Ttc #2

rose-thanks a bunch for your words. i never really thought of it as just not being my time yet. i was pessimistic and just thought my body isnt working lol. i hope what you say is true. i know i shouldnt compare to dd pregnancy but it is difficult because its all i know and we seem to be drawn to the familiar. anyway that is great timing to have a baby. best christmas present ever right? yay for your pay raise too! things are really falling into place for you and im very happy for you!

mod19-any news on af situation? hoping she continues to stay away and you get your bfp!

bselck-sorry bfn today=( but its still early...hopefully tomorrow!!!!!

pompey-thanks! also sorry you are feeling troubled by your temps. fear not. during af it is quite common to have whackadoodle temps that are everywhere. once af ends it should settle down and stay below your cover line. i wish you much luck and hope the soy does some good!
Pompey how long did it take you to conceive number 1? I agree with Shaele about the temps, in fact once I had been temping a few months I stopped bothering with temping during AF and would start around CD7. Even then interrupted sleep can cause rocky temps, I wouldn't worry too much as although mine could be rocky I could still see a pattern every month. the key is not to worry too much about each individual temp but look at the chart as a whole.

Baby doll I bet the baby shower was hard :hugs: I too had to deal with plenty of pregnancy announcements from people who were either pregnant at the same time as me last time, or afterwards. Every one was hard to deal with.

Shaele I did feel the same - I was always worrying that something was wrong because our timing was good every month and I appeared to be ovulating. I think the worry actually made it more difficult! But it is really impossible not to worry when you want something that much and it's taking a while.
slammerkin-glad you are excited to get back to ttc! im jealous you are going to ireland. ive always wanted to go. i remember when i was in high school my choir was going to take a trip to england and ireland but it got cancelled due to the 9/11 attacks. never got another opportunity again. i hope you have a great time and relax. hopefully being there will make the tww go by fast.

Wow, what a bummer about that trip being canceled! I hope you get to go one day! I'm hoping the flights go well with DD this time. We went when she was 10 months old and it was relatively easy. But with her being a toddler now, I am a lot more nervous. The trip there shouldn't be too bad since it's overnight, but coming home could be a nightmare.

BSelck - bummer about the BFN...hope you get better news today.

CD10 here and should be starting fertile phase in a few days. I was feeling the urge to BD yesterday, but DD wouldn't go down for a nap, so it didn't happen. Boo!

Speaking of naps, I'm kind of ready for DD to give them up entirely. She can go without, and it makes for an earlier bedtime. She didn't nap Fri-Sun and I was able to get her to sleep before 8:30 so I could actually have some time for myself! I haven't voluntarily stayed up for my own pleasure after she goes to bed in months, since it's usually 9:30 or close to 10 before she's asleep and I'm tired too. But I don't know how her daycare provider will feel about giving up the nap. She only goes 3 days a week, but there's an older boy who still takes a long nap and I'm sure our lady enjoys the break. :shrug:
Slammer- I think that's a great idea! You deserve time for yourself to unwind! I've had to do just do the opposite recently. We don't have to leave until 9am to take my step daughter to school so I needed my son to sleep in longer! So I keep him up until about 9-930p now, sometimes squeezing in two naps throughout the day to make that work lol

Today I'm feeling absolutely no symptoms! It's making me not even want to test as I know I will see that bfn :nope: I was sad about it yesterday when a friend of mine just announced she's pregnant due at Christmas (which would be near my due date if I got pregnant this cycle)- but on the same point, why is she announcing so early!

Anyways, thinking of you ladies! Praying for my BFP this week!
My son is the same with his naps. If he has one he struggles to fall asleep before 9. It's ok because he just keeps coming downstairs every 5 minutes but will go back up when you take him, and doesn't expect me to stay there with him, but it does get a bit annoying if I'm trying to eat my dinner and he keeps walking in!! He too goes to bed easier if he hasn't had a nap, so often now he goes without unless a nap is unavoidable ie he falls asleep in the car
Sorry Bselk for the first bfn. But not everyone has symptoms. Hope today is your day!

Sorry couldn't read everyone post, but I will catch up as soon as I get a chance!!

Rooting for everyone!!
Shale sorry I've been mia all weekend. Yes af got me right on time. On to cycle 2. Not really expecting to be able to conceive naturally since it took 4 years for dd and only having one tube and all, so hopefully in June I'll get clomid!

Bsleck I also wonder why people announce so early or before going to the dr, but some haven't been through what ladies on here have been through and are naive as to the possibilities of what could happen.

Ros & slammer sorry about the naps lol. Dd is younger so she'll nap till 7pm sometimes and still be ready for bed by 8. Crazy how much those little munchkins can sleep.
rose - My daughter was conceived after just 2 months! That's with no cycle monitoring whatsoever. I am convinced since having her my hormones have gone out of whack. I assumed it would only take a few months second time round, but nope, 20 months later ....

slammerkin - my daughter is the same. Even a 5 min nap results in a ridiculously delayed bed time. She cannot sleep without one of us next to her either, so it can make our evenings very long and drawn out!

BSelck - sorry no BFP or symptoms.. I still hope this is your lucky cycle though.

Babydoll - sorry you are having such bad migraines. I can totally see how screen time won't help at all :(
I agree, baby showers are very bittersweet indeed.

I am CD9 today and have tender boobs. Weird! Had a nice low temp this morning though, so hopefully they will even out a bit before ovulation.
I can't believe how many LO are dropping all of their sleeps atm in this group. Ds has just gone down to 1 day sleep and still goes to bed at 7/8pm and wakes between 6:20-7am. A while back he was fighting all sleep so we changed him from his cot into a single bed and instantly he went back to loving his sleep!

I'm sorry Bselk for the bfn. Hopefully you get a BFP in the next few days as 10dpo is still quite early.

Afm, I think I'm O'ing a little early this cycle as my OPK showed a positive yesterday cd 15 and this mornings 2mu was neg. I'm not sure though.
I think it will still be a while before she gives them up entirely, but I think whenever possible I will try to make her skip it. She hadn't napped when I got home from work yesterday and was so hyper wanting to play, but I was trying to take her downstairs so DH could have a short nap before going to work and she was having major meltdown. Finally got her to nurse and she passed out on me for an hour! I'm sort of ready for her to wean, but she's not quite there yet.

Rose - I'm jealous you don't have to stay with DS for him to go to sleep. I have to lay with DD, though it's really not much work now compared to when she was younger. Just read a couple books then lights out and lay there until she's asleep.

Pompey - I know the struggle of a tough sleeper! I could go on and on about how hard it was with DD in her first year and a half. Months on end of her only sleeping for 30 mins max before waking. I couldn't do ANYTHING in the evenings. Now that she can sleep longer stretches without one of us being there I still can't do anything in the evening because I'm so tired myself and just pass out! I only reluctantly drag myself out of bed for evening BD during fertile period, lol!
He never used to be a good sleeper - until he was 1 he would comfort feed every evening from 5-10pm and sometimes even later. He would then wake up every couple of hours for more milk. It was hard work but luckily once we stopped by at 13 months he started sleeping well and has been pretty good ever since :)
hi all

mod19-sorry af caught you...=/ hope doc lets you try clomid again next time. clomid for the win!

bselck-waiting to hear updates! have you tested today? its ok if you dont feel symptoms. i didnt with dd. i hope you get your bfp soon!

slammerkin and all nap related posts-i totally get that you want time for yourselves. so im thinking that each of you know your kids best and know if they can or cant go without a nap. just do whatever seems to be working. thats all you can ask for. it may take a while but hopefully the kiddos will adapt to new schedule. at the daycare i used to work at the children up to age 6 all went down for naps. most slept but those who didnt nap anymore just had "quiet time" and layed down but stayed awake. maybe your dd could do that for your babysitter while the other boy naps?

afm 9dpo and feeling nothing right now. i woke up a little nauseous but i think i was just hungry. my temp went down really low yesterday so i was like welp im on the temp decline now but today it shot right back up so who knows. testing tomorrow. but not very hopeful.
Good luck for testing tomorrow I'll be checking back for updates :)
afm 9dpo and feeling nothing right now. i woke up a little nauseous but i think i was just hungry. my temp went down really low yesterday so i was like welp im on the temp decline now but today it shot right back up so who knows. testing tomorrow. but not very hopeful.

Implantation dip??
afm 9dpo and feeling nothing right now. i woke up a little nauseous but i think i was just hungry. my temp went down really low yesterday so i was like welp im on the temp decline now but today it shot right back up so who knows. testing tomorrow. but not very hopeful.

Implantation dip??

i sure hope so pompey!
Hey ladies!! Sorry I didn't check in sooner! I tested yesterday at 11dpo and it was bfn so I told hubby I wouldn't buy anymore tests and would wait to see if AF shows up on Thursday :nope:

I thought that since I got a BFP last cycle on 10dpo that I was for sure out this cycle since I got a BFN on 10dpo :nope: BUT I've been reading a lot of threads where women get BFPs 12, 14, even 16dpo!! So if AF doesn't show on Thursday, then I will test on Friday where I'll be 15dpo.

Shaele- I just looked at your chart and think it looks great!! That should be an implantation dip right!?

Sorry I haven't read back a couple of pages, but I hope everyone else is doing well!! My son is starting to balance on his own and is getting ready to walk so that's exciting :happydance:
bselck-sorry still bfn =/ positive thoughts its just late implanter so bfp comes later too. i am hoping my chart is showing an implantation dip that actually means soooooo nervous to test tomorrow eep. i know that temp pattern could mean nothing but in the 3 months that ive temped ive never gotten it sooooooo does that count for something? i dunno....but i hope. i wonder if it is an implantation dip if testing at 10dpo would be too early. meh im counting my chickens before they are hatched. its probably just a coincidence. i dont want to get excited and be disappointed so gotta keep my cool.

also great news with ds!!!!! now get some good running shoes and eyes in the back of your head cause once they start walking nothing is stopping them from getting into everrryyyyything lol.
Ooh Shaele fx it's an implantation dip!

Bselk, I'm sorry you got another bfn. Fx it's still too early. Oh and that's awesome about ds. It's super exciting when they first start to walk.

Afm; FF gave me dotted cross hairs this morning and thinks I O'd on cd 14. I usually don't O until cd 17 so that would be quite early for me. We've been bd'ing every 2nd day so hopefully we have covered it anyway and incase I'll try to BD again tomorrow before DH goes to work. He will be between night shifts tomorrow so he's usually too tired to.
Shaele your chart is looking good. A rise this late in your cycle looks very unusual for you so I am watching your chart for the next temp and hoping this is it for you :D

BSelck I hope you get your bfp. I wouldn't worry about the bfns as its still quite early :)

Baby doll hope you caught the egg!
BSelck, Shaele and BabyDoll - fingers crossed for you all!

CD11 here and hoping to see some fertile CM today...I usually have it by now. DH wanted to BD last night but I was tired and said to save our energy for the next two days, lol. This morning I noticed a to-do list for today that he wrote for himself - last item on the list is "boom boom imminent". LMAO.

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