TTC #2, o'ing mid-January, first cycle!

Hi, ladies. Sorry I haven't been on in a couple days. I've been feeling "meh" and kind of just hanging out in the boring part of the TWW. I should be 8-9 dpo today, and I'm starting to have symptoms. I feel vaguely like I may be getting sick, though, so it could be that. Also, some annoying cramps, but sometimes I have those around this time, so who knows. :shrug: I totally told myself I would be good and wouldn't test early, but I caved this morning and tested on Walmart cheapie. BFN, of course. Now I feel a bit crazy. :wacko: Buuuuut at least it alleviated my need to poas, and I think now I can wait until I'm 13 or 14 dpo to test again.

Marrisale, that must be nice to feel when you're o'ing! I thought I felt it this month, but I didn't really have any EWCM, which I used to have a lot of around 'o time, so I'm not sure. This TTC thing is so much guesswork. Congrats on moving from NTNP to officially TTC! That's so exciting!

Misslatino, hahaha. I hear you on the birth-plan thing! I think it's just cause we've been through it and we know that birth usually doesn't go according to plan. And I know, I use the smiley OPKS as well as the ones with the two lines, and every time I see a faint second line, I get SOOO excited lol. I get positives on the digi's, but I never seem to get positives on the regular ones. :nope: So frustrating. What dpo are you considering yourself now?

Twag, fx for a :bfp: on your son's b-day! The only time I ever had nosebleeds in my life was when I was in the 1st trimester with Kai. If you bd'ed cd13 and o'ed cd14, that sounds like perfect timing actually!

JenJen, sorry about your LO keeping you up constantly the other night. I think my son is starting to teethe, and he's been waking us up every half an hour or so the last few nights. I feel like a zombie today. Hope you were able to get more sleep last night, and that you caught that egg!

LiteBRIGHT, your symptoms sound quite promising. You plan to test on Saturday? Good luck! Tell us about it once you've done it!

Heather, awww. That's one of the most touching things I've read. I can't imagine how much your heart will grow when you get your little rainbow soon. :hugs:

Mrs_Bump, how are you doing? How many dpo are you now? I know it's nerve racking... Have you decided to test yet? Fx for you!

icegurl470, welcome! I know how you feel; we weren't trying for my son either. Here's hoping TTC is a great experience for both of us! I think ovulation can vary a good deal every month, even for someone who has a pretty regular cycle. Good luck, hope you 'o soon so you can join us in the TWW!

Leah, sorry to hear about your OPK issues. Are you sure you don't want to use them another cycle? Those did look close to positive. They may even have been positive, I'm not so great at telling... :/ I've heard people recommend that you use them a few months so you can get used to what your body does with them. For example, some women will never get a full-blown positive, but are able to tell by their combination of symptoms and an almost-positive OPK that they did indeed ovulate. Fx that you get your BFP this month and it isn't even an issue!

Good luck ladies! I want to hear about tests if/when anyone gets to that part of the TWW! :dust:
Urgh I have that heavy lower tummy feeling ...I get ovulation spin most months which is good for know when to dtd...but put it this way it does not make it enjoyable. Very uncomfy. Anyway negative opk today.. Will be positive either tomorrow and Saturday or Saturday and Sunday. Not sure why I bother tbh but I like to know for sure. Std on Monday night, should of last night (fell asleep instead ha ha) so tonight again then the two days of ovulation.

I am so impatient... hate the tww. Always say every month doesn't matter, won't symptom watch etc etc and of course I do.

Good luck and baby dust to all x xx and
Im getting frustrated!!!! Ive never spotted a day in my life...ever!!! Im either full blown bleeding or not. Im only on cd16 and not due to ovulate til around cd21 and just now when I wiped my cm is tinted pink and had a small pencil eraser sized pink cm glob on the tp!!! What the heck??? Great so either im having a super short screwy cycle (back to cd1 today) or my hormones are wacky. Either way now im less hopeful and we havent even started our bd schedule yet. Please let the pink stop and no short cycle!!! My cycles have always been regular....long but predictable. Im going to be so upset if my hormones are this wacky. I had a normal 34 day cycle after my dnc....I should be good!!!!
Justplay I have no clue how many dpos I am! I have MORE ewcm today! Last time I remember having it maybe 2 days Max. I always counted the last day as when I ovulated. My opk was negative again. I'm just gonna test on cd28. Maybe cd25 lol... I know the poas urge is strong! I'm starting to worry that this amount of ewcm is bad news and is just my body freaking out first cycle off the pill.

We told our family and are currently hearing a plethora of reasons why now is not a good time. I knew this would happen and it's exactly why I told them now so they Gtf over it BEFORE I announce a pregnancy but it's still irritating.

Heather I hope that pink disappears for you soon! I can only imagine the frustration. Just do your routine as normal just in case though!

Sending more baby dust to you all!!!!!
Well, I had a little excitement this morning. This is my first month using opks (ever) and I got either a positive or almost positive! I'm actually hoping it's an almost positive...DH and I have yet to bd this week due to an ill-timed argument (of course), and tonight will be the first time we'll get a chance. I've had ewcm for the past two days, but FF says I shouldn't ovulate until tomorrow. Hope that's true and we can bd tonight and tomorrow! What do you think, does this look positive or almost there? (I included last nights for comparison as well) I'm CD16 on a 31 day cycle.


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mitchnorm, that's unfortunate that 'o pain makes dtd uncomfortable, but it's nice that you are able to pinpoint so well when you are ovulating. My periods are regular, but I can never tell if/when I'm ovulating anymore. I seem to even confuse the OPK's! Good luck; it sounds like you're gonna nail the timing! Go :spermy: go! :haha:

Heather, I'm sorry your body isn't being as cooperative as you'd like. Maybe it's just a little bit of breakthrough bleeding and won't cause any issues with your cycle. It doesn't sound like a full-blown period to me, although I guess that depends what your AF symptoms are usually like. Even if your hormones are off and you aren't ovulating like normal this cycle, I would definitely stick with your bd schedule. You never know! :winkwink:

Misslatino, I wish I had ANY ewcm! Lol. Before I was on the pill, I would get lots of it in the middle of the month, so I always knew I was fertile. Now that I'm actually TRYING to conceive a baby, apparently my body has decided it doesn't want to make any fertile cm anymore. :/ I think I just still haven't completely regulated from my last pregnancy. But that's weird that you keep having negative opk's and so much ewcm still... :shrug: Even if your body is freaking out and this isn't your cycle, it sounds like your hormones are trying to straighten themselves out, and should be in good working order for next month. :thumbup: That's crazy that your family would say things like that! That's so rude... We've only told my mom, and she was surprisingly supportive. We aren't planning on telling DH's family until we're actually pregnant, because we both know we wouldn't hear the end of how it's a TERRIBLE idea and we can't afford more than one child, etc. DH is an only child because they disapprove of having multiple children. Oy! I know it's hard, but try not to listen to your family.There will always be reasons not to have another baby, but only you and DH know when it's the right time. And they'll love their little baby like crazy once he or she actually comes!

FallBabe, nice to see you again! Those opk's look great. Looks just a shade lighter than the control line. I bet anything you'll have a full-on positive tomorrow! Get to bd'ing!!

I'm 9-10 dpo today, I think. Starting to get some af symptoms, and I'm really feeling out this month already. I know it's too early to say, but it just doesn't feel like my month. I'm starting to think it's going to take my body a little longer to regulate than I initially thought. That's okay. I'm getting used to the idea of having a little winter baby next year, though, so I'm actually not too disappointed. At this point, I'm kinda just wanting af to show up so I can move on to next cycle. Sorry if I sound like a downer. In more positive news, my little monster is 5 months old today!!! Hope all you ladies are doing well! Baby dust to all! :dust:

Hoping to see some :bfp: 's here pretty soon!
Here's a topic to keep us busy during the TWW. Just out of curiosity, how many of you have a preference on the sex of your next baby? Are you wanting a baby of the opposite sex of your first LO, or the same? I can think of pros and cons to both. If I have another boy, they can share a bedroom for a long time, and can wear all the same clothes. Plus they can help each other out with all the "boy issues" and will always hopefully have a built in best friend. Then again, two kids of the same sex might have more issues with sibling rivalry. And if I have a girl, I feel like it will be a completely different experience. We'd get to shop for new clothes and look at girl names this time! Plus OH reallllllly wants a daughter. The kids wouldn't be able to share a room for their entire childhoods, though, and might grow apart a bit during their adolescence. Like I said, pros and cons to both! I think I'm going to say I'd like a :pink: bump this time around, but as long as baby is healthy, I know we'll be very happy with either. What do you guys think?
It's creamy today lol and I fell asleep so no bd last night BUT woke up to our best friends and dds godparents texting me that they will be visiting in March so may not be horrible if we didn't catch the egg this month because we'll be vacationing with them. He's going to propose to her at the grand canyon!
My mom will get over it she worries about me finishing school but I had already planned ahead if we did catch it. I'm not telling oh's parents until it happens because they just suck and would be happy but would say something negative for sure.
I'd love a blue bump but would be elated with another girl and the built in best friend. We have everything pink so that would definitely be easier. OH has no preference. He wanted a boy originally but is so head over heels with his princess that he doesn't care if we are throwing tea parties forever :)
So I'm so hungry I'm nauseous. I'm not a breakfast person but lately I've been having to eat in the morning to deal with the nausea. As soon as hunger strikes I feel like I'm going to vomit. At this I'm only 4-5 dpo I'm tired, nauseous, slightly cramps and bloated. I have no clue when I truly O'd because I had a hard time with OPKS I think I ovulated on 18th-19th and we BD'D on 12th and 19th. I don't know what to think but I feel crappy. BTW no symptoms with my first pregnancy.
Wooo, I'm gone for like a week and there are so many new ladies! GL to all of you!!

Justplay, we would really really really love to have a girl. There's only been one girl born into dh's immediate family in 30+ years. We would love another boy all the same, but a girl would be amazing!
So I'm so hungry I'm nauseous. I'm not a breakfast person but lately I've been having to eat in the morning to deal with the nausea. As soon as hunger strikes I feel like I'm going to vomit. At this I'm only 4-5 dpo I'm tired, nauseous, slightly cramps and bloated. I have no clue when I truly O'd because I had a hard time with OPKS I think I ovulated on 18th-19th and we BD'D on 12th and 19th. I don't know what to think but I feel crappy. BTW no symptoms with my first pregnancy.

Those are some rrally strong symptoms, especially the cramping and being super hungry. The hunger nausea was one of my big ones. When do you plan on testing? Although 4-5 dpo does sound a BIT early, but like you said, you're not completely certain of when you ovulated.
Having another boy would be fun (I grew up with all sisters and think it would be nice for DS to have a similar bond with a brother) but selfishly I want to have a little girl :) btw, here is my CD16 pm test. Def think this one is positive!


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Things are looking promising in this thread!

leahj7712 - those are good symptoms, even though you're feeling crappy. maybe it means you'll have your bfp this cycle! :flower:

im 4dpo and the only "symptoms" i have is sharp shooting pains in my cervix/vagina and weird lower back/pelvis cramps that come and go.

i'm really only assuming that i'm 4dpo, i could be 5 or 6 but everything seems aligned with the 19th. either way, we BD from CD10 which was the 14th, and continuously did so until the 21st so if the egg was going to be caught, it would've been caught

FX for all of us this cycle :hugs:
Thanks Leah! People ask if it's short for Arianna but it's just Ari :) Some people thought it was strange at first but it suits DD. Your symptoms sound good, although feeling sick sucks :(

Justplay I didn't notice EWCM this month but (TMI) I'm wondering if I didn't because of husband's ummm leftovers? haha. I've been tired too. Today I took a two hour nap with DD and last night I fell asleep with DD at 9pm! And usually I go to bed between 12-1 am. But to be honest, we are all probably exhausted taking care of our little ones. Hope you feel better!

MissLatino I can only imagine the frustration in hearing people tell you why you shouldn't be TTC. That's exactly why we aren't telling people. There's hardly ever a good time to have a baby. If I waited until my life was settled to have a baby I never would have had DD. You find a way to make it work when you have to.

Afm, I'll be testing in the AM. Not expecting much except to feed my addiction haha. I think this time around I'd like another DD. I'd love for Ari to have a sister close in age. I'd love for them to be able to share a room and to be able to use all of her clothes again. However, for some reason I have it in my head that next pregnancy will be a boy. Either way, we are staying team yellow next time around!
Also I've been queasy on and off all day. But I'm telling myself it's all in my head. After my very first cycle ttc DD and making myself totally believe I was pregnant, I've been pretty good about not symptom spotting obsessively.
I would love a boy since we already have a wonderful daughter. But healthy is most important.
Oooh loving some symptom spotting!!!

No smiley face on opk for me today or yesterday but I can feel it's coming...hopefully before Tuesday as I am away on business after that for 3 days. :-(

When I was pregnant last time we found out we were having a girl and I must admit was slightly disappointed.... like literally for a few seconds...more shock I guess as few girls in our family. But now I've experienced a girl I really really would love another girl ha ha. I though I'd want. a boy...I am not very girlie, hubbys sporty. He's not bothered but i think he'd like a boy. Anyway....I'd just be happy to get pregnant again:happydance:again

Question ladies....are you all being good with regards no caffeine or alcohol or just carryinng on as usual? I fell pregnant last time not doing anything out the usual...drank wine, coffee etc. I just wonder this time whether I need to be more 'healthy' to maximize chances???
I'd love another girl too purely as i have a loft full of girls clothes, but as long as it's healthy I don't really mind.
Great more pink cm. Put a tampon in for a minute then took it out and had 2 dark pink/red smudges on it. Im soo mad!! I had 0 blood yesterday!! I was hoping it was just a pink spot the other im afraid im back to cd1 today with a 17 day cycle**half a normal cycle. We were supposed to start bding tonight!!! I guess time will tell if I start full bleeding or not*

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