Ttc #2

Hope you're doing ok today hunni. You'll be seeing baby girl soon I bet. I hope all goes well.

Yes, I'm wondering how some ladies are doing too. Haven't heard from Shaele in a little while either.
Good morning. They are doing a repeat ultrasound this morning. If her fluids are okay I can go home. If not they gone keep me, but they did want to deliver her Monday at 36 weeks... Just to give steroids enough time to work and so she can get a little more weight.
28 weeks today! I'm feeling OK. Noticing braxton hicks more lately, and felt hiccups from baby for the first time yesterday.
Oh wow, hunni, Monday , so soon! At lest at 36 weeks it's only one week away from being full term.

I am OK. Got a STINKING cold right now and it's lingering.

Got a growth scan tomorrow, so looking forward to seeing him again :cloud9:

I also wonder how Vel, babydust and shaele are getting on.
OH Hunni! I just caught up on your status! Good luck love! Sounds like you'll be having a baby soon!!! :hugs:

Slammer- happy 28 weeks!! So cute about the hiccups!

Pompey- there is a sickness circling my family at the moment too! It hasn't hit me yet but I have even made my DH sleep on the couch a couple nights! (So it doesn't spread but also his snoring has been horrendous!) lol
Hey ladies :) how you guys doing?

Hunni- I'm excited that you get to see your baby soon :) have a healthy and happy birth ;) let us know how it went :) can't believe it's already that time.

Sorry thought about no contact. After my MC I took a little break from everything just to recover and everything but this cycle is my first ttc again ^^ I already ovulated and I am crossing everything that this month is it.

Hope everyone's pregnancy is going good ^^
BSelck - I hope you are spared the sickness!

Velathria - good to hear from you! I really hope this is your month!
OH Velathria! I'm crossing my fingers for you! Keep us updated!
hahaha i hope it is too.. :) its just so long now so i'd love for it to happen. :)

I'd be 21 weeks now if I wouldn't have had the mc.. Kinda sad... but oh well..

How are you all doing? Except the sicknesses.. hopefully it stays away :)
hey everyone! i am sorry for my absence lately...been a really busy month. I have checked in every now and then though to see how everyone is doing. it seems everyone is having lots of aches and pains. i do hope they are easing up but seeing as how we are getting towards the end of our pregnancies they probably are only getting worse lol. I, too, am having my share of grumbles. if i sit too long and then try to walk my hip does some spazing and my back...ugh just doing a grocery store trip does that in. 31 weeks and I'm just ready lol.

hunni i hope that she stays baking a little longer and fluids are back to normal! although I am sure she will be just fine if delivered now. I imagine you must be in the mix of feeling excited and nervous at the same time! hold on! just a wee bit longer to go!

velathria so great to hear from you! glad you are back trying again. I bet you will get your rainbow baby right away. fingers crossed for this month luck!

bselck i am sorry to hear you are feeling sick. being sick AND pregnant is the absolute worst...its like yeah we don't feel poorly enough already. something that helps me when i get sick is drinking "emergen c" it's this powdered vitamin mixture basically that you mix with water. 2 of those a day and im good. if you don't feel comfy with those popping vitamin c chewables is always an option too that i used to do before i found the powdered stuff. i hope that you feel better soon.

slammerkin i have been feeling braxton hicks too lately! it's so weird cause i didn't feel them with dd. it's amazing how different each pregnancy can be.

afm hope you have time to read because a lot has happened lol. nothing scary or anything though. so as far as baby goes he's doing really well. i had a doc app last week and my doc is really happy with my weight gain and blood pressure this time. with dd i gained a lot of weight (due to water retention) and i got high blood pressure because i started having symptoms of preeclampsia. i do have one more (at least for now) ultrasound on nov 22 to check his weight and see how he's doing in that area. my doc scheduled me to have a c section on dec 21...a week before I'm actually avoid being in hospital during christmas. he said since dd was 8lbs 5oz the second baby is usually bigger so i could be looking at a 9lb baby. would be too big for me to push out without risk of rupturing my old uterus scar. i said hey better be safe than now i can plan what to do with dd and my dog and well really everything. be home in time for christmas and not have to wait the extra week...which cmon ladies...we know how long one week is at this stage. I'm pretty excited about it but also am like ugh...have to go through that surgery again and healing process and feel like crap. good thing dh has a really good paternity leave. i feel bad he's gonna have to take care of me AND a toddler this time around.

so this month has been really busy like i previously mentioned...first we got our bathrooms redone. that in itself is really stressful! there was so much else that had to be involved. we had to cut walls open and replace pipes (all things that weren't foreseen) my house got so cluttered with supplies and the dust and dirt that collected on everything OMG. i wanted to just close my eyes and have it be done. on top of that i was planning a surprise birthday party for dh and was stressing out that the bathrooms wouldn't be done in time! (they were suppose to start construction august 1st so i thought i had plenty of time but they didn't actually start until mid september due to supply ordering issues) and they worked all the way up until the day before the party. they also demoed the bathroom they had just finished instead of the other one...which who knows how they even thought that was the correct one to that put them behind. i was going crazy. fortunately i got in a cleaning crew and everything was spic and span for the party the next day and boy was dh surprised! then the next week my parents threw me a baby shower (or rather sprinkle?) I am in FULL nesting mode right now but the spare room which we plan on making into the new nursery is full of...well...spare room stuff. I told dh he needs to clean out his office to make room for the spare room stuff so that the nursery stuff can go in it! he hasn't done ANYTHING. pissing me off so much. he's like just calm down all we really need is a crib. im like oh yeah?? and where are all the clothes and other things i got from the shower going? wish you could just see how much needs to get done and he's all not worried at all. so i took matters into my own hands and invited our friends over to help him clean his office out next weekend. i told him that i want to help set the nursery up but time is running out. next month i'm gonna be even more tired and worn than i am already and forget about doing anything after i have a surgery. i want it done. now. men...they just don't understand anything. i have a HUGE box of baby boy clothes in our room just hanging out. i don't want them there. need to get a dresser...need to get the closet emptied out. blah. plus since baby is due around christmas i'm also now thinking about christmas shopping. i get no help from dh in that department either. im like what should i get your dad? i dunno. i should just be like I'm not doing christmas gifts this year then, you are. you figure it all out. lemme know if you need scissors and tape for wrapping too! i'll point to where they are. hahaha. so much on my plate...i think i've covered everything...hope everyone is doing well! i can't wait until we all start popping those babes out and hopefully sharing pics! we've been chatting for almost a year now! (at least me i started the thread in january i believe)
Hey Velathria! Thanks for checking in. Your chart for this month looks great, I am keeping everything crossed for you.

Hunni good luck for Monday - hope the birth goes well and I'm sure your little
One will be just fine at 36 weeks.

Shaele I have the exact same problem with our spare room! It is full of the Xmas shopping I have started (everything bought online - soo much easier than traipsing the shops and feeling dizzy every 5 minutes!!), baby stuff and office stuff as well as loads of DHs rubbish. I have tidied it so many times to make extra room but it's still so full. Until the extension is done I think I'm just going to have to put up with it because then it can all go down there. Ugh I wish it was summer then I could put things in the loft without them getting damp. I think I just need to be realistic and realise that I'm just going to have to make do with little space until the extension is done. I do have a small drawer unit for clothes but it's full!! I think I'll have to pack away the larger sizes up in the loft and hope they stay ok until she's ready to wear them. With DS I had a lovely big size ordered wardrobe and a whole nursery ready from day one but it just won't be like that this time. I feel so nesty and I can't even do anything really as I'm still waiting for the extension and for DH to do wardrobes in our room etc. We are now collecting things for the extension which DH gets from work etc so that's cluttering up the place too. Arghh!! Think I'll have to just wrap the Xmas presents soon and start giving them out to make more room :haha:
Glad to hear from you Shaele! Wow, lots going on indeed. That's nice to have a plan for the birth. I hope you recover quickly from the c-section, and can enjoy Christmas.

I can't even believe they tore out an already completed bathroom! I would have lost my damn mind. Thank goodness you got it all done and cleaned up in time, but wow, yeah, I would have been a wreck. We have to find someone to come in and replace some ceiling drywall in our basement now. I think I mentioned it, but we had a leaking pipe in the ceiling last week. Thankfully we caught it early, so no damage other than to a small area of ceiling. I kind of offended DH because I told him I didn't want him to do the drywall - I want a professional. Last time We had water damage down there he did the drywall himself and did a HORRIBLE job mudding so it's all rough looking. It annoys me every time I look at it. I want to get someone in this time and I'm gonna ask them how much extra it would be to sand and fix the mudding DH did before. Eeek.

I'm nesting too. Keeping the house much cleaner these days. I want to get carpet cleaners in, but I'll probably wait until after the work is done in the basement. I think we're going to move DD to the larger spare bedroom, and use her room as the "nursery" (nothing special about it now, just a mattress on the flood, dresser and changing table). Need to sell the queen size bed in the other room and buy something for her. I'm thinking a single with a trundle will be good so we can still have one of us sleep with her, but move away from actually sharing the same mattress, because sometimes it gets so uncomfortable if she's moving around and taking up too much space!

I still have practically no clothes for this baby! Send me your box Shaele, lol! I had someone offer to trade clothes because she needs girl stuff and I need boy stuff, but I haven't gone through DD's stuff yet to get it ready for her. Maybe this weekend.

Rose, you're so on top of things with getting Christmas shopping done! Thankfully we don't have too many to buy for. Just my sister's kids and then we do Secret Santa for the adults, so only one gift to buy there. DD is excited to see Santa again - last year DH's bar had a Christmas party with a Santa and she remembers so much about it! She remembers what she wore, what DH wore, what Santa gave her. It's incredible the memory she has - she was only 26 months!
I wish we could do secret Santa slammerkin that's a great idea!! I do have quite a few people to buy for - we don't spend much it's more of a token gift - but it's still difficult to think of something for everyone. I am doing gift bags for the ladies with candles, room sprays, nail varnish, bubble bath that kind of thing - so nice and easy. It's the men I struggle with!! I have bought for most of the kids just have to finish off the men on my list. It's lovely that your daughter remembers so much about last Christmas :) makes all the effort worthwhile!!
So they canceled my induction. They want to wait until her fluid levels drop to the dangerous levels of a 2 or 3, but then got the nerve to say my placenta could not be functioning correctly. Like I'm in tears because this could lead to a stillborn if not caught in time.
Sorry to hear that hunni! What was their reason for cancelling? Do they think the benefits of waiting outweigh the risks?
oh dear i just realized its pompey that has the cold! sorry pompey! i hope you feel better and that bselck avoids the circling illness!

sorry to hear of the decision doctors made for you hunni...but im sure they know whats least we all hope as we put our faith in their expertise and experience. keep us updated!

slammerkin oh man id love to share some clothes with you! i got duplicates of some things too that i have to find time to return. needless to say i am definitely good for the first 3 months at least. also poor you with dh knows hes completely clueless when it comes to handyman stuff so just automatically turns to professionals. i know your dh meant well but i also get how you feel about wanting it to look nice. i hope he will understand that. im quite jealous of your secret santa tradition in your family. i really wish we had that. they dont even expect low budget. one year my in laws said dont spend a lot this year on gifts because they were taking us all to see a broadway show. so i took that literally and got scoffed at the next year reminding me i better get something nicer. no pressure or anything geez. im glad your dd had such a great time last year with the holidays. i live for that....when the "magic" of chritmas still exists for them. heck...i miss when i still believed in santa. i feel bad for my dd because i dont think i can do even any decorating this year due to me being very sore afterwards to take everything down and put it away. i have awesome friends who have offered to help so i might take them up on the offer but i still feel only be able to sit and point...making me feel as though they are slaves lol. we shall see....

rose glad im not the only one with the spare room issue. its like i have a 4 bedroom do i not have the room??? oh yeah cause i have a husband...who refuses it seems to throw anything out. hope we both get our rooms set up without too much effort soon.

afm have a wedding on 5th and had to order a maternity dress special for it. suppose to come today i sure hope it fits ok. dh said if not then i can go in a sack. oh the talk soon!
*cry* i'm so envious hahaha... but i am happy you are all going to see your little ones soon. :)

Shaele- Dh's can be so frustrating.... i know what you mean. You tell them to take care of a few things and you know it needs to be done but for some reason they sometimes think they have endless amount of time and that it'll be fine..
Makes me so mad. :D Hope everything goes well soon :) and that he gets his ass in gear :rofl: Yay for being able to have your baby's first christmas shortly after being born. :)

Hunni- Oh no... why are they doing that? i'd freak out... I'd be demanding explanations and getting a second opinion. Hope everything is ok with you and the baby.. Hopefully the doctors know what they are doing.. :) Fingers crossed that everything goes well. :)

Rose- Thanks :) I think it looks so much better then the other ones before the cyst burst. So i'm hoping everything works out now :) I am very tired today and suddenly felt really sick for a few hours but then it just went away.. hopefully it's signs for a bfp.. :)

Slammerkin- hope everything stays all good with you and the baby. :)

You have to post pics of your little ones when they are here :) Totally baby crazy here :D was holding my friends 6 week old baby and my DH was joking saying that in a minute there will be a cloud in stead of me :rofl:

I loved the baby smell... I want this so bad... Hope this month is it.. but i feel like it's probably not again.. by now i'm just expecting AF to show up..
Velathria, whenever I've got my bfp I've always been hugely surprised as I didn't think it would happen that month. So you never know! I think your chart still looks great though. When will you test?

Shaele it sucks that your family have high expectations with gifts!! Christmas is expensive enough without having to spend loads on grown ups gifts. We normally spend about £10-15 on each person and sometimes a bit more if there's something in particular i want to get for them. Obviously DS gets more than that and DH and I haven't bought each other gifts for the last few years but maybe we will this year. It would be nice to have a few surprises :)

Last year we were in Canada for Christmas so I want to do more with decorations etc this year. We just had a tree last year. I'll do a tree again, and hopefully will have some time to make crackers etc with DS before baby comes. I also want to do elf on the shelf as we didn't last year, and I think DS would love it.
Thanks rose ^^ thinking back though. . The month I was pregnant in june, I didn't think I was either.

I really wanna test now xD bbs are getting more sore, having cramps on and off... my temps seem to be rising now. Hopefully tomorrow's will be higher or high again. :)

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