Ttc #2

Hello can I join? My son is now 4 years old and would be prefect for him to have a little sibling. We are now on the 7th cycle and nothing yet. :( hoping it will happen soon.
Welcome Velarthria.

Slammerkin, good luck with your OPK's. Remember they don't always show progression. So yesterday's could be faint and today's super positive.
Yeah they usually go positive like super fast. :) so good luck :) also test once in the morning and once at night :)
Hi ladies. Sorry I haven't been posting much. Just been lurking.
I'm now 4dpo and hopefully will be busy next week with a friend coming to stay that I haven't seen for a few months.

Good luck with the dr's Rose and Shaele.
And good luck having your dad stay bselk. Fx you can still get in plenty of BD.

Hey Babydoll been thinking of you!! Don't test, don't test, wait until AF is due!! (Of course I say this as I know myself would cave and test early lol)

I may go, I may not - I'll see how this cycle goes. I had some odd bleeding last cycle but so far nothing this cycle so I guess if this one goes like clockwork I'll probably leave it. I'm hoping IT will be sixth time lucky anyway :) just need to get some bd in...

Rose! Get to that BDing!! Lol

Hello ladies, I too have been lurking been a bit down about last cycle as to why I didn't get pregnant but this time I used opks and I ovulated like 3 days after my AF so I think that's where I went wrong Bc I didn't start DTD until a week after AF.

Can someone help me out by telling me how to post a pic up here, need y'all opinions on an opk.

And Nevergivingup - did you find the "manage attachments" button below the "submit reply"? Hit post reply first and you will see it!

As for me- I've just gotten back from the hospital with my little man :( we both came down with the stomach flu and he just couldn't seem to kick it. He started throwing up Wednesday night and then I thought he was getting better on Thursday... Nope! He still wasn't keeping anything down so by Friday morning (after I had done my puking all of Thursday night) I called my husband home from work early so he could drive us all to the ER. Thank goodness we went because my sons blood sugar had dropped from being dehydrated and we had to stay overnight! After an IV for 24 hours, zofran for the nausea, and sugar added to get his blood sugar back up, we were finally released today! His first sickness :( so we're back here resting tonight but my question is... Have any of you ever had an illness and it moved back your O day? I've read sometimes when you're sick it may affect your ovulation? Technically my fertile window starts today so yes, we did DTD this afternoon (once we got back home lol) and my O is predicted sometime between March 1st- March 3rd.

Any advice is appreciated!

Good luck ladies!! :thumbup:
OH welcome Velathria!! I think as this winter weather begins to warm up so will the number of our BFPs!
Hello can I join? My son is now 4 years old and would be prefect for him to have a little sibling. We are now on the 7th cycle and nothing yet. :( hoping it will happen soon.

Welcome Velathria! i'm about to be on my 7th cycle too with nothing to show for the past 6 either. i feel your " :( " Definitely stinks. I am hoping bselck is right about the warm weather bringing on more bfps!!! lol.

bselck- i am so sorry to hear about you and your son having been in the hospital! that is definitely scary when babies get dehydrated that much and blood sugar is down...good call on going though! And I am glad to hear you both are doing far as if getting that sick can disrupt anything cycle wise i am not sure i'm sorry. I haven't ever heard that it can unless it's being sick for a very long period of time. in any case i would just continue to bd every fertile day just to cover all bases...and maybe a few days after ;) fingers crossed for ya!
BSelck sorry to hear about your little one hope he's feeling better and makes a quick recovery!! I have been ill once before and it's moved my O date back a few days but also have been Ill on other occasions and it hasn't made any difference.

Well I had a temp rise today so maybe I Od early. We will see!
Thanks ladies :) is it hard for you guys sometimes to dtd.. we try doing it either when DS is in playschool in the morning or when he is in bed... last month he was sick so we didn't really get to dtd around O at all...

Shaele- I'm hoping that the warm weather will help too.. lol.. Got my fingers crossed.

BSelck- I was sick this month and I think it screwed up my cycle. Pretty sure I didn't ovulate at all.. cause my cycle only lasted 16 days and then I had spotting for days
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Yes i found it!! Thanks Ladies for the help!! When I first started here i always had to do it from the computer but doing it from my iPhone is a lot being that all my photos are taken from my phone.

But this is my opk from Fri. And Sat . But this morning it look like

View attachment 931770 this. I'm assuming I'm in my 2 week wait now Bc the line went back faint. What do you all think?

Welcome Velathria: YESSS!!! Me n DH just be waiting until DS goes to sleep or take a nap so we can BD!! It was a struggle this cycle Bc he wanted to stay up with us...and I was just hoping my Surge would sta open for us to BD.

Bselk: I'm sorry you had to go through that. It sounds like it was horrible. Poor baby, it's nothing worse then your baby being sick and worse throwing up...glad they caught the low sugar and Fluid deficit. My son just had the flu this week and it was horrible. But remember I had a sinus infection and my AF came on 5 days earlier, I BD faithfully through it but I don't know if I ovulated or not Bc of the sickness, and when my AF came on it was sooo heavy! I do believe being sick like that affects our Cycle. But no facts just saying.

Hope you ovulate this coming March and catch the egg!!!
Nevergivingup yes going by the OPKs I would say that you probably have Od but I would BD every other day for a few more days just to be sure, until your cm dries up.
Hey Babydoll been thinking of you!! Don't test, don't test, wait until AF is due!! (Of course I say this as I know myself would cave and test early.

Hi BSelck. I haven't tested yet but still early days. Ff says that AF is due on the 6th but my other app says the 7th. Either way I'm hoping for an early birthday present and her not to show. I'm 7dpo today and I'm trying to tell myself that I can't test before 12dpo as its very unlikely to show before.

I'm sorry you and ds have been sick. Nothing worse than having a sick child especially when your sick too. Glad you followed your instinct and went to the hospital. And glad your both home now and feeling a bit better. I have heard of being sick pushing O back. Good luck. I hope you catch the egg!
Welcome velathria!

Thanks babydoll - I had another negative this morning and haven't had a chance yet to test this afternoon evening but I'll try to soon.

Bselck - so sorry to hear about you and DS being so sick! It's just horrible when little ones are sick!
Thanks nevergivingup. .. it's the same here xD my son still wakes up once in a while in the middle of the night so we usually just try doing it before he wakes up xD and I think I hear him coming everytime xD he is right across from us and we have a super squeaky bed.. hate the bed ... so we usually go dtd in the sitting room. I'm worried sometimes that I miss my surge too but me and DF try to dtd everyday so we don't miss anything. Just in case. :)
Wasn't able to do another OPK until bedtime last night and it was negative, but I had a big temp drop today, so today could be O day. I hope so because we BD the last two days, but probably won't be able to do it tonight or tomorrow.
evening ladies! hope you all are doing well. i just spent an hour trying to get my daughter to sleep which is very unlike her. i plopped her in her crib and she wouldnt stop crying so put her in my bed and we played around for a bit naming things in the room. she cant really talk that much yet but im trying to expand her vocabulary and was showing her body parts like nose finger hair ear eye etc. i showed her knee which she goes "me" so now shes pointing to my knee saying me me me. was cute. she went to sleep shortly after. guess she just wanted a little more time with mommy.

nevergivingup-i agree with rose....definitely looks like you o'd...hope you got that eggie!

babydoll-oooo test day draws near...are you having any symptoms? i know still quite early but might be possible to start feeling things i think.

slammerkin-sorry you are getting negatives with the opks....i hope one turns up positive for you soon. is the test line at least getting darker and more close to the control line with each test you take?

as for me the doc appointment is fast approaching and im so completely dreading it now. reality hit me. i get really nervous which makes my blood pressure go up which makes the nurses all like your blood pressure is a little high and im like yeah i know im nervous. oh and lets just skip the scale too. and i have to shave....i mean i dont technically have to i guess but i like not being hairy when theres someone else looking at me naked other than dh. and dh thinks i worry too much and shouldnt care about that. ugh just wish it was friday and everything was all over with. i sound crazy i know.
Shelly I totally understand being nervous about the appointment, I would be too I hate going to the Doctors. Hope it all goes well though :) your little one sounds really cute.

Well my chart is very random this month. Hubby left the window open all night and it's -2 outside so it was very cold when I woke up, and I woke earlier than usual. I think it has affected my temp. I regret not buying more OPKs now! However the advantage of waking up early is that we managed to BD before hubby went to work, so if I didn't O we are still covered :)
Shaele- your daughter sounds so cute. And I have had night's like that with my son. Even when he woke up at night and didn't want to go back to sleep. I used to play with him a little and then he got tired. Guess they do need that time with mommy sometimes.

And being nervous for you app is normal. I wish you lots of luck and that it goes well.

Slammerkin- hope that opk gets positive for you and you catch the egg.

AFM went to the circus yesterday with my son and friends and it's was his first time. He had so much fun :) sadly though it ended pretty late which meant me and DH didn't have time to dtd also I was exhausted. But we have been dtd'ING for the last week everyday so I hope that helps. Really really hoping we catch the egg this month.

Having weird AF cramps though today and last night and am really constipated and bloated today.. but I must not symptom spot. :)
Slammerkin; I hope your OPK turns positive for you soon. It's frustrating when they do that.

Shaele, I'm not really having any symptoms which is kind of weird cause usually by now I've had a big acne breakout/rash and boobs would be a bit tender but nothing and I'm not tired like usual either. The only thing I do have is annoying slight lower back ache and weird on and off very low and mostly on the right light cramps which has only started in the last hour maybe.

And being nervous is completely normal and I'm the same with having to shave if I know someone will be looking at me. When I was 8 months pregnant I made DH help me (as I couldn't reach/see properly) every 1-2 weeks as I wanted it "neat" for when dr's saw me in labour :haha:

Fx Velathria! I hope you've caught that egg!!

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