*cry* i'm so envious hahaha... but i am happy you are all going to see your little ones soon.
Shaele- Dh's can be so frustrating.... i know what you mean. You tell them to take care of a few things and you know it needs to be done but for some reason they sometimes think they have endless amount of time and that it'll be fine..
Makes me so mad.

Hope everything goes well soon

and that he gets his ass in gear

Yay for being able to have your baby's first christmas shortly after being born.
Hunni- Oh no... why are they doing that? i'd freak out... I'd be demanding explanations and getting a second opinion. Hope everything is ok with you and the baby.. Hopefully the doctors know what they are doing..

Fingers crossed that everything goes well.
Rose- Thanks

I think it looks so much better then the other ones before the cyst burst. So i'm hoping everything works out now

I am very tired today and suddenly felt really sick for a few hours but then it just went away.. hopefully it's signs for a bfp..
Slammerkin- hope everything stays all good with you and the baby.
You have to post pics of your little ones when they are here

Totally baby crazy here

was holding my friends 6 week old baby and my DH was joking saying that in a minute there will be a cloud in stead of me
I loved the baby smell... I want this so bad... Hope this month is it.. but i feel like it's probably not again.. by now i'm just expecting AF to show up..