TTC #2 for 11 months now...and need a buddy!!!

No no no no triplets ... I would need a tummy tuck if that happened!!!

Egg retrieval is Thursday!!!!
HAHAHAHA!!! I am pretty sure I will need one when this is all said and done. I am already stretched to the max. Just touching my belly is getting's misery!!! And I have 11-13 weeks left!!!

I am so so so excited for you!!!!!!!!! I have been reading up on your journal, and geez the past few days have been a roller coaster for you!!! Well, I have been praying for you to have a lot of great follies...looks like they were answered!!! :haha: Now I will have to pray for some wonderful embryos and a successful transfer!!!

Can't wait to hear great news!!!
I have been reading up on your journal, and geez the past few days have been a roller coaster for you!!! Well, I have been praying for you to have a lot of great follies...looks like they were answered!!! :haha: Now I will have to pray for some wonderful embryos and a successful transfer!!!

Can't wait to hear great news!!!

Ya it's hard to condense all of the events that have transpired in the last 3 days. It went from IUI to IVF in the matter of hours! NUTS!

That's why I'm scared of multiples ... my body is gonna be trashed and I'm really scared of C-sections. But, I will be taking a huge risk ... oh well ... hopefully it will be worth it!
C-section terrifies me as well...but I am trying to come to terms with it, because the little girl will likely not turn because they are already so crammed in there!!! I honestly don't know how women carry more than 2 and survive. I have 2, and my body is slowly breaking down. My left hip now pops out of place when I walk, and sleeping comfortably is now out of the question!!! But I guess my body is not really built for multiples. I am barely 5 ft. tall, and have a very short torso. My husband cracks up at me daily, he says I am more round than I am tall :haha:

I can't believe everything is happening so fast, and turned around so fast for you. This has definitely been a crazy cycle for you, and I am sure you will be rewarded with your long anticipated :bfp:

Have you started the progesterone oil injections yet?? I have a friend who had to do those, and she said that if you warm them up a little beforehand, they aren't as painful. And that they look a lot scarier than what they are.
Hey how are the Egg plants doing??? Any recent ultrasounds???

Today I found out on Day 4 past retrieval we have 5 beatiful embryo's still going strong. Hopefully they will be frozen tomorrow and waiting for my fluffy uterus next month. lol.
Well, no new ultrasounds of the eggplants. But I think I get to schedule my 4d ultrasound next visit, so that makes me super excited!!! I go every 2 weeks now, and it mkes me realize how fast this is all going by, and how much stuff I need to get done before they arrive!!! But this week I think I have got to the EXTREME exhaustion phase. I literally feel like a zombie 24/7.

I am sooooooo happy to hear about the 5 beautiful embryos!!!! :happydance:
how soon do they expect to do the transfer??
Just found out yesterday that my transfer date is scheduled for November 1st. I was SOOOO bummed to find out that I am SOOO far away. You'll probably have your twins by then!! They are making me get on birth control pills ... YUK! This is just a never ending road of disappointment.
Oh gosh!!! It is neverending for you!!! :hugs:

Why are they waiting so long for the transfer??? And what's the purpose of the birth control pills???

Sorry it has been so long. My computer has been down and I just got it back today. And I have been so exhausted and worthless lately!!! If it wasn't for my husband, nothing would be done around here. But on a brighter note we almost have the nursery complete!!! :happydance: I will post some pics as soon as it's done!!!
HOLY COW....Happy squash!!! How fitting for the month of October!!!!
HAHA!!! I didn't even notice...It is very fitting!!!

So, how are you???
So, today has been one of those incredibly horrible days, and I feel like I need a rant. Sorry in advance :haha:

Maybe I am just hormonal and sensitive, but people have become so incredibly rude!!!
I had to go to the doctor for some routine bloodwork, and usually it is the same lab tech everytime, who is super nice, but this time there was a new girl. She was glancing at my chart and said "You're having twins??" which I in turn replied yes to. Then she continued to read the chart and said "Oh, but they're not real though?" I was in such shock all I could say was "Excuse me?" and she said "I see you had fertility issues, so tecnically they aren't real twins, they are a result of fertility treatment." I was just at a loss for words. How do you even begin to respond to something like that? So, all I could think of was "Yes, I have fertility issues. But considering these are living, breathing, babies. I think it is safe to say they are 'real' babies."
Now, I am not one bit shy about the fact that I took fertility drugs or have PCOS. If asked in the right way, I would be more than happy to share my story with anyone. But the way she asked just boiled my blood. Like my babies were artificial. Or because they weren't conceived naturally that it made them any different from any other child born!!!

Like I said, maybe I am just being sensitive. But to me she was just plain ignorant!!!

Sorry for ranting, it has irritated me, and since none of my other family or friends have had fertility problems, they just don't understand how hurtful that was to me.
WOW -- that chick had some balls!

I think you handled that 110% better than I would have!! I'm not so sure I would have been as calm. And heaven forbid if my husband was there .... he would have ate that chick for lunch.

I'm glad you stood up to her. I would consider putting in a complaint because no-one should feel like their babies are any different than anyone elses.

OMGosh, if anyone said that about my daughter not being made the "real" way ... Holy sh*t, I may go postal!!!

SOOOOOO sorry you had to go through that, totally not cool!!!!

On another note, you are going to be holding those little munchkins REAL soon!!! I hope you still stay in contact!!! :)
I think I was so calm because I was in shock!!!
My husband missed that appointment, or I am sure he would have probably knocked her head off :haha: he was outraged when I told him.

Everything seems to be going good for the little munchkins. At 30 weeks I am already measuring 36 weeks. So although they are pushing for me to go to 38-39 weeks, because of my small frame he is not expecting me to go anymore than a few more weeks.

I will definitely keep in touch...I have thought about starting a parenting journal if I can keep track once they are here. And I definitely want to hear about your future little baby or babies.
I haven't been on here or posted in so long I thought I would give a little update on the bambinos.

I have had a lot of braxton hicks this time around, but last Monday they seemed to be a little more intense, and being the worrier that I am, I decided to go get checked out. When I got to the hospital, I was shocked to find out I was in full blown labor!!! I was dilated 2, and they said they could literally feel baby a's head. Everything went wild from there...they gave me steroids for the babies lungs, and decided to start magnesium (AKA...the drug from HELL!!!!!). The magnesium made me feel like I was literally being microwaved from the inside out, and you lose almost all muscle function. So, it is like being paralyzed and trapped in your own body, but you can't move, speak, or do anything about it. You even lose part of your vision. It was a nightmare!!!

Then, my doctor came back in Tuesday morning, and all the efforts to stop the labor was failing. I had then dilated 3 almost 4, and my ffn test came back positive. At this point my doctor flipped...he ordered ultrasounds to check positions, weight, and check lungs of babies...and was planning a c-section for that night as soon as the steroids had time to take effect. He also decided to drug me with a higher dose of magnesium (which later ended up almost fatal, as my levels reached a dangerous level. And I ended up in a coma state for 48 hours).

But luckily, they have got it stopped for now. And I was finally able to come home yesterday on strict bed rest. But I have been warned that I will most likely deliver within the next week.

Sorry to go on and on. I have been meaning to cach up on your journal to see how things are going wih you and your FET...I can't wait to see how it is going!!!
So much has happened in the past has been so scary and crazy!!!

I went to my appointment Tuesday hoping to have a really cool 4-D ultrasound, but the ultrasound revealed that my baby girl has IUGR and is only half the size of my little boy. She is measuring a 27-28 weeker and is a little over 2 lbs., whereas my little boy is 3 lbs. 14 oz. and right on target.

Everyone in the office went nuts and sent me over to the hospital, where the plans were I was going to be monitored while they prepared to air lift me to a bigger hospital that has a better NICU, where they would ultimately induce me. But not everything went as planned. Upon arriving at the hospital, I started having horrible contractions again, and they said I couldn't be transported while contracting. I was given the horrible Magnesium Sulfate again, and a specialist from the larger hospital reviewed my ultrasounds. He said my daughter was in the 8th percentile in growth and needed to be delivered, but could be delivered at the hospital I was already at since I had already had steroid injections.

Here is where it gets tricky. There are 3 doctors in the practice. While 2 of them agreed all intervention to stop labor should be stopped and wanted to induce me. One of them refused to induce unless her growth was in the 5th percentile or below. And apparently all of them have to agree in order to do an early induction. So, here I sit on hospital bedrest...still pregnant and still very worried and miserable!!! They did however agree to stop anymore medical intervention in preventing labor other than the bedrest. So if I continue to dilate on my own, they will let me deliver.

So, the plan right now is to keep me here until I deliver. They are keeping me on monitors constantly, and doing ultrasounds every 10 days to keep an eye on the IUGR. Meanwhile I am going absolutely batty being here. I am not even allowed up to use the bathroom. After going 5 days without showering (I had bed baths, but it's not the same lol) I had a complete breakdown, and the doctor I guess felt sorry for me and allowed me to shower.

No babies yet...but I pray they come soon. Otherwise they might need to move me to the mental ward :haha:
You poor thang! See that's what worries me so much with twins! Everyone is hoping that I get pregnant with multiples but what they don't realize is all the risks that come with multiples.

My daughter was diagnosed with IUGR when I was 29 weeks. My daughter was going to induce me at 35 weeks but my ultrasound at 34 weeks showed a huge growth spurt. Well, come to find out the ultrasound tech TOTALLY measured her wrong because at my 35th week ultrasound she dropped significantly. My OB decided to do monitoring twice a week instead of inducing. I was so damn scared. She said if I didn't feel her kick every single hour to race to the hospital. I was a mental case for 3 weeks!

My gosh, I will pray for you and babies!!! I hope they bounce out happy and healthy and wont have to stay in the NICU very long!!!!
Thank you!! It has just been so stressful.
I thought with my twins being fraternal, that I wouldn't have to worry so much, but I was wrong. Although twin to twin transfusion is something that occurs in identicals that share a placenta, when I met with the perinatologist he seems to think that where my body is small and really not designed for multiples, their placentas have fused together, causing in a sense a form of twin to twin transfusion.

That is what happened to me. Last week the tech that did the ultrasound in the hospital was a new tech, who obviously was clueless and had both babies measuring almost 4 lbs.
Then I go for my 4-d and find out they were way off!!! The perinatolgist even ordered his own ultrasound, which showed the IUGR too.

I met with the NICU doctor yesterday. And he seems to think the only problems they will face will be digestive issues and trouble feeding. So I hope and pray he is right.

I see your FET is exciting!!!!! :happydance:

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