Ttc #2

hey everyone! i know i missed a lot...and i apologize for being scarce...i have been checking in though. Bselck congrats on a boy! i am quite jealous you know the gender already and i don't lol....darn that harmony test grrrrr. i am scheduled to find out august 15 if baby cooperates. still so far away =(

velathria i am really really sorry to find out you had a miscarriage...i hope you are feeling better by now at least physically...*hugs* we will be here when you try again!

Rose how is the new mattress? i don't know who started the whole husbands fall asleep so easily but im right there with you all. dh could be answering my question one second and literally his next breath is a snore. he thinks i'm kidding but im totally serious. i always tell him im so jealous of how fast he can fall asleep. why do we get stuck with all the worrying? plus on top of that since he does snore it makes it even harder to fall asleep. ugh.

slammerkin glad to hear you and dh got to have a nice date night. it's rare for us too...but definitely a necessity sometimes and always nice! i hope your knee is feeling better! would a pregnancy pillow help with that ya think? i am having back pain...lower left back right into my left butt cheek. I think its the sciatic nerve? but it sucks.

hunni i am so glad you found someone other than that last creep. this new guy seems like a winner esp to accept two children that aren't his. that's probably hard for a lot of men to handle so it really takes someone special. congratulations =) also great eye for the bargains! babies are expensive enough as it is let alone the fact that they only use certain things for a few months...

pompey it's ok that you are showing already! i totally understand how you feel...i was at a party a few days ago and my friends were like wow you already popped! and i don't think i showed until i was around 6 months or so with dd. i think it's quite normal to show sooner after the first since the body is already stretched out (saying that always seems depressing to me lol) and knows what's going on. It's like oh yeah i remember this. i take solace in the fact that my belly popped early and i actually look pregnant instead of it just looked like i went on a binge diet.

afm a lot has been happening...last weekend my dh threw me a surprise birthday party since i turned 30...yikes saying that is still so weird. it was a really nice time. then the next few days sucked because here in NJ we are in the middle of an insane heat wave...high 90s and humid AND our ac broke! it was so bad. even with fans blowing on me i just was sweating. i got a headache. it was 90 in the house no joke. so we had to spend a lot of money on getting a new system put in. we spent a lot of time at a friends house that had ac because being pregnant in such conditions is not fun at all. Everything is working again now though thankfully! We also transitioned dd to a toddler bed 2 nights ago. She hates it. the first night we put her to bed she scream/cried until 11:30pm then finally exhausted herself and fell asleep on it. The next night was better...she scream cried until 9:30pm and while she was doing that she was begging me for hugs and kisses. it was so tough on me to hear her pleading but i know it was just to get attention and dh said not to reward this kind of behavior. i was crying too i felt so bad. tonight was better...only cried until 9pm. i guess we just have to give it time and she will get used to it instead of her crib. we wanted to transition now because once new baby comes its going to use the crib and we don't want her hating her sibling for "stealing" her crib and also we want her to be totally used to a bed by then so she at least sleeps through the night if the new baby does not. we are also planning her 2nd bday party at the end of this week that should be exciting! and tomorrow i'm getting my first cleaning maid to come and clean my house i am so excited. i told dh that with looking after a toddler and being pregnant and with my back pain i just can't do everything that needs to be done esp before dd's party! so he agreed i could hire some help. that doesn't mean that i haven't been just sitting here waiting for her to come. i have been running around the house like mad trying to straighten everything and put stuff away so that she actually can clean it. I think i'm all set though. one room i didn't touch was dh's office. that room is a nightmare. he has so much shit just placed everywhere...soda bottles on the ground, paper spewed around, piles of books, pieces of computers (dh is a software engineer so he lives and breathes computers). so I'm just going to close that door and tell her she doesn't have to bother with that room. yanno...pretend it doesn't exist. men -.- anyway hope everyone is doing well!!!!
Yikes on the toddler bed transition Shaele. Sounds rough. A crib never worked for us, and DD still doesn't really sleep through the night unless someone is with her, so she has a double mattress on the floor in her room and one of us is usually sleeping with her. I think it's ok to give her more kisses and cuddles to make her feel safe in her new bed. It might be a lot for her to adjust to.

We're in VA, so suffering the heatwave here too. Ughhh. At least our AC is pumping away, but I'm ready for things to cool down!
Slammerkin glad you had a lovely date night! My mum is having DS on Friday night so I am planning a surprise date night for DH. Hopefully he likes it :)

Shaele sounds like things have been crazy for you!! I've been struggling with the heat too and it's nowhere near as hot here as it is there - although we don't have AC. Glad you've got a cleaner in to help, I am hoping to do that nearer the time that baby is due as I am struggling to keep up with it all. Hope your DD adjusts to her new bed soon! We were lucky with DS and he really liked his - we bought him a midheight cabin bed so I think the novelty factor helped. He did get out of the bed a lot at the beginning though.
Sounds like you had a lovely date night slammerkin! Good for you for DTD, haha! My poor husband is starved! I have no appetite whatsoever, but try to help him where I can :blush:

Shaele, happy belated 30th!
Sounds tough with your daughter. I have no real advice really (I know you weren't really looking for advice!) as like slammerkin my Daughter will not go to sleep alone. So I full time bed share with her & plan to continue when this baby arrives who will be in a side bed thing next to my bed. Anabella has her own room and bed and we tried getting her to sleep in there, but she would wake up in the night and cry for us, so we just decided to sleep with her full time until she is happy to go in her own room alone, whenever that may be!
Shaele- so good to hear from you! Happy Dirty Thirty!! Mine is next year and my girlfriends and I have a girls trip planned to Florida next summer to celebrate! I'm proud of you for getting DD into her own bed! I wish I was there! My DS is co sleeping with us right now and my step daughters have taken over his room- not that this is the only reason he sleeps with us but it isn't helping. Right now he has to be near me to fall asleep and as much as I love that, it is hurting the sleeping situation with DH and I! So we are moving next month and the girls will go back to heir mothers house so that's when I plan to put him into a toddler bed. Being that it will be in a new room, new house and new bed, I'm expecting him to freak out, but I too want to get him there before the new baby comes.

Rose- I may take your idea on getting a themed bed for DS so that he likes it! I too suspect he will be getting out of that bed a lot but I think I will be ok with that at first. Did you ever have to put up a baby gate at his door?

Slammer- what a great date night with your DH! And sex! What a lucky man haha but I guess he does deserve it after 9 weeks!! :haha:

Pompey- glad you're doing well! If it were up to me, I would be like you and just let DS choose when he's ready for his own room, but that is NOT ok with my DH! Lol

As for me, I had my 12 week scan yesterday with my high risk doctors and everything went well!! Baby looked great and I don't know if we've shared that we will be naming him Brody James! We got our plan to hopefully prevent preterm labor this go around and I loved seeing little man move around!


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Yay, great pic BSelck! I hope you have a totally uneventful, full-term pregnancy this go-round!

I'm glad my DH is flexible with sleep arrangements. We just do whatever has to be done for everyone in the house to get the most sleep. That involves a lot of musical beds, but we all get a chance at reasonable sleep, so that's all that matters. I'm not 100% sure what sleep arrangements will look like after baby comes, but we'll figure something out.

I'm also glad DH is so forgiving with dry spells in our relationship, lol!
Lovely pic BSelck and I love the name too :)

I didn't have to gate DS' room but he was about 2 when he went in to a big bed so he understood that he had to stay in there. He was already sleeping through by the time we put him in so it was just getting him in the bed that was the struggle. You just have to be consistent and it's amazing how quickly they realise that if they keep getting out, they're just going to have to get back in!
How was everyone's weekend? Mine was good. Took DD to an outdoor moving Friday night, did playground and ice cream on Saturday, and had a play date on Sunday. I'm going to see my sister in NY this weekend - baby-free! DH is taking off work to watch DD while I'm gone. I'm a little nervous because I've been so sedentary that I'm afraid I won't be able to do much walking for sightseeing, but I'll just do my best I guess.
Hi all! Sorry I've been away, had some phone troubles and couldn't get on. I've read everything but am suffering badly from pregnancy brain so please forgive me if I forget things.

Massive congrats to BSelk on having another boy!!

Shaele, I moved DS into a race car single bed at 18 months as he would scream the house down when put into his cot and after almost 2 months and trying everything else it was my last hope. From that first day he's asleep within 10 mins and sleeps 11-12 hours over night and 1-2 hours during the day. I did put a baby gate on his door but that was mostly as I've heard horror stories of kids getting up and painting the house in yoghurt and other pantry/fridge/messy items.

Slammer, glad you and hubby had a great date night. I too feel bad for DH as we've only BD twice since my BFP as I'm either way too tired or just feel too nauseous.

I'm really sorry to hear that Vel had a M/C and isn't able to share the pregnancy with all of us just yet. Vel, if your still reading this I hope your doing ok and have the support around you to get through it and that your back TTC and joining us with a super sticky rainbow really soon!

I'm glad everyone else are doing good and everything is moving along nicely for everyone.

Afm, time seems to be going really quickly and I'm now 9w2d and have booked in for my 12w NT scan for the 22nd. My fatigue is my worst symptom atm and I am struggling with it really badly to the point where I can barely clean the house and cook dinner every night. My nausea seems to be the worst at night now and in the last week has backed off a bit. I already have a round bump that people are asking about which I'm supprised about as I'm a bit over weight I thought I could hide it longer. I don't want announce it until after the 12w scan so for the next 3 weeks I might have to just stay home so I can't run into anyone :)
Good to hear from you BabyDoll. My nausea was always worse in the evening too. I hope it eases soon. With this one mine started to ease a bit at 10 weeks, though with my first it dragged on for so much longer.

I'm struggling with sleep with DD. She's just getting a burst of energy right as I want to do diaper and jammies and she's giggling and thrashing about and hiding under covers and it sends me completely over the edge and I just start yelling. So not proud of myself, but I don't know how to manage this.
Good to hear from you baby doll. I hope all is well at your scan!

@slam: It used to always help for me to walk away for a while and just collect my thoughts

All is well here just one more week until my V day. A'mouri has been kicking loads lately!
Slammerkin I always struggle when it gets to bedtime and I'm tired and DS isn't! I usually tell him that if he doesn't calm down and get ready, he doesn't get his story and that normally works. I feel mean threatening but he just gets really hyper otherwise and then he's a nightmare going to sleep!

Happy almost V day, hunni! All our pregnancies are flying by.

Tomorrow we have our 20 week scan. I am still having trouble with DH and his lack of interest in the baby. For now I'm just going to leave him to it and let him bond in his own time. Things are otherwise ok between us, I think he's just realising that this baby's actually coming and what that's likely to mean and that's making him worried and stressed. I hope when we know whether it's a boy or girl and can start calling him/her by a name, and he starts to feel them kick, he will start to remember the excitement from last time.
Yeah threats are not working. I threatened no stories and she didn't care. Ugh.

What's V day?

Good luck with your scan Rose! Can't wait to hear the sex.
Oh man! No advice then, just big :hugs: as we've had regular issues with bedtime at the moment and it's so so so frustrating especially when you're exhausted yourself!
hunni, I bet you'll feel great when you get to v day! I remember that being a big milestone in my first pregnancy.

rose, sorry your husband is still not showing much interest or excitement. Tomorrow may make it a bit more real for him and I guess that could make him go one way or another. I am sure he'll come round in his own time. Let us know how the scan went.... do you have a gut feeling re gender?

babydoll - good to hear from you! Sorry you're suffering with fatigue and nausea but hopefully that'll pass as you move into 2nd tri in a few weeks.

slammerkin - my due date is just one day behind you now! and v day is viability day... if the baby was to be born from 24 weeks, the Dr's would do everything they can to ensure the baby survives (that's my understanding anyway)

AFM (big upate sorry!)- had another scan today and due date been moved forward to 18th Jan. Next scan 2nd September when we'll find out gender. Convinced this one is blue though as the pregnancy is just so different.
My daughter came with me to the scan today as I had no childcare. When I told her, her face looked ever so concerned and she said that she didn't want the Dr to cut the baby out with the special knife!! Bless her, she thought that in order to see the baby, my stomach would have to be cut open I explained to her a special wand would be placed on my tummy to see inside and she looked relieved, haha! Once we were there, she was semi- interested at best. I was trying to point out different part of the baby to her, but I guess it doesn't really look like a baby to a nearly 4 year old! By the end she was keen to leave! I think we'll try and get childcare sorted for the 20 week scan.
Aw bless her Pompey! I guess it's a lot for them to take in. I hope she starts to get excited nearer the time.

My scan is at 4pm, I'll update you guys once I've been!
Hmm, I'm not sure I even knew about "viability date" with my first. Maybe I did and memory has just drawn a veil, lol. But that's cool!

Pompey what was your original due date? I find the changing of due dates very strange. I guess maybe it makes sense for women who really don't know when they conceived, but if they try to change mine at any point they're gonna have a fight on their hands because I'm certain of my dates. Anyway, I find out sex on Sept 1, so one day before you, yay! This pregnancy is definitely different for me too, so maybe it's a boy. I kind of feel "girl" though.

Keep us posted Rose!
It's a girl :D
All looked fine, she wouldn't give a clear enough view of her spine so I have to go back next week for a follow up scan. Will be nice to see her again!
Congrats rose! How are you feeling about having a girl? Little girls are just adorable. A lot of people say boys are very cuddly and girls less so, but Anabella is so cuddly, affectionate & just loves hugs and kisses. I'd be made up if this bump is pink again, but I am sure it's blue.

How did your husband react? Have you noticed any positive changes yet?

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