Since I have 10 pg strips.. and the plan was to use them I have decited that Im going to test tomorrow at 8dpo.. then 10 dpo and again 12dpo.... if no line by then then I will wait till AF arrives.
I'm still at 11dpo. I know there's still a chance, but I'm pretty resigned.
I've actually been thinking about considering invitro or domestic adoption. Originally, we weren't going to go past clomid, but I really think I want a third child.
Sorry the witch got ya BlueMoonBubba. Onward and upward.
Technically I have 1 last cycle of clomid out of the original 6 planned. Then, if I want, I can ask my doctor for 3 more rounds. But I've been thinking about calling her tomorrow and asking her if I can have femara instead. I know the drugs are similar, but I've conceive before with femara.
Regardless, after we're done with the fertility drugs, dh and I don't want to go further with fertility treatments. At that point, we'll begin the adoption process. I'm feeling very hopeful about the journey ahead.
Hi Ladies, I would love to join your group. I have two boys (which I've seen a few other on here do as well- awesome!) ages 3.5 and 1.5 and we are trying for a third. I would actually really love three boys. I'm crazy, I know. I have PCOS and struggled to get pregnant with my first and second (we started trying immediately after our boys were born which is why they aren't very far apart). Well surprise, surprise... I'm having trouble again. Started try for #3 in Feb. 2014 and have had no luck thus far. I have an appointment with a fertility specialist tomorrow morning. Wish me luck!
And congrats to dannypop on the BFP!!! Don't be so greedy and pass that baby dust.
Hi Montana! I also have 2 DSs ages almost 3 and almost 6. If I have another boy who is anything like either of them I will be the luckiest mom!! I just wish I didn't have this aching need for a daughter. You are so lucky to feel like you do.
I wanted 2 boys first. Loved the idea of brothers and have never been into girlie things, but it would be so amazing to have a bond with a daughter like I have with my mom. I think I am actually more worried about all those well-meaning "aunties" who are so patronizingly upset for you if you tell them you're having a 3rd boy. "Weren't you trying/hoping for a girl!?" That's what drives me nuts. So silly I know!
Thank you Mel
Not that positive though. Figured out yesterday that my O day will probably be when DH will be out of town. Not often that you wish it is late!
We will see..
CD 13 for me here. I'm already getting some ovary pain, so I think ovulation will be any day now, which is very early for me. I'm hoping this difference with the femara means it'll work this time. Here's hoping.
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