TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

I hope you're right, Sarah, and I have baby in my arms by D day!

Aw poor, Olivia. Hope she gets well soon :hugs: I have no idea where they get their energy from. Some sort of secret toddler energy supply :haha: Rex is the same. It doesn't matter what time he goes to bed, he's still up about 6am :dohh: And usually wakes full of energy :wacko:
I know, there's no such thing as down time to a toddler. She's spent the whole day running around and playing, and then getting upset when she remembers she's poorly and tired, so she has a 5 minute lie down before starting up again! :haha:
Bless her :haha: Whenever Rex is ill, I always look forward to the long naps he'll take but they never happen :dohh:

A very productive day for me today :) I got the birth box all packed & the changing bag stocked, ready. I then washed, sponged down & hand washed all the baby toys & got them put away. As predicted, Rex has taken an interest in them :dohh: I've also washed all the washable parts of the buggy & washed the frame down. Think that's the last of my baby prep jobs done now. At last! :D
Well girls, I think I've decided to call off having this baby. Do you think its too late to send it back now? Olivia got more and more poorly yesterday and was up every half hour during the night, crying. It was just like having a newborn so now I'm like OMG this is actually going to be my life again in just a few short weeks! :wacko: plus when Olivia woke up at 6am (right as rain again, I might add! :dohh: ) DH took her to give me a chance to sleep - there will be none of that in a few weeks time when I'm establishing BF. I'm scared.

On the off chance that it turns out it is in fact too late to send this baby back, we're just about ready now too. DH got everything down from the attic that I asked him for, including another bag of clothes that I'd forgotten about. There was a sleep suit with little chicks on that he or she can wear on Easter Sunday when we visit the family if LO arrives in time!:cloud9:

I also found a little bag of tiny baby clothes that somebody gave us last time and we ended up not needing - it was so weird thinking that if baby came today, those clothes would probably fit!

I think I have everything in my hospital bag now, just need to double- check the baby's bag and also pack a bag for Olivia in case she has to go to MILs overnight.

Few! I think I'm actually ready too!

Now we wait.........
:rofl: Sorry to be the one to break the bad news, Sarah, but it is deffo too late to call it off I'm afraid :haha: Just think though, we don't be so heavy, knackered & uncomfortable while doing all the getting up in the night so it won't seem so bad. Especially as all the lovely BF hormones will help us drift straight back off to sleep. We'll be fine :wacko:

Glad to hear Olivia is feeling better today.

DH went out last night (his last night out for a looooong while!) so I have to admit to being totally lazy & letting Rex sleep with me. The thought of spending hours trying to settle him then getting up to him in the night (his sleep is still crappy at the minute :cry: ) was enough to make me want to cry. I needed some rest so a night with me it was whilst DH was demoted to the sofa :haha: It is a sofa bed but he was clearly too drunk to figure that out cos he was just sprawled on the sofa when we came down this morning!

We're both ready then. Eeeeek! Come on babies, get moving now, please!
Ha ha I hope you're right, saz!

Olivia's definitely all better now, she's running around the place like yesterday and last night never happened :) she's decided to wear her armbands around the house today and keeps saying that as soon as baby comes out of mummy's tummy she's going to take them swimming and teach them how to jump in the pool :haha: she's also been muttering something about "after lunch" so I think she thinks the baby is coming this afternoon! Probably because we've been doing so much to get ready for the baby lately :)

Aww sorry Rex is still not sleeping well, you must be exhausted :( maybe you could both do with a few nights of sleeping together and DH on the sofa? Its so hard to know what to do for the best when it comes to sleep
I daren't let him get used to sleeping in our bed with the baby so imminent. It's bedtime that's the battle at the minute. It's taking up to 2 hours to get him to settle & that's usually with me lying with him, soothing him after a screaming meltdown cos he's so tired but won't give in. A few nights last week, DH resorted to taking him out in the car cos neither of us could face the prolonged battle. It's like having a small baby again :dohh: The worst timing in the world!!
What a nightmare that must be. I'm thinking Olivia will most likely have a melt down at bed time tonight because she'll have gotten used to me sleeping in her bed these last couple of nights. It happens every time, the slightest change in routine and her sleep goes all to pot. I'm actually dreading the first couple of weeks after baby comes because my mum is coming for 2 week followed by my dad who's then coming for 1 week and so Olivia will have to give up her bed and sleep on her old toddler bed in the nursery. I can just see how that's going to go down :(
It is a nightmare :cry: Resorted to the car again tonight :( He asked to sleep in my bed again tonight :dohh: but the only way I could do that is by kicking DH out & I don't think he'd be too happy about that! If I wasn't so big, I'd probably sleep in Rex's bed for a few nights to get him used to settling to sleep in there again but I just can't manage that at the minute.

I'll be facing a similar issue when baby arrives. Once DH goes back to work after paternity leave, my mum is coming for a week. We have a sofa bed in the lounge but it's really not that comfy. Ok for a night or two but not a whole week. I've suggested that my mum sleeps in Rex's single bed & Rex sleeps on his ready bed in the same room. No doubt that will result in screaming tantrums :wacko: I suppose their sleep will be all messed up when the babies come anyway. I was thinking today that I might start putting white noise on for Rex again to help him sleep through the baby crying. But I don't know if that'll work :shrug: Argh!! Remind me why we wanted to have more children, again?!
Do you know what you seriously don't need at 8.5 months pregnant?! A vomiting toddler, that's what :cry: Rex started throwing up in the night, totally out of the blue. I've had to rinse & wash everything, including his actual duvet & pillows. Hope they dry before tonight. He ended up in with us as we ran out of bedding & I needed to scrub his mattress at 1am. 3 of us in our bed with me in this state, meant I've hardly slept since then. He took a while to settle to sleep anyway cos he was so upset about being so sick. He hates throwing up :cry: As you could have predicted, he's woken up full of beans this morning & I feel like death :( No sign of more vomiting but I've not tried him with food yet.

I'm really gutted cos we're going to miss our last swimming lesson this morning now :( We can't go once baby is here as I have no one to have baby. I really wanted to finish his lessons on a high note :(
Oh no! Saz that's awful :hugs:

Its like they're trying to prepare us for the lack of sleep to come...

What a shame Rex had to miss his last swimming lesson too, poor little lamb :(
Thanks, Sarah. He crashed again this afternoon. He's hardly eaten all day & had a temperature this afternoon. Calpol soon got rid of that & he pepped up again. I'm now wondering if he's got another ear infection :shrug: His sleep & behaviour were horrendous in the days leading up to last one so it would make sense. He sat with his hands over his ears when he was burning up this afternoon so idk. Will see his he is in the morning.
If he's putting his hands over his ears it sounds as though it could be another infection :( it makes sense that he's not been sleeping well either if that's the case.

Poor little thing, I hope he's feeling better soon x
Will see how tonight pans out & how his temp is in the morning. Might be visiting the doctors in the morning.

I've just done 30 minutes on the birthing ball & TMI but one of my boobs leaked :blush: Only noticed cos I only had a PJ top on my top half. Surely that can only be a good sigh that things are happening?!
:rofl: brilliant, you jiggled some milk out! :D

Definitely must be a good sign!

Still no more signs for me. In fact I'm thinking the chances are I'm still a long way off labour. Twice in the past week I've had to practically run for my train to work because I've gotten up late and I reckon that if I was nearing the end, that amount of exercise would surely set something off :shrug:
I'm off work today, at home with my poorly boy :( He threw up all over again last night, all over his bed again. Cue having to scrub & wash everything again :cry: He had a temp through the night & then has had a few 'sharting' incidents this morning, bless him. Fed to of cleaning up sick & poo! I've run out of liquitabs!! We've been to the doctors this morning & surprise, surprise, they said that despite his ears & throat being red, it's just a virus :wacko: This happened before Christmas & we ended up back at the doctors 5 days later with a full blown ear infection. I'll be really mad if the same happens again. I can't cope with labour, a brand new baby & a poorly toddler :nope:
Ugh, stupid doctors! Wouldn't you think that given the problems he had at Christmas they would think this maybe isn't just a virus. How infuriating!

Poor Rex, that's so not what any of you need right now. :nope:

The other day when Olivia was ill I kept telling myself that at least she's getting it over with before the baby arrives and hopefully it will be a while before she gets ill again. Hopefully it'll be the same with Rex
Oh girls I am so so sorry for not being around. Majorly busy!

Wow both little ones are sick, Poor Olivia and poor Rex! How scary.
I am glad it is just a virus. Usually when Kyle gets sick we rush to the doc before the ear infection has time to flare up. I really hope they both get well very soon!

Sick babies before giving birth has to be awful and tiring!!!!!! I feel for both of you :(

I have been so busy and everytime i go to respond something comes up and I can't :(

I went to the doc's yesterday because all weekend i was having MAJOR pressure down on my pevic bone and (vag) almost like walking around with a tampon not in all the way TMI LOL

Doc said that's normal (Lucky me) and may not go away. So walking makes me feel funny anymore. At least all is ok.

Also got to ask again about the kidney's and it turns out there is nothing to worry about. The kidney's are just larger on the scale that they have when measuring kidneys but still in the normal range. What a relief that was to hear!

I will keep both kiddo's in my prayers tonight that they are on the mend and fast!

Saz i can't believe you leaked (HAHAHAHAH) that's so funny and is a perfect sign that baby is on his/her way! So awesome. That ball bouncing is paying off!
AW thanks kyles, Olivia is all better now thankfully. She had a really good night's sleep last night and has been her old self today :)

Ouch, that sounds uncomfortable, I bet you've got some swelling "down there" another one of the many joys of pregnancy :haha:

That's fantastic news about the baby's kidneys! :happydance: what a relief!
Great news about the kidneys, Kyles :thumbup: Not so great about the pressure :( Doesn't sound like fun. I've felt a bit like that recently but can't imagine it for the next 14 weeks :hugs:

I think Rex may have turned a corner this afternoon. He perked up & was happily playing. However, there's still a runny bum issue :( My hands are dry from scrubbing mattresses, settees, carpets & rinsing clothes & bedding! :( Will have to see how he is in the morning but it's DH's turn to stay at home if needs be. I've got so much to do before finishing work on Friday. Eeeeek!

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