Ttc #2

Yes, Shaele, most due date calculators just go by last period date and an average menstrual cycle. And that's all a doctor is going to go by as well. I would trust FF's prediction based on O date. I've heard of a lot of women having to fight with their doctor over their due date because the doctor won't rely on the woman knowing when she O'd. It can be important because doctors usually have a policy about how long they're willing to let you go past your due date before inducing. A couple of days can make a big difference if you find yourself past your due date, and really want to avoid getting forced into an induction. For that reason I've seen some women just lie about the date of their last period - adjusting it to whatever it needs to be to correspond with the due date based on ovulation. That's what I did with DD (though it was only a 1 day difference in that case anyway) and what I plan to do with the next one. I went to my first appointment and they're excitedly telling me when I'm due, and inside I'm like...yeah...I don't need you to tell me! Lol. I think the majority of women don't do cycle tracking/temping and rely on the doctor to tell them, but if you're tracking then you're already set.
I hope everyone's pregnancies are going well so far without too many symptoms or sickness! Great news about the progesterone shot to help prevent pre term labour!

Slammerkin - I just realised we are both cycle buddies! Both on CD18 today! Hopefully you ovulate today and get your temp shift in the morning.

I am STILL waiting to ovulate. Clearly the SI has done nothing! However, I am now convinced my issue all along is my thyroid. I had irregular periods for a year from Aug 2014 - Aug 2015. However, my thyroid was testing in June last year and it was borderline and I was prescribed a very mild dose of thyroxine. Within a couple of months, AF was regular again, but I wasn't ovulating. My thyroxine dosage was put up and within a month of two I was ovulating. I thought it was the metformin for PCOS, but on reflection I don't think it was seeing as I no longer have PCOS. Anyway, I had a blood test done to check my thyroid levels last week and my thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) is 4 which is "normal" but not optimal for TTC. For TTC purposes it ideally should be between 1 & 2. So my Dr has increased my thyroxine again and I am hoping this is going to help. I've read lots in the last week or so about a link between thyroid levels and a short luteal phase. If there is a link there and if that is why my lp is so short, it's no wonder why B6 and the other supplements I am taking is not making any difference. Therefore with the increase in thyroxine, I am hoping so much it will balance by hormones further and lengthen my short lp. I think it is too late this cycle for it to make a difference, but fingers crossed I will see a difference next cycle. I am really hoping that is the missing link and reason why I can't fall pregnant. If no change, I really am stumped!!
hey there everyone!

interesting news about the shot hunni. i didnt know one existed! hope that it works for both you and bselck to keep those buns baking! glad you are able to get another ultrasound in before the next required one. it is a long time to wait in between! for dd i only got 2 done. now that i know going and getting more on your own is an option i might do that this time.

bselck-yes i was thinking the same thing looking at our dates. i tried to figure out what was going on and all i can think of is that ff is going by the date i o'd rather than just by the last af date because i o later in cycle than the average person does with same length cycle. like for example i have a 31-32 day cycle usually but dont o until cd 19-20 when really the average person with that length would o on cd 16 or so. but who knows.

slammerkin- thats really funny how your body is insisting on wednesday o's! hopefully todays the day and you get your bd in. and wow you both are troopers for bding at 4:45! oh the things we do right from the beginning for these kids lol. cant wait to see your bfp! and almost time for your trip how exciting!

afm i did go to my doc. got my blood drawn. she seemed really busy so i didnt quite get all my questions in cause i felt rushed to think of them again. i didnt manage to ask what my due date is unfortunately but i do have my first sonogram on may 17 which ill be around 8 weeks then. dh will be there and can help remind me of questions to ask. hopefully will find out more then. good luck to you all!

Shaele you're going to die! My first appt is on May 17th as wel! Lol i am going on vacation for 2 weeks on May 18th so even though they wanted me to wait another week or so to see them, we had to squeeze in my appt on the 17th! This is too funny!

I agree that FF must be going off of your late O day, but slammer is rit, it's good that you know your body and let your dr know that.

Pompey and slammer- how hilarious that you are cycle buddies and are both having a delayed O right now! So interesting about your thyroid Pompey!! Keep us updated on that solution!
Hha it's so funny that you girls are having appointments etc at the same time! Nice to have a pregnancy buddy so close on dates.
Pompey hope you can get the thyroid issue sorted soon as it does sound like it could be related. Hopefully once it's sorted you will get your bfp :)
Ugh, nausea and tiredness have really kicked in now. Really struggling to have the motivation to do anything, or eat anything besides crisps and other dried salty foods! We usually take the dog out every morning before I go to work but this week the poor thing has had to make do with playing in the garden with DS!
Pompey - yay for cycle buddies! I hope you O soon. That's encouraging that you're realizing your thyroid is likely the problem. I really hope it is so you can get it taken care of and get that BFP!

BSelck and Shaele so cool that you guys are following the same schedule. It's so nice to have due date buddies.

Rose I'm so nervous about being pregnant again. I really hated the first half of pregnancy with DD and was so exhausted and nauseated all the time. I'm afraid it's going to be totally wretched now that I won't even be able to just sleep and lay on the couch all the time because of having a kid to take care of. I already have days just normally that I'm so tired and can't get much enthusiasm up for playing with DD.

Got my temp shift today, thank jeebus. Pretty sick of BD at this point.

In other news, I'm gearing up for a fight that needs to be had with DH today and dreading it. We mostly avoid fighting at all costs, but I feel I have something important right now - something that's always simmering at the back of my head and I need to get it out in the open. Sigh.
@rose: Happy 6 weeks!!

@B: happy 5 weeks!!!

@slam: I have actually heard SI can delay your O.

AFM, this medicine for morning sickness is working miracles. Although I got up to pee like 6 times last night. It feels weird being pregnant single and going through this alone, but I still cannot find myself to cry over this break up. I'm glad I found out he was cheating and what not.
@Sha: I missed your mark yest but happy 5 weeks as well!!
Oh hunni, did I miss you mentioning a breakup before?? I'm so sorry to hear that. It must be scary to face a new baby on your own, but of course that's better than being in a relationship with someone who doesn't treat you right. :hugs: Do you have other family and friends to support you through this?
Slammer- sometimes you just need to get things out on the table so good luck with DH tonight!

Hunni- thank you! Glad your nausea medicine is working but I'm sorry for your breakup with being so newly pregnant! Sounds like he blew his chance!

Rose! I hope your nausea gives you a break today! When is your next appt!?
Yay for the temp rise slammer kin :) your BD timing was great! I know what you mean - I felt awful last time too. I think that it help that DS enjoys watching films now and the weather is getting better so I can watch him play in the garden. He has got quite independent which is lucky, as I'd really struggle otherwise.

Hunni big :hugs: anyone who treats you like that isn't worth it. You'll be a fab single mum!

BSelck, I have my booking in apt a week on Monday (9th) and my first scan the same day. We are then going on holiday the day after! I'm so excited :) just hope the Scan goes ok
I hope everyone's pregnancies are going well so far without too many symptoms or sickness! Great news about the progesterone shot to help prevent pre term labour!

Slammerkin - I just realised we are both cycle buddies! Both on CD18 today! Hopefully you ovulate today and get your temp shift in the morning.

I am STILL waiting to ovulate. Clearly the SI has done nothing! However, I am now convinced my issue all along is my thyroid. I had irregular periods for a year from Aug 2014 - Aug 2015. However, my thyroid was testing in June last year and it was borderline and I was prescribed a very mild dose of thyroxine. Within a couple of months, AF was regular again, but I wasn't ovulating. My thyroxine dosage was put up and within a month of two I was ovulating. I thought it was the metformin for PCOS, but on reflection I don't think it was seeing as I no longer have PCOS. Anyway, I had a blood test done to check my thyroid levels last week and my thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) is 4 which is "normal" but not optimal for TTC. For TTC purposes it ideally should be between 1 & 2. So my Dr has increased my thyroxine again and I am hoping this is going to help. I've read lots in the last week or so about a link between thyroid levels and a short luteal phase. If there is a link there and if that is why my lp is so short, it's no wonder why B6 and the other supplements I am taking is not making any difference. Therefore with the increase in thyroxine, I am hoping so much it will balance by hormones further and lengthen my short lp. I think it is too late this cycle for it to make a difference, but fingers crossed I will see a difference next cycle. I am really hoping that is the missing link and reason why I can't fall pregnant. If no change, I really am stumped!!

i am hoping that thyroxine will work for you. i am also glad that instead of giving up you are trying different treatments and options. way to go for staying positive. i feel that this will be your month!

bselck- no way lol! thats so cool. im glad we are so close in dates! we get to talk about what to expect and how each of our apps go and compare just day to day. i was thinking the last time i got my first sonogram at 12 weeks and this time it will be at 8 weeks. i hope something will be even visible lol. funny how both our docs are doing it earlier this time and then it even landed on same day!

rose-im sorry those evil symptoms are starting dreading them myself. im sure im not going to be one of the lucky symptomsless women. had them last pregnancy expect nothing less this one. hopefully they dont last too long for you and go away at least by end of first trimester! relief in sight?

slammerkin-yay temp rise! boo fight with dh=/ i hope it doesnt last too long and id say make up sex but that wouldnt be ideal for you now hahaha. every couple has arguments and its best to talk it about rather than keep it inside cause then you explode. good luck! hope that this is your cycle and you dont get bad symptoms again...

hunni-thank you! i am also sorry to hear about bf...esp when you are pregnant. absolutely not cool and im glad you did not tolerate it. its his loss. i know it might be tough but us women are tougher. i know everything will work out for you.
The "fight" was conducted via email with DH. Anyone else ever do that? I knew I wouldn't be able to express myself clearly if I had to do it in person because I'd be a crying mess. Anyway, it went well, but I think this is not a fully resolvable conflict in our relationship. Oh well.

FF thinks I O'd Tuesday, but I still think it was Weds. Not a big deal either way.
Argh I've been reading and replying but just went through now and they didn't post! And I can't remember it all now :(

Glad to hear the pregnancies are going well.
Rose I hope your symptoms ease a bit for you.

Slammerkin; glad to hear the fight with DH went as well as it could. DH and I seem to fight over text message a lot. It's mostly while one of us are at work :dohh:

Afm, 10 dpo and caved tonight and tested. Pretty sure its a bfn but I think my tired eyes are playing tricks on me and I think I can see the faintest line definitely a squinter if it's there but could be the fact that I need sleep lol
I'll upload it for you all to vote lol.


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Morning ladies :)

I can see why most of you are lost i never told yall what happened here. Long story short, 4/19 I caught OH cheating at his mother's house there was big fight where I had to fight the mother and 3 other people (fist fight). I bust their window out their house and I went to jail. Found out the next day it was more than one female he had been messing with our entire relationship so I changed my #. He tried to reach out on fb and explain himself i told him to go fuck himself anddddddddddddd that's that. :)

I do not regret any of it lol because my bean is okay and now they know do not mess with me. I am taking it fine it has been 10 days and not tear has been shed and not one will be shed.


I heard bean on the doppler last night 170bpm!!
:hugs: slammer hope you're ok! I hate having arguments with DH as he never listens and always ends up winding me up more. We had a lot of arguments when DS was little and went through a really difficult patch of our relationship. When we hit rock bottom he opened up and told me how he felt and that was a turning point for us really, as I realised I needed to try and be more accommodating of what he wants and not just get carried away with what I want. Since then things have been a lot better, and we tend to wind each other up a lot less.

Baby doll I think I see something :D can't wait for you to test again tomorrow!

Hunni :hugs: you're better off without him
Hunni! That is horrible all around! So sorry but glad you let him!

Babydoll- I can't wait to see more!!! So excited for you!

Slammer- when DH and I getbinto big fights we go into different rooms after arguing and usually end up finishing it through text- which to be honest- usually calms the situation down.
This was amazing baby was just moving!!


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