TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

They do obsess a little over GT testing if you ask me. Just cod your dad is diabetic does not mean you'll get GD. Madness!

No, I don't fancy a back to back labour either. More painful & longer apparently :cry: Got my birthing ball inflated so might have a look for exercises to encourage baby to roll over. Although, it's such a mover, it'll only move back no doubt :dohh:

Just have broccoli as a side every night!! :haha:

The NHS website informs me that I should have the vaccine between 28 & 38 weeks. Think I'll just be proactive & ring the surgery tomorrow & see if I can get booked in for it.
Wow you get the vaccine during pregnancy? I don't want to get it till after and it's never asked until after the baby is out .. Here they LOVE to push the flu shot on ya but i won't get any shots unless its mandatory. I would just be to scared. I did have the whooping cough shot after I had Kyle. Never during.

Let's hope those baby turn and eat tons of brocoli. I love to steam brocoli and pair it with chicken or even drizzle some butter on it.
Yeah, it's recommended by the NHS to protect newborns as there's been recent outbreaks & sadly some newborns have died :cry: I'm booked in for Monday for mine. The receptionist said to me 'are you 28 weeks pregnant?' & seemed a bit shocked when I said 'er, no, I'm 36' :blush: :haha: I had the flu vaccine too. Working in a school, I didn't want to risk picking it up while pregnant.

Rex has been a handful today. I've decided I'm totally ready to not be pregnant anymore!! Anytime from next Tuesday, baby, feel free to make an entrance!
That's good news you managed to get booked in for Monday, saz. I still can't believe nobody mentioned it to you at any point!

Yeah, whooping cough is getting to be a bit of an issue in this country. There was an outbreak of it in my town last year. My midwife was telling me that sitting in her surgery she could hear the kiddies coughing in the waiting room :(

I agree, I don't see the point in me doing the GTT just because my dad is diabetic. Especially when my pregnancy with Olivia was absolutely fine. That's why I didn't remind them about it :haha: have you guys heard about that young girl in Gloucestershire who gave birth to the 15lb 7oz baby? She definitely should have been tested!

Here's the story:

I know the feeling of being ready to not be pregnant anymore, I've been struggling with Olivia too. She laughs at me when I threaten time out now because she knows I can't catch her to make her go!
Yes I read that story! Craziness.
I had a girfriend who had a 13 lb baby at my old job. She went 3 weeks late too. When he was 1 he looked like a giant oversized 4 year old :(

Glad you are taking care of the shots now then if it is that bad there!

Kyle didn't nap yesterday at all! He refused to sleep till i had to rock him and sing at 8:30 pm. I hate when he is overtired you just can't please him.

DH has a hard time with staying patient. Rule #1 in parenting ALWAYS try your hardest to be patient and understanding of irate kids :)

I have been getting better at it for sure. He still tests my limits but I am way better at the calming method then DH :) Must be a mommy thing!

When you pick the kids up does it hurt to have them sit on your belly? Kyle is 32 lbs so its alot of weight on my belly lol..
God, yeah, I read that article. My sister tagged me in it on FB to wind me up cos Rex was big :( I can't even imagine! Getting a 9lb-er out was bad enough!

We've had a week of bad sleep here too Kyles, so you have my sympathy. He's STTN but bedtime has been a complete nightmare. It's been 9.30 the past 2 days before he's given in & gone to sleep, with me laid with him. My DH is the same, Kyles :dohh: After a full 30 mins of attempting to get him to sleep last night, he came upstairs to me & told me there was no way he was going to sleep :dohh: DH gives in so easily!

Rex laughs at me too, Sarah :( Pesky toddlers!

Kyles, it doesn't hurt when Rex sits on my knee but there's hardly any room for him anymore so he kinda has to perch literally on my knees :haha:
Sorry to hear you're both having trouble with bed time at the minute :hugs:

My DH can be just as impatient too. However, he did show me up a couple of weeks ago. Olivia woke up screaming an hour or so after going to bed one night and I went to her but couldn't get her back to sleep. I got into bed with her and lay there for an hour rubbing her back, stroking her hair etc.. She would drift off but as soon as I tried to leave the room she woke up and cried. Then DH went in to give me a break. 2 minutes later he waltzes out of her room with a huge grin on his face, no sound whatsoever coming from Olivia. It turns out he went in and told her if she was a good girl and went to sleep, he would play trains with her in the morning. So she said OK daddy and went to sleep just like that! Why didn't I think of that! :dohh:

I get sore when livvy sits on my knee and leans back against my tummy. I have to sit her sideways now or it's too painful.
Happy Mother's Day, ladies :) I know it's not the big day over there, Kyles, but you can celebrate with us :haha:
Happy mother's day! Did you do anything nice today?

I got a lovely bunch of lilies and some yankie candles from Olivia (and daddy :) ) she also gave me some things that she made for me at nursery - one of which was a chocolate heart.....complete with Olivia-sized bite marks all over it :haha:

We spent the morning at MILs house then just chilled at home in the afternoon.

Guess what, DH had finally built the crib! :D
We spent the day at my mum's :D We went out for a carvery lunch with my sister, her DH & my gorgeous niece. She was an angel - slept the whole time. Rex was a nightmare :dohh: Think I've seen glimpses of what his behaviour will be like when baby arrives :( Pretty sure he was acting up to get grandad's attention cos he was taking an interest in my niece. But the food was lovely at least!

:haha: I love the chocolate heart with bite marks! Bless Olivia! I got totally spoilt but DH openly admitted that he was making up for last year when he royally effed up & it resulted in a huge row! This year I got flowers, Lindor (my fave!) plus Hotel Chocolat choccies, my favourite (decaff!) coffee beans & syrup and a big Body Shop set with my favourite 'flavour' in :cloud9:

:happydance: to the crib being built, Sarah!

Two knew working weeks for us. We can do it!
Oh dear, has Rex been an only grandchild up until now? In a way though, it might be better that he's having to get used to sharing his grandparents with his cousin first rather than having to share everyone all at once when his sibling arrives.

Ooh you did get well and truly spoilt :) what happened last year? Did he forget or something?

So pleased the crib is up, it's beside the bed already and looks so snuggly! oh and I forgot to say, the sheets I got were the right size after all :happydance:

Yes, just 2 more weeks of work! I'm so fed up of it at the moment, just don't want to be there anymore. I still get that funny feeling when I sit for too long so sitting at my desk all day is a real pain. I don't think sitting like that all day is going to help turn baby out of back to back position either :(
He's been the only grandchild on my side, yep. And my dad is Rex's absolute favourite person in the whole world cos he's daft! So I think it is hard for him seeing his beloved grandad snuggling a baby & not larking about on the floor with him.

DH didn't forget last year but he may as well have for all the effort he put he. The weekend of Mother's Day last year, DH had a uni day for his Masters down at Warwick Uni & my best friend lives down that way now so we all went down & I spent the day with her with Rex. We stayed over that night & the plan was for me to be able to have a few drinks with her. However, DH came back from his uni day saying he'd suddenly started with a cold & felt awful. So I had to have Rex all night (including a walk round the streets to get him to sleep that evening cos he wouldn't settle) & get up with him in the morning. When DH eventually got out of bed, he shoved an M&S carrier bag in my hands with a few smellies in that can only be described as old woman toiletries. They weren't wrapped or even put in a gift bag. He then got Rex to 'write' on my card while I was in the room!! We then had to leave by 11 to get back home to have lunch with HIS mum & HIS gran. I refused to speak to him on the drive home & we had a huge row while sat in the car outside his mum's with me in floods of tears telling how unappreciated I felt when I do everything for him & Rex & he couldn't even be bothered to think about a gift, put them in a gift bag or think about what I might have wanted to do that day or the night before. So, yeah, he seriously had some making up to do this year!!

Good work on getting the right sheets :thumbup: :haha:

I've got so much work to do in these next 2 weeks. It's mock exams next week so I'll have to get all those marked before I leave :( The 11th can't come quick enough! Hope you're having lots of breaks at work to get up & move around.
Happy Mother's day ladies! We celebrate ours in May.
I am so glad to hear that DH's were extra special to you both this year!

I love seeing your tickers say (full term) :)

Congrats on the crib getting set up!! So exciting.

Kyle has been so bad....I think we are slowly getting out of napping... He refuses to take a nap. He has a MAJOR full blown tantrum/meltdown for 2 hrs before he finally crashes because he can't control it anymore.
I don't know why he does it other than he is over tired.

Swim class went awesome this week although he wasn't paying super attention :X he did swim so much better! Wasn't scared at all!

Have you seen the movie Frozen yet? Kyle must have to watch that 2 times a day. He loves it.. By far the best Disney movie we have seen yet.
We are major Frozen fans in this house, Kyles :D All 3 of us love it :haha: Rex even (tries to) sing along to it. So cute :)

Sorry to hear that Kyle isn't napping/sleeping well. Rex hasn't napped regularly for a while now. Typically, I think he stopped when I got pregnant :dohh: He still occasionally falls asleep in the car but even that's rare now.

I'm hoping we broke the cycle of last week's late nights yesterday. We bathed him at my mum's before setting off for home & just transferred him to bed when we got home. He was asleep for 7.30. That's 2 hours earlier than most of last week when he was refusing to settle. Fingers crossed that's jump started him back into his usual bedtime cos I have a tonne of work to do this week & next :(
Hi Ladies!
Well last night I had the wonderful glucose test (BLAH)
Got that over with.

This morning i had an ultrasound done because at my 20 week they wanted to rescan the heart and the spine since they didn't get good pics.

Well the girls walks out of the room to check and see if she got good enough pics and in walks a man, the physician :X Never a good sign right?

He said that this baby has urine in his/her kidneys more so than normal and I have to go back at 32 weeks. He said it is nothing to worry about and he didn't want me to leave worried (YEA RIGHT!!!!!!!!!! Is that even possible)

He said that it usually corrects itself and the only issues would be that once baby is born they would need to just check the kidneys after birth and that the baby may be prone to get more UTI's than normal..

So i had a good cry and Now i am a googling machine.

Says this happens more so in boys than girls. Heart rate was 158. Possibly having another boy. Still team yellow though.

Sigh... Keeps this kid in your prayers. Going to be a long wait till i am 32 weeks for a re-scan :(

Got a cute picture of the baby's leg stretched all the way up to his face. So funny!
Huge :hugs: kyles, I'm sorry you're having to go through that. And having to wait till 32 weeks to find out more too! :( I will keep him/her in my prayers. From what the doctors have said it does sound like its nothing serious, i think if it was something to really worry about I would hope they wouldn't leave it so long before checking on it again. Have you found anything reassuring on Google?
Oh, Kyles :( Huge :hugs: I agree with Sarah though... I doubt they'd leave you 7 weeks if it was anything serious. Let us know if you find anything out.

I've had awful pressure low down today :( I've had pains that have actually made me wince. I hope that baby is settling nice & low but I won't hold my breath!
Thanks girls :) It means a lot!

I am sure it is nothing serious. (hoping anyway)

It's just you never expect to hear anything wrong.... I was alone too which made it harder to keep my cool.

Stuff online is very positive. So I am not as worried, but I still feel it's something I did. Maybe because of my throid issue. IDK. Just so many thoughts going through my head. (silly me) I just wish I could fix it. There isn't anything docs can do now at this stage anyway. Just have to play the waiting game :)

Saz let's hope that baby stays nice and low!

This one is in the breach position AGAIN!!!!!!! Idk what is with my kids LOL they love sitting up :)
Do not in any way be blaming yourself, Kyles. I know it's human nature to do that but you haven't done anything. It's just one of those chance things I bet :hugs:
Oh kyles, its nothing you've done wrong, its just one of those things. :hugs: it is just awful to be told something might be wrong, I know. When they thought there was a problem with our LOs heart at the 20 week scan I blubbed like a little girl in the middle of the waiting room, I wasn't on my own then either so can't imagine how you must have felt :(

Oh no, not another breech baby! I've started doing the spinning babies exercises this week to get mine to turn around, it might be worth you starting it now too, it says on the website you can start it as early as you want in pregnancy and it will just help encourage baby to settle into a better position.

Ouch saz, that sounds painful but hopefully a good sign! I'm getting loads of braxton hicks now and today I lost 2 bits of plug :-/ naughty baby, I need you to stay put till after next Friday!

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