TTC #2 for 9 mo.

So after going to the doctor yesterday I have no answers on why I am so tired. They did more blood tests and I will wait until next week to get those back. In the mean time my doc recommended I go to a fertility specialist because I guess he didn't realize we have been trying for 14 mo. I go home to tell the hubby and his words exactly "Well we haven't really been trying". Are you kidding me? We spent 11 days BD. Take away the week that AF was here and that is every other day just about. COME ON!!!! Then he says I am stressing it and we need to spend more time doing family stuff and it will happen. I try to explain that the doctor said if it didn't happen in 6 mo then something was wrong. I have given it 14 mo. I don't even do all the stuff most women do to TTC. I don't temp or chart. This is my first month trying additional vitamins and stuff. I asked him if he really wanted another baby and he said "stop asking stupid questions." He said that people try all the time and get pregnant without doing all the crazy stuff I am doing and "STRESSING" over it. We had a couple of friends that tried for several years and then they started having marriage problems so the "weren't really trying" anymore and bam they are prego. He says it is my fault for stressing. Maybe it is... I don't know, but he made me feel horrible for everything I am doing. I guess I just want another baby so much that I don't really know how to stop trying.
:hugs: angelria...sorry you don't have any answers yet. I absolutely agree that seeing a FS after 14 months TTC is hardly "stressing" about it. You have been more than patient! How long did it take you to conceive #1 out of interest?
As for all these "relax and it will happen" theories, I think they are a load of nonsense. I was the least relaxed about TTC of my life when I conceived DS having just got over my second ectopic weeks before and being told we would need IVF to conceive. In fact I do believe each of the 3 times I conceived were particularly stressful cycles for one reason or another.
How do people think women in war-torn countries or living on the the street, or in abusive relationships conceive? Aren't they under stress?
And what about some hippy person who has never used birth control, is not thinking about TTC yet DTD all the time and never conceives in her life? Sorry just talking fictional/hypothetical here but you get my drift?
Stressing is just mindless worry about something you can't change. You aren't stressing you are CARING about your body, and your family. :thumbup:
And of course men simply don't and couldn't appreciate what it is like to go through this cycle of watching and waiting and the disappointment that follows. I don't think you can just forget about it once you know how it all works.

AFM....remember what I said about being patient and writing cycles off etc.....well that theory lasted all of two days before my normal fighting spirit returned and I made a plan. Turns out I have some private medical insurance that will pay for me to go see a FS. Went and got a private referral from my GP today (which no doubt annoyed them because they hate it when people don't wait patiently for the NHS to take their sweet time)....and my appointment is TOMORROW! The FS might be able to do the HyCoSy tomorrow or at some point over the next week! :yipee: Am also going to ask him about progesterone for my piddly short LP.

Got two of my blood results back today - Day 2/3 FSH = 6.2, LH = 2.6. Think that is a pretty good result and tells me my ovaries still have plenty of eggs to spit out while I get everything figured out.

How are the rest of you?
Just got back from consultant appt...

...and he was excellent! :happydance: So caring and thorough. He was more than happy that i temped/used opks etc and is the first doctor EVER to believe I ovulate after CD14 and that my LP is short. We actually had a DISCUSSION about everything and he had many funny anecdotes to tell me along the way. A very very knowledgeble very nice man. :thumbup:

So anyway, the HyCoSy isbooked for Monday at 3.30pm and he has prescribed me progesterone. So happy right now! :yipee:
Oh wow. I am sooooooo happy for you right now. I bet you are on cloud 9 with everything falling into place and someone actually caring. We tried off and on for a year for our first. We stopped for about a year and I had gone back on birth control. We were going through some marital issues and I wasn't taking anything for about 4 mo because I was told I had endometriosis and couldn't get pregnant without surgery. Plus we weren't BDing much because of our stress in our marriage. We were only BD for maybe 2-3 times a month. I booked the date for my surgery and then a week later on Thanksgiving night I found out I was prego. A total shock. I didn't think I was but I was 2 weeks late so something told me I should test. I got blood work done on Wed. I don't know how long it takes to come back. They didn't set up a follow up appt so I guess I will wait and call next week to see if it is back. I know I am hypoglycemic so that can be one reason I am tired. I have been dieting and exercising and I just might now be eating enough to keep my sugar at a good level. Still dry on the CM. I need to go get some more Preseed.
So I am excited about your test on Monday. You will have to let me know how that goes. I wonder if it is painful? I guess when it comes to a baby you will endure any pain necessary. I remember having to have an amniocetisis test done when I was prego. VERY painful and bad cramping afterwards, but worth it. My protein levels were off and they thought my son might have downsyndrome. Thank God he didn't but we wanted to know just to prepare ourselves mentally incase. Ok I am just rambling now. I will chat with you later. Got to get back to work.
That's awesome news 2016!! :happydance: So glad you got to see someone that might actually have some answers for you. Hopefully you can get the test done soon and know the results and hopefully the progesterone lengthens your LP. Yay!

Sorry to hear your appt wasn't as helpful Angelria. Sometimes you get pg when you don't stress about it, sometimes you do. Husbands telling you to stop stressing and not think about it really don't have a clue what we go through every month. You can't just turn it off and not think about it; at least I never figured out how. Hope something helps for you soon. :hugs:
angelria...I was reading up about Clomid and a lot of sources say it can dry up CM and make it hostile to sperm. Have you thought about trying preseed or similar. I also drink a couple of glasses of grapefruit juice each day leading up to ov and take Guiafenisin which thins CM. Also drinking lots of water helps apparently.
We are using preseed. TMI I know but the past few days I have been VERY dry. I am using the Maca, EPO. I will try the grapefruit juice. I know if I don't get prego this time it is for that reason. I am second guessing this Clomid. Thanks for the advice though. Let me know how tomorrow goes.
Thanks angelria...I'm excited and nervous for the HyCoSy today. Will let you all know how it goes. I wonder why I am worrying a bit about the pain of a catheter through my cervix when I have pushed a baby through my cervix without so much as a paracetamol! :rofl:

Am also pleased to have lost 6.5lbs this last week on my new diet, and have dropped a dress size, so now only 2lbs away from pre-DS weight (finally!) :blush:
pre-TTC weight is another story though with another 21 pounds to lose to achieve that. :dohh:

As for the Clomid...if you ov anyway, and your LP is on ok length, maybe you want to try skipping it next month and see if it makes a difference. :shrug:
What kind of diet are you doing? I am having a hard time losing and I am working with a personal trainer. I have 20 lbs to go to be pre pregnancy weight. I should ovulate in the next couple of days. My LP was 13 days before and I did ovulate according to OPKs. My periods were just irregular. That is why I think they put me on it. I have heard that weight loss can help you concieve also. I have lost inches but not really lbs in the 7 weeks that I have been working out. I am not really working out as much as I should though either. It is hard to find time. We have a very busy schedule right now and the only time I have is 7 at night and I am pooped by then. No energy for anything (except to try and get some BDing in).
The diet I am doing is my own version of The Scarsdale Diet. Basically you have 1/2 grapefruit (with sweetener if needed) and a cup of tea/coffee with a bit of skim milk and sweetener if needed.
Lunch and dinner are any lean meat/fish/eggs/low fat cheese and any veg/salad (except potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, peas or sweetcorn)
Alternate lunch is a cup of 0% fat yoghurt, 6 pecan nuts and any fruit you like (except bananas).
Snacks are 1 apple/pear and as much carrot and celery as you like and water/sugar free soda/squash.
No carbs, no sugar, no cheating!

You follow this for 2 weeks, then you can relax a bit and can include a moderate amount of carbs. Best thing is it works fast and I can normally achieve a 6.5 weight loss the first week, 3lb the second. I know it sounds mean and I am the worlds biggest chocoholic/carboholic there is...but I just keep telling myself it is only 2 weeks and certainly worth it for such great result.

Anyway, thought I would give you a quick run down about my HyCoSy today...

First they did a general internal scan and measured my lining which was 6.5mm with a triple stripe. Also looked for follies and saw one 13mm follie on my left ovary (which has been hurting like hell since yesterday). They said it looked on track for me to ovulate on CD14 which is an ongoing puzzle as to why it always seems to take me up until CD18 to ovulate. :shrug:

Then came the main event, dye squirting time.

They started on the right side (where the ectopics were) and the dye flowed fine until about halfway then slowed down quite a bit. They looked for spill but couldn't see any so injected more dye. Still no spill.
They decided to try the other side and this time the dye shot along quite quickly and clearly spilled out over my ovary. They returned to the right side and tried again and this time there was eventually some spillage.

Conclusion : left tube is fine, right tube may/may not have had some blockage but it now has free flow.

The FS did remind me that this didn't, however, guarentee the little hairs on the inside on the tube were ok and whether or not something could actually move down the tube successfully. If the hairs are damaged though there is nothing they can do anyway.

After paying him his £585 by cheque, which I am sending off tomorrow to get reimbursed, he seemed to be expecting me just to leave. :shrug: I asked him what were the next steps and he basically said we need to give it a few months to see if any of this helped, and if the progesterone helps. Which I agree with. I just hope when he writes back to my doctor it doesn't sound like I am some procedure-seeking crazy-lady. Sure the tubes are both open....but it doesn't mean there wasn't a chance of total blockage.

I just hope against hope we are successful this cycle...or soon at least. At least having this test done is a weight off my mind and has made me think perhaps I should be a bit less negative about my body and focus on what it CAN do rather than on what I think is wrong. :thumbup:
I am happy that your test turned out good. Mine not so much. I guess my liver enzymes were high and they are running the test again. I should have those results back on Thursday. They are thinking gallblader problem. I was told that I need to stop trying until they figure out what the problem is. So I am a little down right now.
That is frustrating angelria :(. At least they are narrowing down why you could be feeling so tired etc. And it might bbe having an effect on TTC too, who knows. I had my gallbladder removed about 3 years ago now and recovered really quickly. Hope it doesn't come to that for you but keep us updated so we know how you are.

I'm getting really confused about my cycle now. I was spotting a bit after the HyCoSy but I thought it had stopped just about last night so we DTD. In the night and this morning I am now bleeding lightly and it's not just DHs "stuff" coming out, it's fresh blood. I wonder if the procedure upset things and I am now CD1 again. :shrug:
I think when they did my tube dye test, they said some spotting could occur and it's pretty normal. Hopefully that's all it is for you.
This is definitely more than spotting. It's med-light and is still going! :nope:
Well my second blood test came back and the levels are still high so we are scheduling an ultrasound. We haven't really stopped trying but we aren't "trying"either. We took 3 days off and BD last night which is when I think I ovulated so I don't think it is going to happen. There should have been swimmers in there waiting for me to ovulate. I had some cramping so I know it was yesterday. So I am just going to forget about it for now. AF should be here in 13-15 days. My LP is messed up now with the Clomid.
No fortunately it tailed off last night and have just had a few tiny spots today. Think things have settled down a bit. Found it really alarming to bleed like that mid-cycle. My left ovary (where they saw the biggest follicle) has been hurting like crazy since before the scan so I think my cycle is still going and I haven't reset FF to CD1. I wonder how it will work though since I must have shed most/all of my lining. Hope it builds back up in time. :shrug:
I really thought my OPKs would start getting darker today because they normally do when my ovary hurts this much...but no such luck. Maybe my body will do the odd thing it did last cycle and just suddenly give me an almost positive rather than the fade in I am used to.

I am so sorry your bloods came back high again. :( So frustrating I bet when you are TTC and other health issues crop up to delay it. Let us know when your ultrasound is going to be. The liver, particularly in accu/TCM, is such an important part of everything I bet finding the answer to that issue will find you your answers to TTC as well. :flower:
I know I am not suppose to be "trying" right now.... but I still did my OPKs and I got 3 positives in a row Thurs, Fri, and Saturday. Sunday the line was a little lighter, but still pretty dark. We also BD twice on Thurs and Sat. Not really doing anything to prevent it. I am going to test again today to make sure the surge is going down. Which day do I count as Ovulation day? Did I actually ovulate?
2016 how are you doing?
My ov always happens the day after the first positive. I got my positive today too so we will be in the TWW together! :happydance:
YAY! At least I am not alone in the tww. I have been trying to stay busy so that I don't think to much about it. My son is sick with double ear infections again too. His second this year :( Was the bleeding from your test?

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