rose - what your reflexologist said is certainly food for thought, but it IS difficult to really believe that when you're 20 months in like me

But I will keep hanging on in there. If it's meant to be...
It's certainly interesting to know you two early pregnancy symptoms were so different Every time I come up to AF time I assume I'm out before AF starts as I never feel how I did when I was pregnant the first time round!
BSelck - I have my fingers and toes crossed for you that you get your BFP tomorrow
Shaele - staying positive is so very hard, I agree. However, you have lots of promising symptoms so fingers crossed you get your BFP this month.
mod - I hope AF stays away!!
My temps seem all over the place for the beginning part of my cycle and I have no idea why!! I have had some post ovulation temps already and I am only CD8. As it's only the second month of temping, I am not sure if this is normal for me or not. Perhaps it's the soy? I have no idea. Does anyone know if it's bad to have such variances in temps ? I take my temp the same time every morning before I get up. The only thing that could perhaps influence it is that I am not sleeping brilliantly and sometimes toss and turn a lot of the night.
I am looking forward to seeing if the soy has had any impact on my cycle. I highly doubt it, but going to start taking OPKs from day 12 and see if there is any difference.
I am lucky and I took soy first thing in the morning and had no side effects