Ttc #2

I'm thinking of you Shaele and hope it will be your month :) even if you do have the HSG, I've heard so many stories about women getting pregnant soon after having it so hopefully there will be a silver lining for you.

Keeping my fingers crossed for all of you and looking forward to hearing about your bfps :)
Wow hunni...just wow. At least you know not to expect a thing from him as a grandpa up front. How did you keep your cool and not tell him what a pos father and grandfather he is? I would have freaked.

Shaele I had an hsg and got pregnant that cycle. (It ended in ectopic In the tube that showed to be they must really work! Mine was uncomfortable, but not unbearable or anything, and I only blead that afternoon.
Aww Hunni I LOVE the scan! And that is UNREAL for your father to say!! My parents were shocked when we told them we were trying for #2 but never said anything like that!

It is your family and your body and im glad you can be strong and know that he does not deserve to be around your child!

Shaele I hope this is your cycle too! But if not, I think the HSG would do wonders! I too fell pregnant the cycle after mine and it wasn't too painful just uncomfortable. Kind of like a longer Pap smear.

Thanks rose and everyone for the positive vibes during my TWW! I'll be keeping u updated!
Bsleck what dpo are you? Sorry I'm not on the ball, there's so much to keep up with here!
hunni - so sorry your dad sent that message to you. How awful :( I hope you're holding up ok.

Bselck - sounds like some promising symptoms!! Fingers crossed for Sunday when you start testing!

Shaele - I hope you don't need the HSG. But if you do, they really are not too bad.

Nothing to report really for me. I have taken 3 days worth of SI and so two more days to go. I take them in the morning and so far, no side effects! Fingers crossed they do SOMETHING!
Hi!! I'm sorry I've been very MIA. I had to stop coming on so much as my headaches/migraines grew worse and looking at the screens doesn't help. I got my results from my MRI and the doctor I saw (not the usual one) couldn't tell me anything and so she's referred me to a Neurosurgeon to have a look and decide if it's worth operating on or not.

I have just spent my last 2 hours at work catching up on posts so I am up to date and want to say I'm sorry to everyone the witch got and good luck for this cycle!

Shaele, I'm glad DH's SA came back good and fx the HSG will be what you need to get a BFP - if this cycle doesn't take of course.

Pompey, I hope the SI helps. I've heard good things about it and TTC.

Bselk, fx you caught a very sticky egg this cycle!!

Afm, cd 12 and have been very lenient so far this cycle with my temps but I'm trying to get back into it. I'm hoping that being relaxed about it will help.
Forgot to update here after my scan baby heartbeat was 143 bpm and was measuring a day ahead so I am 7w 3d.

So i decided to tell my "dad"...the man who has 4-5 children that he never took care of that he has another grandchild on the way. This was his response...i know i been in a relationship for 2 years and am a great mother so his response is irrelavnt. This is like the pot calling the kettle black when the pot pretty much burned out. We are happy and shocked, but happy and thankful to God. This just another person who never see this child a day in their life along with some other people.

His words in text were:

"Okay so you really think that is something to be proud of. I guess you did not learn a thing from the first time laying up with diferent men making babies. 2 kids 2 different daddies because you can't keep your legs close but if you like it I love it. goodnight and again thanks for the birthday wishes."

O no sorry Hunni! The best thing about it is that's your baby not his!!! You should be happy about it!! It's able ssinf from God. My dad is ignorant too so I don't share my good news with him.
Hunni - sorry to hear about your dad having such a negative reaction. You don't need that kind of negativity right now. :hugs:

Good luck this weekend BSelck!

Pompey - hope you see an improvement in your LP this month!

Babydoll - migraines must suck! Ugh, hope you can find some relief.

Sorry if I missed anyone!

CD6 here and kind of impatient to get on with things, lol. But only two more weeks of work before vacation and I'm sure time is going to speed up a bit and I'll be freaking out about packing and such before I know it!
Bet you can't wait for the holiday - was it to Ireland?
Babydoll- how scary about if they need to operate for your migraines!! I'm praying for you!

Slammer- hopefully this cycle will move quickly for you with your vacay coming up!

Rose- I'm now 8-9dpo!! Woke up today and not feeling much. I feel like I've just been eating non stop the past couple of days and super craving chocolate. Boobs aren't that sore right now and thank goodness that weird nausea I was having has disappeared. Been following the "pregnancy test" section religiously lately and can't wait to start testing and analyzing my own tests soon! Lol
hey ladies!

pompey-i really hope the si's help this time! cant wait to hear updates from you about them.

babydoll-sorry you keep getting migraines =( really hope it doesnt come down to having surgery to fix. but i do hope they find whats wrong!

slammerkin-glad you are excited to get back to ttc! im jealous you are going to ireland. ive always wanted to go. i remember when i was in high school my choir was going to take a trip to england and ireland but it got cancelled due to the 9/11 attacks. never got another opportunity again. i hope you have a great time and relax. hopefully being there will make the tww go by fast.

bselck-oooo getting close to testing day! im excited for you...i might check out the pregnancy test section too.

afm 5dpo and having slight cramps. also been having hot flashes which i found really weird. had one wake me up last night. so i googled it and apparently is an early pregnancy symptom but i feel like i jinxed myself looking it up. i only have 1 hpt so i really have to be stingy and not test until the correct day. i wish i could not think about it so much because it makes the waiting all that much harder
Babydoll- how scary about if they need to operate for your migraines!! I'm praying for you!

Slammer- hopefully this cycle will move quickly for you with your vacay coming up!

Rose- I'm now 8-9dpo!! Woke up today and not feeling much. I feel like I've just been eating non stop the past couple of days and super craving chocolate. Boobs aren't that sore right now and thank goodness that weird nausea I was having has disappeared. Been following the "pregnancy test" section religiously lately and can't wait to start testing and analyzing my own tests soon! Lol

I've been stalking that section too lol. 13dpo and still bfn. Af isn't technically late till Monday, but been having cramping the last 3 days and feel like af is on her way
Yes! I personally like the pregnancy test section because it gives me hope to see others get prego! Plus It also makes me feel better that I'm not so crazy when I see some posts of "squinter" tests and I'm like you are crazy! There is nothing there! Lol don't worry I would never rain on someone's parade so for those ppl I just don't respond. I only like replying when I see a double line for them! Lol

As for me, I woke up nauseous (after breakfast) again, so now I'm getting duper excited to test! Tomorrow I will start! I should be 10dpo tomorrow so it may take a few days but hopefully I will get my BFP by next week!

Mod!!! Yes!! 13dpo and no AF is great news!! That HCG might just be taking its sweet time to rise :)

Shaele! I didn't know we were so close DPO wise!! When are you going to start testing!? Next week?
hey bselck! that is pretty neat we are so close in days! i will probably test wednesday although i already feel out this month again. not really any specific reason i guess just used to seeing negatives by now. you lucky duck get to tomorrow! you have some really promising symptoms so i wouldnt be surprised if you get a bfp. fingers crossed for you!

6dpo and i wish i wasnt feel symptoms as crazy as that sounds because i feel like whatever im feeling is just hormone controlled like every other empty month so far. i mean if conception had taken place implantation hasnt yet so im not feeling pregnancy symptoms. and im feeling like crud. very weepy. dull pms aches. (and sometimes those cramps are due to having to go number 2 sorry tmi and im like oh well thats not pregnancy cramps...) this isnt anything like when i was pregnant before. i know each could be different but dd is all i have to compare to. and mostly i just dont want to get my hopes up. staying positive is so gosh darn hard sometimes.
BSelck have you tested yet? Excited for you!!

Shaele massive :hugs: I had some really difficult months towards the end. If it brings any comfort to you, I didn't feel any different until about 9dpo last month and even then the only difference was slightly sorer boobs than usual. I am noticing more symptoms now but I couldn't have been more shocked to get that positive test! Also when I was pregnant before I didn't have sore boobs and instead had lots of creamy/watery cm before getting my bfp (that didn't start until a few days after my BFP this cycle) so it's true what they say that every pregnancy is very different. Every month I would think I'm out because I don't feel like I did before, but I wish I hadn't made that comparison now because so far things have been very different
My reflexologist said something that really made me think and relax when I met her. She said that you shouldn't worry when it's not happening because that's for a reason, and when you do get your bfp you will realise why that's the perfect timing for you. Now I am really glad that my baby is due just before Christmas, I think it will be a really special time and it means that I won't have to go back to work until my son has started school, so I can spend his last 9 months off school with him. Also I just got a pay rise at work and had I announced this pregnancy by now perhaps I wouldn't have done. It is strange how things have a way of working out in the end.
Good luck :hugs:
Rose- I love what your reflexologist said! So true but I know it's hard to see while we're going through it

AFM- 10dpo and I tested this morning and BFN :nope: so tomorrow I'm going to test in the afternoon as usually afternoon urine gives me darker lines... Pray for me and send me good wishes!!
Yes it is so hard to see things that way while you're trying. I let TTC take over my life for a good few months and it was hard.
Keeping my fingers crossed for all of you - will be checking back lots over the next few days :)
rose - what your reflexologist said is certainly food for thought, but it IS difficult to really believe that when you're 20 months in like me :( But I will keep hanging on in there. If it's meant to be...
It's certainly interesting to know you two early pregnancy symptoms were so different Every time I come up to AF time I assume I'm out before AF starts as I never feel how I did when I was pregnant the first time round!

BSelck - I have my fingers and toes crossed for you that you get your BFP tomorrow :hugs:

Shaele - staying positive is so very hard, I agree. However, you have lots of promising symptoms so fingers crossed you get your BFP this month.

mod - I hope AF stays away!!

My temps seem all over the place for the beginning part of my cycle and I have no idea why!! I have had some post ovulation temps already and I am only CD8. As it's only the second month of temping, I am not sure if this is normal for me or not. Perhaps it's the soy? I have no idea. Does anyone know if it's bad to have such variances in temps ? I take my temp the same time every morning before I get up. The only thing that could perhaps influence it is that I am not sleeping brilliantly and sometimes toss and turn a lot of the night.
I am looking forward to seeing if the soy has had any impact on my cycle. I highly doubt it, but going to start taking OPKs from day 12 and see if there is any difference.
I am lucky and I took soy first thing in the morning and had no side effects :)
Thanks ladies. I too hope they find something for them. We almost stopped TTC because of them but I don't want to wait longer than we have to for #2 so I'm still here!

Good luck Bselk, Shaele and Mod!

I had to attend a baby shower yesterday. It was nice and an exciting time for my friend. It's #3 for her. But it was a bit bitter sweet for me. Especially as last time she was pregnant I was too just 5 months behind her.

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