Hey ladies!
Pompey and slammer- congrats and the baby boys!!
Hunni- congrats on entering 3rd tri! That is a huge goal of mine this time around!!
As for me, I have been gone for what seems forever because we finally have internet in our new house! We've moved, gained full custody of my step daughters, had a birthday party for our 11 year old step daughter, had my parents in town, did school orientation and had guests over from out of town!! It has been crazy!
But, I'm on the 3rd week of my progesterone shots... The first one I was sooooo sore, but the next was fine and my 3rd one is this week.
My scans have been awesome and baby is measuring 3 days ahead which always puts me at ease.
We've done a bit of shopping for the new baby- (just a few cute newborn outfits since he will get everything from his brother). And I finally decided to invest into a diaper genie since we will now have two boys in diapers!! Ahh!
Glad to hear everyone is doing so well and so happy to hear there are more baby boys out there! I feel like everyone around me is having girls!! In target, I feel I get slight depression on having another boy because the baby girl clothes suck me in and I get Tracy that I will never be able to buy them for a baby of my own. Plus I'm throwing my cousins baby shower who is having a girl and although at least I get to buy some girl stuff- this still makes me a little sad
Talk to everyone soon!