good morning everyone!!
rose-this will be your last pregnancy? awww....well make sure you don't get rid of any baby stuff until you are absolutely positive! just attic it for now

i'm glad you were able to make peace with your body and are less nervous. i'm trying to do that. stress is no good for any reason.
bselck-UPDATES. NOW. lol. and yes omg right before my hsg test. I did pray and hope and wish on every flickering light in the sky that i wouldnt have to go through it. it's so weird how things work out sometimes. my friend told me my body had to be threatened! and that test certainly was a threat to me lol. glad you picked up some more sensitive tests. now lets see them
babydoll-thank you! yanno i showed my dh the test from yesterday and he's all like i don't think you are pregnant. the line is too faint. so i explained to him how these tests work and he's still all unsure (so annoying). but im glad to have you all who know what to look for and actually did see the line get darker! also i looked at your chart and your bd schedule looks good! my doc said bd every other day is ideal so i think you'll be just fine! glad ff also changed o day to a more reasonable one. sending baby dust your way!
slammerkin-lol! quickie is ok! every bd counts

glad you are excited for this month...hoping you catch that egg! hope you have a great weekend and get lots of rest too!
afm- i'm starting to get all those stereotypical pregnancy symptoms (at least i think they are stereotypical). leg cramps, sore throat, exhausted, sore boobs, things taste different. i also took another test this morning and i doubt dh will think i'm not pregnant any more. what do you think? baby dust to you all.