winter and I hope to but buttoning it is out of the question!

I hope you feel better soon Saz :)
Aww saz, you've not had a very good day have you! I couldn't manage all day without my gaviscon either, I carry a huge bottle around with me everywhere :)

Kyles, that sucks your coat won't button anymore, I've been walking around with my coat open for a while now too, if only the weather would improve a bit we wouldn't need a coat :) is it still really cold over there?

I didn't have the best experience at the midwife's today :( firstly that glucose test I was supposed to have at 29 weeks and kept my mouth shut about has reared its ugly head. The midwife saw the note in my book and rung the hospital about it, they think I might have to do a finger prick blood sugar test thingy for 3 days to check I'm OK but she's going to let me know. Then she had a feel of my tummy and said baby is still head down but is back to back :( and then just to top it all off she told my my iron levels are down and I have to try and increase them by changing my diet or I will have to go on iron tablets. :( bleugh!
Oh horrible day for you today Sarah! That's terrible. Back to back :( OUCH!! Turn baby turn!!!!
I have the glucose test scheduled for the end of the month :/ I am NOT looking forward to it.
It is still really cold here. We had a dusting of snow last night. This winter is sticking around TO LONG!!!! It's spring already get over with this snow already.

I really hope you don't have to go and do a finger prick for 3 days and they can just do it asap and be done with it.

You always get low iron when pregnant. Or at least I do. Right now my vitamin B is low so i have been taking supplements for a month now due to that. We need sun and happiness!!!!!!!

Don't worry about the iron. Just eat stuff with extra iron you will be ok.
Thanks kyles, well the midwife rung back just now and said they're not going to bother with the finger prick thing as I feel fine and the baby isn't measuring big or anything so that's one less thing to worry about. I'm going to have to find out what foods have lots of iron in. The thing is I feel absolutely fine, I'd never have said I had low iron :shrug: I've been googling back to back baby and there's a few things I can do to encourage baby to turn round and i also read that they can even turn during labour. So I'm going to try and think positive :)

I can't believe you're still getting snow! We never did get any snow here this winter, its been the mildest winter we've had in ages.
You need to invest in a maternity coat, Kyles, to get you through to the warm weather :thumbup: I bought one when pregnant with Rex so reused it this winter. A god send for my break time duties at work!

Oh Sarah :hugs: What a rotten appointment. I have to say, I considered keeping my mouth shut about the GT test but DH told me just to suck it up & have it. Hopefully 3 days of testing your own sugar levels will keep them happy even if it will be unpleasant for you :( Why do you need the test?

:hugs: for back to back baby too. Roll over baby! MW told me today that this baby is laid on its side. It best roll onto its tummy & not onto its back! I'm willing both our bubbas to cooperate. My sister's labour has very much put me off a back to back labour. Don't want that for either of us.

And the iron levels sucks too :( Lots of broccoli! That would be my food of choice cos I don't eat meat :haha:

All go on the home birth here. MW was happy with my tentative plans for where I'd like to labour & positions I'd like to use etc. Also baby's head is just teetering on the brim of my pelvis apparently :thumbup: And seems as second babies often don't engage til labour itself, I'm happy with that!

It's just dawned on me that I haven't been told to have the whooping cough vaccine. Have you had it, Sarah? I know my sister did but no one has mentioned it to me :shrug:
Lol it was my own stupid fault for not saying Anything at the 29 week appointment. The only reason I needed to have the test done was because my dad is diabetic so its not that bad really, I didn't have it with my last pregnancy and have felt absolutely fine this time too so I think its probably ok.

We need to get these babies to roll, saz. I really don't fancy a back to back labour!

I love broccoli too! Its thinking of things to go with it that's the problem. Maybe I'll just make some broccoli soup or something :haha:

Great news on your home birth plans! :happydance:

I had the whooping cough vaccine at about 30 weeks, I have a feeling there might be a window for when you need to have it done so I would give your midwife a ring and ask asap. I can't believe they haven't mentioned it to you, I've been asked about it all all of my last 3 appointments.

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