Ttc #2

wow nevergivingup! that definitely looks positive to me! CONGRATS!!!!!!:happydance: That's super fantastic very happy for you! I really hope it is a sticky one too =) can't wait to see the line get darker for sure!

slammerkin-so sorry to hear you aren't feeling well...tho if it helps i hear that's a good sign. I've read a lot of people get sinus infection/flu like symptoms as an early pregnancy symptom! why i am not sure! lol. And taking care of a toddler is definitely not easy when you are sick... especially one who has a sore lip =/ how is she doing with that btw? Good luck while dh is away!!

velathria-what an awesome dream! I'm really hoping it comes true for you!!!! (the bfp not the truck driver lmao). my dh had a dream last cycle where he was holding our new baby. unfortunately for us it didn't happen but they still are a good omen imo!

babydoll-its normal you felt like that....esp around your bday and no cake??!?!?! what?!?!! i don't blame you. but you bounce back really well and I'm very happy you are so excited to try's hoping for next cycle!!!!

As for me...good news and bad...the good news is dh didn't have his semen analysis today so that means we can bd tonight with full um...i guess potency? Which is great because i got my positive opk yesterday and im feeling really bad pms-like cramps tonight. i also broke out on my chin like i'm 13 again wtf. im not feeling so sexy but dh don't care lol. anyway that's kind of also the bad news...since he yanno...didn't get it done. what happened was since this is the first time we are doing anything like this we really had no idea what to do. my doctor told me to go to a urologist. well i called up a bunch of urologists and this one didn't take our insurance and that one didn't do SA's and problem after problem. so then i found a lab that does all kinds of things like this. i was like ok bingo! i made him an appointment and sent him off today. he came back like 5 min later and i was like...well that was fast...>.> lol and he goes yeah we made a mistake. and he pulls out a cup that they gave him. he said they told him he has to give the sample at home and bring it in to them instead of doing it there. so he plans on doing it saturday so that we don't miss my fertile window. so i guess it works out. i just wanted to know the results by then!
Hi all! Sorry for being MIA. Since I had AF for my birthday I figured I'd go all out and at dinner consumed 2 bottles of wine :blush: and then the next day we went up the coast to see my sisters new unit - she's, her DH and dd have just moved from mums and into a unit at a hotel/resort and yesterday I put my Xmas gift cards towards a new coffee machine. So after my mini half week break - mostly because I was being a bit of a brat and was really down after my birthday as DH (and everyone else) forgot to get a cake or anything remotely birthday-ish. I'm now over it and back ready to add another addition to our family before my next birthday!

Congratulations Nevergivingup!!!! That's definitely positive!!!!!

Babydoll oh no!! I didn't know AF hit you! And on your birthday, how rude! You definitely deserved a great break and wine will solve all problems lol so glad you are back in action and staying positive!

wow nevergivingup! that definitely looks positive to me! CONGRATS!!!!!!:happydance: That's super fantastic very happy for you! I really hope it is a sticky one too =) can't wait to see the line get darker for sure!

As for me...good news and bad...the good news is dh didn't have his semen analysis today so that means we can bd tonight with full um...i guess potency? Which is great because i got my positive opk yesterday and im feeling really bad pms-like cramps tonight. i also broke out on my chin like i'm 13 again wtf. im not feeling so sexy but dh don't care lol. anyway that's kind of also the bad news...since he yanno...didn't get it done. what happened was since this is the first time we are doing anything like this we really had no idea what to do. my doctor told me to go to a urologist. well i called up a bunch of urologists and this one didn't take our insurance and that one didn't do SA's and problem after problem. so then i found a lab that does all kinds of things like this. i was like ok bingo! i made him an appointment and sent him off today. he came back like 5 min later and i was like...well that was fast...>.> lol and he goes yeah we made a mistake. and he pulls out a cup that they gave him. he said they told him he has to give the sample at home and bring it in to them instead of doing it there. so he plans on doing it saturday so that we don't miss my fertile window. so i guess it works out. i just wanted to know the results by then!

And Shaele! I actually think the change of your husbands SA is a blessing in disguise! It still allows for the test to happen but at the same time allows you to BD in your fertile window!! Woo hoo!

7dpo today for me and I'm just now starting to feel exhausted. I even stayed home from the gym today and took a nap with my son! (Usually I cannot fall asleep during the day). Wishing all of us lots of baby dust!!
Shaele: WOHOOO for positive opk!!! I'll take that one pimple compared to my 5 that just popped out of nowhere.....I look in the mirror and yell at them "why are you here, no one wants you here!" :haha: but i just tell myself they're part of the process....glad to hear they push back the analysis so BD away!!!! FX AND BABY DUST YOUR WAY!!!!!

Bselk24: 8DPO....You're halfway through your 2ww!!! Those baby hormones maybe now starting to settle in!!! FX!!!

AFM: took another test this morning and it got darker!!!! :happydance: tomorrow is my official testing day, haven't set my doc appt. yet, waiting til after AF date.
That's great nevergivingup! :)

Ugh I have a breakout of spots too!! Yuck. Luckily I'm not trying to have sex with DH at the moment so I don't care :haha:

My cm has returned, very wet and creamy. I hope it stays this way as it was like that when I got pregnant with my son! I am still not massively hopeful about this cycle but suppose a few unusual signs are a step in the right direction.

Baby doll my husband is crap at sorting out cards cakes etc for birthdays too. He usually ends up buying something on the morning of the event from the supermarket. I'm used to it now but I do sometimes wish he would make more effort!!
Hey ladies.. I'd answer to everyone but I am so tired.. surprised I'm even answering right now xD

I could just pass out here on table but I have a little wild 4 year old to take care of.

Quick question: I'm 11 dpo and my cervix is high and soft and I think closed as far I felt it. Also had cramping after I was touching around in that a good sign or not?
Aw, babydoll, sometimes you just need to have a little pity party and then pick yourself back up!

Shaele, DD's lip is good! I think it wasn't as bad as it initially looked, phew! I agree, that's sort of lucky timing that you're able to get in your BD before DH gets his analysis. Wouldn't it just be perfect if this ended up being your lucky cycle??

BSelck - glad you got in a nap...sometimes you just need it!

Nevergivingup - yay for a darker test! Congrats congrats congrats!

Velathria - I'm not sure on the cervix. I don't really track cervical position etc.

AFM, I'm also breaking out, ugh! Still sick. Sore throat, cough, stuffy nose. But at least I slept a bit better last night after dosing myself up with some medicine. I'm working from home today and might sign off a few hours early.

I also normally work from home on Thursdays, and we frequently take a BD break on those days. DH put the moves on yesterday, and I really wasn't feeling it due to being sick, but went ahead with it anyway. Blahhhhh some of our worst sex, lol. Should have skipped it!
Hey ladies!!

Velathria- I'm actually not sure on the cervix question sorry! Can't wait until more if us start testing soon!

Not much to report today- I'm not feeling as bloated or crampy, just tired! And I feel like I've been eating nonstop! Ugh lol. So I might try to sneak in a test this Sunday (at 10dpo) because my mo is here visiting and doesn't even know we've started trying for baby #2. I think it would be amazing if it were positive and I could show my mom before she leaves in person!
But I'm not going to get my hopes up if it's not, as that is still early and will then retest on Wednesday.

Sending everyone a ton of baby dust!!
Slammer- I just opened your chart to learn more and saw your temps are still high! This is a good thing right!? And then I noticed on your past charts that if it does drop, it drops at 10dpo nearly every time, so tomorrow will be HUGE for you!! Thinking of you tonight!! :hugs:
Bselck, funny I was going back and looking for the same pattern on my charts! Trying to decide if I'd go ahead and test tomorrow or wait until Sunday...
slammer- good luck on tomorrow. hope you get that bfp lol hope the temp stays up.
shaele- Sorry didn't answer before. I feel a bit better now :) luckily you guys can BD now again :) and won't miss the fertile window. Lol i've read a lot about SA being like that but i think it depends where you go? Don't know lol.. We aren't that far but they told us that when i get seen for my ultrasound that the next step would be my DF having to come in for a SA. so let me know how it went for your DH and you :)

Having slight cramps now.. Hoping it's not Pre-AF cramps. I only have till monday and then Af should show up. Guess i'll see. :) :dust: lots of dust to everyone who is going to be testing soon :)
I agree your chart looks great Slammerkin! Fingers crossed for you tomorrow :)
Been so busy with work and not been on here for ages!

Congratulations nevergivingup! Amazing news :happydance:

Slammerkin - the signs are good, I have everything crossed for you :)

Bselck24 - definitely worth testing, but it will unlikely show anything. How amazing would it be to share such news with your mum though before she leaves.

rose - I really hope the cm sign for you is a positive one, especially as that happened the month you conceived your son.

Velathris - I am clueless when it comes to cervix checking I'm afraid. I never ever check mine!

Shaele - deffo good news that the semen analysis didn't take place as it allows you to get in some good old baby making beforehand :) Interestingly enough when my hubby had to have his tested, he had to do the deed in the hospital toilet. He said it was awful!!

Babydoll - my husband is very thoughtless too. He just doesn't have a thoughtful gene in his body. Been together 14 years now and I'm used to it! Happy belated birthday and sorry AF got you :hugs:

AFM - I am CD28 today and 7DPO. I have sore boobs today, but that's pretty standard for me. I have gotten so excited over the past year or so thinking that I could be pregnant, that I refuse to even hope anymore. I am interested in my luteal phase though, as I reckon it's short, hence me struggling to conceive. Find out soon enough!
Fx for all these testers in here that's coming up!!!! I'm so ready to see these BFP that's going to be flowing in!!!!
wow ladies you all are having some really promising symptoms! makes me really excited to hear your results too!

velathria- glad you are feeling better! sorry to have to answer your question about the cervix like everyone else in that i dont know either =/ i used to only use opks and just recently added temping to my routine...havent gotten to cervix positions. i hope that high means a good sign! also i definitely will update when we find out results of dh SA. hes going to do his thing tomorrow....i dont think hes too excited about it though lol. he sighs and groans every time he looks at the specimen cup they gave him to use.

slammerkin-glad to hear dd is doing better! and yes it would be amazing to have this be our lucky cycle. this time i o'd pretty late...most likly cd 22 and i looked back to see when i o'd when i got pregnant with dd and it was also cd any case hope you feel better soon and make sure to let us know about your results if you decide to test soon!

bselck- sounds all promising! that would be really great if you could surprise your mom with the good news before she goes. i hope you can! let us know what happens!

pompey-welcome back! my goodness your poor dh...that must have been terrible! honestly who would get in the mood in THAT atmosphere...but you gotta do what you gotta do i guess lol. sounds like you are having some good symptoms fingers crossed!

update on me-i unfortunately threw out my back. its terrible. cant bend over at all and you all know how hard it is taking care of a toddler if you cant bend over. been popping ibuprofen pills but they only give such little relief. i need something a bit stronger to get through my day. dh been trying to help. got him to clean up after dinner. i went and got laundry out of dryer and he said he would have done that. hes been so helpful im thinking i should "throw out my back" more often lol. no but in all seriousness ouch not fun. it really really sucks. simple things like sitting down to use the toilet are agony. on top of it all dd has contracted the disease coxsackie...more commonly known as hand foot and mouth disease. for those who havent heard of it its where you get this rash of small red bumps and blisters on guessed it...hands feet and mouth. it looks quite her hands look like they got burnt with all the blisters on them but it doesnt seem to cause any pain or irritation which is good. she did get a pretty high fever in the beginning though from it and she has the rash inside her mouth which sometimes makes her not want to eat. doc also said cold drinks would be more soothing too. but other than that its viral so theres nothing doctors can do to cure it and it can last a long time. its also highly contagious so we were going to the st patricks day parade with some friends this saturday near their house but they have small children too and we dont want to risk exposure to them. fun times. i hope you all are having a better time than i am lol.
So AF got me today. Feeling down because although I had a perfect 28 day cycle and I ovulated, my luteal phase was just 7 days. If that's the norm for me, it's no wonder I'm not falling pregnant!

So I need to improve my lp. I'm already taking b6 and b complex vitamins, but can anyone suggest anything else can I do to lengthen my luteal phase?

Feeling a bit hopeless to be honest ��
Shaele - sorry to hear about your back and DD's sickness! That sounds a real ball of fun - not!

Pompeyvix - I'm sorry. :hugs: I think maybe Magnesium helps too? There's a FB group I'm in that recommends reading a book called Period Repair Manual so maybe check that out.

As for me - tested today and BFN (10 DPO). I knew I shouldn't have done it. There's still a little hope, but I wish I would have waited.
pompey- I'm sorry you got disappointed and AF came... sorry don't know much about lengthenening your LP... Did you google a bit about it? Have you seen a doc about it maybe?

Shelly- Sorry you threw out your back... that sounds extremely painful. I am a big baby with pain XD But i guess we can't with our little angels *cough* devils *cough*

anyway hope your daughter doesn't have that disease too long and awww my son would be devastated if he couldn't go. Your poor girl.
Good you have such a thoughtful DH.. I know about still doing stuff. When my DF says that i should sit down and relax i still get up and clean something. I feel so weird if i'm sitting down doing nothing... lol

Slammer- XD POAS strikes again XD i almost tested this morning XD but i control myself. Sorry its a BFN.. maybe its just too early. :) AF isnt here yet so there is hope :) Any symptoms?

AFM Cervix was still up last night. We finally got to do DF's fav position because it didn't hurt :happydance: but i am having slight cramps here and there still.. feel like i'm out.. But weirdly i didnt have any other pms symptoms this month... I do have creamy CM but not alot.. And they always say when your pregnant you have a lot of watery cm and i don't and i am slightly worried about that.

Anyone got pregnant and didn't have that right away?

I just want monday to come so i know.
Sorry about your back Shelly looking after a toddler with a bad back is certainly no fun! I hope it gets better soon. Also sorry to hear about your LO having HFM - my son had that last year and I got it, he was fine after a couple of days but I had horrid blisters on my tongue for ages, it was very painful. Strangely we didn't get the spots on the hands and feet, just the mouth! I assume we got a mild strain of it.

Pompey sorry to hear AF got you. I would definitely book a Drs appointment in sure they can help with something to lengthen your LP. I have also seen lots of threads about this on the forum so hopefully you can find some which are helpful.

Velathria you're so nearly there! My AF is due on Tuesday. I was going to let myself test tomorrow but now I'm scared :haha: don't know what would be worse at the mo, ruining my dreams early by getting a bfn or waiting until Tuesday and getting AF. I'll see how I feel in the morning.
Oh no Shaele. Doesn't sound like your having fun with your back and dd having HF&M. Hopefully your all feeling better really soon.

Good luck to all that are testing soon! I would love to see BFP'S from all of you!

Pompey I'm sorry AF got you. Hopefully you can get some help and lengthen your lp.

Afm, cd 8 and getting ready to head into my fertile window.
Rose- that's exactly the way I feel :rofl: I don't want to be disappointed again.. waaah I wanna rip my hair out from all this frustration... :wacko:

and I hate ttc.. :hissy:

I just want to be done...:sad1:

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