Ttc #2

Thanks ladies!!

MyStory- will you test tomorrow!? How exciting!!
wow so ive missed a lot!

welcome back velathria! sorry af got ya again =/ dont give up...i was getting really anxious and frustrated it was taking me so long too but it happened...and it will for you too! just keep trying!

hello my story! welcome to our really lucky thread. i am glad you decided to join us! sorry to hear you recently had a miscarriage =/ i understand about not wanting the age gap between children to be too's nice when siblings can be their own play buddies. i really hope this cycle is yours! when do you think you will test?

slammerkin omg ultrasound tomorrow already! seems like you just got your bfp...course probably not to you lol. how exciting! i hope everything goes well! is it the internal one? seeing the heartbeat is so amazing even if the rest of it looks like a jelly bean ;) have fun! btw i see your tracker is starting to look like baby now ;)

bselck-damn girl you are seriously VERY fertile!!!! i am keeping everything crossed for you that this one sticks for good. i don't want you to have to endure another m word again. very happy for you! congratters!

did i get everyone? i hope so...i am sorry if i missed you! if i did here's a hug! hoping all our pregnant ladies are doing well and coping with first trimester and hunni and her second. hoping morning sickness is staying away or at least very mild.

afm i spent nearly 2 hours trying to make my nuchal translucency ultrasound appointment today. i was ready to scream at the people on the phone. i called the hospital where i got my test done with dd and i must have gotten transferred 100 times and no one had any idea what that ultrasound was. i finally get to the person i want to talk to and they've stopped taking my insurance. after all that i couldn't make it there. i was so pissed. so she gave me a number to call that did accept my insurance and i called them and they were closed. -.-....i FINALLY found another place that was open and accepted my insurance so i was able to schedule it but honestly....a hospital with so many incompetent employees....makes me nervous. as well as frustrated. i also go for my harmony test tomorrow. i am hoping they will have the results to me by friday so i don't have to spend the entire weekend wondering if i'm having a boy or girl! so that's super exciting. i think thats about it here. hoping everyone has a fantastic night!
That's crazy Shaele sorry you wasted so much time on the phone. It is so frustrating being passed from person to person not knowing what they're doing!! And you have to explain it all to each one of them. Glad it's scheduled now though and good luck for the harmony results, I am so jealous you'll know the gender this early. Do you have any preference?
Thanks ladies!!

MyStory- will you test tomorrow!? How exciting!!

wow so ive missed a lot!

hello my story! welcome to our really lucky thread. i am glad you decided to join us! sorry to hear you recently had a miscarriage =/ i understand about not wanting the age gap between children to be too's nice when siblings can be their own play buddies. i really hope this cycle is yours! when do you think you will test?!

I don't think I will test for a while. Woke this morning and checked CP to find a small blood clot and light bleeding. Nothing really AF definite at the moment. If AF comes then I'll be happy (but obviously sad) as it means my body is returning to normal after the mc. Readying us to try again next cycle.

Wow Shaele that's some time you've had lately! I'm glad you finally found somewhere that will see you and get your little cooking one scanned. What date is it booked for?

Have to admit, I'm very jealous of all you pg ladies tickers!! I want my own back :thumbup:
Welcome my story sorry for your loss.

@vel: sorry love but welcome back

@B: Omg congrats !!! Praying its a sticky bean
Shaele, what a ridiculous run-around. I think all my ultrasounds will just be at my OB/midwife's office (I'm going to a "collaborative practice" that has both OBs and midwives on staff).

I can only assume today's ultrasound will be transvaginal. I don't think they can see anything with an abdominal one. There was someone in my due date thread that had an abdominal one at, like, 6 weeks, and of course they couldn't see everything so cause her all kind of panic. Why would you even bother with that?? Bah!
Welp, I was wrong. The tech said we'd try abdominal first, and vaginal if that didn't work, but we saw everything we needed with abdominal! So yeah, lol. Baby looked good - measuring 7w and I'm 7w2d, so that's fine. Heartbeat of 130. We got to hear it briefly too. :) It was so quick. Baby still kinda looks like a blob, but we saw the heart pulsing. I had my first ultrasound with DD at 8 weeks and I feel like we saw more of a baby shape at that time. Oh well. Next appt at 10 weeks, and next scan at 12 weeks.
Excellent news slammerkin :) mine was abdominal too, and I was surprised we saw anything!
Yay for your great scan slammer!!

Shaele- honestly how annoying!! I hate getting the run around! The same thing happened with my son this fall when we were trying to get him a needed RSV shot!! I was so pissed that because of hospital/insurance error, my son did not receive his medicine on time!!

As for me, tHis is the first time I took a hpt without my husband being home and knowing the result immediately. So I was so proud of myself and hid my news all day and got him a lovey dovey card that said sorry I've been so moody lately, but we're having a baby!! It was fun to actually surprise him 😋

I also,took a bath tonight with one of those LUSH bubble bath balls that I got from my friend for a bridesmaid gift. The ball was pink which I thought nothing of, but as it began to dissolve, it turned blue, then back to pink, then blue! I couldn't help but think of the connection to boy girl and being pregnant! Only my his and and one friend know this time around so I feel like this was a good sign and had a big smile to myself.

Shaele- I LOVE the harmony testing and love the ability to find out the gender so early on! I cannot wait to hear about your results!

MyStory- I totally understand the envy of the pregnancy tickers! I'm too cautious to put one up right now, but last pregnancy, Shaele was my bump buddy almost to the day! So it's def hard to see that's where I would have been ya know? But I feel like your BFP will be coming quickly! (Especially now that youve joined our lucky thread lol)

Thanks for the joy and support ladies, you are truly the only ones I can turn to that understand my fears but still remain positive to push me forward. Keep us all updated!
That's a lovely way to announce BSelck :) I love lush bath bombs! I can't wait until I feel better and will enjoy a hot relaxing bath again. I have just booked a spa evening for my mum and I in about 6 weeks time. I am having a pregnancy massage, I can't wait! I'll be around 17 weeks then so I'm hoping I will feel back to my normal self and can enjoy the yummy food, drinks and relaxing.

I know what you mean about the tickers, I used to feel really jealous. However in time you will see that the timing has worked out for the best. I hated that it took us 7 months at the time, it was so stressful, but we have quite a lot of work to do on our house to finish it and we won't have the money until probably next month, so it gives us a bit more time to do it. Also, my husband is likely to have a rocky time with work for the next few months as he's self employed and will be finishing with one company, so needs to get sorted with another one/some other ones. By Christmas hopefully we should be all sorted. I also managed to get myself a pay rise at work and I'm sure I wouldn't have got it if I had announced I was pregnant. Plus, the timing of this baby means I'll be able to go back to work after DS starts school so I'll be there for his first few weeks in case he struggles with settling in. So, all in all, I'm glad that we have another 6 months to wait as we have lots to sort out in the meantime :) I do believe everything happens for a reason, even though at the time you feel like nothing's going right and like its never going to happen.
Ooh, I've only ever used one of those Lush bath bombs. Sounds lovely BSelck. Soooo hoping this is a sticky baby for you!

Rose that's awesome that you've found the timing to be perfect for this baby. I hope everything sorts itself out just right!

I threw out my neck/back this morning. I've had this happen a few times. It's like something goes "click" in my upper back and all of a sudden I can't tilt my head back or fully turn my head side to side and it hurts. Almost always happens in the shower while I'm washing my hair, ugh. I know I've been carrying a lot of tension in that region lately. It's been hurting a lot. I'm going to try to do some work from home today, but might take some sick time. I feel nauseated and BLAH anyway, so might as well. I already work from home one day a week and need to ask my manager about upping it to two. It would reduce the stress of battling through nausea in the morning to get to work.

Other random thing...I went back to find that website Shaele posted about a while ago, where you can read about your pregnancy day by day and what's happening. I was looking at 7w2d and there was the little alien looking baby, and it was kind of creeping me out. I had forgotten this happened last time I was pregnant too...looking at pics of the early development really put me off for some strange reason.
Slammerkin hope your back stops hurting soon! I suffer with a bad back too and it's particularly bad at the moment, especially as I can't go for a massage until 12 weeks. I can't wait to have another one as it does give me some relief for a few weeks.

Working from home sounds like a good idea - I wish I could, particularly today. Although I'm lucky as most days I work afternoons only, so I have the morning to try and get up, slowly get ready and line my stomach. It does mean that by evening when it's time to go home I feel exhausted and even more nauseous though.
Oh no Slammer your neck! ugh! How long does it usually take to feel better?

Rose- The spa sounds amazing! I loved your post on just the right timing. It is so true, in the end, everything works out.

As for me, I think I am seeing some progression on my tests! I took my first on Wednesday (the top one) and the bottom one is today. I feel like these are the darkest lines ive had so far too. Staying positive and secretly excited and the funniest part is I don't even feel pregnant this time! Maybe it was because I wasn't even looking for signs?

I just took another test to hopefully see progression, but now I wont do another test other than maybe a digital next week.

I had a very awkward, kind of upsetting time at my doctors office last time as I went in and they didn't know I had miscarried (even though I went there to confirm the miscarriage) and asked me all of these pregnancy questions. On top of that, my doctor was like "I told you to wait". Which first of all, you said I was good to try again immediately because it was such an early miscarriage. Secondly, its my body. So now that this cycle was sort of a surprise BFP, I'm not telling the doctor or booking an appt until at least 8 weeks to make sure I get past the early stages this time. I don't want to make her mad by telling her so early if its not necessary.

Anyways, also debating on another California vacation on June 14th. What do you ladies think about flying during 1st tri?


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That's mean of your dr to say that, it's your body and you can do what you like!! I don't think there's much point in seeing a doctor early anyway. I went to see mine and he just gave me a booklet and that was it. It was a massive waste of time.

I think flying in first Tri is fine. I flew at about 8 weeks and back at 9.5 weeks and it was ok, I was a bit uncomfortable and felt very sick but it was worth it to go on holiday :)
hey everyone...typing from a hotel....a pretty crappy one too lol oh well its just somewhere to sleep...pretty much out all day. im bored out of my mind though.

rose-i dont really have a preference to the gender this time. first time i wanted a girl and i got her. now i see pros to either boy or another girl. just hoping for healthy.

my story-the ultrasound is scheduled for june 17. and fortunately dh can come with. i dunno what id do if he couldnt. its not like i can hold dd while laying on the lounge table thing.

bselck-awww i love the way you announced it to your sweet...all i did was like i think i see a line! and my dh didnt even believe me. i also hope your doc wont lecture you when you finally reveal your news....they should be supportive no matter what! doing anything else will just ruin your happiness of it all.

slammerkin-im so sorry about your back and neck! i totally understand about how awful the back is as i threw out mine several weeks ago. it sucked. i really hope everything starts to feel better soon....esp when you also have the crappy pregnancy symptoms too. also im a little jealous you didnt need the vaginal ultrasound! i didnt even get the option to have abdominal one and since i had a c section i had some scar tissue and that senor probe thing felt very uncomfortable. you are so lucky!

just real quick i had to share this story that happened tonight. the 3 of us are in the hotel room and dd is running around. suddenly dd trips on a carpet next to the door and falls and literally smashes her head against the door. =( she has a lovely lump there now. dh picks her up cause he was closer and she is screaming. he goes omg she blew out her diaper. i was like what she hasnt done that since she was a baby. but she did....i put her on my bed and start to change her and shes got poop everywhere. all up her back in every nook and cranny. while im changing her dh goes to get ice for her head. meanwhile im almost done cleaning her when she decides to throw up. and it goes everywhere. all over my bed, her clothes, her hair. i wanted to just cry lol. so dh comes back and i toss dd into the bath to clean her up. dh changes my bedding. dd is screaming still. sounding like she was getting murdered. i was like omg i got a triple play here. it was insane! after she was dressed she was perfectly and was running around again. i was like didnt you learn anything???? anyway it was terrible at the time but im glad she is ok....course now our room smells like poop and vomit but yay parenthood! haha....hope you all have a lovely evening.
Oh no Shaele that sounds like a nightmare!! Bless her. Hope she's ok. At least it happened in the hotel room and not when you're out and about! I remember the first time we ever took DS to a restaurant when he was about a week old, he exploded out of his nappy and I hadn't taken any spare trousers!! He had to sit in his car seat in just a nappy with a blanket on him :haha:
Hi all. I've had a few days off and finally just caught up!

BSelk massive Congrats!! Really hoping this one sticks for you!!!

Yes this is a very lucky thread! There's not many of us left without BFP'S and pregnancy tickers lol. I'm trying to get an appointment with a dr this week to ask for bloods and maybe an investigation into why it's taking a while to conceive. I know they don't like doing anything since we've only been TTC for 6 months and I'm still quite young (in their opinion) but I can't help think some hormone is off and that worry and stress will pretty much ensure no BFP so trying to stay positive but it is getting really hard!

Oh no Shaele that doesn't sound nice at all. Hoping that dd is feeling better and the smell clears quickly.
Omg Shaele! What an episode!! Poor girl! At least she felt fine afterwards!

Rose that is hilarious! For my wedding, we got married on a yacht and I had the diaper bag to bring on board for my son and my bridesmaids baby. Well being the bride and all stressed and. Running around, I forgot to bring it on board!!! My son was ok, but my friends baby blew through her diaper and had to be wrapped in a towel for the rest of the night!!! Nightmare then, hilarious now lol

Babydoll! Glad to hear from you! Sending good vibes this month! When do you O next!?
Well first AF since MC finally arrived but I'm not too saddened really, means we can start a fresh cycle.
Wish us luck!!

BSelck - what a beautiful new ticker I see!!! :flower:
Good luck my story! Hopefully it's your lucky month :)

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