Ttc #3 over 35 - anyone else in the same boat??

he does-mostly crock pot concoctions of meat (usually chicken) and a base (spaghetti sauce or bbq sauce) a couple of cans of vegetables and some seasoning packet of some sort. when we both left the house by 6 am it is nice to come home and not have to cook at 6pm.

my boobs

Fx'd for you:hugs::hugs:
Mine are a little sore as well but they get sore sometimes with PMS as well:shrug: whatever. I feel like the time is going by pretty fast,it's good!
The crock or concoctions sound really good. I know about cooking late,I am sometimes cooking at 7 pm. Oh well I hope everyone has a good night:flower:

Some are better than others. Most have grown on me. When we first meet being a typical bachelor he had not purchased a stove for the kitchen yet even though he had been there a year! So that is how everything was cooked. We got the stove so now I must cook him bacon (the one thing he missed most without a stove-lol)

:dust: and dreams to you all!
ok ladies I AM FREAKING OUT. I just went to the bathroom and when I wiped I had a little brown on TP. I though I am imagining things. Out of curiosity about 10 minutes later went again, wiped again and then a little red. I dont know if i should cry or be happy. Sorry i know this is just TMI.

I dont want to believe it is AF. I am not due until Sunday. Obviously, it is possible to get it earlier but what a cruel joke. I have been using an iphone app to track my period and my CM and symptoms and such for the past 6 months and every month except December my cycle was 30 days. In december it was 29 days.
I am so confused and unprepared for this as I truly did not expect this. I read a bit about implantation bleeding and it does not appear that it is so common so i am not holding much hope. I never had IB with previous pregnancies.

What I am mostly concerned about is my LP length. If this is AF then my LP is way too short based on my positive OPK (on the 4th and 5th of March).
Bonnie ~ yum! Cooked meals when you get home is a GOOD thing. But his reaction about the potential heart attack is hysterical. Tonight I came home, cleaned up some branches in the back yard with the kids for a few hours, then put on a chicken to roast AND at 9:05 the mo'fo' STILL wasn't done! I was so mad. Luckily I made some homemade cheddar garlic biscuits so we sat out by the fire again tonight and ate biscuits, broccoli and orange wedges. It was kind of funny and I told the children to think about being around during a famine and how grateful they would be for heat, and biscuits. That didn't really work but roasting marshmallows afterward did. I couldn't believe I misjudged everything so badly. Think it's that dang sunshine.

MG ~ Your OH works 7 days a week? That is rough! I'm really impressed with the bd'g you've been able to get in with that.

Dysan ~ Bonnie did a great job explaining the implantation and Ovulation connection and I agree with her and MG - I might postpone testing. To be honest with you I like the idea of possibility and plausibility vs feeling defeated with a potential false negative. I suppose you can guage how you feel when you wake up. I will fall asleep with a GIANT BFP in my head for you girly!!

Fluffy - how are you! Haven't heard from you in awhile.

AFM - symptom free tonight - butterflies went away. I think I was doing the self fulfilling stuff. It was kind of fun while it lasted :)
ok ladies I AM FREAKING OUT. I just went to the bathroom and when I wiped I had a little brown on TP. I though I am imagining things. Out of curiosity about 10 minutes later went again, wiped again and then a little red. I dont know if i should cry or be happy. Sorry i know this is just TMI.

I dont want to believe it is AF. I am not due until Sunday. Obviously, it is possible to get it earlier but what a cruel joke. I have been using an iphone app to track my period and my CM and symptoms and such for the past 6 months and every month except December my cycle was 30 days. In december it was 29 days.
I am so confused and unprepared for this as I truly did not expect this. I read a bit about implantation bleeding and it does not appear that it is so common so i am not holding much hope. I never had IB with previous pregnancies.

What I am mostly concerned about is my LP length. If this is AF then my LP is way too short based on my positive OPK (on the 4th and 5th of March).

Hi D - I was posting when this came in. Ohhh - I SURE hope this has something to do with implantation bleeding because that's way too soon for A/F. I am keeping fx'd for you dear!!! Keep us posted.
ok ladies I AM FREAKING OUT. I just went to the bathroom and when I wiped I had a little brown on TP. I though I am imagining things. Out of curiosity about 10 minutes later went again, wiped again and then a little red. I dont know if i should cry or be happy. Sorry i know this is just TMI.

I dont want to believe it is AF. I am not due until Sunday. Obviously, it is possible to get it earlier but what a cruel joke. I have been using an iphone app to track my period and my CM and symptoms and such for the past 6 months and every month except December my cycle was 30 days. In december it was 29 days.
I am so confused and unprepared for this as I truly did not expect this. I read a bit about implantation bleeding and it does not appear that it is so common so i am not holding much hope. I never had IB with previous pregnancies.

What I am mostly concerned about is my LP length. If this is AF then my LP is way too short based on my positive OPK (on the 4th and 5th of March).

It sounds like it could be ib. I never had it before either but I swear I had some in jan. I never spot mid cycle.
My advice is take it as a positive sign for now. If it turns out that is af try not to over stress on the lp time. Our bodies all play tricks on us a some point and maybe more stress or somethjng triggered it early. I would only worry if it continues as a pattern.
Good morning ladies,

Well, woke up this morning, wiped and it looks like this is AF so I will count today as CD1 of cycle 3 and obviously, i did not test this AM so at leasts i saved my tests! I never spotted before so yesterday threw me totally off and wasted quite a bit of time checking implantation bleeding online. haha.

I will monitor this cycle with OPK again. I hope that the shorter LP was a fluke and not hormonal issues. I never have 27 day cycles so something definitely was off and I am thinking that perhaps it was related to the cold that I caught couple of weeks back. My cycles are usually 3 days so I will start BD soon again - i guess DH will be happy about that!

Thank you so much for all the comments and help and baby dust to all those testing today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Morning ladies!

Was having a few technical problems earlier in the week but finally I'm back!
Just catching up on everyone is getting on!

Dysan hopefully it's only spotting and doesn't get any heavier!
I'm currently 5dpo and apart from having slightly sore bbs nothing to report! Had sore bbs last month so not thinking anymore about it as a symptom lol!

Looking forward to a nice long weekend here as its St Patricks Day 🍀tomorrow and here it lasts most of the weekend :)
How's everyone doing? My kids are driving me crazy at the moment and all I want to do is sit with my coffee and enjoy it but they are running around crazy!!!!! The joys eh lol
Hiya fluffy!
Welcome back. Bnb had some technical issues so it wasn't just you!
Wow you me and mg are all 5dpo!

Bbs are tingling/sore off and on. Don't usually have that this far away from af
Heartburn for the past two day but not today yeah
Tired but I had trouble falling asleep last night so not surprising
Mild cramping here and there-not constant

Managed not to poas this am! Whoo hoo!

DB picked up DSS last night and they are having a men's day! Shooting people on Xbox and movies die hard and
Predator. And meat sticks. Lol. Kinda glad I'm at work :rofl:

Happy early st pats day. I haven't had corned beef & cabbage in years!
Bonnie I'm having exactly the same symptoms as you! Had a few aches now and again but I'm more relaxed this time which has surprised me! No poas for me surprisingly as I'd prob be trying one just for curiosity but I can't be bothered lol :haha:
I'm waiting until this day next week to test and I'm going to try my hardest lol!
To be honest I've got a few cheapy tests left and 1 clearblue digital for special occasion use only :haha: bit like a bottle of champers lol!

I'll be having a fairly quiet weekend but the rest of my family will be "drowning their shamrocks" in style lol!
Any other ladies ready to test soon??? I meant to ask in my last post?? Hope to hear about some :bfp: this month :)
:dust: to us all!
Bonnie I'm having exactly the same symptoms as you! Had a few aches now and again but I'm more relaxed this time which has surprised me! No poas for me surprisingly as I'd prob be trying one just for curiosity but I can't be bothered lol :haha:
I'm waiting until this day next week to test and I'm going to try my hardest lol!
To be honest I've got a few cheapy tests left and 1 clearblue digital for special occasion use only :haha: bit like a bottle of champers lol!

I'll be having a fairly quiet weekend but the rest of my family will be "drowning their shamrocks" in style lol!

I have a bunch of the super sensitive ones and a FRER left. If I see a temp dip I would be more inclined to try but it's still way up so I am just trying to be realistic. I'm going to try to hold out to mid week 10dpo but I like the sounds of a week from today better. Poas pact? Or should I say no poas pact?
I don't know if I can do it! Lol

I can say though when I test early and get a bfn I'm not overly discouraged because I really am not expecting to see anything-it's stupid to even bother but I do anyway! :dohh:

I'm way more relaxed this time too. And lol to the digi being special!
I won't even buy one until I'm really sure!
Well, I never had spotting except yesterday so going by that, yesterday was spotting, today is more than spotting. It is heavier but not my normal flow just yet. First time I wipe there is blood, second time I wipe there is almost nothing.

To be more graphic, and so sorry, this makes me feel weird even writing it, yesterday I wiped and I thought I saw a little brown. I figured that’s weird, maybe I am seeing things and it is just CM (which I did not have any day after O maybe one day, or so I though). I wiped again and nothing. Had that on my head so went again to the bathroom to check, wiped and TP came with pink blood. I put a panty liner because it was really so little and I thought it may be IB but I knew nothing about it. I went to research more on internet and read all about IB…before going to bed, I went to check again and wiped and nothing at all so I thought “maybe IB” after all.

However, this morning I woke up to cramps, and although there was nothing on panty liner, I wiped and there was definitely red blood and plenty so I figured it is AF. I put a pad, posted here, took my DD to school, went grocery shopping and just got back. During grocery shopping I felt cramps like AF coming down heavier so went to check again there is nothing on the pad but when I wipe plenty of red blood . I have AF cramps still and feeling like this is AF but not yet my normal flow. I am not too hopeful today but I was hopeful yesterday because when I start my period, almost always I wake up with it and pad is full and there is a lot of blood plus a bit of what looks like tissue (I always know when it is coming due to being quite regular so I always put pad day 29th. Last cycle I did not wake up with AF. Rather I got it middle of the day and it was heavy right away. But we all know that things change one month from the next. I guess this AF is different and maybe I am still spotting but I don’t think it is IB because when I researched IB is more brownish/pink and not much. I was a bit concern of length of LP but I am going to go with O day on the 4th. That would put me at 12 dpo today so not a short LP and nothing to worry next cycle. Correct? 12 days is normal?

I will keep on checking and if heavier flow does not start by tomorrow AM I will do a cheap test just for the heck of it (paid $9 for 50 so nothing to lose).

The truth is, this is cycle 2 and I can’t be upset. I know that for most it takes longer than a couple of months. Of course, due to age, I rather be pregnant sooner rather than later but all good things come to those who wait :)

In the meantime, I can live vicariously through you all and will be happily reading your symptoms and test results until my next 2ww!!!! Faithmum any news? Baby dust! I want to see a BPF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes I know we all want instant gratification and our BFP!
But I only say don't count out until full blown af because I have a friend I met on here who Got her BFP very early, so early she was still considered negative by blood test! She then started bleeding. It sounded for sure like she was mc. Doc told her not to worry as long as she didn't fill a pad in 2hrs time. She didn't but this went on most of the weekend-brown to bright red. Monday her beta had tripled! And now it is higher and the bleeding has stopped. It's so Hugh they think it might be twins.

I'm not saying all this to give false hope-only to say if it's not full blown af it's not af yet!


FAITHMUM WHERE ARE YOU?? Your killing us!
Hi Dysan - Ohhhh....that's maddening! I'm still keeping fx'd for you and you're right; 2 months ttc is still early AND Good things come to those who wait. And now you've done your waiting so let's bring on the BFP! :hug: I totally agree with Bonnie too that you just can't count yourself out until a full flow.

Fluffy - that's hysterical that you've got your digi waiting for you. I'm seeing it in one of those glass boxes attached to the wall with a hammer nearby "in case of emergency - break glass". Then the appropriate drink would follow: wine or bubbly water depending on results. Fluffy - my kids were asking me today if people in Ireland wear green on St. Patricks day. They though maybe everyone would be wearing orange and blue in celebration (??? don't know where that came from).

Bonnie - Symptoms sound good. Yeah I noticed last month you can pee on anything without remorse! :rofl::rofl: Yeah it's Friday and I'm feeling cheeky. I'm SO ready for the weekend!!

AFM - not testing today. I'm 11 dpo. No symtoms. Yesterday I just had the strangest butterflies but looking back maybe I was just excited to leave work. So I'm still taking my progesterone nightly and that can also cause some symptoms too.

Other than yawning like crazy yesterday I have been really energized and I'm wondering if part of it may be due to taking the coq10? It also may be that our weather has been amazing. I notice though that I am doing a lot more "leg shaking" when I sit which is something I always did when I was younger and had a nice revved up metabolism.
Bonnie, Faithmum, thank you! you are both so sweet! Isn't it funny that the body decides to react strange exactly when TTC? my body is usually so predictable that the minor deviation drives me crazy at this times. Nothing on pad yet and I do really appreciate the hope! I always seem to think that those strange things followed by BFP happen to others and not me!
Will certainly keep you posted.
hoping to see your BFP posting really soon faithmum.
Bonnie, when are you planning on testing for first time?
Haha! No remorse!:rofl: that's me!
I going to try to wait until Wednesday unless I get massive signs!
The operative word in the sentence is TRY :haha:
Love the fire alarm image!
Haha! No remorse!:rofl: that's me!
I going to try to wait until Wednesday unless I get massive signs!
The operative word in the sentence is TRY :haha:
Love the fire alarm image!

I think you and I and Fluffy should make a no poas until at least Wed. What do you say? Fluffy you in too? You guys crack me up and I can't believe how much goes on here before I even have a chance to come on in the am:wacko: I love it! I live on the West Coast so am several hours behind most of you guys.

Faithmum- Where do you live? Your image of the "break in case of emergency" cracked me up:thumbup: Too funny. I think you are being wise not to test. I would probably do the same. I'd rather be positive and ignorant and not know than to get the BFN and be discouraged.

Dysan-Sorry to hear about that:hugs: I agree with Bonnie don't count it as af until you get the normal flow. Do you temp? That is a good way to know whether it could be possible still. If your temp drops than you know it's af,if your temp is still high there is a possibility that it's still possible for a BFP. I know the month after my mc I started spotting which I never did but my temp was still high and I decided to test after a couple of days because my temp was still up. It turned out to be a very dark positive but I got a temp drop and af the next day. It was a chemical pregnancy. I wouldn't worry too much about the lp if it's just one month but again temping can really help pin down your exact length lp if you're concerned:shrug: If you count today as cd1 and it's 12dpo you have to call your lp 11 days. Keep us posted:hugs::hugs:
marathongirl thanks for your response and help. I dont temp but i am starting to think that i should. Do you use a regular thermometer? Can I start now if today is CD1? I know you can enter your temps on that site you girls use and that you take it in the AM. How do you measure your temp (i.e. underarm, mouth?). Finally, what happens if you wake up later...for example, i wake up at the same time during the week but i sleep a couple of more hours per day during the weekend. Will that affect the chart you get?

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