TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

What a relief that the babies are on the mend! Thank goodness!
Lotion Saz lots of lotion :)

Glad Rex is doing so much better.

Talk about stress before giving birth sheesh!

Kyle has had a very large temper anymore. Everything is NOOOOOOO
Let's go pee pee on the potty, NO but then goes and then refuses to get off the toilet.
It's like a battle with EVERYTHING from the potty to zipping his coat up.

We started going on the potty again after taking a 2 month hiatus so this is a good sign!
Let's hope we are potty trained before this baby arrives!

SIGH..... These past 2 years i will say my patience has gotten very strong. I didn't know I could be so patient :)
Great news Rex is feeling a bit better, let's hope that runny bum clears up quickly!

Oh been there and got the T-shirt on the toddler rebellion thing, kyles! Olivia says no to EVERYTHING! To be honest I've learned to just turn a deaf ear to it and carry on as if she hadn't said no :haha: for example "olivia shall we brush your teeth now?" "NOOOOOOO TEETH!!!" and I just carry on getting the tooth brush ready :) I'm actually really looking forward to having a child that doesn't answer back when this LO arrives. Will be so nice to be able to dress him/her in whatever I want without getting shouted at that they'd rather wear the orange and yellow top with the pink and purple trousers :dohh: :haha:

Ha ha don't talk to me about potty training! Olivia's back in full time nappies because we were just getting nowhere with the potty training. She was getting through at least 3 changes of trousers a day at nursery and at home I was constantly cleaning the carpet, then she got stressed out and rebelled against the potty presumably because I was nagging her so much. So we decided to take a break. She does ask to go on the potty or the toilet from time to time but not consistently. I figured we best wait till after we get the baby settled in before we try again now. There's no rush really.
Oh, I forgot to say, I've been to see the midwife again today and she said baby has turned around! :happydance: he or she is now left anterior :)

She also said baby is very deeply engaged. I thought second babies didn't engage :shrug:

Also, Saz did you know that the latest NHS policy is that they will induce at exactly 41 weeks and not 41+6 like they used to? The midwife told me that today. Not sure how I feel about that but on the plus side we will not go more than 7 days overdue at the very most :)
HAHA I am right there with you on the NOOOOOO. Kyle says Not Uh as well. Where do they hear this stuff? DH says Knock it off to him a lot when he is bad and of course now the little copy cat tells me all the time (knock it off) ughhhhhhhh.

We just started the potty again after 2 months of him quitting. Yelling NO at me EVERYTIME so we did give up as well.

I really want to try to stick with it this time. I may even get big boy underwear. We shall see.

I agree with you on the baby being so easy and NOT talking back! I am so ready and yet not for #2 to get here.

Congrats on baby turning around!!!!!!!!!! That is fantastic news and so is not going past 7 days overdue! YAHOO!!!!!!!!!
I've been using lots of my favourite Body Shop Almond hand cream, Kyles :)

You guys should enjoy the 'no phase'! I now her full on discussions about doing everything! :dohh: He even uses words like 'actually' on me now :haha:

Sorry to hear about potty training battles, ladies :( They won't end up in nappies at school so just try not to stress about it. But I know that's easier said than done.

Fab news on baby turning, Sarah :thumbup: No idea what this one is doing now. It's so active that it could be anywhere! :wacko: I'm there tomorrow.

I had no idea about the new induction guidelines, Sarah. I will definitely be refusing induction at 41 weeks, that's got sure. Firstly, Rex came on his own at 41+1 & I think my due date is 3 days early going off ovulation so no way will I agree to induction so early. 42 weeks is my limit for induction. I won't get to labour at home if I'm induced & there's more chance of hanging an epidural & assisted delivery with an induction, neither of which I want. Hopefully I won't get to that point but I'll be ready with my arguments just in case!
Lol kyles, we have a little parrot too. Tonight we all went out to walk the dog and every time DH or I stepped out to cross a road we got "DADDY/MUMMY!!! OFF THE ROAD!!!!!" :haha: saz, that's so cute Rex uses words like actually! Does he do the "why?" Routine yet?

I hope you have better luck with the potty training this time, kyles. Big boy underwear might be a good idea, it'll make it fun for him :)

I don't know of the induction at 41 weeks is a nationwide thing or just in north Yorkshire. She gave me a leaflet to read but I've left it n the car :dohh: hopefully we won't get to that point anyway :)

I'm very uncomfortable tonight, baby is wriggling about and dancing on my bladder and I just can't get cumfy. I'm struggling to walk too :(
Hope baby budges a bit so you can get comfy, Sarah. I had to go to the loo 4 times at work today :dohh: The head on bladder issue is not enjoyable!

I'll ask about induction tomorrow or see if they mention it. I will be stubborn on the issue if it is 41 weeks :blush:
Only 4 times? I dream about only 4 times :haha:

I don't blame you for being stubborn, your home birth hinges on it. Plus its like you say, your due date could actually be 3 days later than your midwife says so that doesn't give you much leeway. Definitely stick to your guns!

Well girls, I'm starting to get really excited about nearing the end. I keep waking up in the night, not just because I'm uncomfortable, but because I'm excited - like a big kid lol and I keep reading the birth stories of everyone who's due around the same time as us and getting all excited!

I hope ours will come soon (but not until after Friday of course!) :)

2 more days of work, saz! :thumbup:
4 times is a lot as a teacher! I can't leave my classes obviously so can only dash in between lessons! And there's not much speed to my 'dashing' these days :haha:

Aw that's lovely that you're so excited, Sarah :) I don't think it's fully sunk in for me yet that we're going to have another baby, as stupid as that sounds! My PGCE student bought me some thank you gifts yesterday as it was the last time I'll see her before mat leave. As well as some lovely Lush stuff for me, she bought baby a couple of summer romper suits in 3-6 months & I was a bit like 'oh my god, this is real, I'm having a baby' :dohh: :haha:

I seriously cannot wait for 2.40pm tomorrow (end of school for me!) to officially be on mat leave (well, technically on holiday for a week then mat leave!). No more work until 20th January 2015! :happydance:
Congrats girls on nearing the end of school!!!!!!
Glad everyone is all getting better.

Babies are on their way! Good luck at your MW appointment Saz I hope the baby's position is perfect!

I was so uncomfortable last night this baby was tossing and TURNING in circles it felt like.

I am NO WHERE near as big as you girls must be with the turning and moving.. This one is one big wiggler compared to the last one.

This baby is completely on the right side just like Kyle was only he just sat there and kicked me from time to time.. This baby is CRAZY!!!!!!!!! So active and just swimming in circles!!!
This baby is waaaay more active than Rex ever was as well, Kyles. The MW told me it's cos second babies have a lot more room in the womb cos everything has already stretched once already. Nice thought!

All fine with baby at the MW :) It's 3 5ths engaged so pretty ready to go. That explains the pressure I've been feeling. The only issue is with me :( My BP has suddenly got really quite low. It's been consistently around 110/70 but today it was only 80/60 :shrug: She asked if I'd been feeling dizzy etc. but I really haven't. Then she said it wasn't as worrying as high BP but that I should rest as much as possible. I just laughed at that! No chance with Rex running circles round me!
OMG saz, I can't imagine not being able to go to the toilet whenever I needed to! I was in an all-day meeting on Tuesday and had to wait 2 hours for a break and that was bad enough. I probably nearly dehydrated myself that day as I didn't dare drink more than a few sips at a time.

I got some lovely presents today too as I won't see most of my colleagues tomorrow they thought they'd give me a send off today instead :) they gave me a very hungry caterpillar sleep suit, vest, bib and hat set for the baby, a mummy to be pamper set and a hotel chocolat gift set for me and a jigsaw and book for Olivia. So sweet of them :)

Lol kyles, I hope that baby of yours lets you get some sleep soon! This one is way more active than Olivia so it probably is true that second babies have more room :)

Great news everything's ready to go with you, saz! Weird about the BP though. Is it possible the midwife did it wrong? It just seems weird that its suddenly so low yet you feel fine :shrug:
I suppose she could've done it wrong :shrug: It wasn't my usual MW but a woman from the community team. I remember her visiting after I had Rex. Maybe I am feeling a bit light headed but have just put it down to exhaustion :shrug: IDK.

One more day at work, Sarah! Woo hoo! :happydance:
Hmm, just try and take it easy then (if that's possible with a toddler running about!) Get him doing some sit down activities if you can - like I was absolutely knackered when I got home tonight so got Olivia on the floor playing her animal matching pairs card game, it gave me a chance to lie down and have a breather while still giving her attention :)

Yay! Last day tomorrow! :happydance:
Hooray for baby coming soon Saz! Very exciting

That is a strange BP it could have been taken wrong but don't chance it and try to relax.

Last day of work yahoo!!! Love the gifts Sarah the little caterpillar has to be so cute!
Uh oh girls, I think something's going down! Total TMI but I think I've started having the dreaded pre-labour "clear out" :dohh:

I was feeling a bit queasy and just a bit off my food all day yesterday and last night I was just really restless. And now this! I remember this kind of thing happening maybe 3ish days before going into labour with Olivia.

So much for having some time off to chill out!
Oooh that's exciting, Sarah! Keep us updated :)

No new signs here. I can tell baby is really low though. I keep getting uncomfortable twinges in my pelvis & I actually managed to eat a full plate of dinner last night which I haven't had the room for in a while! Would love baby to come next week so DH can be off with us longer.

Off for my roots doing & waxing today so I'll be all ready for baby's appearance :haha:
Ooh that sounds really promising too! Come to think of it I managed to eat all my dinner without getting major indigestion last night too. Happy days!

Yes, before Easter would be ideal then DHs would get extra time off. This weekend would be perfect for me as FIL is home at the weekends and it would be less hassle sorting Olivia out (they are having Olivia while I'm at the hospital but they live 10 miles away and MIL doesn't drive) but sadly I think (if I'm right) labour will most likely happen next week rather than the weekend.

Having said that, i'm feeling really sick now, maybe its actually just a tummy bug :dohh:

Hope you get all nice and pampered today :) x

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