Congrats New Wifey!!
Sorry I haven't been on for AGES!!
Anyone else got some good news this month?
I have a question for you mums, I hope it's ok to ask here, I need some advice I'm thinking of weaning bub off the boob :-/ Any tips?
No good news here, well, I haven't come on early so I guess that's good news lol.
My son was 19 months when I took him off the boob. He would always depend on it to sleep. I read online that if you dab a little vinegar on your nipples the baby won't like the taste and reject the breast by him/herself. I tried it on Jan 1st and as soon as I did that was it! No more boob. He now falls asleep on his own, I can put him to bed with a bottle of milk and he'll fall asleep that way!
