Hi girls
So I've not posted in here in forever. I was so worried about this symptom-less pregnancy, that I convinced myself I'd had a MMC. I kept off all boards apart from my journal and just felt like I couldn't bring myself to post myself here and the other group I'm on.
Anyway, to cut a long story short - all is good

As soon as I saw the heartbeat and saw baby wriggling it's arms and legs, I just burst into tears out of pure relief and happiness. The only downside is that the sonographer was unable to accurately date the pregnancy or measure the fluid behind it's neck as baby was lying in the wrong position and wouldn't move despite several efforts. I was in there ages and had a really long scan - she really tried her best to get the measurements. I must have been in there about half an hour! I go back on 1st August for another dating scan and quad blood test. She provisionally dated me at 12 weeks 6 days as opposed 12 weeks 0 days. The baby seemed to be measuring ahead which is weird as I know when I ovulated. However, on the plus, I will be a whole week ahead and one step closer to my due date. I will have this confirmed on the 1st August.
We told our daughter tonight even though we originally wanted to leave it to 20 weeks. But it is likely she is going to have to come to my 15 week scan because it's on a day I am not working and it's first thing in the morning so I'll have no childcare. She asked a few questions but was pretty chilled , bless her!
rose - yay for hearing the heartbeat. So special

I take you have a Next VIP slot? I've booked one for Thursday and hoping to pick up some maternity clothes and newborn stuff.
Congratulations BabyDoll on your BFP! I am late to the party I know, but I have been reading
Vel - if you're reading this, I really hope everything is ok
hunni - congrats on finding out you're expecting a girl! Sorry someone broke into your car last night, how awful
I feel sorry for you American ladies with the insurance faff and costs. The NHS here isn't fantastic, but it has always served me well and is free (to an extent).
Glad all is going well BSelck, slammer and Shaele
ps - I love the sound of a tator tot, yum!