Hi guys...can I join?
Bsleck hi! How's your little man progressing? Is he catching up on milestones?
Our dd is 10 months old and decided last week to ttc #2. I've had 2 ectopics before having dd and (forgot the word) an empty sack 2 months after having her. But we're ready to jump back in! Bought a box of opks to start using next cycle and stocked up on prenatal and Folate to start getting everything ready to start trying.
Have there been any lucky ladies since this thread was started? Lazy alert: I did not read through the thread first.
Mod!! Omg hi! How are you!? Your profile pic of your lil girl is adorable!! Yes - Zackary is amazing us and truly having no complications to being born so preemie! He is now 14 months old (10 months adjusted as was due near your daughter lol) so the Dr said another couple months and he should be walking

right as his 1st birthday approached I started really wanting to be pregnant again and have another baby! It took a few months for hubby to get on board lol but finally got my Mirena IUD removed Feb 18th! So this will be my first month testing!! Im so excited!
We have had Jenny, one of our group members pregnant- and we're waiting for an update for Babydoll (who I think is prego too!)
Shaele- I would prob say a mix of preseed and ewcm. So that's a good sign! Any chance you just missed your O surge on the tests but u actually ovulated? Sounds like you are BDing at the perfect times!
And Slammer- thank you for clearing up the "lie in" for me lol
I'm right behind you and 5dpo and will be testing in the 17th