TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

Oooh! Losing plug is definitely progress, Sarah :thumbup:

I'm dog tired today :( Why, oh why, did I say if work til Easter?!
aww girls chins up! You are ALMOST there. Few weeks left. Definitely progress Sarah!

I am in better spirits today :) Still worried but better.

Kyle is on a full time needing daddy mode! Wakes up crying because he has to give daddy a kiss and a hug. I think he is having bad dreams....

Saz how are you feeling pressure wise down low?

Are your babies still head down?

What is this baby dance to flip this kid around :) I think my uterus is mushed funky to both kids like to sit up and be comfy LOL
No more plug gone today, really hoping baby stays in till after I finish work! I'm still doing my exercises to make this little monkey turn around but I'm still feeling kicks at the front so I'm guessing it's not worked yet :(

Just another week and a half saz, we can do it! I know the feeling though, I barely slept last night because I had sore legs so this morning I was knackered. lucky today was my day off!

Olivia has been turning into a bit of a daddy's girl lately too. They're outside at the minute playing on her bike for a little while before bath time

There's still plenty of time for your LO to flip over, FX he/she turns eventually :)
Yeah, Kyles, pressure down low. It's really hurt the past hour or so. Had to stand up in the middle of eating dinner! :haha: Think I'll bounce on my ball once Rex is I'm bed & see if I can get the head to bed down in my pelvis good & proper. Not that it'll make it any difference :dohh:

Baby was head down at my last appointment, yeah. Hoping it's still there but who knows with the way this one moves about! I wouldn't worry about baby being breech just yet, Kyles. This one was breech at my 28 week appointment & flipped still. Good to hear you're feeling brighter today :)

Hope your exercises work soon, Sarah. Turn baby, turn!

Yeah, we can make it to mat leave together. :( There's another teacher at my school leaving on the same day as me (she's due 3 days after us) & I bumped into her today. She feels exactly the same as me! And she's a PE teacher so you think she'd be really fit & handling pregnancy better! It made me feel better to know I'm not alone!!
Oh god I'd hate to be a pregnant PE teacher, the poor woman must be knackered!
Oh that does sound like an awful job! Could you imagine! I had to climb 5 flights of stairs this past weekend because an elevator was broken. TALK ABOUT burning legs!!!!!!!!!!

And you are both so much farther along!
I know! At least I can sit down when I need to or perch on a table at least!

Kyles, I have serious issues with stairs too :haha: Living in a 3 storey house doesn't help either. I have to think carefully about what I need from upstairs/downstairs. I'm not making more trips than necessary!

Had a good half hour on the ball, bouncing & swaying. If only it would kick start things :wacko: I wish!!
Aww Saz that's awful! But good to keep the blood flowing in your legs. I remember an apartment i had with 3 flights while carrying laundry OYE!!!!!!!

I feel your pain.....
Ouch! 5 flights of stairs, kyles I'm impressed! I gave up on stairs a long time ago. In fact, never mind the stairs, I even have to think carefully about what I need to bend over and pick up after I've dropped it on the floor. If its something the dog will eventually find and eat, its staying there :)

Keep doing your ball every night, saz. Every little helps. I wish I hadn't sold my ball after having Olivia :dohh:
I will try & do some bouncing every night. I can only get it out once Rex has gone to bed though otherwise he just wants to get on it or sit on my knee & bounce which is not very comfy!! I really, really, really don't want to go overdue this time though so will try & squeeze in some ball time now we're officially full term.
aww you two are so ready for these babies it's so great to hear :)

Bounce away Saz!!!!!! Get that baby OUT!

Last night I swear a little foot was popping out, it was the COOLEST thing ever! Little tiny lump... Had my Husband and Kyle feel it. I think the baby flipped upside down last night while watching (Frozen for the 100th time) I was feeling kicks up high, however it could just be the foot in the baby's face hehe.
Aaawww, cute, Kyles! A little tiny foot :) Hopefully baby has flipped for you.
Another 30 mins on the ball done tonight. Had a couple of BH afterwards so hoping it's working in some small way. I'd do anything to not see my due date still pregnant!
Ooh that sounds like a good sign saz!

We will get these babies out by due date! Are you doing anything else to help start the eviction?

I'm on the RLT (although technically its not going to help start labour, just hopefully will shorten it for me a bit), I'm also still doing lots of walking when I can manage it.

What else can we try?
Thanks girls! Baby is moving up and down every day in a different area.... LOL

Hooray for kicking the babies out of the womb LOL. Time to come out and play. Gosh so close I am so excited for you both.

Are you both ready? Feeling like you can't wait for it to be over?
I'm on the RLT too Sarah. Will up to 3 cups a day on Tuesday when I hit 38 weeks. Been having it since 34 weeks. I swear it helps to make labour shorter. I had it last time & had a lovely 8 hour labour (although only contracting for 6 & half of those). My SIL put me into it. She had it with her first & had a really quick labour. She then didn't bother with her second cos she figured it'd be quick again :nope: Her second was double the length & I'm convinced no RLT played a roll.

I don't think I'll try all that much to bring labour on aside from bouncing. I tried EVERYTHING last time & nothing worked! DTD, EPO, spicy food, pineapple & nothing worked. I'll be having a glass of wine on my due date like I said :haha: I'm sure that being more active due to our LOs will bring labour on quicker this time. It's not like last time when I lazed around & napped a lot once on mat leave!

I definitely can't wait for to be over, Kyles. Fed up now! We're ready for baby to arrive on the whole. I need to get everything together in my birth box this weekend & there's a couple of things we still need to buy. But if baby came tonight, we'd survive!

One more week at work, Sarah :thumbup: We can do it!
I'm not far off ready now, kyles. Just got to get a few more bits for my hospital bag. DH doesn't know it yet but he's going to be given a list of baby things to get out of the attic for me tomorrow. After that I think we're just about done :)
I wouldn't go as far as to say I'm completely fed up but same as Saz if he/she came tomorrow we'd be ready! :)

I'm only managing one cup of RLT a day because I keep forgetting but I'm going to try really hard to remember from now on. I didn't bother with it last time and had a labour marathon :dohh:

I already eat spicy food all the time so that's not going to help. DTD is a no go for me, it really hurts when we do for some reason so we haven't done it in weeks :( I don't really fancy the EPO as it sounds messy :haha: and I'm allergic to pineapple :dohh:

I'll join you in that glass of wine on D Day, increase the RLT, I'm also going to try that lush bath bomb with the Clary sage in next week after I finish work :)
Oooh I forgot about clarry sage! Think I might have to try some of that too once work is done :thumbup:

You really don't have many options in the inducing labour stakes do you Sarah :dohh: Ah well, you went before D day last time didn't you, so I'm sure you won't see it again. Unlike me! :wacko:

I did 20 mins on the ball again tonight & feeling some tightenings since. Nothing regular but every little helps, I hope!
Yeah, to be honest I'm not going to go too crazy with the eviction notices unless I actually get as far as D Day. Then it will be all go!

I can't see you going over again Saz, especially if you're having tightenings after your ball bouncing.

I've not had any more signs really, still getting my BH a lot but have been getting them since 34 weeks so doesn't really mean anything. No more plug lost either.

Olivia isn't very well today, she's come down with another cold, bless her. She was up in the night coughing and crying so I spent most of the night in her bed. I don't get it though, she was up for a good couple of hours in the night before I finally managed to settle her back to sleep, yet she was still up and out at 6am! How does that kid manage it??

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