Hey ladies. AF over for me, finally! Cd 7 here. I've been away from the computer for a couple days, as we were spending Superbowl weekend at my mom's place. How's everyone been? Any bfp's while I was away?!
Leah, we don't really have any names picked out, either. We've looked a bit, but we struggle to find names that 1. We both like and 2. Sound good with our son's name, since it's so different. I know we want to have both a boy's and girl's name picked out before we have the anatomy ultrasound during our next pregnancy, though. How's your TWW going? Is it almost up?!
Goldenpanther, welcome! :wave: Good luck TTC! Where are you in your cycle?
LiteBRIGHT, I love the name Ayla. So pretty. Good choice!
Misslatino, have you decided for sure whether you'll try next month? I'm really torn, because I'm excited about trying, but I think it would be best for us to have a baby in February-April of 2016, which puts us at skipping 2 or 3 cycles... and I don't want to do that! Maybe we'll just NTNP for the next couple months. Regardless, I'll still be here on the forums!