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TTC #2 Cycle Day 1 7/16/13

Oh poor little Lucas! I am sorry you're having a hard time, its not fair you should be enjoying your first few days with your new LO and everyone's making it so difficult for you. IDK, It really is just one thing after another with the babies on this thread. If its not Lucas' kidney, it's Leo's slow weight gain or it's wesley's heart murmur! We'll get there and it'll all be worth it! :hugs:

I hadn't thought of teething, I sincerely hope not lol!

He's slept well again so far tonight. It's 2am now and he's only just woken up for his first feed. Let's hope the rest of the night goes OK. I could do with him stopping coming into my bed really, my friend wants to take me out for my birthday next month and I want to have a few drinks but I can't drink if little monkey is going to want to get in my bed!
Thaanks sarah :hugs: glad you had a better night. Today is Lucas check up
he decides to sleep all day and stay up a few hrs at night...need to switch this schedule lol
Ha ha typical, they only sleep when you don't want them to. :dohh:

Wesley was actually only up twice last night, and he stayed in his cot until 5am :happydance: he had his second set of jabs this morning though so I'm not expecting another good night tonight.

Worse still, he hasn't done a poo in nearly a week and they've just given him the rotavirus vaccine again. Now, if I can only cleverly time it so that he's with DH when the inevitable poo explosion occurs..... :devil::sick:
2 days. Ouch. Gonna be a good one lol.
Let's hope eh takes that one.

Kyle kicked me in the boob today. Talk about ouch! Especially since they are enormous and engourged.

I have the largest hemmoroid of my life. Debating on calling the doctor to get it checked out or wait the six weeks when I go back. Ugh. One thing after another
Sarah's right. It really is one thing after another for these babies. Poor things! And it always turns out to be nothing so we worry for no reason. I'm sure that's the car for Lucas' kidneys too.

Aside from engorged boobs & piles, how are you getting on, Kyles? You can thank the pushing for the piles :wacko: Some cream should clear it up.

Glad the cot is going well, Sarah. Hopefully he'll go longer & longer in there so you won't have to worry about your night out.

You've just reminded me to book Leo's second lot of jabs. Hope Wesley isn't too affected by them.

Well, for the last 3 nights, Leo hasn't fed from 11pm til morning :happydance: I'm sure it's just the effect of the heat & he'll go back to needing a feed in the night but I've enjoyed the block of 6-7 hours sleeps :D

We're starting a bottle tonight at his 11pm feed. I'd love to get some early nights again to have more energy! We did it with Rex at this age so I'm happy to do it with Leo. Hope he takes it cos he's only had EBM in a bottle so far. I'm going to pump about 10pm-ish so my supply doesn't drop & to build a freezer stash up so I can have a bit of life back again!

I don't know what's going on with Leo's feeding today but he's not loving it :nope: He's bracing his arms against me even more than normal & pulling away while firmly latched on so he stretches my nipple like it's made of elastic. Owwww! I hope this is growth spurt related & not him telling me there's not much there :shrug: Although, I'm sure there is enough there cos I've woken up soaking wet with milk the past 2 nights after he hasn't fed in the night. It was even on the sheets this morning :wacko:
Ouch, kyles that sounds painful! :( I had some nasty hemeroids after having Wesley, I got some cream from the chemist and it cleared up in a few days. Just be careful not to get it on your stitches.

Well, it turns out Wesley couldn't hold on until DH came home. He did the biggest, smelliest poo ever about half an hour before DHs return from work. So close, damn it!! Poor little thing, he's been inconsolable all day since getting his jabs :(
We must've cross posted there saz, I'm so slow at typing (or easily distracted)

Hopefully he's going to like his cot, so far since switching to it we've had 2 great nights and one horrendous night so we'll have to see.

That's fantastic that Leo slept most of the night! I'm very jealous :) DH and I have also discussed introducing a bottle of formula before bed so that I can go back to the gym. All my classes are around 7:00-7:30pm so I could do bath time and then hand him over to DH to do last feeds. We decided we're going to wait till 16 weeks to do it, just because with all of the tummy troubles Olivia had I'm terrified to try Wesley on formula until his gut is a bit more mature in case he is the same. You'll have to let me know how Leo gets on with it.

That's pretty much what Wesley has been doing with his feeds too so I'm guessing growth spurt plus wonder week 12. Its so annoying!

Olivia's potty training is going really well by the way. Day 5 and we've only had a couple of accidents. She was dry at nursery today today and she's been dry every night this week too! Its finally clicked I think :)
I wanted to let you know that we are currently at childrens hospital for the next two days. Lucas got a fever last night and we rushed him to the local hospital. We then were transported to childrens by ambulance and have been here since about 2 am. He shows that he has a UTI and they have poked and prcked him all over. They did a spinal tap as well. He was given a rouind of antibiotics and the fever was down before we left first hospiral.. He will be on antibiotics to treat meingitis or anything else. Please please please keep my baby boy in your prayers. We will be here for a couple days.
Oh my goodness I'm so sorry kyles! :cry: saying lots of prayers for you. How is he now?
Oh Kyles :cry: That's awful. Please update us when you can. You're all in my thoughts.

Leo gulped his formula down last night & it doesn't seem to have affected him in the slightest. It didn't make him sleep any longer than he has been doing the last few nights but it did mean I got to go to bed an hour early & pump a little for the freezer so I'm happy with that!

Just feeding Leo to get him down for the night & still have soooo much to do to get sorted for going away tomorrow. I just want to sit down & chill! Hopefully I'll be able to do that tomorrow night instead!
I'm convinced the whole formula makes them sleep longer thing is just a myth. Olivia didn't sleep any different when she switched altogether.

It's been a very long, hard week this week and I'm glad its over. DH has promised me a lie in tomorrow so I'm looking forward to that.
Hi girls. Well we are still at the hospital. Looks like as of now we have a UTI in little Lucas. He also has thickening of his baldder and the uterer is not contracting fully or at all to let the urine exit his body. They have ruled out meningitis thankfully. He has not had a fever since day 1 he is on round the clock antibiotics. We have to get a dye test done tomorrow to check his bladder to uterer and se how it is functioning. If its a blockage he would need surgery. Please just pray.

We will prob be here for 7 days. Not sure yet. Living in the hospital is awful but i cant leave his

He is finally more alert during the day as well. He is eating 2-3 ounces every 2 hrs. Takes one long stretch of sleep for about 3-4 hrs. And his bowel movements are great.

Will update more when i can xoxo
Oh thank god its not meningitis! I've been so worried for you kyles :( thank you for updating us.

I really hope there's no blockage. It must be a good sign that he's feeding well and alert etc.

The thing that annoys me is that when you had your scans they made out that his enlarged kidney wasn't anything to worry about. Surely they must have been able to foresee something like this happening and done some more thorough checks on him at birth?

I'll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers :hugs: xx
Thank you. I agree i wish i asked more questions or got more answers but i didnt know anything would be an issue. I wish i read more about it. I feel so helpless but he is doing great right now. 5 hr stretch of sleep through the night and now a little past a 4 hr stretch. His belly waa full!

I did pick up on breast feeding again while i was here but stopped today. I cant produce enough to keep up. Im ok with it. At least i got some in him
It's not your fault Kyles, there's nothing more you could have done :hugs:

That's great he's doing so well, bless him! And lovely you got some more breast milk into him, you've given him a great start. I think you're right to move onto formula though, when he's poorly I think its more important to keep his little belly full so he's contented in that department :)
They finally got an antibiotic we can give him orally. They said we should be able to go home today! Still need to schedule the dye test this week. And he is on antibiotics every 8 hrs.

I am still going to pump as much as i can. Even if it is a little here and there or every 4 hrs. Just so i can help his immune system which he needs.

The hemmroid is still not allowing me to sit at all comfortably so i have to schedule another doc appointment for that. I think because of that pain i am unable to produce enough milk. I need to get this taken care of as soon as possible ugh. One thing after another. At least i can go see my little kyle soon. And get ouf of this hospital! Will keep you all updated....
Fantastic news (about Lucas not the hemmeriod :) ) I'm so glad he's on the mend. Fingers crossed for his dye test now.

That's great you're managing to pump some :thumbup: every little bit helps.

Piles are deffo the worst, mine keep coming back, they were back again this morning :( my mum once told me that they never truly go away unless you have them surgically removed. Not sure if that's true but I've been suffering in and off for 3 years :(
We are home!!!!!!

We have a long week ahead of us but we are home!!!!

Yes piles are the worst. This is my first and its never going away!!!! My dh cracks me up. He said i may as well name it now because i will be stuck with it for life lol. I hope not because its terrible

Im going to make an appointment to see about surgically removing it. Ughhh
Yay you're home! :)

Ha ha your naughty DH! :haha: definitely see about getting them removed. I'm far too embarrassed to see the doc about mine, I wish I had the guts to! :nope:

Wesley's crib has gone, I sold it today. I'm so glad to see the back of that damned thing! I spent £100 on it with the mattress and bedding and only got £25 back for it but I don't care. He's sleeping so much better in his big cot. Most nights he only gets into my bed at around 5am so its a vast improvement. When we had the crib I was lucky if he spent an hour a night in it. :dohh:

Olivia fell out of bed tonight. DH and I were downstairs and we heard a huge thump come from upstairs. DH ran upstairs to see what it was, to find Olivia on the floor, still fast asleep! I don't get it, actually nothing wakes that kid up once she's asleep and yet when she was a baby she tortured me at bedtime, regularly taking an hour or more to get her down, sometimes waking up the second her arse touched the bottom of her cot. Then the slightest creak of the floor boards as I tried to creep out of the room would wake her. In fact, once or twice I even had to slither out of her room on my belly commando style so as not to wake her. And now she sleeps through everything?! :growlmad: :haha:
Managed to find some wifi to catch up. I've been worried snoot you & Lucas, Kyles. So happy to hear things are ok & you're home! I agree with Sarah, it must be related to his enlarged kidney. They should have pre warned you that things like this could happen. :hugs:

The journey down to Cornwall was a nightmare. Not because of the boys though. They were little angels! :) But the traffic was horrendous. The M5 was like a car park & we made a lot of detours. It took us 7.5 hours with a stop :wacko: And to top it off, when we were 30 minutes away from arriving, we hit a heavy rain shower & our windscreen wiper decided to break. Nightmare!!

Unfortunately it hasn't got much better today. I was feeding Leo on bed this morning & he had wind. While I was trying to burp him, he was flailing his arms around everywhere & he somehow managed to scratch my eye. Like my actual eye ball. God, it hurt! DH left me to have a lie in but when I got up, it was still agony. A trip to Plymouth's Royal Eye Infirmary urgent care department later, turns out I have a scratched cornea. It hurts like hell! I have antibiotic & lubricant drops to have for 5 days. With BF, I can only take paracetamol for the pain too :( Wish I could have something stronger. I need it!! :wacko:

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