Ttc #2

Well ladies just left my u/s. Seems like I will no longer be with you all, both my babies Heart stopped. Last u/s revealed I was pregnant with twins and both had HB but u/s today revealed I'm miscarrying again so that leaves me at 5 known m/c's altogether. Guess it just wasn't my time yet.

Good luck to all you ladies, and HAPPY & HEALTHY 9 months to all the expecting mommies!!!

Congrats to you all!!! :kiss:

I'll join you all again sooner or later or rather when God says it's my time.

Til next time my angel babies

Oh my goodness, I am so so so sorry to hear this :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Nevergivingup, my heart goes out to you. So sorry hon. :hugs:

I finally remembered to do an OPK today and it was positive, so hopefully O tomorrow and temp rise on Weds. Do you think I can skip BD tonight and do it tomorrow? DH is working so won't be home until 3:30ish am and I have to get up at 5. So yeah...I'd kind of rather not, lol. Yes, shaele, annoying late O, ugh!
Slammerkin if you can't face BD tonight then I'm sure tomorrow would be OK if that's likely to be O day :)
I realized we could do it at 4:45 am when I got up for work. So, phew, deed done! lol
So I had a dream this weekend that we'd had a second child, and I think it was around 6 months old, and it was clear that I had very little interest in the child and definitely didn't love it the way I love my daughter. Anyone else have weird dreams about having a second child? I must be subconsciously worried that I can't love another child as much as I love DD. I know that's probably a common fear, and totally untrue, but I guess it's there.
Good work :D :haha:
I haven't had many dreams about the new baby being here to be honest - the only dreams I've had are about being pregnant and giving birth! I am sure once it gets closer to the time and it all sinks in properly then I'll be a bit anxious about it. I think it's a perfectly normal worry, and lots of women worry about that - my mum said she did when she was pregnant with my brother - but of course once he arrived she loved him just as much.
Nevergivingup- I'm so sorry that happened to you again.. god i can't imagine what you are going through... Has your doc said anything about all the miscarriages? Seeing as that can't be normal.. maybe there is something that can be done. My heart goes out to you :hugs: <3 we are here for you if you need someone to vent to or just need some support :)

AFM yeah i'm glad we decided to do the ntnp.. It's like all the wight has lifted from my shoulders.. i feel so much more relaxed.. The only thing is that i am having ovulation cramps lately and i keep thinking i'm ovulating yet i don't know which CD i am on XD but i don't want to know when i ovulate or i'll obsess over it again.. So trying to stay oblivious :)
Sorry never giving up!

I had weird dreams, but it was about people being killed by a serial killer lol.
Lol, hunni, I have very strange dreams a lot of the time in general. I'm dreamed about murders and serial killers too.

Glad you're feeling more relaxed Velathria, but I know it can be hard to let go of knowing the details!
Velathria hopefully a more relaxed approach helps you. Relaxing a bit and worrying Less certainly worked for me!!
OMG NEVERGIVINGUP!! I am SOOOO sorry for your losses!! Am I behind or did we know you were having twins! I am in shock! My heart truly goes out to you! Keep in touch and definitely rejoin us whenever you are ready! :hugs:
Definitely not trying to move on or dismiss the recent losses but on a complete sidenote,

Shaele! I'm excited for your dating appt too! Because when I saw you said you were having a New Years baby I was like wait! She's one day ahead of me and I'm supposedly due Dec 29th!!
So I seen my OB yday. She said there is this new thing where if you had a baby before 37w then it is recommended to get this shot from 16w to 36w every week. It goes in the hip. I said I'll do it. It helps to produce a full term baby instead of risk having another one early.

I get more ultrasounds and don't get my next one until 16w. I have a private one booked for this sat tho...7 weeks is so far :(
hunni- I'm doing the same thing! I think it's a progesterone shot from 16-36 weeks and supposedly had a 92%+ rate at preventing pre term delivery! I'm actually excited about it as that was my biggest fear again his pregnancy.
That's interesting about the shot to prevent pre-term labor. I hope both you ladies make it longer in your pregnancies this time - especially BSelck considering how early yours was!

Arrrggg you guys...this delayed O is SO ANNOYING. Looks like my body is insisting on ovulating on a Wednesday for the 4th month in a row! Was so sure I'd get my temp rise this morning, but nope! Today is CD18. Same CD I O'd two cycles ago. So I woke DH for another 4:45 am BD session to be safe. Can I please just get my shift and be done?? I'm so over it.
Aww slam I hope you O soon we another bfp. Seems to be a lucky thread.

I only wish with the shot it was an option for all mothers instead of someone having to have it happen first then get it second time around
Slammer kin I hated Wednesday O! I always used to O at the weekend and then one cycle it was a bit late and ended up on Wednesday and stayed like it for a couple of cycles, so annoying to get BD in! Although I think the early morning swimmers helped with my bfp so maybe it will be a good thing for you too :)
Slammer your hubby is such a trooper for BD at 445am!! Lol

Hunni, I agree- I wish there was a way to get a shot BEFORE you ever went into pre term labor instead of getting it once it's happened but i know they can't predict that :(
hey there everyone!

interesting news about the shot hunni. i didnt know one existed! hope that it works for both you and bselck to keep those buns baking! glad you are able to get another ultrasound in before the next required one. it is a long time to wait in between! for dd i only got 2 done. now that i know going and getting more on your own is an option i might do that this time.

bselck-yes i was thinking the same thing looking at our dates. i tried to figure out what was going on and all i can think of is that ff is going by the date i o'd rather than just by the last af date because i o later in cycle than the average person does with same length cycle. like for example i have a 31-32 day cycle usually but dont o until cd 19-20 when really the average person with that length would o on cd 16 or so. but who knows.

slammerkin- thats really funny how your body is insisting on wednesday o's! hopefully todays the day and you get your bd in. and wow you both are troopers for bding at 4:45! oh the things we do right from the beginning for these kids lol. cant wait to see your bfp! and almost time for your trip how exciting!

afm i did go to my doc. got my blood drawn. she seemed really busy so i didnt quite get all my questions in cause i felt rushed to think of them again. i didnt manage to ask what my due date is unfortunately but i do have my first sonogram on may 17 which ill be around 8 weeks then. dh will be there and can help remind me of questions to ask. hopefully will find out more then. good luck to you all!

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