Ttc #2

Oh yes I am quite addicted to carters. I didn't mention specific names of stores because I wasn't sure if you would have the same ones near you and that wouldn't help. but yes...carters is where I find most of my baby clothes. I tell my mom I have a sickness...every time I buy from that store it's a cry for help lol. I can easily drop $100 and I'm like yay new clothes! boo no more money!
Thanks rose for the shop recommendations. I am not going to Asda again! I love Next clothes, they are just a bit pricey! Hopefully I'll get another VIP slot at Christmas and can stock up.

You can definitely order from Carters for clothes to be shipped here. Reading the posts above have reminded me. I am going to take a look!

I had movement early afternoon, my this evening I've had none and he usually moves around quite a lot in the evenings. I am worried now.

I am glad I'm not the only one having a twinge of gender disappointment. I am sure once he's here everything will just slot into place :)
Pompey I have seen some Carters stuff in Costco too - not sure if you're a member? I agree next is pricey, I also try to get sale stuff although I find its not as good as it was a few years ago.

Hope your LO started moving again last night?
Pompey I have seen some Carters stuff in Costco too - not sure if you're a member? I agree next is pricey, I also try to get sale stuff although I find its not as good as it was a few years ago.

Hope your LO started moving again last night?

I did feel him move the night I was worried, but all day yesterday I felt nothing - not in the day, evening or overnight. I was so so so worried and kept having bad dreams about something going wrong. This morning I was googling '21 weeks and no movement for 2 days' when I felt something - I was so relieved!!

I spent ages looking at the carters website and put loads into my basket. But then the shipping put me off and I cancelled. We dont have a costco near us, the nearest one if 45 mins away and I'm not a member.

I am sure I will find some lovely clothes for him!

Hope everyone is well and has had a good week?
Omg so glad were talking about baby clothes!! Call me crazy, but one of the main reasons I'm having slight gender disappointment myself is the clothes! I LOVE all the girl clothes and know EXACTLY how I would dress my baby girl... BUT wet having another boy and we too have saved Zacks clothes so I guess at least it saves us money.

Last weekend my mom was in town and we were shopping for baby girl clothes for my cousin... I started crying. Yes it was a hormonal moment but it just hit me that I will never have a baby girl of my own and my step daughters are nearly teenagers so picking out their clothes is not going to happen either.

HOWEVER, I am a Carters addict as well! And it is one of the few places I find boy clothes I like. Target is great for sleepers and warm footsie pjs. The one thing I like for boys that most girl clothes don't have are the cute little winter vests!

Anyways hope everyone is well. Just had my 18 week cervical length checked and it was 4.77cm! Which I guess is great since they want anything over 2.5cm.

I've also just had my 3rd progesterone shot and I think my body is getting used to them as the last two have been no where near as painful and sore as the first.

September 22nd is my 20 week ultrasound and anatomy scan so I will try to post another bump pic and baby pics then! :thumbup:
hey pompey i was you know what position your placenta is in? with my daughter i had an anterior placenta which means it was on top of my uterus blocking a lot of kicks and punches. i didnt feel her move until 6 months or so. this time i have a posterior placenta which is on the bottom and ive been feeling everything since 15 weeks. i also read that they sleep a lot 12 to 14 hours a day. so maybe in combination of the two is a reason you arent feeling as much movement? i still wouldnt worry im sure you are fine!

im sorry you are feeling down about the clothes part bselck =( try to think about what great pals your son and new baby will be! i agree about the cute vests the boys get though! glad to hear everything is going perfect for you so far...hope it continues. cant wait to hear updates!
Hey ladies. How are y'all feeling? My inner hip/groin is sore. I've been doing some deep squatting the last few days, so I think that's the cause. Hopefully it will ease up as I do more squatting and get stronger there.

I have a return scan tomorrow to get the pics the tech wasn't able to get last time, and then a regular appt with an NP. Need to talk to her about my refusal to take the 3-hour test and show my logs of my blood sugar testing the last few weeks. No indication I have any problem maintaining normal levels. I have no intention of doing the test at 28 weeks either. It's a waste of my time. But they'll probably just treat me as if I have GD anyway, so I need to find out what that means in terms of more tests/monitoring. Not looking forward to this appt, but at least DH is going with me.
Good to hear from you slammer. Good luck with your scan tomorrow and follow up appointment. Hopefully it'll go better than you think and they are supportive of your decision to not take the 3 hour test.

Shaele - not sure where my placenta is, but I THINK it's posterior. I will check at my scan on Friday.

BSelck - I totally understand how you must be feeling with knowing you won't have a girl if this baby is your last. But there are so many positives too and I am sure your boys will grow up so close :hugs:

I have my follow up scan on Friday which I'm looking forward to. I had a consultant appointment today and all seems well. She is happy with how everything is progressing as it stands. We talked briefly about the birth and it seems a VBAC is better for both baby and me as opposed a csection. I think unless I need a csection for medical reasons, I am going to go VBAC route. It feels good to make that decision!

I've had the past couple of weeks off work and I spent the 4 days where Anabella has been in Nursery sorting out her clothes as this baby is our last. There were bags and bags and bags of them and it has taken absolutely ages to sort out. I've managed to sell the bulk of them to one lady and have made around £130 in total. It's not much for 4 years worth of clothes, but as I've found out, selling baby/toddler clothes is not easy! No one wants to buy them and there are so many people selling. I feel sad because they're gone forever but relieved in a way as they have been taking over our living room! We got a large keepsake blanket made of Anabella's clothes she wore in her first year which I adore. We've also ket her first sleepsuit she wore in hospital, her first ever little dress and a cute dress she wore last year. A few bits have been recycled for baby boy, but 95% has gone.

Anyway, I've rambled, hope everyone is OK!
Slammerkin I am suffering so much with my pelvis/hips. It's so much worse than last time. I am just hoping that I can keep going as I am until the last minute - I don't want to finish work too early as I want to be off until DS starts school next September. Hope the squatting helps you to stay strong so you won't suffer too much!

Pompey well done for having a clear out of clothes. I cleared DS' a while ago, it's good to get things tidy. Most things I sold, and the rest I gave away as we then found out our friends are having a boy. I have bought a few things for this baby second hand, most clothes have come from the shops though as I've had a bit of a splurge :haha: I bought the rocking crib second hand though, and have rocking chairs etc from DS, as well as his pushchair. I don't think I really need to buy much else until we do the nursery when this baby is a bit older.
Slammerkin I am suffering so much with my pelvis/hips. It's so much worse than last time. I am just hoping that I can keep going as I am until the last minute - I don't want to finish work too early as I want to be off until DS starts school next September. Hope the squatting helps you to stay strong so you won't suffer too much!

Pompey well done for having a clear out of clothes. I cleared DS' a while ago, it's good to get things tidy. Most things I sold, and the rest I gave away as we then found out our friends are having a boy. I have bought a few things for this baby second hand, most clothes have come from the shops though as I've had a bit of a splurge :haha: I bought the rocking crib second hand though, and have rocking chairs etc from DS, as well as his pushchair. I don't think I really need to buy much else until we do the nursery when this baby is a bit older.

I love clothes shopping for children , so much more fun than for myself! I have three friends who have offered to donate us baby boy clothes but I am going to mix that in with some new stuff. As soon as he outgrows clothes they are going to be sold to avoid a big build up again.

We have most of the big things too from last time. I want to buy a decent baby carrier/wrap, new breast pump, new bottles, a small chest of drawers for his room, new carpet plus a few other bits and bobs
We have the big stuff - toys, cot, blankets and sheets, pushchair, car seat, changing table, moses basket etc so that saves a lot of money!
Slammer- So glad you have been your own advocate and monitoring your blood sugar. I hope you get the support and treatment you want and I am glad your DH will be here with you! Hope your scan goes well!

I actually have bouts of low blood sugar so today I asked if next week they could just randomly test me and see where it's at.

Pompey- how exciting you e decided on a VBAC! I hope it works it out just how you want it too! I have never had a C Section but they scare me! So anytime someone doesn't need to go that route I feel better lol (unless if needed or recommended by the Doctor of course!)

And good for you for selling and making money off of your DDs clothes!!

Rose- I know you are a ways ahead of me, but when did you start having hip pain? The past week or so I have been waking up so sore!! My hips from laying on the sides at night just ache and I feel myself tossing and turning so much!
My hip pain started very early this time, by about 16 weeks I think. It has gradually got worse since, although getting the new mattress and using my V pillow as a sleeping support has helped loads. If I don't overdo it it's not too bad - it's usually bad by the evening but when I wake up it's a bit better.
My appointment went better than expected! The scan was first and baby was in a bad position to start, so the tech had me get up and walk around for a bit. He had shifted by the time we tried again and she was able to get the pics she needed. Everything looked good. :) The GD discussion was good too. The NP looked at my blood sugar readings and said they looked great, and there was no indication of GD yet. She ordered an A1C blood test to look at my blood sugar levels over the last few months as well. At 28 weeks I'll do another week of readings and if things still look good then I'll be in the clear. Phew!

Pompey I hope the VBAC goes smoothly! I am nervous about birth this time. I pushed for so long with DD and then with an emergency transfer to hospital after that it was a tough experience. I just want this one to come out more easily and for things to go normal afterward. Plus I'm nervous about birthing in a hospital - while there is some peace of mind in being there if things go wrong, I'm anxious about the whole medical environment.
@Rose: My leg, back, and hip pains are the worse times 100. Looks like you are almost in the second tri!!

@Slammerkin: Kudos to you for standing you ground! Glad to hear that your appointment went well. GD from what I hear can be ultra scary.

@Pompey: Good luck with your VBAC! I am sure things will go fine hun.

@Bsleck: I must say how happy I am for you on your rainbow! I know the gender disappointment must suck, but I know once he gets here that will be a thing of the past.

Afm, I cannot believe I will 30 weeks in a few days! As of 32 weeks, I will begin to start getting seen every week to monitor my labor. Which means weekly ultrasounds lol. I think I am doing good because around this time with my son I was already 2 cm so i believe the makena shots are working. I have an ultrasound again Wed. to weigh her. My SPD is super bad. I cannot even get out of bed at times my back and legs hurt so bad. I have 2 weeks to decide where I am going to get my tubes tied, or get the iud for 5 years. This pregnancy has been rough and 2 kids with 2 different dads I think I want to be done. I got lucky though...a girl and a boy. So I count my blessings. Also, lately I have been really fatigued and tired, but lady bug is kicking up a storm haha
slammer - I think we are having mirror pregnancies or something... I went back for my scan today and the sonographer also had me walking around and drinking a sugary drink as she still couldn't get all the checks done properly! Eventually she did, and like you, all looks fine.

I am so glad she was supportive with the GD, perfect :thumbup:

hunni - sounds like she is keen to stay put, which is great! Sorry your SPD is bad, that sucks :hugs:
Funny pompey!

Hunni, sorry to hear you're in so much pain. That really sucks. I have some pain, but it's manageable so far.

I'm considering getting my tubes tied in the hospital. I will bring it up at one of my future appointments. I'm kind of scared to get it done right away (what if something happened to this baby, and I wanted to have another?) but then I'm also TOTALLY SURE that I don't want 3 kids. I'm wondering if insurance will pay for us both to be snipped - double-protection!
Florida- so sorry to hear of your friends- that is such a trying thing to go through and I know she will reach out when she's ready.

TTC- congrats on the good results! What was the AFP testing again?

Slammer- sorry I thought I replied to this earlier! I am so afraid of getting my tubes tied, or my DH getting a vasectomy because it all seems so permenant! But I think that's because I'm secretly (or not so secretly) wanting to try for a 3rd baby in the future and am maybe hoping for an "oops" moment for my husband to agree to it lol or maybe that's just a dream of mine! If it were up to my DH he would be getting a vasectomy the day this baby is born! Lol

Had my 20 week scan today! Everything was great! She got all measurements needed and my cervix hadn't changed or shortened so that was great news. She got a cool video of him kicking my bladder but he kept both hands up near his face (picture a boxing match with the clenched fists lol) the whole time! So no great pics but I just loved seeing him!

He was measuring a few days ahead for the past couple of scans and today he is measuring nearly a week ahead at 21 + 2 :happydance:

Still being monitored closely since my last pre term birth so I am so thankful I will have checks every 2 weeks from here on out.

Baby Brody weighed in at 14oz with a heartbeat of 150bpm :baby:
I am going to ask hubby if he wants to get the snip but I'm sure he will say no! Even though he is the one who doesn't want any more children. I am quite happy with two but if a surprise popped up in the future I'm sure I wouldn't mind. I'll probably go back on the pill for a bit. I doubt much relations will be happening for a good few months anyway!!
So last night ended up back at the er for strong braxton hicks. Found out I went from closed to now one 1cm. I had my son at 36 weeks and this is how it went last time.

So kind of worried. I been doing Makena shots since 16 weeks to.keep her in full term
OH no Hunni! I was hoping the shots would do the trick! Did you stay at 1cm with your son for a while or did you progress quickly? Can they give you a cerclage?

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