TTC #2, o'ing mid-January, first cycle!

I hate Hate the TWW :growlmad::dohh:
I have had symptoms here and there but today had some mild cramps and some were in my stomach ? By my belly button? I don't know what to make of it ...slowly losing hope. I feel slow lately and like I can't function properly .....ehhh I'm testing on Thursday I'll be 12 dpo then ...I'm so scared :nope:
I say cramps is a great sign! Cramped with both of my pregnancies...thats why I tested!
Af showed this morning three days early :cry: Usually I spot for 12 hours and then start. This one came on full force. I've never had a 25 day cycle. I'm so confused :shrug: I can't decide if I want to try OPKs next month or just ntnp as this TWW had me going a little crazy:wacko:
:hugs: LiteBright that really sucks about AF showing and early too cruel evil :witch:
Hi ladies! So sorry I've been MIA for a little while. We seem to have so much going on right now. My LO is finally down for a nap now, though, so here I am!

Marissale, wow, congrats on the job offer! That really complicates things, though, doesn't it? Hmmm. I wish you the best! How's your TWW going?

Heather, how are you doing? Did you find out what was going on with the random bleeding? I really hope everything is okay and you just experienced a little bit of breakthrough bleeding. :hugs: Oh, and if you ever did want to try opk's again, I would suggest the clearblue digital ones. They're pricey, but they're supposed to be taken in the morning unlike the regular ones so even if you got up to pee in the middle of the night, if you had just a couple hour hold by morning they should be pretty accurate. I don't blame you if you want to stay away from opk's, though. They drive me crazy. :wacko:

LiteBRIGHT, af is technically due for me today. I haven't gotten it yet, but I know she's coming. I tested for the last time last night, and it was a BFN. At this point, I just want to get it over with so I can move on to next cycle. I'm worried that af won't show today and that my cycles are going to start getting wacky again. They do this thing where they extend by one day or so every cycle and eventually (several times) I've had to go on birth control to get them to be even semi-normal again. :nope: I'm sorry your AF came early... that's so weird how it just started full force. I wish our bodies would just do what they're supposed to! Oh well, I'll try and stay positive. On to next cycle for us!

NWmom13, hi and welcome! :wave: The close age gap is appealing for so many reason. Your bd plan sounds like a good one. Have you gotten a solid smiley yet? Good luck, and I hope you get pregnant soon! :dust:

Twag, your symptoms are sounding promising! How many dpo are you now? I definitely had the full bb's when I got my bfp with my son.

Leah, wow, that's so weird! Have you taken another opk since? I know that opk's can act as hpts. I would take a test, if I were you!

skypink.mommy, I think it's normal to be scared to test. You shouldn't be, though. I don't think you have any reason to lose hope! You're still very early, yet, and your symptoms sound good. :dust:

I've had a really busy, kinda crappy last few days. I haven't felt well with af coming, LO came down with a pretty bad rash this weekend that had us terrified as first times parents (it turned out to only be eczema... poor guy), and a tire on OH's car went flat and we have to take care of that tonight. On top of that, LO's rash has made him itchy and irritable and that, combined with the tooth he's getting, has made for very little sleep for both OH and I. Hoping things get better this week. I also really hope I get af today. I know that sounds weird, but I just want to move on to next cycle already, and I'm worried that she's going to show up late... I just really don't want to have stupid irregular cycles again. :nope:

To the ladies yet to 'o, good luck! Catch that eggy! To the ladies in the TWW, hang in there. It seems so long, but it's part of the TTC experience. Hope you get your :bfp: 's this cycle! And to the ladies who are out already, I'm sorry. I know it's hard, but there's always next cycle! We've got this! We'll get our bfp's! :happydance:
Hi ladies! So sorry I've been MIA for a little while. We seem to have so much going on right now. My LO is finally down for a nap now, though, so here I am!

Marissale, wow, congrats on the job offer! That really complicates things, though, doesn't it? Hmmm. I wish you the best! How's your TWW going?

Heather, how are you doing? Did you find out what was going on with the random bleeding? I really hope everything is okay and you just experienced a little bit of breakthrough bleeding. :hugs: Oh, and if you ever did want to try opk's again, I would suggest the clearblue digital ones. They're pricey, but they're supposed to be taken in the morning unlike the regular ones so even if you got up to pee in the middle of the night, if you had just a couple hour hold by morning they should be pretty accurate. I don't blame you if you want to stay away from opk's, though. They drive me crazy. :wacko:

LiteBRIGHT, af is technically due for me today. I haven't gotten it yet, but I know she's coming. I tested for the last time last night, and it was a BFN. At this point, I just want to get it over with so I can move on to next cycle. I'm worried that af won't show today and that my cycles are going to start getting wacky again. They do this thing where they extend by one day or so every cycle and eventually (several times) I've had to go on birth control to get them to be even semi-normal again. :nope: I'm sorry your AF came early... that's so weird how it just started full force. I wish our bodies would just do what they're supposed to! Oh well, I'll try and stay positive. On to next cycle for us!

NWmom13, hi and welcome! :wave: The close age gap is appealing for so many reason. Your bd plan sounds like a good one. Have you gotten a solid smiley yet? Good luck, and I hope you get pregnant soon! :dust:

Twag, your symptoms are sounding promising! How many dpo are you now? I definitely had the full bb's when I got my bfp with my son.

Leah, wow, that's so weird! Have you taken another opk since? I know that opk's can act as hpts. I would take a test, if I were you!

skypink.mommy, I think it's normal to be scared to test. You shouldn't be, though. I don't think you have any reason to lose hope! You're still very early, yet, and your symptoms sound good. :dust:

I've had a really busy, kinda crappy last few days. I haven't felt well with af coming, LO came down with a pretty bad rash this weekend that had us terrified as first times parents (it turned out to only be eczema... poor guy), and a tire on OH's car went flat and we have to take care of that tonight. On top of that, LO's rash has made him itchy and irritable and that, combined with the tooth he's getting, has made for very little sleep for both OH and I. Hoping things get better this week. I also really hope I get af today. I know that sounds weird, but I just want to move on to next cycle already, and I'm worried that she's going to show up late... I just really don't want to have stupid irregular cycles again. :nope:

To the ladies yet to 'o, good luck! Catch that eggy! To the ladies in the TWW, hang in there. It seems so long, but it's part of the TTC experience. Hope you get your :bfp: 's this cycle! And to the ladies who are out already, I'm sorry. I know it's hard, but there's always next cycle! We've got this! We'll get our bfp's! :happydance:

Sorry to hear that you think you are out this cycle :hugs: and also that your poor little guy has a rash and tooth coming through (we just had #7 pop through I know your pain)!

I am 7dpo today and I am bored of the 2ww now :dohh:
Blah. I'm bored of this tww now. We're looking at baby names and car seats already �� I told myself I wouldn't get so worked up. I feel fantastic. With dd I swear I was sick from the moment of conception. I had every sign during the tww, the implantation spotting, the pulling feeling, morning sickness and my boobs were soooooo sore. I feel nothing of the sort so I'm really just expecting AF to come. Since I have no clue when I ovulated I have no idea what dpo we're at. I hope that my cycle just stays regular. I know how frustrating that can be and am so sorry for you ladies that are having irregular cycles this go round!
Im guessing just break through bleeding...I guess. :wacko: im bding still as if im oing soon..I had a 34 day cycle last month and if I have that again I ovulate today. Cycles are typically 35-39 so its hard to pin point exact o...but we bd enough around this time that is doesnt really matter! I have tried the clear blue ovulation ones and just not a fan. Ive gotton pg twice without temping or sticks...just doing our specific bd schedule and pregnant first try both times with this exact schedule. But im less hopeful this month even with the schedule...due to only being 2nd cycle after mc and the bleeding. Well see!
FX for you Heather what be schedule do you do smep?
Not smep, my own schedule! Since I ovulate later than most and not on the same day either I make sure there is plenty of good healthy sperm swimming around so when I ovulate there is sperm waiting!
For the first 2 weeks of my cycle we bd kinda whenever but try to do it every 3-4 days to always have something in me and keeping dhs sperm new and healthy too. Then from cd18-cd28 we bd every other night on the evens (cd 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28)...Then after that whenever again.
First time I did this I got pg with landon and then we did it again with chelsea and pg! So I think ive got a good system. May not happen first try always but hoping it gets me pg pretty quick! Today im cd21 so no bding tonight but excited to be in the tww soon or already in it....who knows!
I haven’t done a hpt but today's opk was even darker. Lots of cramping and nausea. AF is due on February 1st so I guess we will see.
Litebright33 I am so sorry the whitch showed her ugly face :( but that means you're on day one of your cycle so get back to it

Heather thank you! I have had stabbing pains on my right side groin area today, so strange and some shooting pains going down my thigh ... I had bad nausea all day and not very hungry... I did take a test and it was negative ... However I'm like 9 or 10 dpo so I will try not to get too down until af shows!

Justplay91 thank you! Trying to stay optimistic ! If it doesn't happen this month I will hold off till April or May to try again ...since my birthday is in march and I'm wanting to go to Vegas ;) lol but we shall see

Good luck everyone! Positive vibes and lots of :dust:
So I found all of my previous period dates (they were hidden in my phone somewhere!) and I realized I've had my cycle wrong! My cycles have been 28 and 25, mostly 25, days since having my daughter. This puts my o date up sooner which means we bdd the day of and two days after ovulation instead of before and on ovulation. I feel so relieved for some reason knowing that our timing was off. Maybe because it makes me feel like we can catch it better next cycle! I'm actually excited to start this next cycle. Good luck to the Bfps and ladies still waiting. And for those of you out I'll see you in the feb thread!!
Checking in as we all seem to be around the same dates...Last AF was Jan 1st and although i'm not always bang on my average cycle is 31.

Did the deed around mid month and more so its the waiting game now.

Stupidly tested the other day but i'm sure it would of been way too early, i got the negative regardless and so it's on to thinking about when to test next without wasting so much money!!!
Twag and Misslatino, I know, the TWW is so boring. I never knew things could be both boring and stressful at the same time! I had a pretty laid back approach this month, and I still found it really taxing emotionally. Hope you guys are doing well. Misslatino, I've read that early pregnancy symptoms can differ depending on whether the fetus is male or female. Little girls tend to cause more symptoms, while little boys are a little sneakier. Maybe you've got a little boy in there! Lol. But seriously, good luck to you! I'm rooting for bfp's for both you and Twag this time around! :dust:

Heather, that sounds like a really good bd schedule! I might "borrow" that plan, if you don't mind. I think OH and I need to bd more than we did this last cycle. Maybe we'll shoot for every other day this next cycle (and every day for a couple days when I get a positive opk), and see what comes of that. How have you been? Has your TWW officially begun yet?

Leah, it's even darker?! That's so weird! Will you be testing on February 1st if no af? Fx for you!!!!

skypink, ugh that sounds like awful pain! I got that sometimes when I was pregnant with Kai. You're still very early! The average day to implant is 9 dpo. So with most pregnancies, you wouldn't see even a faint positive until 11 dpo-ish. Good luck! Hope to see you with a :bfp: soon!

LiteBRIGHT, that's good news! It's unfortunate that you got your days mixed up, but I'm glad you got that all cleared up and are ready to go for next month! I'm ready and excited to start next cycle too! Let's go! :thumbup:

lucylu79, hi :wave: ! So you're in the dreaded TWW, eh? Depending on your 'o date, it sounds like you could be a little early for a positive yet. Maybe by this weekend around the 1st, you should try testing again? I think I'm going to try getting some IC tests (probably wondfo's) for next month; they're much cheaper than going to the store and buy a pack of tests. That way I can test when I want without feeling like I'm wasting money (or I could just have more willpower and wait until af comes :dohh: ). Good luck!

In good news, :af: came for me today, so my cycles aren't too screwy. So it's officially on to next cycle for me! Maybe I'll have a November baby to share my birth month with! At this point, though, I'm kind of wanting a February-March baby. My reason for this is that 1. I always get kind of depressed about the Christmas season being over with, and this would give me and the family something to look forward to post-Christmas, 2. Winter in Illinois, US seems to drag on forever, and I think having a baby in the middle of it would kind of help to break it up, and 3. By the time we were feeling recovered and ready to start doing things outside again, it would be springtime and we'd have a whole summer ahead of us to enjoy before winter rolls around again. In reality, though, I'd find a reason to like any month baby arrives in, so I don't really care too much. Sorry for rambling!

Now, do you ladies think I should start a new thread for February, move this to a TTC journal where we can all chat, or just keep using this thread even though it has January as part of the title? Hope everyone is having a good week, and best wishes for bfp's to those of you still waiting! Those of us who are out, ON TO NEXT CYCLE! :happydance: Do you plan on doing anything different next cycle?
Good luck justplay for this cycle! Ill o sometime this week so ill probably just count sunday as starting the tww. It sucks to not know specific dpo...but that wont make me more or less pg overall.
I say stick with this one so we don't lose anyone :thumbup:

Sorry af came rooting for you for this next cycle :hugs:
Heather, I have my fingers crossed for you. It sounds like you have a great system that works for you, so I think you have a really good chance this month. I'll be thinking of you this week. Good luck, hun!

Twag, I agree. We should just sick with this one. The title doesn't really matter.
Thank you guys! Time seems to be really dragging ! I'll retest tomorrow and Saturday if af doesn't show!

Justplay...I think you should just keep it! Would love to see everyone's updates and hope we all get our bfps soon :)

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