Ttc #2

thanks for all the well wishes! feeling a bit better today thankfully but still difficult to bend over. i made dh do most of the diaper changes today he wasnt thrilled lol. you all are so awesome. sometimes i wish we could all meet up and have drinks (cause yanno thats the best thing for ttc) and talk in person. meet each others kids that we talk about. put a face to the names. but considering a lot of you are in different countries than me well...this website will do lol. anywhos....

pompey im really sorry af showed up...=/ has 7 days always been the length of your lp? if not this just might have been a fluke cycle. if so then i would ask your doctor what things you could try. i dont know anything about how to lengthen that phase but am curious to find out! last cycle for me my lp was only 10 days so i need to make mine longer too. (thats what he said?) sorry bad joke. >.< stay will happen! dont feel hopeless. at least you are ovulating and thats half the battle!

slammerkin-sorry for your bfn today but theres still hope. your temp is still high! hoping for you...

velathria- thank you! yes yesterday was tough having to do everything for dd by myself while dh was at work but i had to pull through. made him make up for it today mwahaha. i think you still have a good chance for a bfp. you are having very promising symptoms stay positive! it most definitely is frustrating. thats why i came on this site in the first place because i had no one to vent to. dh doesnt understand the toll this takes and seeing that bfn every month you tried your best to get a bfp and having no idea how to better for next time. he keeps telling me its random its random and then goes on to playing a video game or something. it just doesnt affect him like it does me. i needed people who understood and felt the same way. and i found all you awesome gals. =) so im just here telling you i know. i understand. and its going to be ok. we can do this. we've done it before we can do it again. *hug*

rose-thank you! yes sounds like your son did catch a milder strand. doc told me there are many so thats why people can catch it over again unlike other virals like chicken pox. i keep thinking dd will get better quick because she didnt get any spots on her feet but i looked today and there are some sprouting now. doc said would last around a week but the person who i think gave it to her has had it for at least 3 weeks *groan*. hope i dont catch it. i also understand what you mean about not wanting to be disappointed and the fear of being. there are many times ive just wondered why wont it just work? it worked before why not now? and i dont have the answers which bothers me. but we are doing everything we can and one month i do believe we will get our bfps! hopefully this month! good luck testing!

babydoll-yay fresh new start! good luck starting your fertile period!

nothing new with me...1dpo i think....waiting on ff to give me my cross lines. dh dropped off his SA today. no idea when ill get the results. but will keep posted on that. have a super terrific night/day depending on when you read this!
Shelly- I actually felt like you were describing my DF XD he does the same thing. That apparently we can't change anything on it and just goes and plays his video games XD
I love that i have some to vent and just talk about anything and everything and freak out together XD
i agree with the whole meeting up and letting out our children play. I'd love that. don't have any friends with children and just can't make friends with the other mothers at playschool. :(
I am trying to think positive but have had bloating, gas and AF cramping... wouldn't be surprised if Af comes tomorrow still hoping she stays far away for 9 months XD

Slammer and rose sorry you guys had another bfn but AF isn't here yet so your not out... ^^
HI ladies! I had to catch up a bit on your posts since my mom was in town!

Shaele- so sorry about your back and DD!!! Glad you are hopefully BOTH getting better!!

I agree I wish we all lived close so we could together for some play dates!

I just took my son to get his first haircut! He looks so cute!

Velathria- have you tested yet?

Pompey- so sorry AF hit you!

And Rose and Slammer- you still have time for those positive tests!

So I know this is really poor timing after some negative tests- but I just had this urge to test today and I think I got my first positive test!

I really wanted to buy a test before my mom left but didn't get the chance to. So DH and I went this afternoon and although I know I am only 10dpo and I have time to wait, I got a faint BFP today! I wanted to post it here first obviously because you guys are my fav group! I know pictures are hard to see when it's so early and faint but let me know if you can see it!

Of course my husband says- "it's lighter than the other line do I don't think that counts" lol I had to read the box to him that said any light, event faint, counts as a positive! Lol

I will retest again in a few days but ladies pray for a sticky bean for me please!!!


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Wow, congrats Bselk!! First month of trying too! Super super amazing and very happy for you!!

rose - you're not out until AF shows and your chart looks good. I have my fingers crossed for you. I know how you feel. I feel like giving up too :(

slammerkin - sorry your had a BFN, but again, until AF shows, you're not out.

Shaele - glad you are feeling better and fingers crossed all the baby making this weekend has worked!

Velathria - I am already under investigation by a fertility specialist due to the length of time we have been trying now. I have my next appointment on the 4th April and will mention it to her then. I don't think she will prescribe or do anything for me though.

Babydoll - good luck in your new fertile period.

AFM - Feeling OK, a bit down. My period is so heavy (it always is) which I find strange on just a 7 day luteal phase. Surely it shouldn't be heavy if there is such a short time frame for the lining to be built up? I have no idea if this is the norm for me as this is the first month I have properly tracked my cycle. I know I wasn't even ovulating for quite a while, so I guess just ovulating is a step in the right direction. I am going to start taking soy iso as this helps make ovulation stronger and can bring it forward. Not sure whether to start this cycle , or track for one more and start next cycle instead.
BSELK24: WOHOO CONGRATS GIRLIE!!! Didn't have to enlarge to see that pretty line!!!! SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!The first try, is amazing!!!! My DH reminded me that this test was the same color as the one we had 3 years ago :blush: (I started wondering G if he had the test pic or something in his phone that he remembered the exact shade of darkness on it) but I had to explain to him the "C" line will always be darker too...and it will get Lol

Rose: sorry about the BFN but you're not out until AF shows!!

Pompey: Sorry for AF coming, but awesome that you ovulated! That's always good news despite AF showing.

Smammerkin: you're not out just yet those test can be depressing but until AF show you still have a chance!

Shaele: YAYY for feeling better, nothing worse then having to BD and be sick my first experience was last month with sinus did we even managed!! Fx that you still caught the eggie!!!

Baby doll: BD away!!!!

Velathria: I know exactly how you felt!! It started feeling like a job.

AFM: broke the news to DH about being prego and he was so excited!!!! So he's been calling me non-stop and reminding me to take it easy, we're going to do our part and try not to lose our baby if we can help it. So took another test this morning and it has gotten dark. Now going to set my appt. tomorrow for my doc to prescribe some progesterone for me. I feel huge and my stomach is so bloated...I don't know why....hope it's just bloated Bc it's starting the process of getting ready to carry a child and not anything bad. My mind plays tricks with me of back n forth maybe this maybe that.

Good luck to all!!
Omg bselck congrats! That is amazing! I definitely see the line.

Nevergivingup that's great DH was so excited!

No AF so far. I'm gonna be mad if after this just ends up being a longer LP than usual. I dunno. If my temp doesn't drop tomorrow I might test again. Hate wasting FRERs though.

I agree with all of you about how great a supportive online group can be. I was in a due date group on another site for my daughter and it turned into something really amazing. We are still in touch and FB friends and send each other Christmas cards. Glad to have found a lovely group here!

Velathria, are you Irish, or a transplant? When I was living in Ireland I found it hard to make friends. So many people have had the same group of friends since they were children and it's very hard to move past being acquaintances.
Thank you for being so supportive ladies! I already love this baby and am praying I get to make it to 40 weeks this time around!!

Nevergivingup- so glad your hubby is just as excited as you are!

Pompey- don't be down :( heavy periods suck! And they just put u in awful moods!one question though- why do they say shorter LP hurts your chances of getting pregnant?
omg bselck congrats!!!!!! such amazing news so happy for you! what luck first month trying! im going to have to go back and read your posted symptoms and compare lol. hoping this one stays baking!

slammerkin and rose-sorry still getting bfn but you both are still in as long as af doesnt show. dont give up!

nevergivingup-thats the sweetest thing hearing your husband say that awww. i love when guys actually show that they care. so glad hes happy too. now make sure you do take it easy!

pompey-ugh heavy periods are the worst i know. make you feel run down and bloated and yeah i know. hoping your doc can find something to help. also with soy i am curious doesnt that raise estrogen levels?

velathria-sorry you are having trouble making friends with the other moms...i know sometimes they have their clicks just like in high school and wont let outsiders join which is just not cool. its like we are adults now just be nice to everyone! but you have us! i am also hoping af stays away for the next 9 months for you!
So AF got me today. Feeling down because although I had a perfect 28 day cycle and I ovulated, my luteal phase was just 7 days. If that's the norm for me, it's no wonder I'm not falling pregnant!

So I need to improve my lp. I'm already taking b6 and b complex vitamins, but can anyone suggest anything else can I do to lengthen my luteal phase?

Feeling a bit hopeless to be honest &#65533;&#65533;

Progesterone cream!

My lp used to be around 9 days. The first cycle using progesterone cream lp jumped to 12 days, the 2nd cycle 16 days! I used the life Flo brand. One pump that you rub on your uterus area, kind of along your pelvic bone, each day. The directions will say to use it a different way, but this was hoe my supervisor suggested I use it (I work at a supplement store) and it worked! I only used it for 2 cycles and that was enough to get my body back on track.

Bsleck congrats!!! Praying for a full term sticky for you!
Thanks Shaele and Mod!

Mod how crazy that one cream just rubbed on your skin can make such a difference! Why do people need a longer LP?
bselck i think its because on average the egg, if its fertilized, doesnt attach to the uterus until around 7dpo. if your uterine lining has started the process of shedding by then the egg wont be able to attach thus no pregnancy.
bselck i think its because on average the egg, if its fertilized, doesnt attach to the uterus until around 7dpo. if your uterine lining has started the process of shedding by then the egg wont be able to attach thus no pregnancy.


The longer your lp the more time you have for the egg to make a snug little home. With a 7 day lp it's possible to start your period before the egg even gets to where it's supposed to be. One reason why women with short cycles (24 days) have a hard time conceiving.
Congratulations BSelck you're so lucky getting pregnant so quickly!

Big temp drop for me so just waiting for AF to arrive :(
Bselck that is super positive. Congrats ^^ FX you have a sticky bean and have a healthy long pregnancy. ^^

AFM AF is still a no show ^^ hopefully mine stays away. And I get my bfp too.
Well, my temp is still high, but I'm also still sick and was up half the night coughing and tossing and turning. No AF yet, but I think this may just be a longer LP and it's coming. I didn't test today. If no AF today, and temp still high tomorrow then I will test again.
Thanks for the knowledge on the short LP, I had no idea!

Rose- that temp drop is so annoying! I am learning so much about charting from you! It's nice to judge pregnant or not by the temp, but at the same time it's kind of upsetting to see that when AF hasn't even arrived yet!

Velathria- I have good feelings for you that AF is not arriving!! Sending my prayers!

Slammer- just saw your post! I think the sicknesses could be a good thing! Praying that AF stays away and your temps stays high!
only 3dpo and im having pms like cramps. this cant be normal x.x anyone else esp those with new bfps...remembering getting them this early? or at all? feeling worried. id rather be feeling good right now....i feel like symptomless at the beginning is the way to be...sigh.
Shaele cramps could be good early on. Maybe there's something going on in there that you want to be happening. It's still so early so try not to read too much into it.

I'm having what feel like the start of period cramps, so hoping af comes tonight or tomorrow so we can actively start ttc. Ive narrowed down the window so i think i may be around cd 27ish. I've been pretty bitchy to dh lately (poor guy), and now cramps, so I'm ready for af to come! I am prepared to take this cycle on full force!

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