Ttc #2

Rose we're way too in sync, lol! We didn't get to BD last night either. We went to a small wedding and DH got plastered drunk. Super pissed at him actually. :growlmad: :nope:

Velathria, I agree, you should try temping and see if it works for you. I wake a lot, but I can still see a clear temp shift to pinpoint O. Even if I temp at different times.
I'll try that then. It's just so hard to find a bbt thermometer here where I live. Have to order it online then... wish I could just get it here in a store.
Haha!! I wasn't best pleased with mine either tbh. I would really like to do it tonight but he's working late so I expect it will be a no. Hopefully the swimmers were ready and waiting for the egg :) would love a girl this time and I've read that sometimes BDing 2-3 days before O can help to achieve that as the female sperm are slower but last longer? Not sure if it's actually true but its a nice thought at least!
You've had a nice temp rise so looks like you're all good! I have had creamy cm and EWCM today but im hoping the ew was just left over from yesterday. My cramps have pretty much gone and we're very intense last night so im guessing that's when the egg made its way out (and hoping!!!)
I had a load of EWCM this morning too, after a BM (tmi, sorry, lol). Like, way more than any of the previous days. And I didn't notice any yesterday. Weird!
My ewcm is barely there.. usually just a little once on the day of O and sometimes not even that. Just watery... and then it goes to creamy.
Hey ladies!! Just wanted to check in now that my fertile window is over!

We got to BD on Saturday the 27th, 28th, 29th, 1st and 2nd. (All in the afternoon or PM) I know I said I wanted to do every other day, but for the first month trying I wanted to go all out!

The fertility friend app says I am CD15 today (or 2dpo) of a 27 day cycle so they predicted my O on March 1st- but I normally have 28 day cycles (aside from last month) so I think I could have O'd yesterday as well.

We DTD in all different positions to try and keep it fun and relaxed. But (as to my husbands request) we did not use temping or OPKs this month so we shall see! I did have O pains on the 27th as well as the 29th, 1st and 2nd. So possibly pre-O pains 27th as well as O pains later on?

I've always gotten O pains that I can remember but it seems to ALWAYS be on the left side only. And now that they have been hanging around for a couple days, I really don't know how to tell which day I O'd so hopefully DTD everyday during my fertile window will cover it!

Good luck getting those husbands to BD ladies!! Wishing everyone luck this month!
hey everyone! checking in. just got back from my gyn app. was nervous but of course i shouldnt have been. everything went smoothly. discussed my issues with the doc. she was great to talk to and very understanding. she said i might not be ovulating at all due to my substantial lack of cm. or that i might be ovulating earlier than i think. shes sending out my hubby for a semen analysis. and i have to go back on cycle day 5 and 10 for them to take blood and make sure my hormones are where they should be and that nothing is wrong with my thyroid. also she said stop having sex every day and do it every other day. she said technically i should be ovulating today if i have a 31 day cycle which i normally do and when she was doing her thing down there she said theres no evidence of that cm wise. i told her my app says ill be o ing in a few days and usually when i get my positive opk too but she said then youd have a longer cycle so somethings not right. otherwise everything else looked and felt normal. lol she said ok for the next few months we are going to concentrate on getting you knocked up. i feel a bit relieved. my husband just suggested why dont you stop using the opks and temping and why dont we just bd every other day from now on? regardless of during your fertile time or not. course he said oh well we shall see. maybe taking a break from the opks and thermometer would be ideal....but im so ocd i wanna know everything and when it happens.

baby dust to all!
Well done BSelck! Good luck hopefully all your hard work pays off :)
Shaele glad the appointment went well, it's great that your doctor is going to give you lots of help! I doubt mine would be as helpful if I went.
Can I join you all ladies? :flower:

We've been trying to conceive baby number 2 for 18 long months now :(

My periods have always been regular , but from June 2014 they started going all over the place, just before we started to try. At one point I had a gap of 3 months inbetween periods and all OPK's I took were negative. Something wasn't right so I saw my GP. She ran some blood tests and diagnosed me with very mild pcos and a borderline underactive thyroid. I was prescribed thyroxine for my thyroid back last summer and since then , my periods are regular again. I was also sent to see a fertility specialist and I had an ultrasound which showed my ovaries were normal and healthy and an HSG which showed my tubes were all clear.

I am now awaiting my next appointment with the fertility specialist, but in the meantime I decided to start tracking my cycle more and this month I restarted OPK's. Tonight I was absolutely gobsmacked to get my first ever positive!!! I am also pretty sure I had some EWCM yesterday, but today it is creamy/ew. I also have no obvious ovulation signs such as sore boobs, but yesterday I felt a bit bloated, gassy and had a couple of slight pains where my ovaries are. It wasn't obvious though, so not sure if I would count them as ovulation pains. I am not temping, but if I don't fall pregnant this month, I am thinking to do so next month.

Do you ladies think I have possibly ovulated based on the above??

Anyway, that's my back story and I look forward to joining you all on your TTC number 2 journey :)
Pompey yes! That definitely seems like you're on the right track to ovulation! With the subtle twinges yesterday and the +OPK today, I would say you may be ovulating tonight or tomorrow! Have you been able to DTD or will u able to tonight just in case!?

Thanks Rose! Sending lots of prayers upstairs for our BFPs this cycle!

Shelly! Soooo great to hear your appt went extremely well and that you have an OB who understands your concerns and doesn't just write them off! It sounds like she is doing all the right tests and is super knowledgeable! I know it may be hard to step back from testing so often, but I'm with your husband on this one- just don't temp or ovulation track with OPKs for a month or two and DTD!! Lol good luck love!
Pompey yes! That definitely seems like you're on the right track to ovulation! With the subtle twinges yesterday and the +OPK today, I would say you may be ovulating tonight or tomorrow! Have you been able to DTD or will u able to tonight just in case!?

Thanks Rose! Sending lots of prayers upstairs for our BFPs this cycle!

Shelly! Soooo great to hear your appt went extremely well and that you have an OB who understands your concerns and doesn't just write them off! It sounds like she is doing all the right tests and is super knowledgeable! I know it may be hard to step back from testing so often, but I'm with your husband on this one- just don't temp or ovulation track with OPKs for a month or two and DTD!! Lol good luck love!

We BD last night, the night before and we are going to do so again tonight. I still don't quite get how OPK's work.... does the positive this evening means I have ovulated or I'm about to ovulate? If I got twinges yesterday, I would have thought I would have ovulated then? I find it all confusing!
rose-thank you! i was definitely glad my doc was so positive today...really helped my spirits....not that im glad to have to admit having problems conceiving....pride thing....but if it helps in the long run who cares....i try to tell myself that lol. i really hope all those cramps were you o ing! i have heard about the "girl" sperm being hardier but slower however i dont know if theres any truth in it. i hope so in your case though!

bselck-wow! i bet you are glad you are in your ttw after all that bding! heres hoping it pays off! also thank you for your comments about my doc app. i am really pleased with how it went. im hoping its just some problem with my hubbys sperm and can get cleared up with an antibiotic like my doc said might be the prob but im probably not that lucky lol. boy trying to find a place that does semen analysis is tough! i might try dh and your advice by leaving the test sticks and thermometer alone for a bit...i mean people got pregnant lots before those were even a thing so...meh i dunno. gonna attempt...

pompey-hi and welcome to this group of awesome ladies! from your first post it definitely sounds like you o'd to me. opks can be wonky in that they can give you multiple positive days. some people have longer surges and the surge hormone will still be in your system the next day. what you really need to pay attention to is the first day you received your positive. that day is most important because now you know youll o between 24-36 hours from then. thats like the beginning of your surge. any positive days after that would be mid or end surge. also i have learned that temping in addition to opks will help you pin point your o day if you get multiple positives in a row often because youll have a temp spike the day after you o. i know you said you didnt this month but if this time didnt work it might be worth trying next time if at least for your peace of mind ☺i hope that helps! but lets hope it doesnt come to that and af stays away!
Hi Pompey :)

Well we BD'd last night and another rise this morning so I'm pretty sure I have ovulated :) yay! My cm was really creamy by last night but I thought it would be best to do it again anyway. I only wish that DH had been in the mood the night before but never mind.
Hi there just thought I'd check in.
Rose-glad you o'd and hope you caught the egg. ^^
Me and DH always make sure we do it once more after just in case. It's always good to cover everhthing. ^^

Shelly- im glad you doc app went well hope that if I ever have to go to the doc that mine is that invested like yours. Hope then that everything works out :)

Pompey- that sounds like you definitely ovulated. So congrats on that and hope you and DP caught the egg. :)
Hi ladies. Welcome Pompey.

Shaele, glad to hear your doctors app went well and you'll be getting answers soon.

Bselk; welcome to the Tww!

Afm, 12dpo and AF is due tomorrow. Bfn on 10dpo so now I'm just waiting to see what happens tomorrow. I didn't get a BFP until AF was 1 week over due with ds so there may still be hope but I'm not too hopeful.
Hi Pompey :)

Well we BD'd last night and another rise this morning so I'm pretty sure I have ovulated :) yay! My cm was really creamy by last night but I thought it would be best to do it again anyway. I only wish that DH had been in the mood the night before but never mind.

Rose good luck! The BDing and the CM sounds great!

Hi there just thought I'd check in.
Rose-glad you o'd and hope you caught the egg. ^^
Me and DH always make sure we do it once more after just in case. It's always good to cover everhthing. ^^

Shelly- im glad you doc app went well hope that if I ever have to go to the doc that mine is that invested like yours. Hope then that everything works out :)

Pompey- that sounds like you definitely ovulated. So congrats on that and hope you and DP caught the egg. :)

Velathria- how are you doing!? What DPO are you again?

Hi ladies. Welcome Pompey.

Shaele, glad to hear your doctors app went well and you'll be getting answers soon.

Bselk; welcome to the Tww!

Afm, 12dpo and AF is due tomorrow. Bfn on 10dpo so now I'm just waiting to see what happens tomorrow. I didn't get a BFP until AF was 1 week over due with ds so there may still be hope but I'm not too hopeful.

Ahh Babydoll how exciting!! Please please please update tomorrow if AF comes or not! Its never over until AF comes!!

As for me, my fertility friend app said I should have ovulated on Tuesday, March 1st but I'm pretty 100% sure I ovulated yesterday, March 3rd. I don't know if it's because I'm paying more attention now, but I don't remember having as many ovulation pains as I did yesterday! I usually only get them on the left side, but this time is was both and they got stronger as the day went on. And today they're gone- so I must have ovulated yesterday. And since we didn't get to BD yesterday, we did this afternoon just in case.

Do you guys think that missing sex on the day of ovulation ruins my chances?
Thanks ladies :)
BSelck no, you're still good, you don't need to BD every day just every couple of days to be in with a really good chance. I didn't BD on the day of ovulation and FF says I have a 'good' chance
Thanks Rose!

How long are your cycles usually!? Now that you're past O, when will you be testing!?
Bselck- I am now 4 dpo and not feeling anything.. except having a bit of cramps today. Got a doc app for Monday now to get checked out. Just to see if everything is alright. Hope nothing bad comes out.
Thanks Velathria! I hope that you caught your eggie this month too! Hows the tww treating you? What do you do to keep yourself from testing too early? I ALWAYS do that to myself....and end up wasting money on frers.

Bselck- I think you'll be just fine skipping one day. Even my doc was like bding every day depletes the amount of sperm per she said to bd every other day. Perhaps that was just a personalized advice for me and my hubby to do but regardless i think you'll be just fine. She said sperm can live inside you for up to 72 hours wow! wish eggs could last that long...then this whole process might be easier!

babydoll-oooo so close...bselck is right you aren't out until af shows up. just keep positive i really hope af stays away for you! and yes please update us!

rose-that's great you o'd! now time for that tww...i think that might be the hardest part of this entire process. It's the only time where you just don't know. Like during your period you're like ok not pregnant...*grab pad* after period you are waiting for your ovulation *grab test*. then after multiple sexual encounters all you are left with is being clueless if it worked. and the unknown is SO HARD to deal with. i feel SO in control the rest of my cycle but the tww is really just out of anyone's control. i dunno if i'm the only one who feels that way. Anyway i really hope you caught your eggie!

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