Ttc #3 over 35 - anyone else in the same boat??

Oh MG - you reminded me of the BEST healthy chocolate treat ever. Dark Chocolate Almond Milk!! And now they make a less sweet version. Yum!!!

OK gals, I've got sore BB's. Both are sore and have sensitive nips. Last month I had no sore BB's, the month before my L was sore and the month before that my R was sore. Isn't that goofy?? Do you ever wonder if your BB's get more sore just because you're pushing on them all the time?

Hope you all are doing well this evening! I'm going to eat dinner outside by the fire with the kiddos. It's a beautiful night!

MMMMM... chocolate almond milk!! Yummy, one of my favorite treats.:flower: The sore bb's sound promising:winkwink: Are they sore all over or just on the outside? I know with my last BFP they were sore on the outside. By the way your chart looks really good,nice high temps!! Yay. I can't wait for you to test,good job on waiting:hugs:
Good morning.
I thought all was quiet on here last night as I got no emails saying there was a post. Boy was that a mistake! Lots to catch up on!
I feel better this morning after no coq10 yesterday. I have been eating like crazy the past few days so hopefully things are normalizing. I don't have a blender at the mo and never have been big on making smoothies. Getting up at 5 am to try to make the gym I need simple. After the gym I have an hour drive to work so I can't wait that long to eat. I skipped the shake this am but forgot to boil eggs last night and have no yogurt. DB hates yogurt so unless I am at the store I often end up with the ones I don't like-lol he tries. I think this am I will stop at Starbucks for a protein plate $$

When you subscribe to FF there are 4 different ovulation detector modes. Advanced is the usual one, then there Fertility Awareness Method, Research, and OPK/saliva monitor mode. Usually they are all pretty close. Today after entering another high temp, I switched them around to see. Well the one really high temp is screwing with my graph this month. Can't get solid cross hairs at all. One even had me ov on day 10 before pos OPK making me 7 dpo! NOT! You can also manually enter your ov day and cover line. It's best not to play around with the modes unless you are familiar with charting so they say....

Well I'm going to go IN the gym now. Doesn't count out here.
Faithmum-sore bbs could be a good sign!
Mg-how long can we hold out? I don't know I can do as good as that!

Loved the visualization video-now if I can get some time to really enjoy and watch it haha
Hi Girls -

Dysan and Alin3boys ~ you still holding out for testing? I'm holding fast...10 dpo and I haven't peed on a thing!! I'm so proud of myself :thumbup:

MG ~ now just my L one is sore this morning.:wacko: Do you all find that bb's change soreness throughout the day? If I am really honest with myself I am not holding out much hope this month but I'm still staying positive and not ruling out any possibilities.

Bonnie ~ I'm so impressed you are up at 5 and get your work-out in early. I could probably do that and be back in time to get my kids up for school but I just cannot bear to wake up that early. I need 8 hours of sleep and I can't wind down until 10 or so. Wish I was one of those people who could sleep less. I'm thinking about a solution for your breakfast besides a smoothie (warm smoothies are gross). If you do buy some yogurt I think the best option is the greek yogurt (the brands that don't have a lot of sugar in them) because they are packed with proteinand calcium. Another thing you could do on the run is one of those high fiber muffins with peanut butter. Both of these you could have waiting in the car for you.

Thanks for that info again on FF. I'm going to get on it a play around.
I'm proud of you to for not poas!

I still need sleep so by 9 I am crashing. Going to bed at 10 is late for me anymore. I used to up until midnight most days until I met DB. I have never been a morning person. But now it's even harder to get up since bd is still in bed! I also don't have anyone else to get ready except me so it makes a huge difference.

I prefer the Greek yogurts because of the added protein. It's just hard to eat while driving! I am not on straight highways-all back country roads. Thanks for the advice though. If I'm not pg I may go to gnc and look for a shake with less sugar. Once I'm pg, if it goes like before I was Absolutly exhausted and doubt I'll be making it to the gym early lol

Afm-Ok so totally ss. Mild cramps here and there, some tingling in bbs today-and I'm not squishing them to check so it's not that-(been there done that) also yesterday I had a bit of heartburn early but today I have had more and it is just now going away I think. Not bad but I very rarely ever have it. Sigh....I'm still pretty relaxed though so that's good.
I'm proud of you to for not poas!

I still need sleep so by 9 I am crashing. Going to bed at 10 is late for me anymore. I used to up until midnight most days until I met DB. I have never been a morning person. But now it's even harder to get up since bd is still in bed! I also don't have anyone else to get ready except me so it makes a huge difference.

I prefer the Greek yogurts because of the added protein. It's just hard to eat while driving! I am not on straight highways-all back country roads. Thanks for the advice though. If I'm not pg I may go to gnc and look for a shake with less sugar. Once I'm pg, if it goes like before I was Absolutly exhausted and doubt I'll be making it to the gym early lol

Afm-Ok so totally ss. Mild cramps here and there, some tingling in bbs today-and I'm not squishing them to check so it's not that-(been there done that) also yesterday I had a bit of heartburn early but today I have had more and it is just now going away I think. Not bad but I very rarely ever have it. Sigh....I'm still pretty relaxed though so that's good.

Those symptoms sound promising:thumbup: glad you are feeling better today not taking the coQ10. I don't find I feel any different:shrug: are you 4 dpo or 5? Thanks for explaining the FF stuff so another stupid question:shrug: if I just enter my temps every morning without changing the mode it's in what mode is that? Is that advanced mode:shrug: I am so not technical:dohh:
Faithmum- so proud of you for not Poas: :thumbup: keep the faith you never know? I know what you mean I always feel good at the beginning of the tww but as time gets closer to af it's hard.:hugs:
AFM- not as at all. I've just been so disappointed the last few months when I thought I felt something only to have af arrive:wacko: temp was up again today but again I have had some really nice looking charts and of been preggo. Although I have to say that when I did get my BFP my temps were higher than normal:shrug:
Talk to you later ladies
I'm proud of you to for not poas!

I still need sleep so by 9 I am crashing. Going to bed at 10 is late for me anymore. I used to up until midnight most days until I met DB. I have never been a morning person. But now it's even harder to get up since bd is still in bed! I also don't have anyone else to get ready except me so it makes a huge difference.

I prefer the Greek yogurts because of the added protein. It's just hard to eat while driving! I am not on straight highways-all back country roads. Thanks for the advice though. If I'm not pg I may go to gnc and look for a shake with less sugar. Once I'm pg, if it goes like before I was Absolutly exhausted and doubt I'll be making it to the gym early lol

Afm-Ok so totally ss. Mild cramps here and there, some tingling in bbs today-and I'm not squishing them to check so it's not that-(been there done that) also yesterday I had a bit of heartburn early but today I have had more and it is just now going away I think. Not bad but I very rarely ever have it. Sigh....I'm still pretty relaxed though so that's good.

Those symptoms sound promising:thumbup: glad you are feeling better today not taking the coQ10. I don't find I feel any different:shrug: are you 4 dpo or 5? Thanks for explaining the FF stuff so another stupid question:shrug: if I just enter my temps every morning without changing the mode it's in what mode is that? Is that advanced mode:shrug: I am so not technical:dohh:
Faithmum- so proud of you for not Poas: :thumbup: keep the faith you never know? I know what you mean I always feel good at the beginning of the tww but as time gets closer to af it's hard.:hugs:
AFM- not as at all. I've just been so disappointed the last few months when I thought I felt something only to have af arrive:wacko: temp was up again today but again I have had some really nice looking charts and of been preggo. Although I have to say that when I did get my BFP my temps were higher than normal:shrug:
Talk to you later ladies

I say I am 4dpo although one version of ff had me at 7! Ov before pos OPK?? Another has me at 3. I'm sticking with 4. Who the heck knows. It's so crazy I'm ready to chuck the thermometer! :haha:

The default is advanced mode on ff.

I'm really trying hard not to ss and get my hopes up but I just feel weird. A little lightheaded for a few seconds walking back to office from the cafe. And it's not lack of food because again I have been grazing all day. I don't know if it's still from the coq10 or ? Just weird. Well hell. I'm weird so it fits! :haha:

Your four dpo too right? Your chart does look really good.
Hi ladies,

faithmum still holding on that testing until tomorrow!

I have no symptoms at all so I am feeling discouraged. AF due on Sunday... i am thinking that I should feel some symptom or at least feel different emotionally or something. You know, that motherly intuition...but nah...nothing. I dont feel pregnant at all.

Stuffy nose is gone also. Absolutely no CM. No sore boobs (i think i had that with my previous ones) and no major cramping either... I did not feel implanatation nor anything like that. The hope is there...but only based on the BD marathon on key days and not actual symptoms or intuition.

I will test tomorrow with FMU and post back. According to my calculations I should be either 11 or 12 dpo after my positive OPK (i got 2.5 days of + so no sure of my actual O day). If on first day of + OPK then 12 dpo tomorrow, if on second day of + OPK then 11dpo tomorrow.

I wish us luck!
Hi ladies,

faithmum still holding on that testing until tomorrow!

I have no symptoms at all so I am feeling discouraged. AF due on Sunday... i am thinking that I should feel some symptom or at least feel different emotionally or something. You know, that motherly intuition...but nah...nothing. I dont feel pregnant at all.

Stuffy nose is gone also. Absolutely no CM. No sore boobs (i think i had that with my previous ones) and no major cramping either... I did not feel implanatation nor anything like that. The hope is there...but only based on the BD marathon on key days and not actual symptoms or intuition.

I will test tomorrow with FMU and post back. According to my calculations I should be either 11 or 12 dpo after my positive OPK (i got 2.5 days of + so no sure of my actual O day). If on first day of + OPK then 12 dpo tomorrow, if on second day of + OPK then 11dpo tomorrow.

I wish us luck!

Fx'd for you both! :dust: :dust:
Dysan ~ rock on sister. I'm proud of you for not poas. You know the last time I had a BFP I had NO symptoms. Once I brushed my teeth and my gums bled but that wasn't until AF was due. I am SO keeping everything X'd for you - and for all of US. Let us know how FMU goes :dust:

Bonnie ~ I agree with MG that your symptoms sound promising! You are doing a great job consistently hitting that gym in the morning. Especially with db still in bed -that takes some discipline.

MG ~ I've had some months with a lot of symptoms and was also really let down when I had the BFN so I am trying to not look for them but....deep inside I am sure I am still tallying up symptoms and this month I've got virtually none. I was super hot last night when I was sleeping but my temp was my usual post O. temp.

Both of your charts look great.
March Magic BFPs --- BRING EM ON :dust::dust:
Bonnie- the dizzy or light headed thing is definitely a symptom for me. I had it with my last BFP and my 2 chemicals as well. Fx'd for you!!! What do you do at the gym! I usually go on the elliptical for about 45 mins I don't do weights or anything. This is a considerable drop in activity for me as I have done marathons and ironmans in the past but it feels good! My TCM doctor told me not to work out too hard or not to sweat too much.
Faithmum- you rock! I just love your attitude. I'm with you just trying to stay low key and believe that it will happen when it's the right time.
I think if this cycle turns out to be a bust I'm going to get a reading done by Gail just for fun!
I only make it for about 30 minutes when I go. So mostly I do strength training-5 to 6 machines a day rotated through. If I'm not in the mood I'll do the elliptical or bike. I wasn't today so I did 4 miles on the bike. Lol. Big walked planned this weekend.

I worry sometimes if I'm doing to much but I was in basic training when I got preggers the first time. That's why I didn't know I was becuase I figured that's why I missed my period. Oops not!

I haven't had any problems with my cycle skipping so I figure I'm ok. I have lost almost 40 lbs this year and my goal is another 40-obviously not if pg.
I worry if my weight is a fertility problem on top of age sometimes. I'm trying.
Bonnie you go girl! 40 pounds lost! you rock! I am so very impressed!

I have some pounds to drop (about 20-30 lbs). I exercise A LOT but also eat like a horse most likely due to heavy exercise habits and despite trying so hard i am always the same weight. I need to cut my calories, i know it. My diet is pretty clean but I guess that portions are too big. I am fairly tall (5'9 with a large frame) but I am close to 180 (i am a size 12) and my ideal would be 150 or so which is what i was when i got pregnant with first (size 8). Despite the extra weight my doc says I am really healthy. I guess that you can be over your ideal weight and in great shape after all. I plan to continue my exercise habits during pregnancy...perhaps I will need to ease up on the high impact stuff when I start to get big but plan to swim and spin as much as energy allows and I think those are really safe even in third trimester. I will have to talk to my doctor and with the trainers when the time comes (hopefully sooner rather than later!). What I read is that if you exercised before pregnancy you can generally continue after.

I think that if you are only 40 lbs extra, generally that should not affect fertility so long as your periods are regular. My periods have always been 30 days like clockwork despite exercise or extra 30lbs. However, any lbs that you can drop now is a lbs less to lose after so keep up your excellent efforts!
I have heard the same in regards to continuing exercise.
I am 5'6.5 and hate to admit it but weigh 205. I have been fighting to break the 200 mark since before the holidays but it won't budge. But I have dropped from a size 18/20 to a 16.:happydance: I totally get the muscle weighs more than fat and know that my shape is changing. I also have a large frame so even at my peak of fitness at 20 fresh out of boot camp I was a size 12. It is physically impossible for me to be less than that. I really hoped to have made that first big goal before I got pg but oh well. I also am pretty healthy except for my weight so it's all realative i guess
Bonnie ~ :thumbup::thumbup: Great job on saying ta ta to 40 lbs. That is just wonderful. I agree with D in that if you're having regular cycles I don't think it would make a difference. You are making some big changes in your life eh? Sounds like you got rid of some baggage (ex?) and started living again!! School, gym and new baby!!

Dysan ~ well I was trying to not ss but must admit that this afternoon I am draggin. Super sleepy and was yawning an embarrassing number of times. I finally made myself a cuppa tea and am feeling revived. I have tender bb's and have had minor cramping since 8 dpo (almost not really notable though). I am not placing much stock into any of it because like I mentioned I've had lots of symptoms in the past that never panned out but....the tiredness made me wonder a bit. How about you today?

Ok - this is a strange symptom and one I can hardly place a finger on but - I have a very exited feeling in me and I almost feel like I'm heading on the uphill part of a roller coaster (you know that anticipatory feeling?). Maybe I'm making more of it now that I'm paying closer attention but it's really unusual. I am also a teeny weeny bit light headed. I added this part 10 minutes later; my face is completely flushed and I guess the feeling in my stomach is like having butterflies. Maybe I am having hot flashes!!

How do you like that MG - here I write that I'm not really going to ss then the next time I write it's all about them. Good thing I can show my neurosis here girls.
faithmum your symptoms are promising. I am symptom jealous hahahah

I have no symptoms at all (unfortunately) I guess than only time will tell...I am even
feeling nervous about testing tomorrow because I really dont want to see a negative.

Do you girls think that the Wondfo is sensitive enough to test before my period is due? I read that implantation can happen up to 10 dpo. Is this accurate? If so, how long does it take for the hcg to make it to the urine? I suppose that first shows in blood and then in urine? If I implanted at 10dpo that would have been either yesterday at earliest or today at latest and I am thinking that it may not give a positive result?

Already going crazy with the possibiliies!!!!!!!! oh noooooooooooooooooo HELP!
I may run to the store to get something more reliable so that I dont go mad...
faithmum your symptoms are promising. I am symptom jealous hahahah

I have no symptoms at all (unfortunately) I guess than only time will tell...I am even
feeling nervous about testing tomorrow because I really dont want to see a negative.

Do you girls think that the Wondfo is sensitive enough to test before my period is due? I read that implantation can happen up to 10 dpo. Is this accurate? If so, how long does it take for the hcg to make it to the urine? I suppose that first shows in blood and then in urine? If I implanted at 10dpo that would have been either yesterday at earliest or today at latest and I am thinking that it may not give a positive result?

Already going crazy with the possibiliies!!!!!!!! oh noooooooooooooooooo HELP!
I may run to the store to get something more reliable so that I dont go mad...
Bonnie- I agree with the ladies that your weight shouldn't affect your fertility if you are having regular periods. Also great that you are having regular periods right after coming off the pill. I was on the pill my whole 20's and then again from 38-41. I wonder now why? It seems that just having unprotected bd'ing doesn't ensure pregnancy. Who knew:shrug: It just seems odd. However onward and upward we are going to see some BFP's this month I know it:hugs:
Dysan- maybe a frer?
Faithmum- I get it and I think your symptoms sound promising!!:hugs:
faithmum your symptoms are promising. I am symptom jealous hahahah

I have no symptoms at all (unfortunately) I guess than only time will tell...I am even
feeling nervous about testing tomorrow because I really dont want to see a negative.

Do you girls think that the Wondfo is sensitive enough to test before my period is due? I read that implantation can happen up to 10 dpo. Is this accurate? If so, how long does it take for the hcg to make it to the urine? I suppose that first shows in blood and then in urine? If I implanted at 10dpo that would have been either yesterday at earliest or today at latest and I am thinking that it may not give a positive result?

Already going crazy with the possibiliies!!!!!!!! oh noooooooooooooooooo HELP!
I may run to the store to get something more reliable so that I dont go mad...

It takes a few days after implantation for the hcg to build up enough to be detected in urine. Average implantation is 7-10 so that would mean 10-13 for urine positive. If you test tomorrow do not feel like you are out yet if you get a negative. It is still early. Implantation can take less than 7 and more than 10 so that is going to change the testing variables again.

Thanks for all the kind words on my weight loss. :hugs:
It has been a long road to get here, mostly becoming happier with myself first and yes-getting rid of the baggage helped too! Yes there have been alot of changes that's why Gail's reading hit home so much.

Mg-Gail does other readings so you can be pregnant and get one from her!

Still having mild heartburn. Just kinda there-not bad. DB made a spicy dinner-good thing I wasn't to hungry. He immediately asked if I was having other symptoms like arm or jaw pain! DB is thinking heart attack instead of baby related first:haha:
I agree with Bonnie don't count yourself out if negative tomorrow. It may be too early? If you think you will be totally gutted if neg than maybe don't test until the weekend. I know when I got my last BFP I told myself I would wait to see my temp and if it was up I would test and if not I wouldn't. Just a thought?
Bonnie- your db cracks me up thinking heart stuff! I would say the heartburn is a good sign!! Does your db cook? That is awesome. My dh works 7 days a week so I let him off the hook pretty much with house stuff!
he does-mostly crock pot concoctions of meat (usually chicken) and a base (spaghetti sauce or bbq sauce) a couple of cans of vegetables and some seasoning packet of some sort. when we both left the house by 6 am it is nice to come home and not have to cook at 6pm.

my boobs
he does-mostly crock pot concoctions of meat (usually chicken) and a base (spaghetti sauce or bbq sauce) a couple of cans of vegetables and some seasoning packet of some sort. when we both left the house by 6 am it is nice to come home and not have to cook at 6pm.

my boobs

Fx'd for you:hugs::hugs:
Mine are a little sore as well but they get sore sometimes with PMS as well:shrug: whatever. I feel like the time is going by pretty fast,it's good!
The crock or concoctions sound really good. I know about cooking late,I am sometimes cooking at 7 pm. Oh well I hope everyone has a good night:flower:

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