Ttc #2

He didn't breathe like a healthy baby, and I think it affected his general health too as his heart wasn't as efficient as it should have been. He was very small when he had his operation - I am not sure how old he was at the time but they knew from birth that there was a problem which wouldn't resolve itself, so I think they did the operation as soon as he was strong enough for surgery. I actually didn't know him then, as he is DH's nephew and I didn't get together with DH until his nephew was about 5. As long as I have known him, he's been totally healthy and I never would have known about his heart problem if I hadn't have been told about it. There may have been other issues with his heart too as well as the hole, I'm not sure. But it's all 100% fine now :)

My cousin actually had a hole in her heart when she was born too, and she has always been fine without surgery as it healed itself.

It's always scary when our babies need treatment for something but it's amazing what medicine can do these days :)

Yes she's doing well thanks! She has slept through a few more times which is amazing - she tends to either sleep from 10ish until 5 and then goes back to sleep for a bit, or she wakes at 3 and then again at around 8. She is starting to smile lots now which is lovely :cloud9:
sorry this is late! very sorry to hear about Jamie Pompey =( I understand how scary it can be to hear. I'm going through it myself. everyone has been saying how fortunate we are to have modern medicine to be able to take care of what goes wrong and while that's true I know you are feeling scared. we just didn't want our babies to have to go through anything like this. but babies are resilient too and I'm confident both ours will be just fine. did you hear any more about whether or not he will have to have a surgery? I'm hoping for your whole family that it just takes care of itself. be strong my dear. also on a positive note amazing pumping out put! what is your secret?!?!?!?!?!

rose I'm so jealous Alice is smiling! I haven't gotten one from zach yet but I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact he's blind in one eye? I dunno. but I am looking forward to a real smile soon. he still does the reflex ones only.

bselck any news yet??

afm zach has his eye surgery Monday. we have to be at hospital at 6am and the place is nearly 2 hours away. that is going to be a rough day. have to get up so early. plus he can't have any food after 3:30am. he might have to stay over too but we won't know until that day so have to pack overnight stuff. I'm dreading it yet also just want to get it over with so we can begin the recovery process. stress city.
He didn't breathe like a healthy baby, and I think it affected his general health too as his heart wasn't as efficient as it should have been. He was very small when he had his operation - I am not sure how old he was at the time but they knew from birth that there was a problem which wouldn't resolve itself, so I think they did the operation as soon as he was strong enough for surgery. I actually didn't know him then, as he is DH's nephew and I didn't get together with DH until his nephew was about 5. As long as I have known him, he's been totally healthy and I never would have known about his heart problem if I hadn't have been told about it. There may have been other issues with his heart too as well as the hole, I'm not sure. But it's all 100% fine now :)

My cousin actually had a hole in her heart when she was born too, and she has always been fine without surgery as it healed itself.

It's always scary when our babies need treatment for something but it's amazing what medicine can do these days :)

Yes she's doing well thanks! She has slept through a few more times which is amazing - she tends to either sleep from 10ish until 5 and then goes back to sleep for a bit, or she wakes at 3 and then again at around 8. She is starting to smile lots now which is lovely :cloud9:

I am glad your nephew is OK now, that's very reassuring! Jamie tends to breathe vert fast and heavy during and after feeding. I cannot remember if that's normal or not? We've been told as long as his breathing isn't persistently fast, then not to worry. I am always watching him and keeping an eye on his breathing just in case!

I am glad Alice sleeps so well, that's such a nice long stretch every night! And yay for smiles :cloud9: Jamie has wind smiles and they are so cute, I can't wait for a real one!
sorry this is late! very sorry to hear about Jamie Pompey =( I understand how scary it can be to hear. I'm going through it myself. everyone has been saying how fortunate we are to have modern medicine to be able to take care of what goes wrong and while that's true I know you are feeling scared. we just didn't want our babies to have to go through anything like this. but babies are resilient too and I'm confident both ours will be just fine. did you hear any more about whether or not he will have to have a surgery? I'm hoping for your whole family that it just takes care of itself. be strong my dear. also on a positive note amazing pumping out put! what is your secret?!?!?!?!?!

rose I'm so jealous Alice is smiling! I haven't gotten one from zach yet but I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact he's blind in one eye? I dunno. but I am looking forward to a real smile soon. he still does the reflex ones only.

bselck any news yet??

afm zach has his eye surgery Monday. we have to be at hospital at 6am and the place is nearly 2 hours away. that is going to be a rough day. have to get up so early. plus he can't have any food after 3:30am. he might have to stay over too but we won't know until that day so have to pack overnight stuff. I'm dreading it yet also just want to get it over with so we can begin the recovery process. stress city.

Thanks for your well wishes. It sure is worrying isn't it. I hope Monday goes well. In all honesty I think the hardest thing will be the no feeding from 3.30am! It sure is going to be an early start . Lets hope it's a success and you won't need to stay overnight :hugs:

I am now pumping upto 10oz per session!!! It's crazy!! I have so much excess milk right now. Something like 8 freezer bags and 10 feeds in the fridge. The same happened with Anabella but then suddenly my supply dropped and we combi fed from 3 months and she was purely on formula from 6 months. I hope to keep it going this time, but it is hard work. I pump 6 times over 24 hours (although today it's going to be 5 times as we've been out and I missed a pump session). I use two pumps, a haakaa which automatically draws the milk out without you having to do anything and a MAM manual pump. Apart from keeping up the frequency , I don't do anything special. I am just fortunate I produce a lot of milk I think!
Wow Pompey that's amazing pumping! Well done you, you're doing so well keeping up with it.

Shaele good luck for tomorrow :hugs: I too think the no feeds after 3.30am will be the hardest part - will be thinking of you and hoping that all goes well xxx
Good luck tomorrow Shaele. I'd also be stressing out big time about not being able to feed after 3:30. I hope it goes smoothly though and that the surgery is successful.

Pompey that's awesome pump output. I hope it keeps up for you. You might have to pump more often after 3 months, since supply becomes more demand-driven than hormone-driven then. But however long you can give him your milk is still an achievement.

Rose I can't wait for baby smiles. I also can't wait for proper head control. Jack gets fussy if I try to hold him one-handed and it's awkward to do anyway. Can't wait to be able to hold him more easily without worrying about his head.

I'm struggling a bit with evenings on my own. Had some dark thoughts last night about what a stupid idea it was to have another child, and that I'm just not up to this. :( Anger was really getting the best of me. Need to find ways to calm myself down.

BSelck, we are anxious to hear any news! :-P
Slammerkin we all have moments like that :hugs: this morning I woke up in a bad mood as Alice woke up a lot last night and then just after I got her back down at 6am, Alfie came in and started demanding breakfast. Then when I was having a shower he covered the dog (and himself - and half the house) in glitter and started saying he wanted to get the paints out - it was 7am!!! I just end up shouting when he's being like that and I hate it, but I just can't help it. He can be so frustrating, as much as I love him. Luckily he's at nursery this morning and then my mums going to pick him up and have him for a few hours this afternoon so I get a day to do jobs and some time with my girl. I often feel bad that I just have to leave her for a bit if I'm in the middle of sorting Alfie out or the dinner or housework etc. It's nice to have some time just cuddling watching tv :)
Omg I'd lose my shit with the glitter too. Hate glitter. I'm glad your mum is able to give you a break and you get a day with just Alice.
So do I!! I want to throw it in the bin but he would definitely notice and have a massive tantrum. Luckily mum doesn't mind messy crafts so is always happy for him to do them at her house :haha: I am up to my eyes in mud at the moment, that's bad enough let alone glitter too.

He's due to come home shortly, it's been a nice day - managed to get out for a nice walk with the dog and Alice. I am trying to tone up as we have a holiday in May and I am fed up of feeling like a big flump. I am trying to do my 10,000 steps a day on my Fitbit watch.
OMG rose, I am laughing at your post because you just couldn't make it up could you :wacko: I know for you it was not fun at all and sounds very frustrating!! I am glad you have support and your mum could have him for a bit this afternoon so you can have a bit more chill time and 1:1 with Alice.

slammer - sorry you're feeling so blue in the evenings. These early days are tough and we all have them. Hang in there, you're doing brilliantly and soon things will just click into place. I dread night times as just not getting any decent sleep at all. It's really hard and we have very little support around us.

Shaele - Hope everything went ok :hugs:

BSelck - we're getting impatient for news!!

AFM - Jamie just won't settle at night. He constantly makes these bloody loud grunting type noises ALL NIGHT LONG as well as wake more frequently for milk ( 4 times is about average, but has been 6) as well as nappy changes etc. It is so exhausting. During the day he sleeps very peacefully for hours at a time. I think he has wind and is uncomfortable, but all honestly, I can't really tell. Today worked out well as Anabella was in pre school 9-3 so when I got home I slept on and off next to Jamie in bed until gone 12pm!

Tomorrow Anabella is home with me, so won't have that luxury although if needed I will give her the ipad and go back to sleep ( I know that's bad, but needs must). She is quite patient and accepts that Jamie needs tending too and she know's I can't play with her as much as I express my milk every few hours. She is pretty helpful with Jamie, perhaps too much sometimes, and has also started to get herself dressed and ready in the mornings. She has been capable of doing it for a long time, but for quick and easiness, I've always done it for her. She was super helpful this morning whilst I was trying to get her to pre school this morning, so for that I am greatful!

Wish me luck for tonight....
Oh man...fitbit. I should find mine again. I haven't used it since getting pregnant. I didn't hit 10k steps most days before then though. That's nice you have a holiday to look forward to!

Pompey same here with the night sleep. Jack was up nearly every hour last night. I'm awake for feeding and then can't sleep much between because of all the grunting. So exhausting. And of course he's having a long peaceful sleep on the couch at the moment...why can't they be peaceful at night?? I'm sure it will get better but tough right now.
Pompey I do see the funny side afterwards :haha: just not at the time. Today he had a huge tantrum as he wanted to make cakes. It's always when I'm right in the middle of something too, which stresses me out as then I can't get anything done!! Usually Alice starts crying or something at the same time to make things even more stressful.

Alice makes funny pig/snuffle noises a lot at night as she often gets a blocked nose. I think she must have very narrow nostrils. Luckily she does sleep for stretches especially in the last week or two. I think waking more often may be a boy thing? Alfie was awful for 6 weeks or so, and still woke every 2-3 hours until 11 months. However once we got to that age he literally stopped waking one night and with a few exceptions, he's been a good sleeper since. What were your daughters like as babies? Sorry you're struggling :hugs: it will get better soon!

BSelck I am hoping to hear news from you soon :)
Ava was not bad as a newborn. Every two hours at first and then she started having a 4-6 hour stretch at the start of the night and then going every two. But around 3.5 months it all went down the crapper. She stated waking at least hourly and continued until almost a year old. I would have killed for even two hour intervals. Things only got truly better when I nightweaned at 17 months. Hoping Jack's not quite that bad in the long run.
I think our children sometimes have a sixth sense of when to ask for something at the most inconvenient times!!

Anabella was a worse sleeper than Jamie, so for that I am greatful! She didn't sleep through the night until 11 months and would struggle to sleep anywhere apart from on us. Jamie seems more placid and sleeps anywhere we put him *as it stands now* and has gone for long stretches without waking, just not consistently. Even now Anabella needs one of us to stay with her whilst she falls asleep and still bed shares with me now at almost 4 and a half years old!

Jamie was much less grunty last night and didn't keep me awake as much. I did end up sleeping with him in the nook of my arm twice last night, but don't even remember placing him there, I must of done it in such a tired haze. When Anabella woke this morning at 7.50am I felt OK and didn't need to go back to sleep. I hope tonight goes as well :)
Glad last night was better pompey. The start of the night was a little better here, but he got more grungy as the night wore on, so not really much improvement.
hey all! I'm sorry of hear some of you are having babies who won't give you a break at night =/ I hope that ends soon because no sleep just sucks for everyone. I just got done with some busy days running on 5 hours combined and it was terrible. zach is a good sleeper but we needed to be up early and they were stressful days. I was so tired I just ended up breaking down Tuesday over all the eye drops zach needs and how hard it is trying to administer them. Guess I should as you all know he had his surgery on Monday. that went really well. Doc said he's healing fine. we had his check up the following day and now he has 3 different eye every 2 hours, one 4 times a day and one twice a day. then an eye ointment right before bed. and yes it's as hard to give him as you think it is. mommy is stressed every time it happens. he screams and squirms and it just all sucks. I'm hoping he gets used to it and calms down. one nice thing though is that since I'm waking him every 2 hours during the day and he's crying every time is that he tires himself out and actually slept from 11 to 7 last night. lol! so I guess yall need to get some eye drops and....hahaha jk jk. anyway he still has this eye plastic shield to wear for an unknown amount of time for now so he doesn't accidentally scratch or hit his eye. we know how sporadic those baby arms can be. but at least he's doing well. we are in middle of snow storm so doing nothing today cept watching tv and hanging with the babes. tomorrow we are back to Philadelphia for another eye check up. can't wait to never have to drive there again lol already had my fill. still need to try an authentic cheese steak tho...

hope you all are doing well and like I said also getting more sleep. I feel for you. it's not easy. oh I also know those grunting noises you speak of....zach does it too. must be a baby thing. ttys!
here is a pic of him now. gauze are off and right eye is open but under his shield.


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Aww poor babe! I'm glad the surgery went well though. I'm sure I would lose my mind administering those drops! We moms just have to tough it out and get it done though. Sending fast healing vibes!
Aww poor baby, he's gorgeous though :) glad the surgery went well! I can imagine how tough it must be to try and get the drops in to his eye. Babies are so wriggly! When I'm trying to clear Alice's nose she goes mad and thrashes around and screams. It's so hard to keep them still.

Alice had her 7 week health visitor check today and now weighs 12lb2. No wonder her 0-3s are getting a bit short and tight!! I love getting her weighed, it's nice to see how well she's doing on my milk. I remember loving it with Alfie although I was always worried he wouldn't have gained enough as he didn't feed well at first.

The night before last we had a terrible night - not because of Alice but because of Alfie! He randomly woke at 12.15 and was in and out of our bed until 3. I wouldn't have minded if he just got in and went to sleep but he was wide awake; wriggling and saying he wanted to go down and have breakfast!!!! I went crazy in the end, it was like torture - every time I drifted off he'd come back in and start whining and climbing over me. I was sooo tired yesterday but luckily they slept well last night and I got a good nights sleep.
I am glad the surgery went well shaele. Bless him with his little patch :hugs: I can imagine administering the drops are a complete pain, especially having to do it so often.

Oh dear, sorry about your tough night rose. It sounds like Alfie was in one of those moods and it is so hard to keep calm and patient in the middle of the night that's for sure! I am glad you got a better night last night.

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