Hi girls! Sorry I've not posted in forever, but I stalk every single day and am completely up to date with you all!
I am living the sound of a cheese steak! My mouth is watering as I type!
I am so glad your scan went well rose. I'm so excited and nervous for mine. I think it'll be mid July, so another 4 weeks yet, but we're going on holiday for 2 weeks in Friday so the time should go quickly. Sounds like a nice lazy , chilled day you're having today

my husband also worked today, but he's home now and we're about to go for a Toby Carvery. So hungry!
Slammerkin - phew, you're day sounded exhausting and in that heat as well! What's Daniel tiger?
Bselck - I am SO glad your tests are continuing to get darker and you got the 3+ on he digital. It's look good so far!
Hunni - I feel your pregnancy is flying by!
OMG I've been cracking up at 'ovulation shit' !!! My husband didn't really ask any questions at all, but he vaguely knew what I was doing!
AFM - pregnancy going swimmingly well, almost too well which is still making me nervous. I have sore boobs and every now and then I feel a bit nauseous and have vivid dreams, but apart from that I feel no different thAn I did pre pregnancy. Had booking appt with midwife yesterday and she was lovely but couldn't reassure me. My main worry is a MMC or blighted ovum, but she just said it can happen but the chances are low, which I knew anyway. I tried getting an early scan as I was having a few twinges when my left Fallopian tube would be and I started worrying about an ectopic. But they won't see you unless you have bright red blood or severe pain and I am definitely not going to tell a fib as I feel that would just not be right. So I'm going to go on hols, try and forget about it and hope for the best at my 12 week scan.